
Chapter 580 Game

Chapter 580 Game ([-])

Chen Qing deployed [-] troops at various important checkpoints in Bashu, mainly the Three Gorges Road and Jinzhou Road. In addition, Chengdu Prefecture also stationed [-] troops.

After deploying the army, Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao City.

Back in Guanzhong, it was already the beginning of November, November refers to the lunar calendar, and the Gregorian calendar is the first ten days of December, winter in Guanzhong has come, all rivers and rivers are frozen, and Jingzhao City is ahead, Chen Qing suddenly felt a chill in his neck, Immediately afterwards, many soldiers exclaimed.


Chen Qing raised his head, and saw thin snowflakes fluttering and falling from the sky. This was the first snow this winter, and the first snow fell, which meant that the midwinter season was coming soon.

Chen Qing's army stayed in Bashu, and only [-] soldiers followed him back to Jingzhao. Their barracks was next to Jinglue Mansion, and dozens of guards also lived in Jinglue Mansion.

The team disbanded in front of Jinglue Mansion, most of the soldiers went to the barracks, and Chen Qing returned to the mansion with thirty guards.

Just entered the mansion, but the mansion was in chaos, almost everyone was running, "Steward Wen!" Chen Qing suddenly saw the housekeeper Wen, and hurriedly called her to stop.

"Ah! Master is back!" Wen hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"What's going on in the mansion? It's a mess"

"Doesn't the master know? Ma'am is premature!"

"Ah!" Chen Qing was taken aback. His wife was supposed to give birth at the beginning of next month, but it was a month earlier.

He asked anxiously, "Is Madam safe?"

"Master, don't worry, mother and daughter are safe."

"What did you say?"

Chen Qing's eyes widened, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Is she really a little lady?"

"It's a young lady, congratulations to the master for getting a daughter."

Chen Qing was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, "Can I go and see them now?"

"It's ok, Madam was born more than an hour ago, and it's already packed."

Chen Qing walked quickly to the inner house, and the housekeeper shouted from behind: "Madam is in Ningbi Courtyard!"

Passing through the atrium, he got into a buggy. The inner house was too big, with a total area of ​​[-] acres, so there was a dedicated buggy to ferry back and forth, driven by an aunt. When busy, one buggy wasn't enough.

The female coachman was called Aunt Wu, and she smiled and said, "Congratulations, master!"

"Thank you!"

"Today is also a coincidence. It happens to be Chuxue. The elders say that people born on Chuxue's day, regardless of gender, are rich and powerful."

Chen Qing knew that she was flattering him, and the first snow melted on the ground, which was definitely not a good sign.

He didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "There is such a saying, it's the first time I've heard of it, where is Aunt Wu from?"

"My family is from Jingzhao."

The carriage soon arrived at the Ningbi courtyard, and the courtyard became quiet. Yu Ying and Yu Lian were sweeping snow in the courtyard. When they saw Chen Qing entering the courtyard, they cheered in surprise, and ran forward together, hugging Chen Qing from left to right. Qing, with a smile on his face.

"The officer is back!"

Chen Qing kissed each of the two pretty faces, and said with a smile, "Is Madam there?"

"Yes, the little lady is so cute,"

Yu Ying ran in, "Madam, the official is back."

But Yu Lian took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Chen Qing's neck and said coquettishly, "Do you want him?"

Chen Qing was eager to see his daughter, but was obsessed with Yu Lian. He felt a little displeased. He heard footsteps faintly, so he patted Yu Lian's arm and smiled, "Let go first! Someone is coming outside."

Sure enough, there were footsteps outside, and several female guards came on patrol. Yu Lian was startled, and quickly let go of Chen Qing.

Lu Xiu's voice came from the room, "A Ying, go get a pair of cotton shoes for the officials, Ji'er, Daddy is back."

Chen Qing opened the curtain of the outer room, and saw his son Chen Ji running towards him with open arms, smiling all over his face, "Daddy!"

Chen Qing picked up his son, the son was two years old, at the cutest moment, he kissed his son's little face, "Is Ji'er good?"

"Ji'er is very good."

Chen Ji pointed to the back room, "Ji'er has a younger sister."

"Do you like your sister?"


Chen Qing walked into the house with his son in his arms. The room was very warm. His wife Lu Xiu was lying on the kang, her face was very pale. She reached out to hold her husband's hand with a smile on her face. return."

