
Chapter 574

Chapter 574

A teacup was smashed to pieces on the ground, and the emperor Zhao Gou blushed with anger and roared like thunder, "He is so courageous, who gave him the power? Does Hanzhong belong to his family?" Let it be, does he still take the imperial court and me seriously?"

Several Xiangguo stood aside silently. They rarely saw the officials lose their temper so much, which also showed how much the officials were afraid of Chen Qing.

Standing in the back row, Lu Yihao felt uncomfortable. Every time he encountered such a thing, he could only keep silent. Now, seeing the official's panic-stricken look, he once again thought of resigning. This time he really I want to resign.

At this time, Qin Hui persuaded: "Your Majesty, the matter has come to this point, anger can't solve the problem, Your Majesty should take care of the dragon's body."

Zhang Jun also persuaded: "Your Majesty, Wu Yu doesn't understand the situation of the court. I don't want to explain it to Wu Yu, but I know him very well. Wu Yu is just a loyal general, not a coach who has an insight into the overall situation. From his point of view, who guards Hanzhong is just a dispute of responsibility, and he will not think too deeply. The impeachment paper says that he colluded with Chen Qing, and this accusation is a bit serious."

Zhao Gou also slowly calmed down at this time, he waved his hand, "Left and right Xiangguo stay, other Xiangguo step back!"

Everyone retreated, leaving only Qin Hui and Zhang Jun.

Zhao Gou took a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "Mr. Zhang, how is the friendship between Wu Ling and Chen Qing?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, they are all generals of the Western Army. The Wu brothers and Chen Qing have good personal friendships, but Wu Ling is a person who sticks to principles and will never betray the interests of the court for personal friendship!"

"will not!"

Zhao Gou sneered and said, "If Liu Guangshi was in charge of Bashu, do you think he would go to Xicheng County to negotiate with Chen Qing? Do you think he would accept a symbolic [-] people stationed in Nanzheng?"

Zhang Jun was speechless for a moment. If it was Liu Guangshi, Chen Qing would probably not pay attention to him at all.

At this time, Qin Hui said: "I feel that what Zhang Xianggong said just now is very correct. Wu Yu is just a general and has no overall view, so he doesn't know the court's attitude towards Chen Qing. I don't suspect that Wu Yu and Chen Qing have colluded. , Weichen also believes that he is loyal to the imperial court, but his ability is limited and he cannot cope with the current complicated situation, Weichen believes that the civil servants should still preside over the overall military and political affairs of Bashu."

Zhang Jun suddenly realized that it was true that both Zhu Shengfei and Qin Hui wanted to depose Wu Lin, but they disagreed on the appointment of new officials. Most of Zhu Shengfei’s impeachment letter was criticizing Wu Lin and Chen Hui. Qing colluded with each other to replace Liu Guangshi, who had a bad relationship with Chen Qing.

But Qin Hui was a bit smarter. On the one hand, he agreed with his evaluation of Wu Ling and affirmed Wu Ling’s loyalty to the imperial court, but he also used his lack of ability and lack of overall perspective to explain the matter. Finally, he showed his flaws and let the civil servant serve as a Sichuan official. Xuan Fu envoy, then he must be the civil servant recommended by Qin Hui.

Qin Hui and Empress Dowager Wei have different interests, both of them are vying for control of Bashu. Thinking of this, Zhang Jun thought, anyway, since Wu Lin can no longer stay in Bashu, he might as well support Qin Hui and stir up conflicts between Qin Hui and Queen Mother Wei .

More importantly, after Chen Qing's incident, the officials would never accept the officials recommended by him again, so simply using this incident to stir up conflicts between Qin Hui and Queen Mother Wei would be beneficial to him in the end.

Zhang Jun had a plan in mind, he bowed and said, "Your Majesty, since the Shanxi Road has been taken back by Chen Qing, the danger in Bashu has also been relieved, and I also support the appointment of civil servants as Xuanfu envoys, and Wu Ling can be transferred to Jianghuai to fight against gold. .”

Zhao Gou nodded, "Who do you think is more suitable to go to Sichuan?"

Qin Hui hurriedly said: "My minister recommends Li Hui, the transshipment envoy of Eastern Zhejiang, as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan."

Li Hui was the former privy secretary. He was dismissed because of the defeat of the Jianghuai army. He was recommended by Qin Hui as the transshipment envoy to the east of Zhejiang. Li Hui was grateful and became Qin Hui's party from then on.

Zhao Gou turned his gaze to Zhang Jun again, and Zhang Jun nodded, "Li Hui also has experience in commanding troops and has a gentle personality. He is indeed the right candidate."

"Then let Li go back!"

Empress Dowager Wei has been waiting for Liu Guangshi's return to Bashu. She was planning to let Liu Guangshi go to Jianghuai to fight, but Liu Guangshi refused to obey the order on the pretext of training recruits. In the end, she had to let Han Shizhong cooperate with Yue Fei to attack Li Cheng from the east. army.

