
Chapter 576: Broken Sword

Chapter 576: Broken Sword
Yang Rui bargained and finally got the qualification to spend the night in Jinniu Fort at the price of a camel. Yang Rui added another [-] guan, and the defenders readily agreed to provide them with fodder.

They were stationed in the open space outside the warehouse. Five hundred camels lay down on the spot, and the men unloaded the goods. Their goods were rather miscellaneous, with everything, even hundreds of thick bamboo tubes one foot long. They explained It was sold to the Qiang people. The Qiang herdsmen like this kind of bamboo tube, which can hold water and salt, and when they encounter wolves at night, they can burn it as firecrackers. A dozen defenders nodded after hearing this, saying that they have learned a lot.

It was not yet dark, two grooms came up and asked, "Which one of you is the leader?"

Yang Rui came up and said, "I am!"

The head groom said: "We have several kinds of fodder, which is so bad that it doesn't cost any money, but it has been stored for too long. I am worried that your camels will have diarrhea after eating it."

"How about something better?"

"If it's better, you need to add another [-] pennies."

Yang Rui sneered in his heart, these bastards regarded themselves as fat sheep, and everyone wanted to grab a handful of wool.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't have any money, so it's going to be worse!"

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they said bitterly with livid faces: "Then just wait!"

The two grooms turned and went back, and the one next to them turned their heads and said to Yang Rui in a low voice: "These two bastards will definitely mix croton powder into the forage."

Yang Rui sneered and said, "Not only will they mix in the croton, but they will also have a very bad attitude. They will definitely starve our camels until midnight before letting us get the fodder by ourselves."

They all came to their senses, and gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's still a brilliant commander!"

At three o'clock, Yang Rui finally saw the small door on the east side of the warehouse open, and he shouted in a low voice, "They are here!"

Everyone woke up one after another, and pulled out spears and swords from the long bamboo tubes, and bows and arrows were also taken out from the interlayer of the cargo box.

At this time, two grooms came over and said angrily: "Go and move the fodder yourself, I don't have the strength to serve you!"

As soon as the words fell, two black figures jumped up behind them, covered their mouths, and stabbed the dagger hard into the back of their hearts.

The two grooms fell limply to the ground, Yang Rui waved his hand, and thirty of his men followed him to the small east gate. The warehouse gate was heavy and there was no high wall to climb over, and the small gate of the stable was most likely a loophole. If the stable still doesn't work, then they can only go to the roof.

Another group of soldiers, led by the capital chief Chen Shuibing, rushed towards the checkpoint.
Jinniu Fort is the most manned army among the five checkpoints, with about [-] soldiers, but it is not in a state of war now, and there are not many soldiers at the checkpoint at night, only a dozen or so, and the rest of them hid in the warehouse to sleep.

At this time, the third watch had passed, and more than a dozen soldiers were sleeping with their heads tilted on the sandbags, leaving only one soldier staring sleepily into the distance in a daze.

There is nothing to do at night, and no one would be so stupid to ask these soldiers to stand up all night.

Thirty scouts were the elite among the elite. They approached the mudbag wall, and suddenly pounced on them like wolves and tigers, instantly killing more than a dozen of them, leaving only the guards to ask for confessions. Most of the soldiers were cut off in their sleep Throat.

The scouts threw the corpse into the ravine, put on their armor, and continued to stand guard pretending to be the defenders. At this time, the soldiers on guard gave the password: it will rain.

Things didn't go well in the stable. After Yang Rui led his men into the stable, he realized that the stable and the warehouse were two completely independent spaces. There were [-] war horses in it, and there was a forage room, and then there were thick walls. .

Apparently the builders had considered it very carefully and didn't give any loopholes to the raiders at all.

Yang Rui cursed secretly, it seemed that the commander was right, Wu Ling's defensive measures were indeed impeccable, and such a great general was transferred away, which shows the stupidity of the court.

Now he can only think of a way to trick the door open.

The soldiers inside the gate also slept all over the floor, and only one soldier was left on duty.

At this time, there was a fierce sound of horseshoes in the distance, and someone rode towards this side. The sound of horseshoes stopped in front of the gate, and then someone shouted: "Urgent military order!"

"Password!" shouted the soldier on duty.

"It's going to rain!"

"Wait, I'll notify the commander!"

When the soldiers on duty went in, not long after, the heavy gate creaked! ’ With a sound, a general in his thirties walked out and asked, "Where is the military order?"

"it's here!"

Yang Rui, who was hiding under the wall, yelled, the general turned his head, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and a spear appeared in front of him instantly, and before he could react, the tip of the spear had pierced his throat.

The general clutched his throat and fell slowly. Yang Rui kicked him down the steps, brandished his spear and rushed in, followed by dozens of Yang Rui's men.
If the time is turned back two hours, at one o'clock, Tang Qian led a caravan of [-] camels to the Bison Ridge checkpoint. This is the last checkpoint on the Jinniu Road into Shu. This checkpoint was built on the mountainside, and it is characterized by a wall-cut road on a cliff, about one foot wide, and on the other side is an abyss tens of feet high.

