
Chapter 570 Messenger

Chapter 570 Messenger

The imperial envoy arrived as scheduled. The envoy was Taichang Shaoqing and Zhongshu Sheren Huang Guinian. Huang Guinian was about fifty years old and had a close relationship with Lu Yihao. He was also recommended by Lu Yihao to send him as the envoy.

Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Miao went out of the city to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Yellow Turtle.

Although Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Miao had no status in the court at all, and their names could not even be found in the roster of officials, Huang Guinian knew that they were Chen Qing's right-hand men and people who could influence the current situation. Be kind to them too.

A group of people entered the city in a large carriage, and Huang Guinian looked at the bustling people in the city, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

"Twenty years ago, I was the magistrate of Xianyang County, and I often came to Chang'an. Now it feels like it was yesterday. Nothing has changed. Bianliang is gone, but here I can feel the old times."

Zhang Xiao said indifferently: "That's why the economic envoy often said that all good things are worth defending. We will give Shaanxi Road tax exemption for three years and tax reduction for five years. We hope to use these eight years to make Shaanxi Road It can slowly return to the level of Xuanhe years."

Huang Guinian pondered for a while and said, "It is of course a good thing to exempt the people from taxes, but what support does the army have?"

Jiang Yanxian laughed and said, "Isn't this the problem that Huang Shaoqing came to Jingzhao to solve?"

Huang Guinian was taken aback, this was not his mission to come to Jingzhao!
He laughed twice, "You two are serious. If you need financial support from the imperial court, you must report to the imperial court. It is up to the imperial court and the officials to decide. I personally have no such power or task. This time I came to Jingzhao mainly to announce the decree , Learn more about the situation on Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road, and then return to Lin'an."

Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Miao looked at each other and smiled, but didn't say any more.

The motorcade came directly to the Jinglue Mansion, where Chen Qing had set up an incense table to welcome him. Huang Guinian immediately took out the imperial decree and read it out, officially conferring Chen Qing the Duke of Qin, the Minister of the Ministry of Inspection and Industry, and Dr. Jin Ziguanglu, as the Xuanfu of Shaanxi Road Make.

Chen Qing kowtowed and accepted the imperial decree, and then invited Huang Guinian into the meeting hall.

Huang Guinian looked at this majestic Jinglue Mansion, and was secretly surprised, he knew that this was a palace, and Chen Qing actually occupied the palace, as if he was still living in the palace, wouldn't he be afraid of being charged with trespassing? ?
But when Huang Guinian changed his mind, Chen Qing was actually in a semi-separatist state. He was still afraid of impeachment. Even if he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the court would have nothing to do with him. Otherwise, why bother to appease him with high-ranking officials? ?
The two parties sat down in the meeting room, and Chen Qing learned from Lu Yihao's letter that this Yellow Turtle Nian was his confidant, and he recommended him to come to Jingzhao as an envoy, so he can directly put forward any request.

"Which way did Huang Shaoqing come to Jingzhao this time?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"I went north to Wuguan from Xiangyang, and then took Shangluo Road to enter Guanzhong."

"The road went smoothly! I mean, did you encounter any harassment from bandits when you came from Xiangyang? I heard that there are bandits rampant in Nanyang. They are all from the Song army in the past. Now they go up the mountain to be bandits. "

"Fortunately, Yue Dutong has wiped out all the bandits, and now the area is safe."

Chen Qing nodded, "Besides issuing the decree, what other tasks does Huang Shaoqing have this time?"

"This time I come to Jingzhao for two main tasks. One is to issue an order, and the other is to learn about the situation on Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road. The main thing is the people's livelihood and the people's conditions. I also hope that the Xuanfu envoy will provide convenience."

"No problem, I will arrange special officials to accompany me, and I will also send military guards to ensure that Huang Shaoqing is unimpeded."

"Then I would like to thank the Xuanfu envoy."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "In my memory, Sichuan and Shaanxi are integrated. Generally, there are only Xuanfu envoys of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Why is it now the Xuanfu envoy of Shaanxi Road?"

Huang Guinian saw what Chen Qing meant, and he was dissatisfied with the court's decision to seal Shaanxi Road as a Xuanfu envoy, but how should he answer, can't he get Longwangshu?
Huang Guinian could only vaguely say: "I'm not too sure about this, it should be an official decision."

Chen Qing smiled, and put the big seal of the Xuanfu Envoy of Shaanxi Road on the table and pushed it back, "Please Huang Shaoqing go back and report to the officials, saying that I think I have low qualifications and I am not qualified to be a Xuanfu envoy. It is more appropriate to serve as a strategic envoy."

There are some things that need not be explained, and they are generally sealed as Xuanfu envoys of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Even Liu Guangshi can seal the envoys of Sichuan and Shanxi, but when he came to him, he split Sichuan, which is obviously a kind of deception.