Liu Guangshi still stayed on the south bank of the Yangtze River for defense, but Empress Dowager Wei still hoped that Liu Guangshi would go to Bashu, so that she could control the money and grain of Bashu through Liu Guangshi, and she would have more say in the court.

But why did Empress Dowager Wei not expect that after Zhu Shengfei impeached Wu Ling, it was Li Hui who was appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan in the end, which almost drove Empress Wei crazy.

"It's useless, Ai's family values ​​him so much, but he can't even do such a small thing? Does he still have the face to explain to Ai's family?"

A liaison eunuch tremblingly said: "Zhu Xianggong said that he has no chance to mention Liu Guangshi to Bashu, and should have discussed the candidate first in the political affairs hall, but Qin Xianggong broke the rules and nominated Li Hui first, and the officials directly agreed. "

Empress Wei' Bang! ' She slapped her palm on the table, and even though it hurt, she couldn't restrain her inner anger. She gritted her teeth and said to herself: "What a Qin Hui, Ai's family planted a tree, and you come to pick the fruit. Just wait and see, Aijia will make you look good!"

In front of Jianmen Pass, a huge procession consisting of thousands of camels is marching towards Jianmen Pass. The camels are loaded with [-] sheepskins. Each group of two camels is taken care of by one assistant. There are [-] assistants in total. , the number of people is a little bit more, but it doesn't matter.

Among all the goods in Northwest China, sheepskins are the most popular. The winter in Bashu is cold and difficult, so the demand for sheepskins arises as the times require. Shaanxi Road Commercial Bank organizes several batches of sheepskins to go south to earn huge profits. At the same time, it also buys a lot of cloth and tea cakes. , brown sugar and jerky go north.

This time it was the fifth batch of camel caravans. The head of the caravan was Wang Qun. He was responsible for transporting the goods to Zizhou, and then to the north.

But Wang Qun has another hidden mission, which is to secretly send the army to Bashu. His team has [-] men. Once they enter Bashu, they will never come back. The [-] people will stay in Zitong County. With such repeated trips to the south, the troops that flowed into Bashu accumulated little and became more, preparing for the internal and external cooperation to seize the Golden Bull Road.

At this time, it was golden autumn in October, and one month had passed since Chen Qing and Wu Ling met. Wu Ling had been transferred to Jianghuai by the imperial court to serve as the military envoy of Xuyi.

At present, Li Qiong, the deputy general of Bashu, is temporarily responsible for the safety of Bashu.

With resentment in her heart, Li Qiong drank her sorrows all day long, ignored the army, and relaxed her control over the army. At night, tens of thousands of soldiers came out in twos and threes to rob houses, steal property, block roads, and rape women. It happened from time to time. For a while, the people in the northern states of Bashu were full of dissatisfaction, and the government had no way to do anything. Even the county government of Yongtai County, Tongchuan Prefecture, was retaliated by the soldiers for interfering with the soldiers' robbery, and set fire to it.

Without the constraints from the above, Jinniu Road has also become a place where the guards make their fortunes, desperately exploiting the caravans, even Chen Qing's official caravans have to pay money to pass the customs, and there will be no less money.

However, it is also because money is not recognized, and the checkpoints along Jinniu Road are also obviously relaxed. Unlike Wu Ling’s strict search at that time, the current search has become a kind of difficulty. Passage is also allowed at night.

Today's guard on duty is called Pan Ping, who is the commander under Li Qiong's tent. He is drinking and listening to music with two prostitutes in his arms. run outside.

Everyone knows that the Shaanxi Luguan caravan is a fat sheep, they spend a lot of money and give generously. They can earn at least one hundred taels of silver once, which is equivalent to five hundred guan!After a few more visits, they have all made a fortune. As for any conflicts between Chen Qing and the court, it's none of their business.

At this time, Wang Qun's camel team had already arrived at the bottom of Jianmen Pass, but saw Pan Ping, the other party's chief general, leading dozens of soldiers to welcome them out.

"It turns out that General Pan is on duty today!" Wang Qun clasped his fists and saluted with a smile.

Pan Ping laughed dryly, "It's getting dark, and Steward Wang is in a hurry, why don't we get things done sooner, and I'll let Steward Wang pass the test, how about it?"

Wang Qun chuckled, "Is it still the old rules?"

"No! Double this time."

"Why is this?"

Pan Ping took out a sign and said with a smile: "It's not safe along the way. This is a safe sign issued by my General Li. With this sign, you will not be harassed along the way. The money does not belong to me."

Wang Qun didn't bother with the other party. His goods were special this time, and he had to pass the customs as soon as possible. He took a cloth bag and handed it to Pan Ping, "Two hundred taels, if you want more, I'll go back!"

Pan Ping took the money overjoyed, and said with a shameless smile: "Everyone follows the rules and won't ask for more!"

He waved his hand, "Open and close the door!"

A thousand camels marched through Jianmen Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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