
Chapter 582 Game

Chapter 582 Game (V)

Liu Guangshi took a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, he wanted to actively seize Bashu, and on the other hand, he also wanted to leave a way out for himself. He wanted to use the excuse of defending Chen Qingdong to sit on Jingnan South Road and become the local emperor of Jingnan South Road.

Two days later, Liu Guangshi received the emperor's edict, in which the emperor Zhao Gou urged him to send troops as soon as possible, and must seize Bashu before the new year.

Liu Guangshi immediately ordered his confidant general Wang De to lead an army of [-] to guard Jiangling, and Li Qiong led an elite force of [-] to march towards the Three Gorges Road. For grain and grass, an army of [-] marched towards Yiling County.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Guangshi ignored Li Hui at all. The two not only had different factions, but also had a fundamental conflict of interest. Li Hui did not have the backing of the army, how could he control Liu Guangshi?
Just as Liu Guangshi's army had just set off, a carrier pigeon flew up from Jiangling County and headed towards the Three Gorges Road.

Yiling County belongs to Xiazhou, and Xiazhou is the entrance to the Three Gorges Road. It has been occupied by Chen Qing's army. The current guard of Yiling County is Wang Bin, the general commander. Wang Bin was the general of Jiang Yanxian and followed Jiang Yanxian. After surrendering to Chen Qing, Jiang Yanxian became a civil servant, and Wang Bin became Yang Zaixing's general.

Wang Bin once guarded Yiling County back then, and was very familiar with and experienced in Yiling County. This time, Yang Zaixing asked him to guard Yiling County again.

Wang Bin was indeed very familiar with Yiling County. After he led [-] troops to settle in Yiling County, he immediately built a beacon on Yiling Mountain.

That afternoon, the guards in Yiling County suddenly saw three jets of black smoke burning on the mountain, and the soldiers immediately sounded the alarm bell, 'Dang!When! When! 'The city gates were closed and the drawbridge was raised.

In a moment, Wang Bin led more than a thousand troops to the city wall. He also saw three beacon smoke, and stared at the official road in the distance for a long time. He had already seen a long black line. He turned around and ordered: "Light the beacon!"

The beacon in Yiling County was lit, and soon, the beacon in Xialongguan was also lit, and the beacon was passed down from station to station.
The houses in Yiling County are very low and densely packed. In a mansion not far from the east gate, eighty elite scouts have been lurking for a long time. This is the most common method of attacking the city. .

Not only Chen Qing's army often used this trick, but other Song troops also used it. When the army retreated through Yiling County two months ago, Li Qiong left eighty scouts using various identities to lurk in the city.

So far, they have been relatively smooth, with weapons and armor, and the defenders have not suspected their identities, but let them participate in the transportation of supplies.

The leader of this scout is Wang Qian, the scout leader under Li Qiong. He has stayed in the city for two months and witnessed the Western Army gradually evacuating the people in the city. strong man.

Wang Qian also heard the alarm bell at the top of the city. He knew that his army had been discovered by the Western Army. In this case, how he cooperated with the army to seize the city was a big problem.

Just when Wang Qian was worried, the opportunity came. A general of the Western Army approached him and asked them to participate in the night defense of the city. Not only Wang Qian's [-] men, but also [-] other young and strong laborers.

They put on simple leather armor, took spears, and were incorporated into the city defense team in the second half of the night.

The reason is also simple. There are only [-] defenders, and the number of troops is too small. To ensure that the soldiers have sufficient physical strength during the day, they can only let the civilians participate in the night defense, and the siege army has not appeared for a long time. slack.

As the time gradually approached the fourth watch, the soldiers of the Western Army couldn't bear the sleepiness, and went down to the city to find a place to sleep. One of them repeatedly told Wang Qian that if there was any movement outside the city, he would ring the alarm immediately.

"Wu Dutou, don't worry, we can't fight wars, but we must be vigilant!"

The capital also slipped away, leaving only a few soldiers and [-] civilians on the entire east wall. Wang Qian drove the other civilians away. He snatched the opportunity to guard the city gate. Soon, his men were completely Take control of the tower and the gate below.

