
Chapter 578 Game

Chapter 578 Game ([-])

The fleet sailed back to the Minjiang Wharf in Chengdu Prefecture again. Zhao Kai stepped off the big ship and saw Chen Qing at a glance. Zhao Kai had dealt with Chen Qing when Chen Qing was the envoy of Qinzhou.

He stepped forward and saluted helplessly: "See Jinglueshi!"

Chen Qing scolded him and said: "Two hundred thousand soldiers are fighting bloody battles with the Jin soldiers. Their families are waiting for the military salary to support their families, but Zhao Gong wants to transport the money away. Do you do this to the soldiers who are fighting on the front line? "

Zhao Kai argued: "The humble post is only to transfer the tax money back to Lin'an under the order of the imperial court. If the imperial court orders to transfer it to Jingzhao, the humble post will not hesitate to transfer the money and food to Shaanxi. This is the duty of the humble post. Please understand !"

"Don't forget the transshipment envoy, you are the transshipment envoy of the Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces, and it is also your responsibility to ensure the food and salaries of the soldiers on the Shaanxi Road."

Zhao Kai had a tough temper, and he looked at Chen Qing without fear and said, "Since Chen Dutong keeps talking about his duties, then I don't understand. Chen Dutong is the envoy of Shaanxi Road, no, I remember wrongly, it is Shaanxi Road. What does it mean that Xuan Fu envoy is now leading an army to Chengdu?"

Chen Qing looked at him for a moment, then said lightly: "I will play to invite the emperor, and ask the emperor to appoint me as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

"If that's the case, I'll ask for my resignation!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Please ask the transshipment envoy to do one thing for me first. I want to open a large tea-horse silk cloth market in Longqing Mansion to distribute materials from the north to the south."

Zhao Kaixin was very against Chen Qing, but out of a strong sense of responsibility, he endured his dissatisfaction and said to Chen Qing: "I have been thinking about opening a large tea-horse market for many years, but the main reason why it has been difficult to succeed is the road problem. North-South goods cannot be transported in large quantities.

In addition, too many checkpoints are also a big problem, and merchants are afraid of difficulties and are reluctant to leave. If these two big problems can be solved, the circulation of goods will flourish. "

Chen Qing immediately said: "The transshipment envoy reminded me in time, I will immediately order the removal of all checkpoints, including Jianmen Pass, and implement the exemption of commercial tax in Sichuan and Shaanxi, and then I will invest [-] yuan in repairing the Shu Road, but the tea-horse silk Cloth market, please do transshipment first."

Seeing Chen Qing's sincerity, Zhao Kai eliminated most of the dissatisfaction in his heart, nodded and said: "If we run a tea-horse market, it is recommended to put it in Chengdu Mansion. Although Longqing Mansion is the closest to the Shu Road, it is inconvenient for the Bashu prefectures. Well, the water system here in Chengdu is well-developed, which is convenient for merchants from various states to transport goods to trade. I have already chosen the place, which is in the large wilderness outside the northern city."

Chen Qing was very anxious. He still had a lot of materials piled up in the warehouse in Zitong County, and there was no channel to sell them. He was very anxious about the tea horse market, and he quickly said, "Why don't we go and have a look now."

Zhao Kai nodded, "I also hope to do it as soon as possible!"

Chen Qing and his party came to the north of the city. There was indeed a large piece of wasteland in the northeast of the city, covering more than a thousand mu. Chen Qing asked the judge Li Jiong, "Excuse me, Li Tongpan, what was this land used for?"

Li Jiong thought for a while and said, "I only know that this piece of land was requisitioned by the military. It seems that Zhang Xuanfu envoy used it to store supplies."

Zhao Kai couldn't help but interjected: "Li Tongpan is right. This piece of land is mine. It was originally woods and wasteland, but it was later bulldozed to build temporary warehouses. They were all big tents, mainly food and grass. Xianggong demolished it, but the land has been empty here."

Chen Qing pointed to a small river in the distance and asked: "Is that river always there?"

"It didn't happen before. It was because of the construction of this warehouse that it was specially excavated and the materials were transported from the Minjiang River."

Chen Qing said happily: "Tomorrow, I will send troops to level the land and roads, set up tents, build barracks, and then please ask the transfer envoy to plan how to arrange the market."

The two of them seem to have completely forgotten the unhappiness when they first met, Zhao Kai nodded, "I already have a plan, I will send it to Chen Dutong later, I don't know how to find Dutong?"

