
Chapter 581 Game

Chapter 581 Game ([-])

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao and Zhou Kuan found Chen Qing in a hurry. They brought a series of decisions made by the emperor, including dismissing the Lu family and dividing troops into two groups to attack Bashu and Guanzhong.

"Invade Guanzhong, capture me alive, can you be crowned king?"

Chen Qing sneered, "The officials value me too much."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "We had a discussion just now and felt a little strange."

"What's weird?"

"Since capturing Dutong alive can make him king, then he should dismiss Dutong's official title first. How can there be any reason to capture Duke Qin of this dynasty alive and become king?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Could it be that the information is not complete?"

Zhou Kuan shook his head, "No, such important information will not be missed. Both Zhang Sima and I believe that the officials have left room for it. If the attack goes smoothly and the momentum is overwhelming, then the imperial edict to depose all officials and titles will come like a shadow. , On the contrary, if the attack cannot be won, then negotiations will come, and the embarrassment of prematurely demoting officials will be avoided."

Chen Qing nodded, he made sense, it should be the case, Zhao Gou is not brave enough, but more than shrewd, especially good at compromise, it is impossible for him not to leave a way out for himself.

Zhang Xiao was a little worried and said: "I am still worried about the defense of Bashu. It is said that Liu Guangshi has [-] troops under his command, plus Li Qiong's [-] troops, that is [-] troops. Liu Guangshi is very cunning. He will never go to the soldiers, cross the river to seize the Jianghuai, and he will find various reasons not to go, but if he is asked to attack Bashu, he will definitely be more active than anyone else."

"The reason?"

"The reason is that he also wants to separate Bashu, occupying Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road, which must have deeply stimulated him. This person has great ambitions. His intention to keep Li Qiong in Bashu is obvious. If it is not He was defeated in Hanzhong, I am afraid that he has already ruled Bashu."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "What if he wants to seize the opportunity to separate Jingnan?"

Zhang Xiao and Zhou Kuan looked at each other and laughed together. Zhou Kuan said, "Du Tong's guess is very bold, but it is also very possible. Liu Guangshi can't be the King of Shu, and it is not bad to be the King of Jing."

Chen Qing said again: "There is no need to worry about Yue Fei. If there is no sufficient logistical support, the lone army will undoubtedly be defeated if it goes deep. Yue Fei also understands this. As long as we firmly guard Wuguan and Hanzhong Road, once Liu Guangshi is defeated , Yue Fei will also withdraw his troops."

After seeing off Zhang Xiao and Zhou Kuan, Chen Qing changed his clothes and went back to his wife's room. Lu Xiu's complexion was a little better than in the morning, and she was sitting on the bed, holding the baby and breastfeeding.

"Little guy is hungry?"

Lu Xiu nodded, and smiled again: "You call her little guy, haven't you named the baby yet?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "She was born in response to Xue, her name is Chen Xue, and her nickname is Xue'er."

"That's a good name!"

Lu Xiu happily patted the child and laughed in a low voice: "Baby, from today onwards, your name is Chen Xue, and mother will call you Xueer."

"Is she crying?"

"I cried when I was born, but it was weak. After I fed her, she fell asleep. Husband, what does Doctor Wang say?"

"She said that the child has half hope, and she will go all out, but she asked me to abstain for ten days, not to kill, not to be close to women, and not to leave Jingzhao. If Xue'er can survive these ten days, the hope will be great."

Lu Xiu looked at her husband with a half-smile, "I believe you can do it without killing, but if you don't get close to women, can you do it? Those two girls are looking forward to your return every day."

Chen Qing held his daughter's little hand, "For her, it must be done!"

Lu Xiu pondered for a while and said, "Why don't I let Qiao Yun clean up the study for you!"

Chen Qing was stunned, "Did she tell you?"

Lu Xiu nodded, "She told me that you promised to give her a title, didn't you?"

Chen Qing was at a loss for words for a while, he promised to give her an explanation, not title, title and explanation are two concepts, okay?How does this woman understand, try to think on the bright side.

Chen Qing smiled wryly and shook his head, "I just said that I will give her an explanation, but not necessarily marry her, maybe restore her identity and send her back to Lin'an, she is thinking too much."