"The normal arrangement is to come back a few days later, but I have to do something, so I came back early."

"As soon as you came back, the little sister was born, so it's God's will."

Lu Xiu smiled and said to her son: "Ji'er come down, let Daddy see my sister."

Chen Qing had already seen it, and it was placed next to his wife in a small cradle, a small baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, sleeping soundly in the cradle, the nurse took Chen Ji from Chen Qing's hands, and coaxed him out.

Chen Qing just squatted in front of the cradle and looked at his daughter carefully. Her skin was pink, her eyebrows and eyes were very similar to her own, perhaps because of the premature birth, the baby was extremely thin, like a kitten, with a nose, a sneeze, a sneeze, and rapid breathing. Chen Qing was very worried.

In later generations, premature babies are not a big problem, but now in the Song Dynasty, most premature babies will die, can my daughter survive?
Lu Xiu held her husband's hand, with tears in her beautiful eyes, she said: "Premature birth is still related to miscarriage, I implore Dr. Wang to treat the child with all his strength."

"What did Doctor Wang say?"

"Fifty percent hope!"

Chen Qing's heart sank. Since Dr. Wang said so, he might not even have [-]% hope.

Chen Qing gently stretched out his little finger and let his daughter's little hand hold it. Then, the little hand grasped his finger tightly. Chen Qing suddenly had a wonderful feeling. He felt that his daughter was relying on him tightly, as if in a Saw light in darkness.

This is a wonderful connection between blood vessels.

Chen Qing had a feeling of wanting to cry. He slowly stepped forward and touched his daughter's forehead lightly with his forehead, muttering: "Baby, Dad will protect you, and you will be fine."

At this moment, Yu Ying said outside: "Officer, Doctor Wang, please come out."

Chen Qing squeezed his wife's hand, "Don't worry! There are specialized doctors to protect her, and the baby will definitely get better gradually."

Lu Xiu nodded, "Husband, go and listen to what Dr. Wang has to say?"

Chen Qing glanced at his daughter again, got up and went out.

In the courtyard, the female doctor's face was serious and gloomy. Chen Qing said anxiously: "Doctor, just tell me straight! I can accept any result."

"I'm not happy, not because of the child, but because of you."

"because I?"

Chen Qing was puzzled, "Why?"

"Can't you change your clothes before going in? Look at the dark red blood on your armor. Do you think it's appropriate to see your daughter for the first time?"

"Ah! I'm really in a hurry."

Chen Qing also realized that something was wrong. He was still wearing armor. Normally, he would have to change his clothes first.

Dr. Wang glared at him and continued: "The baby's condition is not very good. She was born a month prematurely. Fortunately, I delivered the delivery. If the midwife delivered the delivery, she would have died young."

"Thank you doctor!"

"Don't say thank you now. I invite you to come out because I want you to prepare for the child's funeral in advance. I can't say that to your wife."

Chen Qing's face was extremely pale in an instant, and he took two steps back, desperate in his heart.

"Is there no hope at all?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"No, there is still a [-]% hope. She can breathe on her own and her heartbeat is normal, but I don't know if her other internal organs are fully developed. General Chen, the child is lucky. If she comes out two or three days earlier, she may die. Can't breathe anymore."

"Doctor Wang, how many premature babies have you met?"

Dr. Wang shook his head, "There is none, but your daughter should still have a glimmer of hope. I will try my best to treat her. Whether I can save her or not will be decided within ten days, so I want to tell you two things, please Make sure to do it."

"Doctor Wang, please tell me."

"First, I only have a [-]% chance of saving her life, but [-]% of it is impossible, so you have to prepare for her funeral."

Chen Qing nodded, "I will arrange it!"

Dr. Wang said again: "I'm a doctor, and I don't really believe in ghosts and gods, but I also feel that there is something inexplicable in the dark. For example, when your daughter was born, you came back. You can call it a coincidence." , but I believe that your child can feel your presence."

"The doctor has something to say, just say it!"

"I want you to observe the precepts for ten days, not to kill, not to touch women, not to leave Jingzhao, and use your blood to protect your daughter. She will definitely survive this test."

Chen Qing nodded silently. Dr. Wang could understand every word he said.

(End of this chapter)

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