
Chapter 569

Chapter 569
Chen Qing also didn't expect that Wei Ningyuan, the head of Wei's family, would pay a visit to a small teahouse incident. It seems that this Wei Ningyuan is very concerned about himself, and he actually knows that Li Qingzhao has something to do with him.

Chen Qing invited Wei Ningyuan to the living room, and the tea boy came in and served tea.

Chen Qing smiled and said: "The last time we welcomed guests and entertained gentry, it seems that Patriarch Wei didn't see him!"

Wei Ningyuan said apologetically: "Last time I happened to be ill and was bedridden at home, so I asked my eldest son to go for me. Maybe it's because he is a junior and dare not stand out."

Speaking of this, Wei Ningyuan took out the envelope containing the deed and title deed, put it on the table and pushed it to Chen Qing, "This is the title deed and title deed of the teahouse, please forward it to Mr. Yi An!"

Chen Qing didn't answer it, glanced at the envelope, and said calmly: "Does the owner think that contract is reasonable?"

Wei Ningyuan was startled, "What does Jinglue envoy mean?"

"For example, everyone, and the price, isn't [-] too low?"

Wei Ningyuan sighed: "The contract was signed by my fourth brother. Strictly speaking, he also has the right to sell it. The teahouse is not a family property. It was opened by my mother thirty years ago. As for the price, one thousand guan is less. point, but if we can meet a small condition, it is not unacceptable."

"I don't know what Patriarch Wei's small condition refers to?"

"It's very simple. The brand of Longfeng Teahouse was created by my mother. It is to commemorate my mother. The teahouse can be transferred, but the words "Longfeng Teahouse" are not. We will find a new piece of land nearby to rebuild the Longfeng Teahouse."

Chen Qing nodded, "Since the teahouse can be transferred, then sign an agreement again, and the price will follow the market, so that everyone will feel comfortable and respect each other. As for the brand of Longfeng Teahouse, it can be clearly stated in the contract. This brand If it is not transferred, the new teahouse must be renamed."

Wei Ningyuan is a person with a very high emotional intelligence. When Chen Qing said "respect each other", he did not insist on it. Others do not lack the thousands of pennies. If he insists on selling it cheap, it will make others think it is bullying. On the contrary, it will ruin Chen Qing's reputation.

"Alright then! Mr. Yi An and I will re-sign a transfer agreement and sell it at a price of [-] Guan, and we will keep the brand of Longfeng Teahouse."

Chen Qing immediately sent someone to find Li Qingzhao to sign the contract. It was a rare opportunity to chat with the head of the Wei family. The two Jingzhao families, one Wei family and the Du family, had great influence in Jingzhao. Chen Qing and the Du family had a good relationship. The Du family even wanted to marry him, but he declined.

But it was his first contact with the Wei family. If they could get the full support of the Wei family, it would be helpful for them to stabilize the situation in Guanzhong.

"We don't know much about Guanzhong. What does Patriarch Wei think is the most important thing for us to govern Guanzhong?"

Wei Ningyuan smiled slightly and said: "Since the envoy asked the question so frankly, let me tell you the truth. I have always believed that the key to managing Shaanxi Road well lies in the border and Guanzhong, and the key to doing well in Guanzhong lies in people's livelihood and land. , I won’t say much about the people’s livelihood. In fact, the economic strategy has been done very well. The price of salt has dropped sharply, and the price of food has also been greatly reduced. It also announced the good news of tax exemption for three years and tax halving for five years. It can be said that , Both the rich and the poor are happy with these measures, but the land seems to have not started, and I suggest that the envoy be cautious on the land issue.”

"Which aspects should be cautious?"

"The ownership of the land, Guanzhong is fertile and wild. Before the Jinbing invasion, there was almost no blank land. After the Jinbing invasion, a large number of people were massacred, plus the population who fled to the south. After the Battle of Fuping, Guanzhong was almost empty. Later The puppet state of Qi also immigrated a large number of people from northern Shaanxi to farm in Guanzhong and distributed them land. However, once the real owners of these lands return, there will definitely be serious conflicts. There is still a large amount of official land, so I suggest that the economic envoy should focus on the land issue You must not act too hastily, but take it slowly.”

Chen Qing nodded, "Thank you Patriarch for your kind words, I will try my best to be cautious!"

At this time, the soldiers came in with Li Qingzhao, and Chen Qing greeted him with a smile: "The Patriarch Wei is here, I suggest you sign a new contract, the price will be transferred at [-] guan, and we will not take advantage of them."

Li Qingzhao nodded, "Then sign the contract again!"