Lu Xiu said lightly: "She didn't think too much about it. I know what you said is actually about your status. You don't need to explain it to me deliberately. Now I know that it is not easy to have children. I know what to do. Doctor Wang asked you not to approach your daughter." Sex is actually a good intention, she is afraid that you will indulge in sex and sex, and not care about your children."

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand Dr. Wang's kindness. Since I have promised her, why should I go back on my word? Let Qiao Yun come to the foreign study to sort out the paperwork for me! I have a lot of business to deal with, and my head is getting big. "

Liu Guangshi's [-] troops arrived at Jiangling Mansion in a mighty manner. The [-] troops were newly recruited by Liu Guangshi, and they were indeed insufficiently trained. Someone sent a letter to Queen Mother Wei, and expressed to Queen Mother Wei that he was willing to sit in Bashu for her.

Seeing the dangers of the Shu Road and the prosperity of the Chengdu Plain, Liu Guangshi dreamed of separatist Bashu and becoming a veritable king of Shu. Chen Qing can separatize Shaanxi, but why can't he separatist Bashu himself?
Therefore, when he received the emperor's edict, he did not hesitate to raise an army of [-] and march towards Jiangling mightily.

In the afternoon, Liu Guangshi led the army to the Jiangling camp. He ordered the soldiers to enter the camp to rest.

"What's the news from Bashu?" Liu Guangshi asked.

"According to my knowledge from various sources, Chen Qing has a total of [-] to [-] troops stationed in Bashu. The main general is Yang Zaixing, and Chen Qing himself is not in Shu."

Liu Guangshi breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "What about our side? How many supplies, food, warships, etc., how much food and troops did Li Hui bring this time?"

Li Qiong shook his head, "This time, Li Hui brought three hundred men and three large ships, without a single soldier. The grain and grass were still [-] shi transported by Li Gang from Yuezhou, and there were still [-] shi of grain in the Jiangling warehouse. , nothing else."

"What about the boats? There won't even be any boats!"

"Originally, there were [-] large ships that were transferred to Chengdu to transport tax money. There is no news so far. It is estimated that they were detained. At present, there are only more than [-] small ships. They cannot transport troops, but can only transport food."

Liu Guangshi was really annoyed. He wanted money but no money, supplies but no supplies, and boats but no boats. How could he fight?
At this time, a soldier reported at the door, "Qi report to Dutong, envoy Li Xuanfu invites you to come over."

Li Hui wanted soldiers but no soldiers, and money but no money. How could Liu Guangshi buy Li Hui's account? He said coldly: "You tell the messenger that I am busy with military affairs, so I will go back in two days!"

When the army settled down, it was nightfall, Liu Guangshi asked his soldiers to find a few prostitutes in the city to drink with him for entertainment. While drinking, a soldier walked quickly into the tent and whispered something in Liu Guangshi's ear.

Liu Guangshi lifted his spirits, pushed away the prostitute in his arms, stood up and asked, "Where is the person?"

"On the sidelines!"

Liu Guangshi walked quickly to the side tent, inside the side tent was his confidant Li Miao, Li Miao stepped forward and saluted with fists: "See Dutong!"

Liu Guangshi sat down and asked, "How is it? Is the money and grain still there?"

Li Miao came from Changsha County. Liu Guangshi had heard a rumor that about [-] million guan of tax money from Jinghu South Road was deposited in Changsha County, Tanzhou, and about [-] shi of grain.

Of course Liu Guangshi wanted to withhold the money and food, but first of all he had to confirm whether the news was true, so he sent Li Miao to Changsha County to inquire.

Li Miao nodded, "The news is true. The reason why the money and food were not transported was because of a lack of ships. I heard that they are mobilizing ships from Jiangxia."

The staff officer Yang Chui'an said on the side: "Jiangxia is not far away, and the ship will come quickly. Once the money and food are on the ship, it will be difficult for us to stop them. Why don't you send the army to control the money and food first, and when the ship arrives, send it directly by ship." Come to Jiangling, now my lord wants to attack Bashu, there is a good reason, if you go too far, the officials will not blame you, now is a good time!"

Liu Guangshi immediately made a decision, "Go and find Wu Chang!"

That night, Wu Chang, the commander of the personal army, led [-] cavalry to Changsha County overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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