"I'm in the official office of the Xuanfu envoy, and I'm looking forward to the plan of Zhao Zhuanyun envoy!"

Zhao Kai took a step first, watching Zhao Kai walk away, Li Jiong said to Chen Qing: "This man is a business genius and an expert in financial management. If he can become Dutong's subordinate, he will definitely be a great help in the logistics support of Dutong."

"I know him, and Zhang Jun values ​​him very much, but I feel that he values ​​the court more."

Li Jiong smiled slightly and said, "Don't I value the imperial court? If the imperial court regards Dutong as rebellious, I don't think anyone in the prefectures and counties in Bashu is willing to do things for Dutong, so the most important and urgent thing for Dutong is to Obtain the approval of the court."

"Does Li Tongpan think the court will approve it?"

Li Jiong continued calmly: "I am concerned about whether Lu Xianggong will be dismissed. As long as Lu Xianggong is not dismissed, then there is room for negotiation. I suggest that Chen Dutong take the initiative to write a memorial to the officials. Clarify your intentions and try not to turn against the court."

Chen Qing nodded. What Li Jiong said made a little sense. It is easy to occupy Bashu militarily, but the key is to gain a firm foothold politically. The post of Shaanxi Xuanfu envoy.

My biggest bargaining chip is to cede land and proclaim myself emperor. This is what the court and Zhao Gou are most afraid of, and Zhao Gou also has a bargaining chip, which is to declare himself a rebel, which is also what I don't want to see.

Therefore, finding a balance between the two bargaining chips depends on the results of the negotiations between the two parties.

But Chen Qing didn't agree with Li Jiong's suggestion to ask him to take the initiative to write the memorial, and he must not take the initiative to admit cowardice.

After Zhao Kai returned to the mansion, he immediately sent someone to Chen Qing to send a market draft book, which was very detailed. If it can be successfully operated and expanded, even the materials from Jingxiang and Dongting Lake can be attracted to trade.

This made Chen Qing look forward to it very much, but at this moment, news came that Zhao Kai had fallen ill.

On the fifth day after Chen Qing captured Bashu, gossip began to spread to Lin'an, mainly from various big shops sending news through pigeon letters. For example, Baoji Qianpu got the news at the first time, and they immediately stopped A plan was made to transport [-] copper coins to Chengdu.

Lu Yihao also got the news from his in-law Li Jiong from Chengdu. The pigeon letter was placed on the table. Lu Yihao sat silent in the study, and Lu Jin said anxiously: "Father, do you want Chen Qing to write a letter?" , to remind him not to overdo it."

Lu Yihao glanced at his son and said, "You're thinking too much, I hinted him to do it when he sent troops to occupy Bashu."

Lu Jin was stunned, "Why?"

"No reason, since we want to do something big, we should simply make it bigger, and have more bargaining chips in our hands, so that the court has room to bargain."

"But he has already occupied Shaanxi Road before, which shocked the government and the public. Isn't it big enough?"

"You only see one, not the other."

Lu Yihao smiled and said: "The government and the public were shocked because he was able to defeat the Jin soldiers with his small skills. The court and the officials didn't care about Shaanxi Road. It was taken back from the Jin people, so the title was changed from Jing Guogong. Qin Guogong, do you think this is the importance given to Chen Qing when the official has been promoted from Doctor Yinqing Guanglu to Doctor Jinzi Guanglu?"

After a pause, Lu Yihao laughed again: "It's like you have hundreds of acres of land, and a bully snatches part of it. After a long time, another person drives the bully away and occupies the land by himself. This piece of land no longer belongs to me, and I took away the bully, just to express my anger for myself, but if this person continues to take away part of your current land, will you jump up in anger?"

"My son understands what my father means. This time when Chen Qing captures Sichuan, the officials will definitely be furious!"

"And then?" Lu Yihao asked again.

"I think the imperial court will definitely send troops to Bashu to drive Chen Qing out of Sichuan!"

"But what if you can't get it back?"

Lu Jin was speechless for a while.

Lu Yihao smiled slightly and said, "When the imperial court is beaten to death, they will consider negotiating."

"Then what should father do now?" Lu Jin asked after a moment of silence.

Lu Yihao smiled faintly, "What I have to do now is to immediately complain of illness and resign as Prime Minister."

(End of this chapter)

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