
Chapter 573

Chapter 573
Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "To tell the truth, Wu Dutong, I want to use Hanzhong as a buffer zone, otherwise I can't lead the army to attack Hexi with confidence. I know very well that there are too many passages from Hanzhong to Guanzhong, which will make it difficult for me to guard against it." !"

Wu Ling said noncommittally: "Everyone is Song Jun, what should the envoys guard against?"

Chen Qing shook his head with a smile and said, "Does Wu Dutong know about the incident of supervising the army?"

"I heard something!"

"The imperial court believed that I was responsible for the death of Wang Mi, the supervisor of the army, but in fact it had nothing to do with me. I knew very well that Liu Guangshi killed him, but the imperial court did not have any evidence. He insisted that I was the one who killed him, and then called me to Beijing to report on my duties. The news I got was that I was going to be dismissed from office and imprisoned."

"I understand the worries of Jingsueshi, but there is no evidence for these, they are just speculations of Jingsueshi, right?"

Chen Qing still shook his head, "You're wrong, I have evidence, at least I know that Liu Guangshi's appointment as Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi came for me, his mission was to occupy Xihe Road and strangle my army, he got a secret decree. "

Wu Ling was silent for a moment and said, "That's Liu Guangshi, but I can't!"

Chen Qing laughed, "If Wu Dutong has been serving as the Jiedu envoy of the Yongxing Army for ten or twenty years, I will definitely promise to return Hanzhong to you because I trust you, but Wu Dutong feels that he is How long can Bashu stay? If Liu Guangshi is appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi again, should I also trust him?"

Wu Ling was speechless. He also knew that the imperial court had temporarily used him to fight against the golden soldiers. Now that the golden soldiers were gone, the imperial court would deal with Chen Qing next.

After a long silence, Wu Ling sighed and said, "Let's do this! Let me be stationed in Hanzhong symbolically, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the court."

Chen Qing nodded: "I can hand over Nanzheng County to you and allow you to garrison [-] troops. Then I will not interfere in the government affairs of Nanzheng County. If Wu Dutong is transferred away by the court, please also withdraw the [-] troops. Let's go, Nanzheng County, I want to take it back first, and then discuss with the new general."

Wu Ling thought for a while, this was Chen Qing's biggest concession for his own face, including the demolition of the Eagle Pass, which was Chen Qing's sincerity to himself.

"Then let's make a deal. How about a written agreement signed by both parties?"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "It's true!"

While Chen Qing and Wu Ling were discussing in Xicheng, a young man rode into Langzhong County. Langzhou was the place where general Li Qiong was stationed. Li Qiong and his [-] troops were stationed here.
The camp was located outside Langzhong County, but Li Qiong himself stayed in the county most of the time. He had a mansion in the county and raised a house of concubines. dine together.

The man riding the horse is called Xu Dayong, he is Cao De's subordinate, he is from the same town and village as Li Qiong, and even has a little bit of relative relationship with Li Qiong.

Xu Da used to come to a big house, and there were four soldiers with spears standing at the door.

As soon as he approached the gate, the soldiers immediately raised their spears and shouted: "Stop, don't come near!"

"Report to General Li for me, and say that his fellow countryman Xu Dalai has come and has something important to tell."

"You wait at the door for a while, and I will report."

The soldiers hurried in. Li Qiong had just had dinner and was drinking tea. The butler reported in the courtyard, "Master, a man came outside. He said he was from your hometown, and his name was Xu Dayong. He said he had something important to report."

Li Qiong was startled, of course Xu Dayong knew that he was in the same village as his distant nephew, he was Cao De's subordinate, didn't Cao De surrender to Chen Qing?Xu Dayong should have surrendered together, why did he come here again?

With a thought in Li Qiong's mind, what did he suddenly realize?Immediately ordered: "Take him to see me quickly!"

Not long after, Xu Dayong was brought to the hall, and he knelt down to salute, "Third Uncle, my nephew is here to greet you!"

Li Qiong has always disliked this distant nephew, thinking he is obscene, idle and not doing his job properly, and refused to take him with her.

But Cao De admired Xu Dayong's wit and flexibility, making him a good scout, so he promoted him to be the head of his scout battalion.

Li Qiong waved her hand and said impatiently, "Tell me, is there anything important you want to report to me?"

Xu Dayong took out a letter from his hat and presented it to Li Qiong, "Third uncle, this is a letter written by envoy Chen Jinglue to you!"

Li Qiong was taken aback, and quickly took the letter, "Sit down first and have some tea!"

His distant nephew actually delivered a letter to Chen Qing, and Li Qiong immediately looked at him with admiration.

He opened the letter and read it, and found it a bit unbelievable that Chen Qing actually wanted to cooperate with him and squeeze Wu Ling away, on the condition that the two sides use Jianmen Pass as the boundary and not ask him for Hanzhong.