After a pause, Li Qingzhao said to Chen Qing again: "You better go back, Mr. Lu sent a letter from Lin'an."

Chen Qing sent Wei Ningyuan away, and hurried back to the mansion. He knew that Lu Yihao must have brought important news to him.

In the living room, two family members who delivered the letter presented a letter to Chen Qing, and it turned out to be Lu Yihao's own letter.

Chen Qing opened the letter and read it. The letter mentioned the rewards for him. Officially received the imperial order and bestowal.

These rewards were all in his expectation. When he monopolized Xihe Road, Zhao Gou wanted to kill him quickly, but once he seized Shaanxi Road, Zhao Gou would turn around to appease him and please him. This is actually stealing hooks The difference between thieves and kleptocrats.

"Is there anything else to explain, old man?" Chen Qing put down the letter and asked.

The head of the family bowed and said: "The Grand Master said that Uncle Sun's heirs are weak, and he wants Madam to marry Uncle Sun more concubines."

"That's not what I said!" Chen Qing laughed.

"This is a message to Madame, and there will be no other messages."

Chen Qing nodded, "You have worked hard on the long journey, and each of you will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver. Go down and rest!"

The two servants were overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you Uncle Sun!"

Chen Qing returned to the inner house with the letter, and he came to his temporary study room. After a while, Yu Lian brought him a cup of tea.

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "Go!"

Yu Lian is very well-behaved outside, she dares to be presumptuous only in the master's study room, she slipped into Chen Qing's arms, put her arms around the master's neck and pouted, "Originally, the slave's house is serving the master tonight, but he is inconvenient, so I have to Sakura for me."

Chen Qing kissed her pretty face and red lips twice, and said with a smile, "When did you come?"

"Just this afternoon, I'm still looking forward to letting the master take pity on me tonight!"

"Then take good care of Madam and let Ah Ying come!"

"I made an agreement with her. These few days, I will let you. When she has her monthly period, she will pay me back."

Chen Qing really likes these twin sisters, one is gentle and the other is fiery. He is looking forward to some time to enjoy the blessing of being equal, but I am afraid that he will have a chance after he really takes them as concubines.

"Go! I'll go and see my wife later."

Yu Lian cuddled in his arms for a while and then left aggrieved.

Chen Qing picked up Lu Yihao's letter again and read it again carefully. In the letter, Lu Yihao advised him not to turn against the imperial court, but to use this opportunity to reconcile with the imperial court.

The letter also mentioned that the government has issued an order to re-investigate the cause of death of the supervising army Wang Mian.

This is indeed a major signal.

The reason why his relationship with the imperial court went to a freezing point was the death of the military supervisor Wang Mian. Although he also wanted to put Wang Mian to death, Wang Mian's death really had nothing to do with him.

Chen Qing knew very well that Wang Mian's death must be related to Liu Guangshi. Wang Mian himself brought hundreds of guards, and ordinary thieves really couldn't touch him. Only a general like Liu Guangshi who led troops could completely wipe out Wang Mian.

I have told the investigators about these situations, but the other party just stared at me. In the end, it was Zhao Gou who wanted to convict himself, so he put the death of the supervisor on his head.

Now they are investigating again, regardless of whether they will find out the real cause of death, but they must clear their suspicions, otherwise the investigation will be meaningless.

In fact, Chen Qing is also very clear that breaking up with the imperial court prematurely is actually not in his own interest. The best state is to be in harmony with the imperial court. Instead of?
But what Chen Qing considers more is interests, including economic interests and political interests.

Especially economic interests, if you are not in charge of a family, you don’t know how expensive it is. After Chen Qing had an army of [-], he realized how difficult it is to maintain an army of [-]. A large amount of food and supplies are required every day. There are nearly ten thousand sheep.

Just one Shaanxi Road still cannot support [-] troops, not to mention that Shaanxi Road has been ravaged and needs to recuperate for many years, let alone feed his army.Without strong logistical resources, it is impossible for him to defeat Jin Guo, who is on the rise.

Now he is just seizing the opportunity of Jin Guo's political instability. Next, Jin Guo will inevitably counterattack on a large scale.

Chen Qing thought of the Qin Dynasty. The fundamental reason why the Qin Dynasty was able to unify the Central Plains according to the land of Guanlong was that it obtained the fertile land of Bashu thousands of miles away, and the logistics were guaranteed.

This is indeed the best way, which is to let Bashu bear the burden of raising his own army. Of course, Chen Qing also knows that it is impossible to persuade the court to hand over Bashu to himself. He can only forcefully control Bashu.

Chen Qing paced back and forth in the study, considering various plans.

(End of this chapter)

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