If it's just a cliff road, the problem is not too big, and it's not dangerous, but there is a plank road about a mile long to the south of it, and the plank road is the key. If the enemy army from the north is unable to resist the attack, the soldiers will quickly head south Evacuate and burn down the plank road.

Although the plank road can also be repaired, it is too late in time, and Li Qiong will mobilize an army to block it.

Tang Qian led the caravan through the plank road. He let go of his heart a little and kept the plank road, but the danger was still there, and he couldn't let one person run away.

"Stop!" the head of the capital called to stop him.

Tang Qian didn't have time to chatter with him, so he stepped forward and clasped his fists together with a smile, "We have something urgent to go back to the north, so Wanwang can do it conveniently!"

As he said that, a ten tael silver ingot had already been stuffed into the opponent's hand, he weighed the silver for the capital, and waved his hand, "Let's go!"

"You go first!"

Tang Qian beckoned, the team moved quickly, and the guys led the camels across Daoka.

The front and back roads were blocked, and the time was ripe. Tang Qian slowly took out the dagger, put it behind his back, pointed at the top of his head and exclaimed: "Look, general!"

Wei Capital's head instinctively looked up, but before he could react, a cold light flashed, blood spurted from his throat, Wei Capital's head clutched his throat and fell to the ground on his back.


Tang Qian yelled, and more than a hundred of his men fought together. A dozen soldiers were all killed. Tang Qian led his men to continue northward. After a while, Liu Qiong led thousands of troops to kill them, quickly occupied Bison Ridge, and continued to advance northward.

Before four o'clock, Chen Qing's [-] troops arrived at Jianmen Pass. They did not show up directly, but stopped a mile away, watching the situation in the pass.

According to the agreement, after the fourth watch, three gunpowder arrows will be fired inside Guancheng.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, three gunpowder arrows suddenly flew up behind Guancheng, flashing dazzling lights in the night sky.

"Dutong, they're here!" the soldiers said excitedly, pointing at the gunpowder arrow.

Chen Qing nodded, "Notify General Yang that it's time to attack!"

Yang Zaixing received the order, and he immediately shouted: "Heavy Shield Army!"

Commander Zhao Wei immediately led two thousand heavy shield soldiers to Jianmenguan. The heavy soldiers held large shields, short spears and crossbow arrows. Among them was a battering ram weighing several thousand catties. Soldiers run.

At this time, the alarm bell rang at the gate of Jianmenguan, and the guards found the Shaanxi army rushing.

Jianmen Pass itself is not big, and can only accommodate one or two hundred people at most. The key is that it is dangerous, one man guards the pass, and ten thousand people cannot open it. Rolling logs and stones alone are enough to make it difficult for the attacking army to move forward.

There are about a thousand defenders in the entire Jianmen Pass, most of whom are stationed in a barracks about a few hundred steps away from the Jianmen Gate. Once the Jianmen Gate is closed and an alarm is issued, the army will come to support immediately.

Currently the chief general of Jianmen Pass is Pan Ping. According to the rules, a new batch of troops is changed every ten days. Today is the last day for Pan Ping's army to be on duty.

The alarm bell at Jianmen Gate woke up Pan Ping from his sleep. He didn't know what happened, but the alarm bell hadn't sounded for a long time, so something big must have happened.

"Let's go to Guancheng!"

Pan Ping yelled, and five hundred soldiers who hadn't had time to line up followed him to the gates, but just after they ran less than a hundred steps, arrows rained down like a storm, and the soldiers running in front were hit by arrows one after another. He fell down, and Pan Ping's war horse was also shot by more than a dozen arrows. He hissed miserably and fell to the ground dead, knocking Pan Ping heavily to the ground.

Liu Qiong led [-] soldiers to block the reinforcements from the barracks with crossbow arrows, while Tang Qian led [-] soldiers to attack the back of Guancheng.

The [-] soldiers on the Guancheng were attacked from the front and back, and they lost sight of the other, especially the [-] soldiers who attacked from behind, had already killed the Guancheng, and began to climb up the Guancheng with ropes, and many soldiers had already climbed up. city.

The crisis in Guancheng was imminent, and the soldiers on the top of the city hardly cared about the army in front, and began to fight with the soldiers on the back.

At this moment, there was a heavy muffled sound from Jianmen closing the main door, "Boom—"

This was the first time a huge battering ram hit the city gate, and the gravel and sawdust on the top of the city fell down, causing the entire city to shake. Many soldiers were unstable and fell to the ground.

"Go and block the door! Block the gate!" The city commander shouted hoarsely.


There was another extremely dull crashing sound of thunder, and the gate of the closed city could no longer support it, and it was knocked open, and two thousand soldiers swarmed in.
(End of this chapter)

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