Huang Guinian pushed the seal back again, and said calmly: "Before I left, I also asked Lu Xianggong, did it appear that the imperial court was not sincere enough to seal the Xuanfu envoy of Shaanxi Road? Lu Xianggong said that the government would never seal Chen Qing As a Xuan Fu envoy, if you want to seal it, you have no choice."

"So I earned the Shaanxi Road Propaganda Envoy myself. If I want the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy, I have to earn it myself. Don't expect the sincerity of the officials."

Huang Guinian nodded, "That's the truth!"

Chen Qing ordered people to arrange for Huang Guinian and his party to go to the expensive hotel to rest, and he invited Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yanxian to his official room.

Chen Qing said to the two of them: "It seems that we have thought things too well. The imperial court is not a fool. The imperial court will never bear the military expenses for us. We can only rely on ourselves."

After a pause, Chen Qing frankly said to the two: "I want to seize Bashu and use the wealth of Bashu to support the army!"

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "Jing Lue Shi's idea is correct. Zhou Kuan and I have carefully calculated these days. Even if we realize our various business plans, we still can't support [-] troops. There are about five million guan in taxes, plus the richness of Bashu, enough for us to support [-] troops. The key is how we can capture Bashu and pay the least price. After all, Bashu is different from Shaanxi Road. The imperial court has nothing to say about seizing it from the hands of the puppet Qi State, but seizing Bashu is tantamount to cutting flesh from the imperial court, and the imperial court will inevitably retaliate strongly. How to exchange the least cost for the greatest benefit, the knowledge in this must be carefully deliberated."

Zhang Xiao also said: "There is still a practical problem in capturing Bashu, and that is Wu Lin's [-] troops. The humble official can say that if Wu Lin guards Bashu, we should not count on it."

"Then find a way to transfer Wu Ling away, we can use the lieutenant general Li Qiong."

Li Qiong is Liu Guangshi's confidant. He led [-] troops to retreat from Hanzhong to Bashu, but the imperial court transferred Liu Guangshi away and named Wu Ling as the military envoy of the Yongxing Army and the defense envoy of Lizhou Road. His army was handed over to Wu Ling for nothing, and he was unwilling to withdraw from Bashu like this, so Li Qiong stayed and continued to control [-] troops and became Wu Ling's deputy general.

Li Qiong is actually a nail Liu Guangshi planted in Bashu, and also the eyes and ears of Empress Dowager Wei monitoring Bashu.

Chen Qing saw this very clearly. If he wanted to transfer Wu Ling away, he had to use Li Qiong, and in fact he used Empress Dowager Wei.

At this moment, a follower reported outside the door, "Report to the envoy of Jinglue, and the envoy of the Yongxing Army Jiedu Wu Dutong sent someone to ask for an interview!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "He should have received the news that the imperial envoy had entered the customs, but he came just in time, we were dozing off, so he brought the pillow."

"Please come in the messenger!"

Not long after, a sergeant walked in quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Chen Dutong!"

"Where is Wu Dutong's letter?"

The sergeant took out a letter and presented it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took the letter and read it again. He pondered for a moment and said, "I can promise to dismantle the Eagle Pass. How about it! On the fifth day of next month, I will invite Wu Dutong to meet in Xicheng County , to discuss some specific details.”

Chen Qing stopped writing and wrote a reply letter, handed it to the sergeant, and ordered someone to reward the sergeant with ten taels of silver, and the sergeant left.

Chen Qing took the letter and smiled at Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yanxian: "Wu Yan actually wants me to withdraw from Hanzhong and restore the frontline garrison at Dasan Pass."

Jiang Yanxian shook his head, "Of course General Wu wants to take Hanzhong back, otherwise he, the military governor of the Yongxing Army, would be in name only, but he didn't expect that once his army is stationed at Dasan Pass, wouldn't it be a dagger to hold back Hanzhong?" We can stab us severely in the abdomen at any time, how can we agree?"

Chen Qing said lightly: "It seems that I have to send someone to meet Li Qiong."

"What's the reason?"

Chen Qingyang raised the letter in his hand, "The reason is this letter. He and I have joined forces to push Wu Ling away. I want Hanzhong as a buffer, and he will be the general of Bashu. As long as he replaces Wu Ling, I will be [-]% sure of taking Bashu away." gone."

Jiang Yan frowned, "I'm afraid that the imperial court will send another person over!"

"No! It must be Li Qiong."

Chen Qing said confidently: "He represents the interests of Empress Dowager Wei. The situation was critical before, and Wu Jie took away the right to speak. Now that the Jin soldiers have withdrawn, how could Empress Dowager Wei give up the right to garrison troops in Bashu to others?"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "The envoy of Jinglue wants to seize Bashu, and now he can make arrangements in advance."

Chen Qing nodded slowly, "I've already thought about it, we can do both to win Bashu!"

(End of this chapter)

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