
Chapter 577

Chapter 577
Jianmenguan fell, and the defenders at the top of the city surrendered one after another. The chief general Pan Ping also ordered to stop resisting, and the whole army surrendered.

Why was the Jianmen Pass, which the Jin soldiers could not break through repeatedly, so easily broken by Chen Qing's army?

The reason is also simple. When the Jin soldiers attacked, the Song army was always in a wartime state. The soldiers were highly vigilant and closely monitored every move of the Jin soldiers. The Jin soldiers could only attack Guancheng head-on. .

This is the main reason, the defenders are in a state of war, but not now.

The second is the guards. Before that, Wu Jie and Wu Lin guarded the Jianmen Gate. All kinds of defensive measures were impeccable. Basically, there would be no loopholes to be caught by the golden soldiers.

If Wu Ling was still guarding the pass this time, Chen Qing would not have any chance at all, so he did not hesitate to use black-bellied means to alienate the court and send Wu Ling out of Bashu.

This is the top priority of Chen Qing's attack on Bashu this time. After sending away the extremely shrewd Wu Ling, only Li Qiong, who is about to resign and has no intention of guarding the pass, is left. Which of these guards will be serious and responsible?

The third reason is the tactics. Sending [-] elite troops into Bashu first, and then cooperating with the inside and outside to seize the Golden Bull Road, Li Qiong's army couldn't resist such a superb tactic.

In fact, this is the perfect combination of weather, location, and harmony, which enabled Chen Qing to finally capture Jianmen Pass and the entire Jinniu Road at the least cost.

The [-] troops marched into Longqing Mansion along Jinniu Road, Chen Qing sent someone to deliver a letter to Li Qiong first, and then the troops divided into three groups to attack Langzhong City.
Langzhong was Li Qiong's old nest. Wu Ling was transferred to Jianghuai. He took away [-] troops, and then another [-] troops were scattered in various counties in northern Sichuan.

On the contrary, the [-] soldiers in Langzhong City have relatively strict discipline and are well restrained.

In the camp, Li Qiong had just received a message from Feige from Longqing Mansion that Chen Qing led an army of [-] troops into Shuzhong, which surprised Li Qiong.

He couldn't believe it was true, wasn't Chen Qing in Jingzhao?Why did he suddenly lead an army into Bashu?

But Li Qiong immediately understood that Chen Qing drove Wu Ling away with a divorce plan, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness to lead an army into Bashu. It turned out that Bashu was Chen Qing's real goal.

At this time, a soldier reported at the door of the tent, "Report to Dutong, Chen Qing sent someone to deliver a letter!"

Li Qiong hurriedly said, "Bring him to see me!"

Not long after, the soldier who delivered the letter was brought in. He cupped his fists and saluted, "See General Li!"

He took out a letter and presented it to Li Qiong, "This is a personal letter from my family's envoy to the general, please read it!"

Li Qiong quickly took the letter, and it turned out to be Chen Qing's notes. He sent the sender away, and then sat down to open the letter and read it carefully. As a result, the people in the states in northern Sichuan were full of dissatisfaction. As a minister of the Song Dynasty, he would never sit idly by and must rectify the source and restore order.

At the end of the letter, he was given three days to evacuate from Bashu, and at the same time warned him that there must be no crime during the evacuation. If he robbed the people along the way, he would chase them with [-] cavalry and wipe out their entire army, leaving no prisoners of war.

"Bang!" A slap slapped the table. This letter made Li Qiong feel ashamed and annoyed. Chen Qing reprimanded him in a condescending tone.

"Du Tong, what does Chen Qing mean?" Staff member Zhong Minghui asked from the side.

"See for yourself!"

Li Qiong handed the letter to Zhong Minghui. After Zhong Minghui read the letter, he sighed, "Actually, I thought about it, but I didn't expect that his target was Bashu."

"Think of what?"

"At that time, I was thinking, how can he support his [-] troops? The Shaanxi Road alone is obviously not enough. I thought he was going to attack the Hedong Road, but I didn't expect that his target was Bashu. That's right, the Western Army has been It is supported by Bashu, and it is normal for him to want to seize the taxation land of Bashu."

"It's useless to say this, the key is what should I do now?" Li Qiong said angrily.

