
Chapter 564

Chapter 564
After retreating from the imperial study, Zhang Jun quickly stepped forward to catch up with Lu Yihao, "Mr. Lu, stay a while!"

Lu Yihao stopped in his tracks and looked at Zhang Jun with a smile on his face. Lu Yihao knew that Zhang Jun and himself were in the same position on Chen Qing. If Chen Qing rebelled, Zhang Jun, as the referrer, would be to blame, not to mention himself.

Therefore, holding Chen Qing back is in the immediate interests of himself and Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun stepped forward and said in a low voice: "I originally suggested that the officials make Chen Qing the king of Hanzhong County, but the officials and the Queen Mother disagree, so we have to let it go!"

Lu Yihao shook his head, "He is so young, it is already an exception to be named the Duke of the country, and he may not be able to afford to be named the king again."

"Grand Lu is right!"

Zhang Jun said again: "There is one more thing, Mr. Lu needs to be aware of it. Lu Hang is heinous and heinous. I'm afraid he will die, and his younger brother Datong will also be dismissed because of this. The officials have made it clear."

Lu Yihao shook his head, "If you are guilty, you should be punished severely. I will never cover up!"

"That's good. Chen Qing has to ask Lu Gong to write a letter to persuade him to accept the court's award!"

"Is this what the officials mean?"

"Of course the officials won't say it clearly, but Mr. Lu still can't see it? Qin Hui tried so hard to target him, but he still failed in the end. Isn't it because of Chen Qing that the officials changed their attitude towards Mr. Lu?"

"I see. I will write a letter today. Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for announcing it."

The two saluted and left separately. Lu Yihao was a little out of shape, so he asked for leave and returned to the mansion.

Lu Yihao was sitting in the sedan chair, but he heard cheers from the street. He opened the sedan chair curtain, and saw a few soldiers rushing to beat the gong, shouting: "Great news, the Song Army has recovered Shaanxi Road! Great news, the Song Army has recovered Shaanxi Road!" "

Pedestrians on the road cheered excitedly, and many people even ran out with bowls and bowls to beat, 'Dang!when!when! The sound of gongs and drums gradually became louder.

Lu Yihao put down the sedan chair curtain, and felt a little emotional in his heart. No matter how the court authorities calculated and weighed politically, ordinary people were the most simple. They would be happy from the bottom of their hearts when they heard that the lost land was recovered and the Tartars were expelled.

Back in the mansion, Lu Yihao immediately wrote a letter and ordered his confidant to send it to Jingzhao City.

On the Weishui River, a fleet of hundreds of large ships has been slowly moving on the water. This is almost all the ships that can be found on Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road. There are a total of [-] ships, ranging from [-] stone to There are thousands of stones, and the fleet sails from Chengji County to Jingzhao Chang'an County.

Of course, this is not the first time they have transported. In fact, for the past two months, this fleet has been traveling between Jingzhao and Chengji counties, transporting a large amount of supplies and wealth to Jingzhao.

But this time, the ships transported the family members and servants of the generals and officials. Chen Qing's family members, maids and guards took two large ships.

Lu Xiu has been pregnant for six months, so she cannot take a carriage, but can only take a boat. Lu Xiu sits lazily in the cabin, leaning on the cushion, holding a teacup and looking out of the window. Opposite her is Zhao Qiaoyun. Concentrating on mending the skirt.

Zhao Qiaoyun has completely lost her previous thin appearance. She has a relatively petite figure, a pretty face, a gentle and elegant temperament, and there is always a hint of sadness in her quiet eyes.

In Lu Xiu's memory, she has mended this skirt for the second time. Who would dare to believe that this frugal woman is actually the majestic Emperor Ji, the younger sister of today's emperor.

Lu Xiu couldn't help but glanced at Yu Ying and Yu Lian who were sitting diagonally across from each other and writing. Yu Ying didn't change much, but Lu Xiu could feel the change in Yu Lian. She was rosy, her cheeks had a hint of pink, and her waist and hips had grown. Lu Xiu knew what all this meant.

During the period before her husband went to war, Yu Lian had to go to the study room to deliver tea every night. After going there for more than half an hour, Lu Xiu also opened her eyes and closed her eyes, but Yu Ying was more honest and never dared to go beyond that step. .

The two sisters have completely different personalities. Lu Xiu likes Yu Ying more, and Yu Lian is too seductive, which makes Lu Xiu feel a little jealous.

Lu Xiu looked away, and smiled at Zhao Qiaoyun: "The guard on the shore, General Sun, seems to be very concerned about you. When you were walking around outside the ship, I found him watching you all the time."

Zhao Qiaoyun's hand trembled, and the needle poked her finger. She sucked her finger and said in a low voice, "Senior sister, stop talking nonsense!"

"Hmm! I know she is Yang Tongzhi's apprentice, and she seems to be from a wealthy family in Huangzhou. He really doesn't know your identity."

