
Chapter 568 Lawsuits

Chapter 568 Lawsuits
"Auntie, what happened?" Chen Qing filled a glass of wine for the two of them and asked with a smile.

Li Qingzhao sighed, "At the end of the day, I trust others too much, Qiaoyun, please tell me for the teacher! I'm a little confused."

Zhao Qiaoyun's pretty face was flushed, and she whispered: "Master wanted to find a shop to open a teahouse again. Later, a poet friend introduced him to a teahouse on East Street. Master was very satisfied, and the other party was willing to transfer it. The negotiated price was one thousand guan, including the land. Together, the master was very straightforward, and gave the other party a hundred silver after signing the agreement."

The wine table was completely silent, everyone pricked up their ears to listen carefully, Zhao Qiaoyun's voice was too low, only Chen Qing could hear clearly.

Zhou Kuan was surprised and said, "East Main Street is only a thousand miles long. How many acres of shops are there?"

"About three acres."

"Miss Zhao, please continue talking!"

Zhao Qiaoyun continued: "Then the seller sent a post in the morning to invite Master to dinner, and Master thought it was the last delivery, so he rushed over happily, but the seller said that someone else wanted that shop, and someone else offered [-] guan. , It was necessary to add another five hundred guan, and the master became angry. He clearly signed the contract in black and white, how could he go back on his word? The seller said that if the master didn’t add more money, he would give it to someone else, and then ran away.”

The matter was very simple, it was a deal that was back and forth, Chen Qing smiled and asked Zhou Kuan again, "Is this price wrong?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "The prices of the shops facing the East Avenue have always been very hard, even Jin Bing killed them. Miss Zhao, is the teahouse your master wants to buy the Longfeng Teahouse?"

"Yes! It's its home."

"Then there is a problem. The Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse is owned by the Wei family. It is impossible for them to resell it. Even if they want to sell it, it will not be so cheap. The Three Mu Teahouse will cost at least three thousand guan."

Li Qingzhao became anxious immediately, "I saw the land deed and house deed of the teahouse with my own eyes, and the transfer contract was also signed, and there was a middleman. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given him half of the money first."

"Mr. Yi An, can you show me the contract?"

Li Qingzhao hurriedly handed the contract in the bag to Zhou Kuan, and Zhao Qiaoyun asked Chen Qing in a low voice, "Master was cheated, right?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "It's probably not a liar. If he was a liar, he should disappear after getting the money. Since there are land deeds and house deeds, maybe the unscrupulous children of the Wei family want to steal the ancestral property, and then feel that the sale is cheap and regret it."

Zhou Kuan looked at the contract and said with a smile: "There is no problem with the contract. The middleman is also right for the blank document made by the government. As long as the seller is the legal owner of the teahouse, then the contract is established and the lawsuit will not be lost."

Li Qingzhao worried: "In case he is not the owner of the teahouse, but I have already given him half of the money, if he hides, where can I find him?"

Jiang Yanxian chuckled, "The monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away. As long as the teahouse is there, he can't run away. Mr. Yi An can go directly to the county government office to file a complaint tomorrow, and Lu Zhi County will definitely accept the case."

The new magistrate of Chang'an is still Lu Wei, and Chang'an is now the seat of Jinglue Mansion, so of course the person he trusts the most should be the magistrate.

Zhang Xiao also said: "Generally, as long as there is a middleman, the seller can't escape."

Li Qingzhao nodded, "Tomorrow I will deliver the papers!"

Zhao Qiaoyun filled a glass of wine for Chen Qing, and Chen Qing picked up the glass and said with a smile: "Let's drink this glass again, I wish Mr. Yi'an a successful lawsuit!"

In the east of Jingzhao City, there is a mansion covering an area of ​​[-] mu. This is the main residence of the Wei family, a wealthy family in Guanzhong. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Wei family was one of the most famous families in the world. No more, but after all, a starved camel is bigger than a horse, and the Wei family is still a well-known gentry family in Guanzhong, and has a lot of influence in the officialdom on Shaanxi Road.

Even under Chen Qing, there are shadows of the Wei family, such as Wei Qing, the magistrate of Lanzhou, and his sister Wei Su, who is also Yang Yuanqing's wife.

At present, the head of the Wei family is called Wei Ningyuan. In fact, the Wei family has spread all over the world. The influence of Wei Ningyuan, the head of the family, is only limited to the Guanzhong area. Go to Jingzhao City to participate in offering sacrifices to ancestors.

Wei Ning was about [-] years old, and was appointed as the training envoy of the Qianzhou regiment during the Xuanhe period. This is a false position and has no actual authority.

When the Puppet Qi Army took control of Jingzhao, he was invited to serve as the Sima of Jingzhao Mansion, but he politely declined, and this time Chen Qing seized Shaanxi Road, Wei Ningyuan also had some concerns.

The reason is also relatively simple. It was too easy for Chen Qing to seize Jingzhao, so that Wei Ningyuan could not see Chen Qing's strength. He was very worried, if the Jin soldiers counterattacked aggressively, would Chen Qing's army be able to hold it?

