
Chapter 583 Game

Chapter 583 Game ([-])

Two days later, Liu Guangshi led an army of [-] to Yiling County. There was no one there, and there was still smoke rising from the county seat, but the fire had already burned out, and even the city gate was burned. Looking in, the city has been burned to a white ground.

Liu Guangshi's face was extremely ugly, and the [-] elite army just said so and then it was gone, Li Qiong said with shame on his face: "The humble officer thought the sneak attack was seamless, but he didn't expect to be seen through by the other party, and he used the plan to set a trap. crime!"

Liu Guangshi snorted heavily, "Want to seize the city without dying? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Humble post is willing to be punished!"

"Let's talk later!"

Liu Guangshi immediately ordered the left and right: "Order the army to rest in place, and the spies will go around to check the situation."

The [-] army sat down and rested, drinking water and eating dry food, and [-] scouts rushed to check the enemy's situation in all directions.

The personal soldiers set up a big tent of the Chinese army, Liu Guangshi stood in front of the map, his heart was a little shaken.

He knows his own affairs well. His [-] troops are recruits who have only been in the army for a few months and have never experienced any war. Once a bloody war breaks out, his army may collapse quickly.

But withdrew like this, he felt somewhat unwilling.

Counselor Yang Chui'an advised: "It's better to train soldiers on Jingnan South Road first, and it won't be too late to attack next year."

Liu Guangshi sighed, "The officials are very anxious. It can be said that they are forcing me to fight, without giving me time, and asking me to recover Bashu before the end of the year. It is already mid-November, and there is only one and a half months left. It is impossible to do it. .”

"Du Tong is worried that the court will negotiate with Chen Qing next year?"

Liu Guangshi nodded, "It must be so. If it is not obtained in the military, the court can only hold its nose and negotiate with Chen Qing."

At this time, General Huang You walked in quickly and said, "I'm going to report to Dutong, it's getting late, and camping in the open air may be more dangerous, I suggest you stay in the county town for the night!"


Liu Guangshi vetoed it, "It will be more dangerous in the city. The enemy uses trebuchets to throw kerosene, and the city will be engulfed in flames again. I do not agree to enter the city!"

Counselor Yang Chui'an was puzzled and said, "We've been sleeping in the open all the way. We were fine before. Why do you say it's dangerous today?"

Huang You clasped his fists and said, "I feel that the terrain here is a bit open, and the north is high and the south is low. If the enemy cavalry rushes down from the north, the brothers won't be able to resist it at all."

"What about General Li's opinion?" Liu Guangshi asked Li Qiong again.

Li Qiong thought for a while and said: "The terrain is relatively open for dozens of miles east from here. It is safer to go all the way to Jingmen Mountain. The army will have to walk for at least two hours. It is getting dark now. Within two hours , the army is completely in danger, I suggest you stay put, and then strengthen your defenses, at least [-] troops should be sent for vigilance."

"General Li also thinks that Chen Qing's cavalry will attack?" Yang Chui'an asked.

Li Qiong nodded, "Only a few of the humble army were burned to death. Most of them encountered enemy cavalry, at least [-]. I don't know if they are still here, but if it's the first time, it's very likely that they will die." Will do it a second time."

"General Li is right!"

Liu Guangshi agreed with Li Qiong's statement, "Chen Qing is best at sneak attacks, we must not let him go, General Li, set up perimeter security, I will leave it to you!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Liu Guangshi said to Huang You again: "Go and urge the fleet, they are moving too slowly, it is almost dark, let them dock quickly!"

"Humble job, let's go!"

In fact, Yang Zaixing's attack on Liu Guangshi's [-] troops had already begun.

On the river on the north bank of the Yangtze River, a fleet of more than [-] flat-bottomed boats is slowly sailing on the river. They are traveling against the current, and they are all pulled by hundreds of trackers on the shore. The boats mainly carry grain, grass and copper coins. They are Liu Guangshi's logistics supply fleet.

