
Chapter 579 Game

Chapter 579 Game ([-])

In Lin'an City, gossip has been flying all over the sky, and everyone is talking about Chen Qing's seizure of Bashu.

In the lobby on the second floor of Hukou Restaurant, the drinkers are all talking about Zhenghuan.

A drinker spattered and said: "In my opinion, Chen Qing still thinks that the official position is too small. Generally, they are Xuanfu envoys of Sichuan and Shaanxi. How can there be only Xuanfu envoys of Shaanxi, and Jing Guogong became Qin Guogong, not once. Is something wrong? Chen Qing must be dissatisfied, since the court refuses to reseal it, he will play with a big vote!"

Another thin, tall drinker sneered: "It's simply ignorance, doesn't understand anything, just talking nonsense here!"

The drinker suddenly said angrily: "You understand, then what reason do you say?"

The tall and thin drinker drank his glass and filled it up again, then he said in a calm manner: "Do you think that the people who fight in wars are the soldiers of the army? Wrong! The people who fight in wars are money and food. Why did Chen Qing want to fight?" Seize Sichuan, because Shaanxi Road can't support his hundreds of thousands of troops. Every day when he opens his eyes, hundreds of thousands of mouths need to eat. Are you in a hurry? Shaanxi Road has been squeezed dry by Jin Bing again, and he can only get money and food from Bashu, so when he seized Shaanxi Road, I predicted that his next target must be Bashu."


The drinkers all jumped up one after another, "You predict that his next target will be Hedong Road."

"You must have heard it wrong, I am talking about Sichuan!"

"So many people remember it! How could you have heard it wrong? You were talking about Hedong Road, and you also said that you falsely attacked Pujin Pass and actually attacked Taiyuan."

"I never said anything about Pujin Pass!"

The crowd was arguing, and at this moment, there was a rush of horseshoes on the street, and someone shouted: "Get out of the way, urgent military situation!"

When everyone came to the window, they saw several messenger soldiers galloping from a distance on horseback. The people on the road moved away one after another, and some cavalry shouted: "Sichuan urgent military situation!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, this should be the official military situation.

The emperor Zhao Gou has also been restless these days. He also heard the gossip that Chen Qing occupied Bashu. Although the ministers advised him not to believe these unfounded rumors, there is no such thing as a wave. If Bashu is safe, how could it suddenly appear? these news?
Zhao Gou vaguely guessed that something might have happened to Bashu, which made him even more restless.

In the Imperial Study Room, Zhao Gou was discussing with Zhang Jun, Qin Hui and other prime ministers about measures to consolidate the occupation of the Jianghuai River.

Due to the east-west attack of Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, Li Cheng abandoned Luzhou after losing more than [-] troops in Hefei, and retreated to Shouchun. The army of Yue Fei and Han Shizhong was attacking Shouchun together. The first line is already a matter of time.

Zhang Jundao: "Weichen believes that we can rely on the Huaihe River for defense, especially the most important strategic places must be guarded with heavy troops. One is Shouchun and the other is Chuzhou. Weichen recommends Wu Ling to guard Chuzhou On the front line, as long as Chuzhou is defended, Yangzhou can be kept."

Zhu Shengfei snorted, "Wu Lin colluded with Chen Qing in Hanzhong, and he has no responsibilities, and he wants to guard Chuzhou. Does Mr. Zhang think it is appropriate?"

Zhang Jun immediately glared at him and said, "If you hadn't repeatedly demanded Wu Ling's dismissal, how could Bashu have fallen? Don't I know Wu Ling's ability? If he guards the Jianmen Gate, the Shaanxi army will not be able to fly through."

There was a sudden silence in the official room, and Zhang Jun's angry reprimand pointed out a news that was spreading wildly in the court, that Chen Qing had captured Bashu.

Zhao Gou's face suddenly became very ugly, and Qin Hui said coldly: "Mr. Zhang, please be careful, there is no definite news about the situation in Bashu now!"

As soon as Qin Hui finished speaking, an eunuch reported at the door, "Officials, Li Hui sent someone from Jiangling Mansion to send an urgent military report!"

Sure enough, the official news they have been waiting for for a long time has finally come.

