
Chapter 572 Promise

Chapter 572 Promise
The night was dark, the hustle and bustle had passed, and when the music ended, Zhao Qiaoyun toasted Chen Qing with two glasses of wine, but she was slightly overwhelmed by the wine, and two maids helped her into Chen Qing's carriage.

"Auntie, don't you want to go together?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"I still have to clean up, and I'll come back later, senior official, send Qiaoyun back."

"Do not worry!"

Chen Qing got into the carriage, but found that Zhao Qiaoyun's personal maid was not there.

"Auntie, where's Xiao Man?"

"She went back to get her coat, don't wait for her, you go back first!"

Chen Qing ordered, "Let's go!"

The carriage started and drove steadily towards the mansion. Li Qingzhao looked at the carriage and sighed softly in her heart. She worked hard to create conditions for the little apprentice. In her opinion, one teapot should be equipped with four teacups. Chen Qing already has three teacups by her side, whether Qiao Yun can become the fourth teacup depends on her own fate.

The carriage was very quiet, the moon was bright and dark, Zhao Qiaoyun sat on the soft chair with a pale face, Chen Qing looked at her delicate face and long eyelashes, and couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart.

He remembered how thin and frail she was when he first saw her, her eyes were full of horror, she was a dignified princess of the Song Dynasty, but she seemed like an abandoned kitten.

Chen Qing gently removed the hair on his face for her, but suddenly felt a trace of coldness, it turned out that two teardrops fell on his hands.

Immediately afterwards, teardrops rolled down from her slightly closed eyes like broken pearls, and her chest heaved violently.

Feeling pain in Chen Qing's heart, he stretched out his hand to hug her gently, and leaned her on his shoulder. Zhao Qiaoyun lay on Chen Qing's shoulder, and tears burst out even more. The grievances that had been held in his chest for three years all poured out at this moment.

Chen Qing patted her thin shoulders lightly, soothing her painful heart.

"Master, is it really impossible for me?" Zhao Qiaoyun wiped away her tears and summoned up her courage to ask.

Chen Qing looked at her sad and moving beautiful eyes, his heart softened, and he nodded, "Give me some more time, I will think about how to deal with the court."

Zhao Qiaoyun leaned on Chen Qing's shoulder obediently. She knew that her identity was the biggest obstacle. It wasn't because she didn't admit it, but the fact was there.

The carriage gradually slowed down, Xiaoman, Zhao Qiaoyun's personal maid, was holding a cloak in her hand, looking anxiously over her head.

"Qiaoyun, we're here!"

Zhao Qiaoyun immediately sat up obediently, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and returned to normal tranquility.

Chen Qing nodded secretly. Compared with Zhao Qiaoyun's sensible and well-behaved, the Yu sisters were a little bit willful.

Chen Qing suddenly discovered that Zhao Qiaoyun was a very good candidate for a female secretary.

Hanzhong has been completely controlled by Chen Qing's army. Liu Cui led an army of [-] to Hanzhong. The guards along the pass watched the wind and surrendered. These puppet Qi troops were treated poorly and suffered from discrimination. Now the Jurchen army has been completely wiped out. How could they be willing to die for the Jurchen army?

Soldiers opened the gates and surrendered one after another. Some generals tried to stop them, but were killed by angry soldiers. Liu Cui occupied the entire Hanzhong almost without bloodshed.

At this time, Hanzhong was completely controlled by the Xihe Army, and Wu Ling’s army was still south of Jianmen Pass. The newly built Eagle Pass to the north of Jianmen Pass was originally controlled by the Puppet Qi Army, but now it has also become the Song Army on Xihe Road. control.

Wu Ling's army was unable to take a step north, which made Wu Ling very annoyed, so he sent someone to Jingzhao to deliver a letter, asking Chen Qing to withdraw from Hanzhong.

On the tower of Jianmenguan City, Wu Ling looked at the north from afar, with serious eyes.

The envoy went to Jingzhao a long time ago, but no effect has been seen so far. Chen Qing took the initiative to write a letter to ask for an interview with him, but he actually wanted to interview himself. What role does the envoy play?
It is rumored that Chen Qing is already in a state of semi-separatism. Wu Ling believes that this is true, and he himself feels deeply. The Western Army is far away from the imperial court, and the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. The imperial court is already difficult to control. If the army can solve the military salary and food The problem is that there is basically nothing to do with the imperial court. Whether to support the soldiers and stand on their own depends entirely on the loyalty of the general to the imperial court.

In fact, when Zhu Shengfei made things difficult for them, Wu Ling also quietly persuaded his elder brother to make decisions independently and not be controlled by the Xuan Fusi.