Zhong Minghui thought for a while and said: "The only way now is to evacuate from Bashu. The general can say anything to the court, just say that Chen Qing's hundreds of thousands of troops came to kill, and some generals of the Western Army joined forces inside and outside to sacrifice Jianmen Pass. The general only has two Ten thousand troops, unable to stop Chen Qing's more than one hundred thousand troops, had to withdraw from Bashu!"

Li Qiong nodded, "The question is where do I retreat?"

"Of course we evacuate from the Three Gorges Road. The Jinzhou Road is more difficult and dangerous!"

Li Qiong finally made up his mind, and he immediately ordered: "Beat the drums and gather the generals!"

Li Qiong ordered the soldiers to carry ten days of dry food and evacuate towards the Three Gorges Road overnight.

He restrained military discipline all the way, Qiu did not commit any crimes, and Chen Qing's army did not embarrass him. A cavalry followed his army and sent him out of the Three Gorges Road.

Chen Qing immediately ordered the large-scale arrest of the civilian soldiers. Within two days, more than [-] people were arrested, and a large amount of looted property was seized. Among them, more than [-] soldiers who committed murder and participated in the rape of women were publicly executed. , the rest of the soldiers were all sent to the mines, and they were fined for mining for five years to atone for their crimes.

Chen Qing punished criminal soldiers severely, and was warmly welcomed by all kinds of people in northern Sichuan.

Chen Qing then led the army to continue marching towards Chengdu.
On the Meizhou section of the Minjiang River, a fleet of more than [-] large ships has been sailing southward. This fleet is all [-] stone cargo ships, some of which are local ships from Bashu, and some are transferred from the direction of Jingzhou. The fleet went south along the water, and opened the sails again, at a very fast speed.

Every big ship has a triangular official flag, which means that this fleet is an official ship, and other ships along the way have to avoid it.

Standing on the prow of the leading ship was an official in his sixties, with a medium build, dark and thin, but in good spirits. This man was called Zhao Kai, and he was the transfer envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi. Zhang Jun admired him very much. It was under his planning that a steady stream of money and food from Sichuan could be transported to Hanzhong to support the Western Army in fighting against the gold.

The reason why Chen Qing chose to do it in mid-October was also related to this Zhao Kai. He received news from Li Jiong that Zhao Kai was mobilizing ships to transport part of last year's taxes to Lin'an.

The yearly salt, tea, sugar, wine and horse tax in Sichuan is about [-] million guan, plus household tax, land tax, exemption money, etc., the total is [-] million guan, and of course there are other incomes, mainly farm rent Income, as well as government and business operating income, etc., are also as much as one million yuan a year.

And this time, what was going to be transported to Lin'an was the three million guan salt, tea, sugar and wine tax from last year. Originally, Zhao Kai planned to leave a few days later, but when he heard that Chen Qing's army had entered Bashu, he was so shocked that he didn't dare to pay any more. Stayed for one day and set off ten days in advance.

"Senior officer!" The boss of the boat suddenly shouted.

Zhao Kai turned around, "What's the matter?"


Zhao Kai listened intently, and faintly heard rumbling thunder coming from the north.

He looked up at the sky, the sky was overcast, and there was no sign of rain.

"Is it going to rain?"

The face of the boss of the boat changed a little. He is well-informed and knows what kind of business this is. "Your official, it's the cavalry running. Didn't you hear it?"

Zhao Kai's eyes widened suddenly, and he hurried to the stern to look north, at this moment he faintly saw the sky in the north turned red, Zhao Kai's face changed drastically, it was dust flying.

"Can you speed it up?"

Zhao Kaixin was very anxious, this must be Chen Qing's army chasing him.

"Your Majesty, it's the fastest speed now."

Gradually, black lines appeared in the distance, and as they got closer, the sound of horseshoes became louder and louder. Dust flew all over the sky, dyeing the sky red and yellow.

Zhao Kai was about to despair, there were no cavalry in Bashu, this must be Chen Qing's cavalry, there were about five or six thousand of them before his eyes, the horn blew, and the cavalry slowed down, getting more and more Slowly, finally stopped.

The leading general is Gao Ding. He followed Chen Qingzhi's order to catch up with the fleet and must bring the fleet back to Chengdu.

Gao Ding shouted from the shore: "Transporter, please dock the fleet immediately, otherwise we will block the river."

To block the river, either use ships to block the waterway, or use iron chains across the river. The fleet can only stop obediently. In fact, this is not bad. Zhao Kai watched thousands of cavalry shooting bows and arrows, so he could only sigh, "Fleet Come to shore!"

(End of this chapter)

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