
Chapter 567

Chapter 567
Guan Shigu raised a finger, "The military salary of ordinary soldiers is consistent money."

"No way!"

Jiang Yanxian was surprised and said: "The puppet state of Qi is extremely exploitative of the common people. After our calculations, the soldiers of the puppet Qi army should be paid three to four pennies."

Guan Shigu smiled wryly and said: "Most of the exploited money is used to support the Jurchen soldiers. The Jurchen soldiers are extravagant and extravagant every day, and the waste is amazing. How can it be the turn of the puppet Qi army soldiers? The puppet Qi army soldiers only give Yitong money. Then they were exploited layer by layer, and in the end the soldiers only got five or six hundred coins, so the [-] army collapsed without much fighting, and this is the root cause."

Chen Qing nodded, "The art of commanding troops is a great knowledge. Let's discuss it carefully when we have the opportunity. Let's continue today's topic. Regarding the development of financial resources, I always think that the key is to vigorously develop commerce and sell our rich resources. Go out and exchange it back for the supplies we need, and only with sufficient supplies can the soldiers buy things with money, Su Sishi, come and tell everyone about the information you have collected.”

Su Sishi is Su Ji, the chief officer of Hucao Division. Su Ji is about [-] years old. He used to be the magistrate of Longxi County and served as a local official for eight years. He has rich experience and strong ability. He is in charge of Hucao, population, land, housing The population and real estate such as ports, docks, warehouses, etc. are all managed by the household Cao, and the business is also managed by the household Cao.

Su Ji got up and said to everyone: "A month ago, I was ordered by the Economic and Strategic Commissioner to start a real investigation of the bulk goods that we can use for trade, first of all, salt. Now the salt lake in Xining Prefecture produces a lot of salt, and it is currently transported by water. Come here, from Huangshui to the Yellow River to Taoshui, and then use the Weishui to transport it to Jingzhao, the cost can be controlled at about ten yuan per catty, and we can sell the salt to the government on Hedong Road at a price of fifty yuan per catty. They sell it at a higher price."

"Will the officials on Hedong Road buy it?"

"It should be. The imperial court of the Puppet State of Qi sold it to Hedong Road at a price of [-] Wen per catty, and the governments of various places on Hedong Road sold it to the people at an additional price of [-] Wen. The actual salt tax was taken away by the court of the Puppet State of Qi, and the people complained. If the officials of Hedong Road buy our salt for [-] renminbi, they will also increase the price by [-] renminbi, and sell it to the people for [-] renminbi, which is a full reduction of [-] renminbi. Now, why not the officials of Hedong?"

Jiang Yanxian asked with a smile: "Doing this is tantamount to violating the vital interests of the Puppet State of Qi. Will Liu Yu spare the officials of Hedong?"

Su Ji shook his head, "Liu Yu's old nest is in the Shandong area. He has only been on the throne in Bianliang for a few years? He even has weak control over the states in the Central Plains, let alone Hedong, which has always been very independent. The country, but the local government is basically supported by gentry, and the hand of the puppet Qi country cannot reach in."

"Apart from salt, what else?" Chen Qing asked again.

"In addition to salt, there is also coal, as well as sheepskin, wool, livestock, medicinal materials, and wine. These are all produced in large quantities. We can't use them. They can be sold to Sichuan, and then imported into cloth, oil, and tea cakes."

The officials discussed for a day, and finally decided to set up a commercial office, which would be directly under the direct leadership of Chang Shi Jiang Yanxian. At the same time, an official firm would be set up to be responsible for official trade, and all resources and elite troops would be mobilized to start operations.

At dusk, Chen Qing, Jiang Yanxian, Zhang Xiao and several other high-ranking officials came to Tianranju Restaurant on East Street for dinner.

Chang'an County in the Song Dynasty basically has no shadow of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty. It has been completely transformed into a city without walls. There are various shops in the streets and alleys, and the business is prosperous.

East Street and West Street were the most prosperous places in Jingzhao City in the Song Dynasty. Among them, the East Street tile is also the largest tile in Jingzhao. There are more than [-] large and small shops. There are all kinds of shops. The restaurant is located on the left side of the gate of Wazi.

You must know that this restaurant is one of the three major restaurants in Jingzhao City, and the chalcedony wine it brews is also the best sake. identity person.

The shopkeeper enthusiastically invited the five senior officials to the elegant room in the backyard, and arranged for musicians and singers to play and sing.