The leading boat was a [-] stone cargo ship, covered with lanterns. Dozens of eye-catching lanterns reminded the shore and the river that the fleet was still twenty miles away from Yiling Wharf, but it was already getting dark.

And just on the other side of the Yangtze River, there was a row of boats, some small boats and some big boats, dozens of small boats were dispatched suddenly, and there were five or six big men on each small boat, all of them were excellent in water, and two people were in charge of rowing.

The small boats were speeding like arrows on the river, and under the cover of night and waves, dozens of small boats quickly approached the grain ship.

There were two escort soldiers on each grain ship, and someone suddenly saw the small boat more than ten feet away, and suddenly shouted in horror.

Several small boats approached the leading boat covered with lanterns, and a dozen big men in black jumped aboard. There were five boatmen and eight soldiers on board the big boat.

How could the eight soldiers on board be the opponents of more than a dozen big men in black? After three of them were beheaded, the other five jumped off the ship and fled for their lives.

The big men in black didn't chase after them either. They pulled up a long iron rope from the small boat and tied it to the mast.

The big men in black on the other dozens of small boats did not board the grain boat either. Their task was to cut off the ropes one by one,

At this time, the long rope was pulled by the soldiers on the other side, the leading boat changed its course and headed for the south bank, and the grain ships behind followed suit.

The thousands of soldiers on the north bank were stunned, but helpless, watching the huge fleet change course and sail to the south bank.

This time Yang Zaixing's military operation made full use of intelligence warfare. As soon as Liu Guangshi's army set off from Jiangling, they were targeted by the scouts sent by Yang Zaixing.

Chen Qing gave Yang Zaixing only one combat strategy, to attack head-on, forcing Liu Guangshi to retreat despite difficulties.

But how to fight will be planned by Yang Zaixing and Lieutenant General Liu Qiong.

At this time, Yang Zaixing led [-] cavalry soldiers [-] miles north of Yiling County, and his commander Zhao Xiaoyi led [-] soldiers to escort the prisoners back to Bashu.

Perhaps because he followed Chen Qing for a long time, many of Yang Zaixing's combat ideas gradually approached Chen Qing's.

The burning of Yiling City this time was a strategy planned by Yang Zaixing, but he was more lenient and did not kill the enemy army, basically giving the enemy a way out.

Of course, Yang Zaixing was not blindly benevolent, but on the basis of ensuring the complete annihilation of the enemy army, he focused on capturing the enemy army as much as possible.

At this time, in a small marching tent, Yang Zaixing and Liu Qiong were listening to the report of the scout leader Tang Qian.

"The enemy's camp is about ten miles long and two miles wide. The southernmost point is about three miles away from the Yangtze River. They deployed [-] troops to guard the north and east sides. Although the defense is relatively tight, the humble officer still found a loophole in their defense. .”

"What loophole?" Yang Zaixing asked.

Tang Qian pointed to the map he had sketched and said: "Their defense wants to be tighter without leaving any loopholes, but there is a defense line that is twelve miles long, and they only have [-] troops, which leads to a comparison of the defense line as a whole. Thin, only two or three soldiers in many places."

Liu Qiong pondered for a while and said: "Perhaps their task is to be vigilant, not defensive. As long as they can notify the main force in time, they will have completed the task?"

Tang Qian said with a smile: "Even if it is a guard, their cordon is a mile away from the place where the main force sleeps. Obviously, they want to use gunpowder arrows, but with such a thin sentry post, will they have a chance to shoot gunpowder arrows?"

Yang Zaixing nodded and said, "If I hand over the task of clearing the way to your scout battalion, how big a gap can you open for me?"

Tang Qian pondered for a moment and said: "If the control gives me another five hundred soldiers, I promise to open a gap one mile wide within an hour."

Yang Zaixing said indifferently: "There is no joke in the army!"

Tang Qian said slowly: "The humble official is willing to issue a military order!"

(End of this chapter)

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