"Dayong, does envoy Chen Jinglue have any messages?"

"The envoy said that if the third uncle is willing to cooperate, let me send a pigeon letter back. If the third uncle is unwilling to cooperate, it doesn't matter, I will go back and report directly."

"You brought the pigeon letter?"

Xu Dayong nodded, "My nephew has brought two carrier pigeons, so I can fly directly back to Jingzhao Mansion."

"Are you still with Cao De?"

Xu Dayong shook his head, "General Cao is now in charge of martial arts, and my nephew has been assigned to the Intelligence Agency, and may be involved in field work on the East Road."

Of course Li Qiong understood what he meant by field work?It is to go to Hedong Road to lurk, collect intelligence, and be an intelligence spy.

"This suits you very well!"

Li Qiong secretly admired Chen Qing's ability to employ people. His distant nephew was an idle rogue in his hometown, and he could give full play to his strengths as an intelligence agent.

"Go and rest first! I'll give you an answer after thinking about it."

"Nephew, leave!"

Xu Dayong followed the butler down, and Li Qiong immediately ordered: "Mr. Zhong, please come and see me!"

Just as Wu Lin had his own staff, Li Qiong also had his own staff, which is also normal. Generals often have more than bravery, but not enough intelligence, so they need to raise scribes to make up for their shortcomings.

Li Qiong's staff member was called Zhong Minghui, a native of Langzhong County, who was a professor of Langzhou state studies. He was introduced to Li Qiong. This Zhong Minghui was good at conspiracy and suited Li Qiong's appetite.

Zhong Minghui lived nearby, and came here in a hurry.

"General, what happened?"

Zhong Minghui vaguely guessed that something serious must have happened when Li Qiong was looking for her at this time.

"Look at this letter!" Li Qiong handed Chen Qing's letter to him.

Zhong Minghui was also surprised when he received the letter, it was Chen Qing who wrote the letter.

He read the letter again, frowned, and asked, "Is there any intersection between the general and Chen Qing?"

Li Qiong shook her head, "Liu Guangshi doesn't have a good relationship with him, but I don't have any grudges with him, and I don't know him well."

Zhong Minghui said: "The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. Chen Qing's motive for finding the general must be some kind of profit. What does the general think?"

Li Qiong pondered for a while and said: "I think the benefit is Hanzhong. Wu Yu is the military governor of Yongxing. He wants to go back to Hanzhong. This time, he went to discuss with Chen Qing just to ask for Hanzhong. If I were Chen Qing, I would definitely not I will return Hanzhong to Wu Ling."

"The general is right. Hanzhong is the buffer and barrier of Guanzhong. Without Hanzhong, our army will directly withstand the belly of Guanzhong. How could Chen Qing allow it? Wu Yu is the veteran of the Western Army, and he and Chen Qing Old, Chen Qing was afraid of angering the faction of the Western Army, but also could not hinder Wu Ling's face, so the best way is to cooperate with the general and squeeze Wu Ling away. If the general proposed to Hanzhong, he would not pay attention gone."

Li Qiong shook her head, "I don't care about Hanzhong, nor does General Liu. We value the rich Bashu more."

Zhong Minghui smiled slightly and said, "In that case, it doesn't hurt to cooperate with Chen Qing. Both sides get what they need!"

Li Qiong narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment, then finally nodded.

Five days later, Xu Dayong got an envelope sent by Chen Qing, and he quickly found Li Qiong.

In the inner hall, Li Qiong took out a document from the envelope. It turned out to be a memorandum of agreement between Chen Qing and Wu Ling in Xicheng. Both Chen Qing and Wu Ling had signed it.

Chen Qing agreed to hand over the government affairs of Nanzheng County to Wu Ling, and allowed Wu Ling to station [-] troops in Nanzheng County. In addition, the entire Hanzhong was stationed by Chen Qing's army.

Li Qiong looked at it for a while and asked, "What does this document say?"

Zhong Minghui said coldly: "This shows that Wu Lin colluded with Chen Qing in private and sold Hanzhong to Chen Qing. The evidence is conclusive. The general will impeach Wu Ri for this, and he will definitely be dismissed."

Li Qiong frowned, "But Hanzhong is already in Chen Qing's hands, and Wu Ling can't even want it, so it's not a betrayal!"

Zhong Minghui sneered disdainfully and said: "You and I both know it's not a betrayal, but the scholars and rotten scholars in the imperial court don't think so. They think that Hanzhong should be taken back for granted, just like grabbing something in a pocket, you can get it with your hands. At least the emperor must have thought so, so Wu Ling gave Chen Qing what was at his fingertips, how could the court and the emperor not go mad with anger?"

(End of this chapter)

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