
Chapter 566

Chapter 566
At dusk that day, the female doctor Wang Lianshi moved into Chen Qing's mansion, and she immediately started to arrange it. Lu Xiu wants to protect her pregnancy by being quiet, and there are too many people in her current residence, and she is also a maid and guard, so they all move to Cuiwei Residence. In the outer courtyard, Chen Qing's study was also moved to Wenqu Pavilion, a hundred steps away, and even the children lived in the outer courtyard, leaving only a maid, a guard and a female doctor in the inner courtyard.

The study was still tidying up, and Chen Qing met Wang Hao, the commander of the internal guards, in the living room.

"Reporting to Dutong, I carefully checked the background of this female doctor in the afternoon, and also monitored her residence. She is indeed a relatively famous female doctor in Chang'an City. Together with her father, she has nothing to do with Puppet Qi or Jin Guo. Can be trusted."

"Are you sure the female doctor who came to my residence is herself?"

"It's her!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Continue to monitor her every move after leaving my mansion, and report to me immediately if there is anything unusual."


Wang Hao saluted and hurried away.

Chen Qing returned to the temporary study of Wenqu Pavilion. This study is also very good. It is a three-story attic. It is a place to drink tea and enjoy the lake view. The style is very elegant, but it is a little far away from Cuiweiju, a hundred steps away.

Walking into the study, he saw a pretty figure clearing the table for him, green smoke curled up from the incense burner, and it was the faint fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus.

"It's Sakura!"

The pretty figure turned around, and it was Yu Ying. She lowered her head, her peach face was flushed, she saw Chen Qing approaching her, and said in a panic: "Madam asked me to wait on you at night. You sleep in the inner room, and I sleep in the outer room. What's the matter with you?" You can call me."

Chen Qing lifted her chin and said with a smile, "I thought it was A-Lian tonight, why is it you?"

"I drew lots with her, and I won."

Chen Qing was about to kiss her red lips, but Yu Ying turned her head away.

The enthusiasm in Chen Qing's heart suddenly cooled down, he sat down and said lightly: "Go and take care of Madam, let Alian come over!"

Tears welled up in Yu Ying's eyes, and she turned to leave, Chen Qing sighed, "Forget it, you go and get me a pot of hot water, I'll soak my feet, and go to bed early tonight."


Yu Ying wiped away her tears and left in a hurry.

Chen Qing smiled wryly and shook his head, Yu Ying should not be ready yet, forcing a little lady by herself is meaningless.

At night, Chen Qing suddenly felt a smooth and hot body in his arms, a pair of jade arms around his neck, and a strong rose fragrance on his hair.

"Alian!" Chen Qing was surprised and delighted.


A-Lian agreed, and covered his mouth with her fragrant tongue.

Chen Qing hadn't touched a woman for several months, so he couldn't help it, so he started to move immediately.

"Ah! It hurts."

Chen Qing suddenly realized something was wrong, "You are Ah Ying!"

The woman fell into his arms and began to cry, "I am sincerely willing, but it's just the first time I'm afraid, son, please don't drive me away."

Chen Qing was filled with guilt and pity, coaxed her for a while, Yu Ying smiled through tears, put her arms around Chen Qing's neck and said charmingly: "My husband, come on!"

Chen Qing rushed forward with enthusiasm, and started again. This time, Chen Qing took pity on him, Yu Ying cooperated tacitly, and the two had a great time.

The next morning, Chen Qing summoned more than a dozen important officials to discuss important matters in the government office.

"Presumably everyone knows the theme of my convened meeting today. The development of financial resources is the most urgent issue in our eyes. In the past, we had a small army and could use land instead of military pay, so the pressure was not great. Now we have an army of [-], and the soldiers have to support their families. They have to pay the military salary, which is [-] guan a month. Although we still have some money, it is our old background. I don’t want to move it for the time being. Open source to the outside world, let everyone speak freely!"

Zhou Kuan, chief officer of Duzhi Transshipment Department, stood up and said, "Let me say a few words first!"

The Department of Duzhi Transshipment is equivalent to the Ministry of Finance. It controls the financial power and is the most important functional department in the Economic and Strategic Mansion. Zhou Kuan, who has followed Chen Qing for many years and has been a procurement envoy in Bashu, serves as the official order.

Zhou Kuan stood up and said slowly: "As Du Tong said, the military salary is [-] yuan a month. This is just the military salary, and there are other military expenses, such as gunpowder mining and refining, military armor manufacturing, military uniforms, shoes and socks, food and drink for soldiers, etc. Wait, at least one hundred thousand per month.