"Bring it up!"

An eunuch came in and presented a military report to Emperor Zhao Gou, which was an urgent military report from Jiangling Mansion by Li Hui.

Zhao Gou's hands trembled a little, and he slowly opened the memorial. Not only was it the same as the gossip, but it was even more excessive. Chen Qing's army not only occupied the entire territory of Sichuan, but also took all the more than five million yuan in taxes and food last year. occupy.

Zhao Gou's face gradually turned purple, his hands began to shake violently, and the fury in his heart was hard to contain.

"Too deceiving!"

He slammed the memorial to the ground, and with a swipe of his hand, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table were overturned to the ground together with dozens of memorials. Zhao Gou stood up and walked to the window, his chest heaving violently.

Everyone could feel the emperor's thunderous anger. Only when Liu Miao mutinied would he see such anger. This was the fury of being touched by someone.

At this time, everyone can only be silent, and no one wants to touch the emperor's Ni Lin again.

At this time, Zhao Gou turned his head and said coldly to Zhongshushe: "Draft the decree!"

Qian Xun, a member of Zhongshushe, spread out the paper quickly, and Zhao Gou said with a chill in his voice: "Accept Lu Yihao's resignation, and remove one post and title, order him to retire from office, remove Lu Qingshan from the post of general judge in Suzhou, and demote him to County Captain of Pingyang County, Wenzhou."

After a pause, Zhao Gou said again: "Appoint Liu Guangshi as the military envoy of Sichuan, and immediately lead an army of [-] from the headquarters to the Three Gorges Road, take back Bashu, and be restrained by Li Hui, the envoy of Xuanfu of Sichuan and Shanxi, and then send [-] elite troops to Yuefei. Anyone who enters Guanzhong from Shangzhou, attacks Jingzhao, takes back Sichuan, or captures Chen Qing alive will be crowned king!"

Zhang Jun still bowed his head and did not say a word, but his eyes narrowed.

In the few edicts that seemed to tear the skin apart, a key link was missing. The officials did not dismiss Chen Qing from office.

This is interesting.

Yue Fei was in Gwangju at this time, and when the will of the emperor reached him, he was really helpless. Among his [-] troops, [-] troops were deployed on the Jianghuai line, and [-] troops were deployed on the Nanyang line to defend the Jin soldiers. Ten thousand troops.

Now the emperor asked him to send troops to Shangzhou to attack Jingzhao, how should he respond?

Yue Fei's head was very big, and he was pacing back and forth in the big tent with his hands behind his back. At this moment, Xue Bi, the counselor, said with a smile, "The general is undecided, why don't you ask me?"

"Do you have any good suggestions, sir?" Yue Fei asked.

"I first need to know the general's attitude. What does the general think of the emperor's edict?"

Yue Fei sighed and said, "I shall obey the edict of the Son of Heaven, but I also know that it is meaningless!"

"How to say?"

"It doesn't matter whether we should attack or not, first of all, can I win? I only have one hundred thousand troops, and Chen Qing heard that there are two hundred thousand troops, and there are excellent soldiers, well-trained troops, experienced in hundreds of battles. The general has high morale. First of all, I lost in terms of strength.

Secondly, I am going far away, how can the logistics be guaranteed?Do you want me, Yue Fei, to burn, kill and loot all the way like the Jurchen, and rob the people of their food?I can't do it, so what about the logistics?

Third, how many troops should I send there?Only [-] troops can be sent at most. Can [-] troops capture Wuguan?The only thing I was afraid of was that [-] troops were blocked in Shangzhou, and finally disappeared without a sound. "

Xue Bi nodded and said with a smile, "It seems the general is very sober!"

Yue Fei nodded, "Too sober is not a good thing, I really don't want to go into this muddy water."

Xue Bi smiled slightly and said, "The imperial edict didn't specify how many people the general will send, and the officials probably know that the general will not be able to spare any manpower. I suggest that the general send [-] people and try to delay the time in Wuguan until Liu Guangshi is defeated." When the news comes, or it is delayed until it snows heavily, the army can retreat."

Yue Fei understands, and waits for changes. Although this is not his style of doing things, it seems to be the best way at present.

(End of this chapter)

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