
Chapter 571

Chapter 571

In the afternoon, Cao De came to Chen Qing's official room, he was led into the official room, he cupped his fists and saluted, "For humble posts, please refer to the economic envoy!"

"General Cao, please sit down!"

Chen Qing smiled and asked Cao De to sit down, and ordered his subordinates to serve tea, "How is the preparation of martial arts?"

Cao De is currently assisting Guan Shigu in organizing the martial arts school. Once the martial arts school starts, he will be the vice-instructor, that is, the vice-principal. The other vice-instructor is Yang Yuanqing. Qing and Cao De take turns to manage daily affairs, while Guan Shigu is only the capital supervisor, equivalent to a school supervisor.

"Reporting to the envoy, the address of the school building has been determined, and the school building will be completed in about two months. We will recruit [-] students in the first batch, and they will be recommended by the generals above the commander."

The introduction of the recommendation system in martial arts was decided by Chen Qing. His army has reached [-], and many generals who followed him in the southern and northern wars gradually had their own subordinates. In the future, the generals will be able to take charge of the war in the north and south.

But what Chen Qing wants is absolute loyalty, so a big purpose of running martial arts is to cultivate the loyalty of generals. After entering martial arts, he is Chen Qing's direct descendant, and he will have more opportunities to be reused and promoted in the future.

"It doesn't have to wait until the school building is completed. You can use the method of setting up tents to put martial arts into operation first, exercise students' physical strength, cultivate martial arts, etc., according to the regulations approved last time."

"Understand the job, go back and make arrangements immediately!"

Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "How much do you know about Li Qiong?"

Cao De didn't know why Du Tong asked about Li Qiong, but he said truthfully: "Beizhi doesn't know Li Qiong very well. He is Liu Guangshi's confidant, and he is usually arrogant and domineering, so everyone doesn't want to pay attention to him."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "Is there anyone familiar with him under your command?"

Cao De thought about it intently, and smiled: "There is really one, a Dutou, who is from the same village as Li Qiong, and they are very familiar with each other."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "You give me the name Dutou, I want to use him."

After Cao De left, it was getting late, so Chen Qing packed up, got up and went back home.

When I returned to the back house, I unexpectedly saw the female doctor walking slowly with his wife. Lu Xiu had basically succeeded in conserving the pregnancy for a month. Now she needs a little exercise to slowly adjust the fetal position.

The Yu sisters followed behind. When they saw Chen Qing, their beautiful eyes lit up at the same time, and they quickly lowered their heads, pretending to be indifferent.

It is also because their identities have not been converted to concubines, and their names are not right, they are afraid of their wife Lu Xiu from the bottom of their hearts.

Behind them were the female guards Tao Qiniang and Tao Baniang. Their skin was darker and they looked like two iron towers. Although Lu Xiu wanted to find two husbands for them among Chen Qing's personal soldiers, But when the soldiers heard that it was these two female Yan Luos, they were so frightened that they made excuses one after another, saying that they were already married or engaged, and so on, and they probably would not be able to marry.

If you want to find husbands and sons-in-law for the sisters of the Yu family, I guarantee that all the soldiers will say that they are single, but it is a pity that these two beauties can't get their turn.

"Husband, this way!" Lu Xiu happily waved to her husband.

Chen Qing walked forward with a smile, "It seems to be getting better today!"

"Walking today, I feel very comfortable, and my body is not as heavy as before."

"Let me walk with you!"

Chen Qing walked slowly with his wife, Lu Xiu pointed to the hill in front, "I haven't been there yet? Your husband will accompany me to see it."

Chen Qing glanced at the female doctor, who said blankly, "You can go, but you can't climb the mountain!"

Chen Qing supported his wife and walked slowly along the path, and soon came to the hilly area. In many mansions of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, there will be such an artificial hill that returns to nature, with big trees planted on it, trying to create a kind of ancient tree Tongyou artistic conception.

Chen Qing's mansion is a temporary palace, where the emperor stayed when he inspected the northwest, so the rockery in his mansion is actually a real mountain, about [-] feet high, with a gentle slope going up the mountain. There are clear springs and pools on the mountainside. A towering tree more than ten feet high.

There is also a three-story attic on the top of the mountain, which is built with unknown wood. It is said that there are no mosquitoes in summer. The highest point is a white jade pavilion, standing in the pavilion, you can overlook the whole city.

The doctor didn't allow him to go up the mountain, so Chen Qing had to walk around the tree-lined road at the foot of the mountain with his help, and then walked back slowly.