Then there are all kinds of government expenses, such as official salaries, building bridges, building roads and running schools, etc., which cost at least [-] guan a month. All of them add up to about [-] guan.

Our current relatively stable income, as long as it is the salt tax, we can make a net profit of [-] yuan per catty of salt at [-] yuan. I estimate that there is an income of [-] yuan per month. Other taxes are based on the budget. It is estimated that there can only be a little more than [-] guan a month, that is, [-] guan, and the military salary and expenditure other than military expenses can be balanced.

Calculated, our monthly gap is [-] guan, [-] guan!It sounds terrible, but we only need to issue [-] Jiaozi to solve the problem. What is the key?The key is that we have to put enough materials into the market every month to ensure that the military pay in the hands of soldiers will not become a piece of waste paper.

Of course, soldiers won’t take money, I’m just making an example, we still have to use silver money, so that our monthly casting volume can keep up, and our silver mine output can also keep up. I observed these two months It was found that the silver money for the military pay was very effective. Basically, it was collected by the soldiers and was not circulated, which greatly reduced the pressure on materials in the market. "

It is worthy of the order of the Du Branch Office. All kinds of data are complete and well-founded. His thinking is very pragmatic. To issue a huge amount of currency, there must be enough supplies to keep up, otherwise it will cause serious inflation. This is similar to Chen Qing. same idea.

Chen Qing nodded and asked again: "Has the official money shop mentioned earlier been prepared?"

Zhou Kuan hurriedly said: "Reporting to Dutong, the preparations have been made, so I will use the name drafted by the economic envoy, called Dasong National Money Shop. At present, there is one branch in each state, and then Jingzhaofu will plan to build five. .”

Hearing this name, everyone laughed. This name is very grand. I don't know how the court will feel when they hear it?
At this time, Guan Shigu raised his hand and asked: "Emissary Jinglue, I have a doubt about my humble position, can I ask for advice?"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Guan Dujian, please tell me!"

Guan Shigu did not take up the post of military again, but took up the post of Martial Arts Superintendent, that is, the principal of the military academy, which is still in the preparation stage.

"I remember that the Western Army used to implement the military household system. The imperial court gave preferential treatment to military households in terms of taxes and taxes. The pressure on soldiers' military salaries was not great. Why didn't the Dutong follow suit and implement the military household system?"

Chen Qing didn't know how to answer Guan Shigu's question. Zhang Jun told him that the imperial court's military expenditure on the Western Army was extremely heavy, which was much larger than the current expenditure. He was corrupted by the top military officials.

For example, the imperial court would give the Western Army a large amount of various securities such as salt quotations, tea quotations, oil coupons, wine coupons, etc. every year. With these vouchers, various materials could be extracted, amounting to hundreds of thousands of guan, but these vouchers were issued by the generals. They took Bianliang and sold them privately for money, which also formed the securities market in the Song Dynasty.

The military expenditure of the imperial court was extremely heavy, but the income of the soldiers was extremely low, which made the generals in the middle fatter. This is the situation of the army in the Northern Song Dynasty, including the Western Army.

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Although we have not implemented the military household system in name, what we are actually doing is military households. For example, ordinary people in the Hehuang Valley are granted land of [-] mu, but military soldiers' families are granted land of two [-] mu, tax-free labor for life.

Moreover, the military salary of soldiers is not two guanxi, but a monthly income that is higher than the average three guanxi of ordinary people. There are more than [-] elderly soldiers, and basically each soldier has hundreds of acres of land. It is these real income and military rewards that keep the soldiers' morale high and fight the enemy bravely. Undefeated. "

Commander Cao De also said: "Chen Dutong is right. The key is to let the soldiers get real benefits, so that the soldiers will work hard. The salary of the former Xiang army is only a few hundred coins, which cannot support the whole family. Many soldiers’ wives are forced to sell themselves to support their families, what kind of fighting power would such soldiers have, and they flee as soon as they fight, they are simply corrupt to the extreme.”

Guan Shigu sighed and said: "Emissary Jinglue saw it thoroughly. I remembered that after the battle of Fuping, envoy Zhang Xuanfu asked Liu Qi and me to recruit soldiers. Liu Qi recruited hundreds of thousands of Jingyuan troops. I was also in Qingzhou, Yuanzhou and Pingliang prefectures recruited more than [-] troops. The army looked large, but the soldiers had no salary and could not even eat enough. When the Jurchen army came, the army collapsed without a fight. In fact, the puppet Qi army was the same. "

Chen Qing suddenly asked with great interest: "How much is the salary of an ordinary puppet Qi soldier?"

(End of this chapter)

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