Everyone sat down, Chen Qing waved his hands and smiled, "Today is my treat, don't argue with me."

Zhang Xiao pretended to be surprised and said, "Of course it's the economic envoy's treat. Do you still expect us to pay for it?"

Everyone laughed, "The envoy Jing Lue refused to give us an increase in salary. We are all poor. How can we have money to drink chalcedony wine?"

Chen Qing also said with a smile: "The treats belong to the treats, but I have never treated you badly. Go ahead and don't call yourself poor in front of me!"

At this time, the bartender served them wine and food like flowing water, and two beautiful wine girls were in charge of pouring wine for them. Chen Qing picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "Come on! Let's drink this glass first!"

Everyone drank it all, Chen Qing waved his hand to let Jiu Ji back down, they poured the wine themselves, Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Speaking of which, I really should give some property income to the civil servants, the soldiers all have two hundred acres of land, so what about the civil servants? The same is to make a contribution, so I consider allocating land to the civil servants, these two days, Cao Si is sorting out the acres of land in Guanzhong, and we will discuss a plan after the sorting is completed."

Zhang Xiao raised his glass and said with a smile: "The decision made by Jinglueshi will win the unanimous support of all officials."

Jiang Yanxian asked again with a smile: "If the court knows about this, I'm afraid the court will be turned upside down."

Chen Qing snorted coldly, "What's the big deal? I didn't make the job field system. Imperial officials have it. Why don't our officials have it?"

Jiang Yanxian originally wanted to say that this was a small imperial court in disguise, but he held back. Chen Qing had long since disregarded the imperial court. It is normal to divide land, so why should he make such a fuss?
Jiang Yanxian changed the topic again and asked with a smile: "Does the Jinglue envoy think that the imperial court will know the news that we have seized Shaanxi Road?"

Chen Qing nodded, "In fact, I have already sent someone to send a letter to Zhang Jun. Of course the court knows about it. It is estimated that there will be news in the next two days."

Everyone was stunned, "The envoy still wants to reconcile with the imperial court?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I won't want to become a king on my own after taking a piece of land. We are still the Song army, and we still recognize the imperial court. Of course, the premise is that the imperial court will not interfere with us, and the imperial court has to show some stance." Okay, for example, give us a part of the military expenses, Bashu is so rich, it doesn't make sense to not support us!"

Everyone heard it inconceivable, it is too shameless to ask others to pay for the army just to give it a name!
Zhou Kuan gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "I admire the brazenness of the envoy the most. What is it called? This is called the imperial court's face, and we get the lining, each takes what he needs!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "Your sentence is shameless, why does it sound like it's a compliment to me!"

He picked up the wine glass again, "For shamelessness, let's have another drink."

Everyone drank it all. At this time, an old woman next door suddenly yelled, "Do you still have credit? Do you know how to write the word "honesty?" We signed the contract, but you sold the store to Are others bullying me, an old lady who has no backing?"

Chen Qing was stunned. Isn't this the voice of Li Qingzhao?

When Chen Qing walked out of the gate of the courtyard, he saw many people surrounded by the gate of the next courtyard. A middle-aged man broke away from the crowd and hurried away. Li Qingzhao chased him out from the courtyard, pointed at his back and cursed: "You hypocrite without faith, You wicked villain, you will have your retribution sooner or later!"

There is a young woman behind to persuade Li Qingzhao that it is Zhao Qiaoyun.

"Auntie, Qiaoyun, what happened?"

Li Qingzhao turned around and saw that it was Chen Qing, he was stunned, "Why are you here?"

When Zhao Qiaoyun saw Chen Qing, her face flushed with shame, and she quickly hid behind her master.

"I'm eating here with a few colleagues, Auntie, what happened?"

"Hey! It's hard to say."

Everyone was familiar with Li Qingzhao, Jiang Yanxian quickly smiled and said: "We are next door, Mr. Yi An, come and sit with us!"

Li Qingzhao saw that everyone was acquaintances of Ganquanbao, so he nodded, "I made everyone laugh, Qiaoyun, let's sit next door."

Zhao Qiaoyun looked at Chen Qing, Chen Qing nodded to her with a smile, Zhao Qiaoyun's heart immediately became happy, followed Master to the next door, everyone rearranged their seats, Li Qingzhao arranged Zhao Qiaoyun to sit next to Chen Qing intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhao Qiaoyun is Li Qingzhao's closed disciple and her favorite disciple, how could she not understand his disciple's thoughts?

(End of this chapter)

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