When Liu Guangshi came to seize power, Wu Ling once again thought of supporting the army to stand on his own, but this time he was discouraged by his brother's letter.

Staff member Tian Yi said from the side: "Dutong, I'm afraid Chen Qing will not return Hanzhong."

"Why?" Wu Ling glanced at him.

"In fact, the reason is very simple. He needs Hanzhong as a buffer. He must be worried that when we send troops to attack Hedong, we will take his lair from behind and capture Guanzhong and Jingzhao."

"how is this possible?"

Wu Ling was dissatisfied and said, "Am I the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation? He went to fight the Jin soldiers, and I stabbed him in the back, so I am not in the same party as the Jin country?"

"Maybe the general won't. What if the court brings Liu Guangshi back? Chen Qing will definitely be worried about this."

Wu Ling nodded. The aides were right. He couldn't do it himself, but it was difficult for others, especially Liu Guangshi, who could do anything. How could Chen Qing not guard against it?

"Then according to Mr.'s opinion?"

"Actually, I want to say that since I can't get it back to Hanzhong, I don't need to meet Chen Qing. It will cause some unnecessary troubles. Someone is keeping an eye on Dutong!"

Of course Wu Ling knew who Tian Yi was talking about, Li Qiong, Liu Guangshi's confidant, when Liu Guangshi was transferred away, he didn't take him away, but left him in Bashu, becoming his deputy and becoming his A big thorn in his hands.

Needless to say, it is needless to say that the yin and the yang are contradictory. The key is his existence, which means that Liu Guangshi does not give up on Bashu and wants to come back, which makes Wu Ling always wary of him.

Wu Ling pondered for a while and said, "Since we have made an appointment for the day after tomorrow, we still have to talk. Since I have a clear conscience, what is there to worry about?"

"I'm afraid that the emperor will be stupid and listen to slander, and he will transfer everyone away."

Wu Ling laughed, "Actually, I don't want to stay in Bashu anymore. Chen Qing seized Shaanxi Road, and Bashu became the rear area. It's meaningless for me to stay here. It's better to go to the Huaihe River to fight against gold and kill the enemy."

Tian Yi saw that Wu Ling had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him any more. After all, he was only worried, and Chen Qing had already arrived in Hanzhong, so he couldn't refuse to meet Chen Qing just because of a worry.

In the morning, Chen Qing was escorted by [-] cavalrymen and arrived at Xicheng County. Xicheng County is located at the south entrance of Jinniu Road. It has a very important strategic position and is currently controlled by Chen Qing's army.

Chen Qing is very familiar with this county town. He has been here many times. The city is not big, with less than two thousand permanent residents.

Just as Chen Qing arrived in Xicheng, a horn sounded in the distance, and Wu Ling rushed over with more than [-] soldiers.

"Wu Dutong, long time no see!"

Chen Qing went forward with a big smile, and Wu Ling also went forward with a smile, and the two embraced warmly.

"The envoy started to fight the Northwest situation in just two or three years, which is impressive and admirable!"

Chen Qing shook his head and said sincerely: "The Northwest tug-of-war has been fought for six years, and hundreds of thousands of Jurchen troops were wiped out. We also paid a price of [-] people. Without these accumulations, how could I win."

Wu Ling sighed, "Although the truth is so, people only look at the result and ignore the process. Let's not talk about it, let's go to the city!"

The two rode into the city and came to the county government office, where they met.

The seats had already been arranged, and there were two other people sitting against the wall, who were responsible for recording their conversations and finally forming a memorandum. After all, this was a negotiation between the chief generals of the two armies.

The two sat opposite each other at a table, and someone served them tea.

Chen Qing is the host, and he said slowly: "Today I invited Wu Dutong to come to discuss, mainly to talk about dredging the trade roads, I plan to demolish the Eagle Pass, it will affect the normal passage of caravans too much, I hope Jianmen Guan also let go of the pass, allowing the Jinniu Road, which was interrupted for half a year, to return to normal."

Wu Ling nodded, "It's not a big problem. I ordered the removal of the roadblocks ten days ago and normal traffic resumed. The caravan traffic will not be subject to any troublesome interrogation."

"There will be a few government and business teams passing through the border, and I hope Wu Dutong will not make things difficult."

"No, as long as it's a caravan, regardless of whether it's official or private, the Golden Bull Road will be unimpeded."

After a pause, Wu Ling said again: "But what I want to talk about today is the ownership of Hanzhong. I am the Jiedushi of the Yongxing Army, and the place in charge is Hanzhong. Now that the Jin soldiers have retreated, can my army take over Hanzhong? ?”

Wu Ling said it very frankly, without being reserved at all, and directly asked Chen Qing for Hanzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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