
Chapter 575

Chapter 575
Li Qiong's signboard was really useful. The camel team went all the way south. With this iron signboard, they were allowed to pass through all the checkpoints without embarrassing them.

Two days later, the team arrived in Zitong County and came to the warehouse by the river.

Chengji County has always rented two granaries here, and now it has rented almost all the warehouses, which are specially used for transferring materials.

There is a wall around the warehouse, and there are a thousand Xihe Road soldiers guarding here. This is an agreement reached between Chen Qing and Li Qiong. Wu Ling is too principled, and Chen Qing's soldiers are not allowed to enter Bashu Strict search and strict registration, even every caravan entering Bashu has to register the number of people, and check the number of people when they leave Jianmen Pass, so that there is no chance of sending soldiers into Bashu.

But Li Qiong was completely different. He canceled all the restrictions of Wu Ling, so that Chen Qing could not only send [-] troops to Zitong County to protect the warehouse, but also use caravans to import troops to Bashu. In just half a month, he was able to Having secretly imported [-] troops into Bashu, plus [-] troops guarding the warehouse, Chen Qing has already deployed [-] troops in Longqing Mansion.

Wang Qun asked his men to unload the goods on the camel team and send them directly to the warehouse.

At this time, Liu Qiong rushed over after hearing the news. As the leader of the five thousand soldiers, he was the first batch to arrive in Zitong County.

Wang Qun bowed and saluted, "See General Liu!"

Liu Qiong waved her hand, "You're welcome, where is Du Tong's letter?"

Wang Qun took out a letter from Chen Qing and handed it to Liu Qiong. Liu Qiong quickly opened it and read it carefully. The attack time was set on October [-]th, that is, five days later, when Chen Qing would personally lead an elite army of [-] to go south.

After reading the letter, Liu Qiong asked again, "Did you bring the armor?"

Wang Qun nodded, "I brought them all!"

Liu Qiong then asked the soldiers to open the cargo bags one by one. The sheepskin in the cargo bag was interspersed with armor. The helmet was also sewn with double-layer cowhide and covered with iron pieces. The defense ability was no worse than ordinary iron helmets.

A total of [-] sets of armor, as for their weapons have already arrived, spears, shields, knives and crossbows, as well as kerosene and gunpowder, and even a dozen small trebuchets, which were mixed with a batch of furniture and transported to Bashu .

"Ship immediately!"

Liu Qiong shouted to the [-] fellows again: "Everyone go to the pier and get on the boat!"

Five hundred men carried the armor onto the boat, and they also boarded the boat, heading for a large manor more than ten miles away.
The manor Liu Qiong bought is called Qingshan Manor, which covers an area of ​​[-] mu, half of which is occupied by a hill. Currently, [-] elite soldiers are hiding in the manor.

Of course, it is impossible for the [-] soldiers to be stationed in the manor without being known by the locals. In order to prevent risks, Chen Qing used Li Jiong's contacts to buy all the officials in Zitong County, ensuring that the secrets of the [-] soldiers would not be leaked.

The operation of the five thousand troops in Bashu was still carried out by Liu Qiong and Tang Qian. They cooperated many times when dealing with the Xixia army, and they cooperated very well. Commander, there is a commander in the middle.

Liu Qiong rode into the manor. There was no arable land in the manor, almost all trees, surrounded by high walls, and a deep trench about [-] feet wide was dug inside the forest. Sentinels and sentry cavalry were built around. A large grassland, and then a hill, five hundred tents were set up at the foot of the hill, and camp fences were built.

When Liu Qiong came to the big tent, Tang Qian rushed over immediately, "General Liu, do you have any news from Dutong?"

Liu Qiong nodded, "The operation will take place on October [-]th, and there are still five days left. We are about to start preparations."

"But the armor hasn't arrived yet!"

"The armor has arrived, right by the river, and your five hundred men have also arrived."

Tang Qian was overjoyed. If he wanted to become a pioneer, he must have capable men, but none of his men had arrived yet, which really made him anxious. Looking forward to the stars and the moon, they finally came.

"I'm going to see them!"

Just as Tang Qian was about to leave, Liu Qiong stopped him with a smile, "I just got an important piece of information and I need to discuss it with you. Your subordinates have already arranged for someone to take them to dinner and rest first."

Tang Qian sat down again, Liu Qiong spread out the map, pointed to a pass in the south of Jianmen Pass, and said, "This is the Jinniu Castle, which stores a large amount of kerosene and gunpowder. It was stored here when Wu Yan was guarding Jianmen Pass. Jianmenguan, all the rest of the fire oil and gunpowder are stored here, I know what I am most worried about?"

"Burning the plank road!" Tang Qian blurted out.

After passing Jianmen Pass, there is a Baili Mountain Road, some of which are extremely difficult and dangerous, and plank roads have been built. If a fire burns the plank road, even if Jianmen Pass is captured, it will not be possible to walk through Dajian Mountain.

In addition, the mountain road is rugged and narrow. Wu Ling built five checkpoints at the dangerous place south of Jianmenguan. It's not impossible, but it will definitely pay a heavy price in casualties.