"I might go to Hanzhong soon."

Lu Xiu quickly asked, "When was the last time?"

"At the beginning of the month!"

Lu Xiu patted her chest and smiled, "That's still too late."

"What's wrong?" Chen Qing asked with a surprised smile.

"Master's Yi'an Teahouse is about to open, and you know that [-]% of it is mine. Master invites you to drink the first tea, and I agree for you. It will be the day after tomorrow."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile, "It's not a big problem. I'll ask the officials to cheer on me, and I'll be a frequent visitor to the teahouse from now on."

After a pause, Chen Qing smiled again: "If you still have money left, there is a way to make money now."

Lu Xiu's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked, "What way?"

"Now that the government has established a commercial bank, more than a dozen caravans will be established. Then everyone wants to participate, and I have no objection. It will give officials a chance to make money."

"How much can you earn?"

"Probably earn [-]% of the net profit a year."

"Then if I invest [-] coins, won't I earn [-] coins a year?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "You can't vote so much, you can only vote [-] at most."

"Then cast [-] guan!"

Lu Xiu felt unwilling, at this time she suddenly remembered something again, and asked her husband: "Yang Liuer came to visit me yesterday, she said that I have a lot of money, tens of thousands of coins, what does it mean?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It should be that Zheng Ping and I partnered to set up a commercial firm to do Nanyang spices business. I invested [-] guan. Over the past few years, I should have accumulated a lot. I asked Zheng Ping to continue to buy ships and expand the scale. "

"Does the imperial court know?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This is the business of Zheng's family. My name is not visible on it, not even Zheng Ping's. The firm was opened in the name of his father, and it is actually his father who is helping to run it."

"How many ships are there now?" Lu Xiu was very curious.

"At the beginning of the year, Zheng Ping told me once that there were about thirteen ships."

"There are only thirteen ships!" Lu Xiu was disappointed.

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "Do you think it's a cargo ship on the Wei River? It's a sea ship, each of which can carry thousands of stones and accommodate a thousand people. Standing in front of it, we are like ants."

Lu Xiu stuck out her tongue. At this time, the female doctor coughed lightly behind her. Lu Xiu was reminded immediately, and said with a smile: "I have succeeded in confinement, I am sorry to let my husband sleep in the study room again. Husband will move back tonight." !"

The legs of the Yu sisters in the back gave way, and they almost fell at the same time. Chen Qing could only laugh dryly, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you sleep in the study, I'm afraid of disturbing my wife at night."

Lu Xiu quietly pinched Chen Qing's arm, and said with a smile, "Move back! With my husband by my side, I can sleep more peacefully."

"Hehe! Then move back!"

Chen Qing laughed awkwardly. How did he know that the female doctor's eyes were like torches, and she saw that Chen Qing had been overindulging in sex for more than a month, so she reminded Lu Xiu.

It was only then that Lu Xiu knew that the two daughters had ignored her words, and after reprimanding them severely, she immediately decided to let her husband move back.

Originally, Chen Qing wanted to take Yu Lian to Hanzhong, but now he swallowed this request consciously.

In the evening, gongs and drums were beating on the East Street, trumpets were blowing loudly, and there was a special team dancing lions and dragons. It was extremely lively, and Yi'an Teahouse officially opened.

According to the rules, the teahouse is not open to the public on the opening day, and guests are usually invited to drink the first course of tea.

The big shopkeeper and the eight assistants were still from the original team of Chengji County. The teahouse in Chengji County was sold and turned into a tavern. The new owner had his own people and did not need these assistants. Zhao, rent a house for them to settle down.

The guests who came to drink tea were basically high-ranking officials and generals of the Jinglue Mansion, there were dozens of them, and the shopkeeper had already arranged for the staff to take them to sit one by one.

Chen Qing's carriage stopped slowly, and the shopkeeper rushed up to greet him, cupped his fists and said with a smile, "Welcome the Xuanfu envoy."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Shopkeeper Liu, long time no see."

"Please take care of the Xuan Fu envoy in the future!"

Shopkeeper Liu is an insider, and the real big proprietor of the teahouse is Mrs. Xuan Fushi, which is the case in Chengji County.

Chen Qing nodded, and he took another look at the signboard. The black background was gilt-edged, and the characters were also painted in gold. A teahouse is under construction, and that is the new Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse of the Wei family.

"Where's Auntie?"

"The proprietor is here! Xuan Fu envoy please."

(End of this chapter)

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