
Chapter 563 Compromise

Chapter 563 Compromise
Qinzheng Hall in the Inner Palace, here is the inner study of the emperor Zhao Gou, and it is also the place where Zhao Gou received ministers in the Inner Palace.

If there is a major emergency, Zhao Gou will convene important officials here to discuss.

At this time, when he arrived at Haishi, Zhao Gou got the news that Prime Minister Zhang Jun had an urgent military situation and asked to see him, so Zhao Gou met Zhang Jun in the Hall of Qinzheng.

"The humble job just got a report from Yue Fei. Li Cheng led an army of [-] to go south, with the assistance of [-] Jurchen cavalry. Although the Song army lost in Luzhou, Yue Fei led the main force in three battles and three victories in Guangzhou, annihilating all [-] Jurchen cavalry. "

Zhao Gou was overjoyed, he patted the table and said: "Good! Good! It really is my pillar of talent, and I have lived up to my expectations."

"Your Majesty, now that the armistice period has passed, I suggest sending Han Shizhong and Wu Jie to send troops at the same time. Wu Jie cooperates with Chen Qing to attack Li Cheng from the west, and then orders Han Shizhong to capture Yangzhou. The Jin soldiers will definitely not send troops after their initial defeat. It's our chance."

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and said, "If Liu Guangshi replaces Wu Jie, how about letting him cooperate with Yue Fei?"

"Your Majesty, it's better for Liu Guangshi to stay in the south of the Yangtze River for defense. He crossed the river to fight, and I don't think highly of him."

"He can't even defeat the puppet Qi army!"

"If His Majesty must use him, I will not object, but I have spoken first. If Jianghuai is defeated by him again, I will not take responsibility."

The key point of Zhao Gou is that he does not want to use Wu Jie, and Liu Guangshi belongs to the queen mother. If he does not use it at this critical moment, he will not be able to explain to the queen mother.

Zhao Gou nodded, "Use him to cooperate with Yue Fei. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. If the army loses, I don't blame Aiqing!"

Zhang Jun secretly sighed in his heart, leaving Wu Jie, a well-known general, instead of using Liu Guangshi, a long-defeated general, there is indeed a problem with the official family!
But today Zhang Jun doesn't want to argue with the emperor, he has more important things to report today.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing, I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Your Majesty, it's about Chen Qing."

Zhao Gou's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he said coldly for a while, "What's wrong with him?"

Zhang Jun knew that the emperor didn't want to hear about Chen Qing, but he had to say something about it. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "I got a piece of news that Chen Qing has recovered Shaanxi Road and Hanzhong."


Zhao Gou's eyes widened all of a sudden, "What did you say?"

"Weichen said that Chen Qing has recovered Shaanxi Road and Hanzhong."

Zhao Gou was stunned, he sat down slumped, his heart was in a mess.

He asked after a while, "Is this news reliable?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "It should be reliable!"

This news is like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, rushing to his heart, Zhao Gou was really panicked, he really hoped that Chen Qing would be destroyed by Jin Guo, he would rather see the enemy country than face the rebellion .

But Chen Qing seized Shaanxi Road. Isn't he going to separate the entire Northwest?

At this time, Zhao Gou suddenly remembered something, and asked quickly: "Ai Qing said he restored Shaanxi Road? Why did you use the word Guangfu?"

Zhang Jun said with a smile: "Your Majesty, he defeated the enemy army and seized Shaanxi Road in the name of the Song Army. Since it is in the name of the Song Army, of course he must use the word Guangfu!"

Zhao Gou tentatively asked, "You mean, he is still Song Chen?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Qing was single-handedly picked up by this official. This official knows him very well. Although he is relatively rebellious and has always opposed the system of civil servants leading the army, he still does not betray the Song Dynasty like Liu Yu. He refused to come to the court just to It's just for self-preservation."

"But he killed the supervisor, and he has already betrayed me by this."

"Your Majesty, there is one thing that I have never dared to say. Chen Qing once wrote a letter to me. In the letter, he assured me that he never killed the supervisor. He said that the supervisor was killed by Liu Guangshi. , In order to seek wealth and kill, the supervisor took hundreds of thousands of taels of silver and went south."

"Hmph! You actually planted the blame on Liu Guangshi. Does Liu Guangshi have the guts to kill the supervising army?"

Zhang Jun bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it is very easy for Chen Qing to kill the supervising army. He will definitely kill someone with a knife. For example, the supervising army went to inspect the border of Xixia and was killed by the Xixia sentry. This is Chen Qing's way of doing things. He will never Make yourself the mastermind of the murder."

"Forget it, I won't mention the matter of supervising the army, I only care about whether he is Song Chen or not?"