This was the main reason why Chen Qing had to send an army to the south to cooperate with the main force, to control the Baili Mountain Road, especially the plank road, to prevent Li Qiong's army from burning down the plank road when they retreated.

Liu Qiong tapped the map lightly, "So I think I must send a team to the Golden Bull Castle first to seize the warehouse of the Golden Bull Castle."

"Let me go!"

Liu Qiong shook her head, "The Golden Bull Fort is only the first checkpoint, and there are four more checkpoints behind it, and that is your task."

Tang Qian thought for a while and said, "Then let Yang Rui go. He is bold and cautious, has excellent martial arts skills, especially his archery skills, and he will definitely be able to do things well!"

Liu Qiong was silent for a moment before agreeing, "Then invite him over, I want to explain something!"

At this time, Chen Qing personally led an elite army of [-] troops into Jinniu Road. At present, the [-] soldiers stationed by Wu Lin in Nanzheng County have withdrawn to Bashu. , the thousand troops must be withdrawn.

Li Qiong didn't care about stationing troops in Hanzhong, so that Hanzhong no longer had a single soldier of the imperial army, and Chen Qing didn't have to worry about being cut off.

There is still a long way from Hanzhong to Jianmen Pass. In fact, this section is the most difficult road on the Jinniu Road. More than [-]% of the plank roads are distributed on the mountain roads that are hundreds of miles long.

At present, the north of Jianmen Pass is controlled by Chen Qing’s army. This is also the place where Wu Ling is very dissatisfied with Chen Qing. Wu Ling repeatedly asked the two sides to use Xicheng County as the boundary and return the Jinniu Road to him, but Chen Qing flatly refused. up.

It is only to blame that Liu Guangshi retreated too embarrassingly, and lost all the dangerous passes in front of him, but Chen Qing completely inherited the fruits of victory of Jin Bing.

In fact, Chen Qing still has [-] troops stationed in Miantu County in the middle of Jinniu Road, guarding the dangerous Niutou Mountain and Jiameng Pass. How could Chen Qing give up these dangerous places to Wu Ling?

Soon after entering the Jinniu Road, you will come to Wuding Gorge. It is a relatively difficult and dangerous section in the entire Jinniu Road. You have to pass through the extremely narrow Tianti Mountain Road, which only allows one person to pass, then climb up the mountain, and then dive down from the top of the mountain.

Li Bai wrote it here, 'The earth collapsed and destroyed the strong men to death, and then the ladders and stone stacks were connected.On the top is the high mark of the six dragons returning to the sun, and on the bottom there is the rushing and turning back to Sichuan'.

Although Wuding Gorge is a short-cut road, but this road can not take luggage, the army and caravans will not go here, but take the Jialing Road to the west.

After crossing the Jialing River and Yangping Pass, the road will be much smoother, and you can go all the way south to Miantu County. Although the road is a long detour, Chen Qing has no choice, and his army can only take the Jialing Road.

Eight days later, [-] troops arrived in Miangu County. Miangu County is a middle county. Both Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Helisa arranged the logistics for attacking Jianmen Pass here. Tens of thousands of grains and a large number of tents were seized here.

The food and supplies were not transported away, and this place still became the midway supply place for Chen Qing's army, and two thousand troops were stationed in Miantu County.

An army of [-] troops stationed outside Miantu County. On the river beach dozens of miles south of Miantu County is the famous Jiameng Pass, which can be used as a battlefield. However, Jiameng Pass was severely damaged by Wanyan Wushu and needed to be repaired.

Going further south is Eagle Rock. The mountain where Eagle Rock is located is called Niutou Mountain. The pass under Eagle Rock is actually the famous Tianxiong Pass, which was also destroyed when Wanyan Wushu attacked Bashu.

Later, Wanyan Helisa rebuilt a reverse pass in the same place and renamed it Eagle Pass, also known as Yingyan Pass, but it was also demolished by Chen Qing.

Not far from Yingyan Pass is Jianmen Pass. Today is October [-]th, one day before the time agreed upon by both parties.

October [-]th is the day when the two sides agreed to attack Jianmen Pass. Of course, Liu Qiong's army must move ahead of time.

At dusk, a caravan arrived at Jinniu Fort. The caravan was led by Yang Rui, with [-] camels and [-] of the most elite scouts as assistants.

Jinniu Fort is the first checkpoint going south from Jianmenguan. The terrain here is relatively open. It is actually composed of two parts. One is the Jinniubao checkpoint. There is a long slope to the north of the checkpoint. The checkpoint is condescending, easy to defend and difficult to attack. , As long as a large number of rolling logs and stones are prepared, it is almost impossible for the army on the slope to attack.

The other is the Jinniubao post station, which is about a few hundred steps away from the checkpoint. The merchants were originally allowed to rest here, otherwise it would be dangerous to walk the mountain road at night.

However, Wu Ling transformed the post station into a warehouse of kerosene and gunpowder, and stationed hundreds of soldiers here, so merchants were strictly prohibited from resting here to ensure the safety of important warehouses.

If Wu Ling was still in Bashu, there would be no chance of capturing Jinniu Fort and Jianmen Pass, but now that Wu Lin is gone, the commercial value of Jinniu Fort will be re-emphasized. As long as you have money, everything is easy to talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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