Zhao Qiaoyun calmly said: "Senior sister, don't mention your identity, I am just an ordinary girl, I just don't want to get married."

"Junior Sister really doesn't intend to marry?"

Zhao Qiaoyun was silent, raised her head for a moment and sighed: "Being with Master is the happiest time in my life, and I don't want to lose it."

Lu Xiu smiled without saying a word. Zhao Qiaoyun, who never drank alcohol since the master's birthday banquet, made an exception and drank three glasses of wine with her husband, and sat beside her husband. She smiled happily, and the sadness in her eyes was swept away. Lu Xiu completely understood Zhao Qiaoyun's thoughts.

But what if you understand?No matter whether Zhao Qiaoyun admits it or not, she is still an Emperor Concubine, so how could a dignified Concubine be someone else's second wife?

"Qiaoyun, I'll give you some new skirts later, so you don't need to mend them."

Zhao Qiaoyun shook her head, "Thank you, sister, I still have a few new skirts over there! I'll put this one away after I mend it, and I don't plan to wear it anymore."

"You! I can't bear to throw away old things, and sooner or later they will pile up into mountains."

Zhao Qiaoyun lowered his head and smiled, but didn't answer.

At this time, Li Qingzhao walked into the cabin with Chen Ji in his arms and said with a smile: "The boatman said that we will arrive soon, let's pack up our things!"

The fleet entered the Cao River from the Weishui River, slowly sailed along the Cao River, and slowly entered the gate of Jingzhao Water City. Zhao Qiaoyun found a general on the shore staring at her intently, and she turned her head away quickly.

The fleet sailed into the Shuicheng Gate, and the duty of guarding the cavalry ended here. The commander of the cavalry made Sun Jian a little melancholy. When he saw Zhao Qiaoyun once in Chengji County, he was immediately shocked. There is only one wife, no concubines, and he also saw Mrs. Dutong, who is pregnant, not that petite woman.

During these days on the road, he saw that woman several times, but she never looked at him directly. Mrs. Dutong greeted him with a smile, which moved Sun Jian, but also felt an indescribable loss.

With a low sigh, Sun Jian turned his horse around and went back to the barracks.

The magnificence and prosperity of Jingzhao City amazed everyone. Although Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun grew up in Bianliang, they lived in a small place for a long time, and suddenly came to this largest city in the northwest, which still made their eyes shine.

"I like it here, and I don't want to go back to Qinzhou!"

The female guard Tao Qiniang's outspoken sigh made everyone laugh. In fact, this was exactly what they were thinking. Everyone fell in love with this bustling city.

"Master, you don't regret selling the teahouse now!" Lu Xiu covered her mouth and smiled.

Li Qingzhao nodded and smiled, "I want to find the most prosperous place and continue to open teahouses!"

The big ship stopped slowly at the East Wharf, and everyone got off the big ship with their luggage, and then changed to a dozen large ox carts and continued on their way.

The ox cart stopped slowly in front of a magnificent gate, and the housekeeper Tian and Mrs. Wen who had arrived before both came up to welcome them.

"Madam, you have worked hard!"

Lu Xiu was helped out of the bullock cart, she looked at the gate and said in surprise: "This looks like a palace gate!"

Aunt Wen smiled and said: "Madam doesn't know, this place was originally a palace, and here is only a side entrance, the main entrance is the official office, the side entrance is the entrance to the residence, and the back entrance is the wharf."

Zhao Qiaoyun stared blankly at the side door, and suddenly asked: "Ms. Wen, is the lake inside still there?"

"It's still there! It's a beautiful lake."

Lu Xiu grabbed Zhao Qiaoyun and asked in a low voice, "Have you been here?"

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "I lived here for a while when I was a child. When I was very young, with my mother, I only had one side of the lake. It seems that there is a small island."

"The girl is right. There is indeed a small island on the lake."

Aunt Wen smiled and said, "Go in quickly!"

The crowd surrounded Lu Xiu and entered the mansion. Everyone was amazed by the size of the mansion. The front yard alone covers ten acres, and the atrium covers an area of ​​about [-] acres. The rest is the backyard covering an area of ​​ninety acres The house, the back house is actually a small lake of [-] acres, all the houses are surrounded by the lake, and there is even a hill and woods covering an area of ​​nearly [-] acres in the southwest corner.

There is a small island of about three mu in the center of the lake with lush forests and a seven-storey attic.

This is the courtyard-style back house of the Song Dynasty, which brought aesthetics to the extreme. Generally, only the palaces and palaces have this kind of layout. Its specifications are so high that even Wanyan Helisa is not qualified to live in it. Only Wanyanchang lived in it before. for a while.

Lu Xiu looked at the mirror-like surface of the lake for a long time, and after a long time, she sighed in a low voice: "I like this lake so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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