"It can be, but it can also be said that it is not."

"How do you say that?"

"If Your Majesty wants to transfer him, or wants to call him back to the court, I'm afraid he won't obey, but he is flying the Song flag, and he is still the envoy of Xihe Road, and he admits that he is a Song minister."

"I understand, he is actually a Song official who supports soldiers and supports himself."

"Your Majesty, I suggest that you entrust him with the Xuanfu Envoy of Shaanxi Road and order him to sit in the northwest. If Your Majesty is sincere enough, I think he will accept His Majesty's canonization and continue to be a Song official. At least everyone will not be embarrassed. And maybe one day, he can regain Bianliang."

"Can he regain Bianliang?" Zhao Gou really doubted.

Zhang Jun smiled slightly, "It's like the court never expected him to regain Shaanxi Road, but he did it."

Zhao Gou was really tempted, he nodded, "Let me think about this matter again."

Lu Yihao almost stayed up all night. He waited anxiously in the lobby for the official's order. Usually the official would issue an order at night, announcing that he would be removed from the position of Prime Minister, but there was no movement until the middle of the night. Lu Yihao finally couldn't survive. Drowsy, sat on a chair and fell asleep.

Waking up at dawn, Lu Yihao only felt his head was very heavy, his nose was stuffy, and his throat was hoarse.

"Did anyone come to announce the decree last night?" He asked hoarsely.

The maid whispered from the side: "Report to the Lord, no one came to announce the decree."

Lu Yihao felt strange, he lifted the quilt covering his body and struggled to stand up, two maids hurried forward to support him.

At this time, a servant girl ran over in a panic and said, "My lord, someone is coming from the palace!"

Lu Yihao's heart sank, it was time to come, and fate could not escape.

He had no choice but to force himself to come to the front hall. An eunuch stepped forward to salute and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, the official invites you to enter the palace, and we have something to discuss!"

Lu Yihao was a little puzzled and asked, "Didn't your father-in-law come to deliver the decree?"

"No! Our family is just here to inform Lu Xianggong to enter the palace!"

Lu Yihao was puzzled, so he nodded, "I'll tidy up a bit and enter the palace right away!"

Lu Yihao tidied up a bit, then got into the official sedan chair and entered the palace.

Lu Yihao came to the imperial study room, waited for a while, and an eunuch came out and said: "The official family invites you to see me!"

Lu Yihao stepped into the imperial study room with all his strength, but saw that several other ministers were there, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "I will see you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou saw that his face was ugly, so he asked with concern: "Mr. Lu seems to be in poor health?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I just didn't sleep well last night, there is no other problem."

"Then Mr. Lu will go back to rest early later. Mr. Lu is getting old, so it's important to take care of your health!"

Lu Yihao was really surprised, why is the official's attitude so good?He secretly glanced at Qin Hui, only to see that his face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Lu Yihao hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!"

Zhao Gou took out a document, wrote two words on it, and put it back in the drawer.

Lu Yihao could see clearly that the document was his own resignation letter, and he could also see clearly the two words written by the official with a red pen on the resignation letter, which was 'No! 'Two words.

Lu Yihao was stunned, the officials did not approve his resignation, so why did he deny it in front of him?

He faintly realized that something big must have happened.

At this time, Zhang Jun coughed and said to Lu Yihao: "Mr. Lu, I got the definite news that Chen Qing has recovered Shaanxi Road. This matter is of great importance. I would like to invite Mr. Lu to discuss it together."

Lu Yihao suddenly had a kind of enlightenment like enlightenment. Why didn't the edict to dismiss the prime minister that he was worried about come so late?Why did the officials reject the resignation in front of him?It turns out there are reasons.

At this time, Lu Yihao finally understood the importance of Chen Qing. As long as Chen Qing was there, the officials would not dare to dismiss him easily. No wonder Qin Hui's face was so ugly.

After understanding this point, the haze in Lu Yihao's heart was swept away, and his spirit became refreshed.

He knew that he had to make a statement first, so Lu Yihao hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Majesty, it is great news that Chen Qing regained Shaanxi Road!"

Zhao Gou is waiting for him to express his opinion!He nodded, "Chen Qing has made great contributions to the community. I have initially considered promoting him to the Minister of the Ministry of Inspection and Industry, Doctor Jin Ziguanglu, as the Xuanfu envoy of Shaanxi Road, and changed his title to Qin Guogong. I wonder if Lu Xianggong thinks it is appropriate?"

Lu Yihao knew well that the officials wanted to persuade Chen Qing to accept the award, and as long as Chen Qing accepted it, he would still be a minister of the Song Dynasty.

Lu Yihao said slowly: "Your Majesty is wise!"

(End of this chapter)

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