It was precisely because of this concern that Wei Ningyuan was not enthusiastic about Chen Qing's arrival, and of course he did not object, he still kept a low profile.

In the afternoon, Wei Ningyuan sent a guest away, and suddenly saw his brother Wei Ningshan sneaking back along the corner of the wall. The four Wei Ningyuan brothers were all successful in their studies, and the second brother Wei Ningde was a doctor of Lin'an Taixue. Si Wei Ningshan is useless, he has been a prodigal son since he was young, and now he is forty years old, and he is still idle and not doing his job.

Wei Ningyuan stared, "Where have you wandered off again?"

Wei Ningshan said with a smile: "I went to meet some friends, and I didn't mess around."

He hurriedly fled to the mansion, Wei Ningyuan yelled at his back angrily: "You few cronies, don't associate with them!"

Wei Ningshan has already run away, Wei Ningyuan shook his head, this fourth brother is always worrying, and I am afraid that he will not have any future in this life.

Wei Ningyuan turned around and was about to go back to the inner house, but saw Guanshi Liu from the teahouse running out of breath, Wei Ningyuan stopped and asked, "Guanshi Liu, what happened?"

"Master, someone from the county government has sealed up our teahouse."


Wei Ningyuan's eyes widened, "Why?"

"I don't know. It seems that someone has sued us. There is some dispute."

Wei Ningyuan frowned. Longfeng Teahouse has been open for thirty years and has never had any disputes. What is the dispute now?
He hurriedly found the big housekeeper and told him: "Go to the county government office with Shopkeeper Liu, find Wang Yasi, and ask clearly what happened to the teahouse and why it was sealed up?"

"Don't worry, master, I'll ask right away."

Several officials in the county government have changed, but the county magistrates are still the same. Wang Yasi, who is in charge of Hucao, is from the Wei family and has been taking good care of the Wei family for so many years.

About an hour later, the butler hurried back.

He came to the inner hall and said to Wei Ningyuan: "Master, Wang Yasi said that things are a bit troublesome."

"What's going on, speak slowly!"

"This matter may have something to do with the fourth master."

Wei Ningyuan frowned, "What's going on?"

"It seems that the fourth master used the teahouse to make a deal with the land deed and the house deed. Both parties signed the contract. The intermediary was Dahong Dental Shop. The other party had already paid half of the money. Then the other party could not find anyone, so they went to the county government to file a complaint. gone."

Wei Ningyuan's eyes widened, and he shouted to his eldest son, Wei Chun, "Go and find me your fourth uncle, go now!"

The big housekeeper said again: "The trouble with this matter is that the buyer has some background, and even Wang Yasi advised us to reconcile and not make things worse."

"What is the background of the buyer?"

"It seems to be a famous poetess, Li Qingzhao."

"It was her!"

When Wei Ningyuan changed his mind, he was startled. Since Li Qingzhao bought it, Chen Qing must be involved.
"Have you asked clearly, whose responsibility is it?"

"Wang Yasi said that it should be our responsibility."

At this time, Wei Ningshan walked into the inner hall and said with a playful smile: "What do you want to tell me?"

Wei Ningyuan said coldly: "The county government sealed up our Longfeng Teahouse."

Wei Ningshan's face changed, and then he pretended to be indifferent and said: "What does this have to do with me?"

"How dare you pretend, you signed a contract with others, sold the teahouse, and then reneged on the debt when you got the money, how courageous you are!"

Seeing that his elder brother already knew about it, Wei Ningshan stopped pretending, and said frankly: "It is true that I signed the contract, but after signing the contract, I found out that the price was too cheap. I asked her to add more money, but she refused, and I also agreed." There is no way."

Wei Ningyuan glared at the eldest son, "How do you keep the house deed and land deed?"

The eldest son, Wei Chun, was tongue-tied, but the fourth uncle just borrowed it to have a look, never dreaming that he would actually sell it.

Wei Ningyuan snorted heavily, "What about the money? How much did the other party pay you? Where are you now?"

When it came to money, Wei Ningshan froze immediately, and stammered for a while: "The other party paid me one hundred taels of silver. A friend's father was seriously ill, so I lent it to him."

"Fuck you! You used it to pay off your gambling debts, you think I don't know?"

Wei Ningshan lowered his head, not daring to say anything.

Wei Ningyuan was dizzy with anger, and said to the eldest son, "Go to the county government office and tell us that we agree to the transfer contract, and we are willing to reconcile."

"Brother can't do it!"

Wei Ningshan was shocked and said: "The transfer price is only [-] yuan, you can't accept it!"


Wei Ningyuan sat down slumped with his head in his arms. Longfeng Teahouse and the others have worked hard for [-] years, and this brand alone is worth several thousand guan, not to mention the three acres of land on East Street, and two high-quality springs outside the city.

Someone once offered [-] guan and he didn't agree to transfer it, but this unscrupulous boy sold it cheaply for [-] guan, which made Wei Ningyuan extremely sad.

After a long time, Wei Ningyuan sighed and said, "Bring me the house deed and land deed, I'll go visit Chen Jinglue envoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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