The opportunity came.

On the head of the west city, Wang Bin stared coldly at the gate of the east city several miles away, and one of them ran to report, "General Qi, those people have seized the city tower, and they have taken control of the drawbridge and the city gate."

Wang Bin snorted and ordered: "Order brothers to be ready and evacuate at any time!"

"Follow the order!" Dutou hurried away.

Wang Bin was really helpless in his heart. In order to lure soldiers into the city, they thought of all kinds of methods, and even asked the other party's spies to guard the city gate, which was simply absurd.

At this time, three gunpowder arrows were shot from the east gate, and [-] troops in the distance rushed towards Yiling County. Li Qiong brandished a knife and shouted: "speed up and charge into the city!"

The gates of the city had been opened, the drawbridge was lowered, and soldiers began to rush into the county seat. The sirens in the city were loud, "Dang! Dang! Dang!" The rapid sirens rang throughout the city.

The defenders in the city quickly withdrew to the west of the city, and [-] young and strong peasants also rushed down the city and ran westward, like a wind and clouds. In a very short period of soldiers, the defenders in the city retreated cleanly.

Li Qiong led an army into the city, and the army rushed to the barracks in a mighty manner. Wang Qian hurried down to the city to see him.

"For a lowly position, see Li Guanzhi!"

"I'll ask you!"

Li Qiong pointed at the city with a whip and asked, "Why is the city so empty and there is no one there?"

"Reporting to the general, the people have all evacuated. The evacuation started a month ago. At that time, a notice was posted saying that the county seat will be changed into a military city, and all the people will retreat to Shu."

"But even the army retreated, and there was no one left behind."

"As soon as the city gate was opened, the alarm bells rang in the city, and all the enemy soldiers were evacuated."

Li Qiong frowned, which was a bit unreasonable!The city gate opened, and the enemy soldiers should rush up to stop them instead of retreating and fleeing. This is completely inconsistent with Chen Qing's army style.

At this moment, the soldiers yelled, and saw countless rockets shooting in from outside the city, and raging fires ignited in many places in the city immediately.

Li Qiong was furious, and asked sharply, "What's going on?"

Wang Qian was dumbfounded, and said with tongue-tied words: "I don't even know about the humble job!"


Li Qiong cursed and shouted, "Exit the city! Retreat!"

He has already realized that the other party's empty city plan is for the fire attack, and it has been implemented more than a month ago, and his subordinates have been discovered by the other party long ago, so he has been following the plan.

Suddenly, there were wailing and screams from outside the city. Li Qiong urged his horse out of the city, only to see thousands of cavalry killed from the north, and there were densely packed enemy troops behind him. After being killed, they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, and fled in all directions.

At this time, countless soldiers rushed out from the city. Li Qiong saw that the enemy army was strong and his own army was under fire. This battle would undoubtedly be defeated.

He yelled helplessly: "Follow me!"

He swung his broadsword and charged down the slope. Thousands of soldiers followed behind him. Li Qiong fought desperately to open a bloody path, and fled to Dong Cang with more than a thousand people in panic.

The fire attack inside the city and the ambush outside the city frightened the [-] imperial troops. Surrounded by tens of thousands of troops, the soldiers had nowhere to go and surrendered on their knees.

Yang Zaixing was still relatively lenient. Although the fire inside the city was huge, there were no fire starters arranged in advance in the east of the city. The east of the city burned slowly. As long as the soldiers in the city could escape back to the east of the city, they could basically escape with their lives.

But it was useless to escape with their lives. The rear route had been cut off by Yang Zaixing's army, the main general had fled, and the morale of the army was completely broken. Apart from surrendering, the soldiers had no third way to go.

A raging fire that burned the city lasted for two days and two nights before it was extinguished. More than a thousand soldiers did not escape, and eventually they were burned to nothing together with the city.

More than [-] people surrendered, and only more than [-] people escaped with Li Qiong, which meant that Li Qiong's former army was almost completely destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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