
Chapter 584 Game

Chapter 584 Game ([-])

The fourth watch had already passed, and all [-] soldiers were woken up. No one was allowed to sleep. Instead, they stood back to back, wrapped in army blankets and waited for dawn in the cold night. Everyone was shivering and complaining.

Liu Guangshi couldn't sleep all night after learning the news of the attack on the ration ship. He had a lot of experience, and the opponent's main force must be nearby, so the possibility of a night attack increased.

But he could not order the troops to move. The [-] troops moved at night, and once they were attacked, it was also easy to cause chaos.

The best way is to form an army in place. Once attacked, you can immediately stand up and fight back, especially when dealing with cavalry, you can prepare in advance.

Liu Guangshi paced back and forth in the room, his mind was heavy, his confidence in capturing Bashu had faded away, and what he was thinking about now was how to get out of the way.

"What time is it now?" Liu Guangshi asked anxiously.

"Report to Dutong, it's almost five o'clock."

Liu Guangshi breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Order the whole army to set off in half an hour!"

Of course, the departure was to withdraw the troops. Their food ships were all intercepted, so how could they march on the Three Gorges Road again.

At this time, Yang Zaixing temporarily stopped the cavalry assault because the scouts found an important piece of information, and Liu Guangshi's army was in a state of sit-down and massing.

The cavalry assault is also dangerous, mainly due to the opponent's intensive bow and arrow counterattack. The opponent has an army of [-]. Once the bow and arrow are fired, all arrows will be fired, and the cavalry will suffer heavy losses.

Cavalry assaults often depend on the time difference, entering the enemy's formation before the opponent has time to react.

If the enemy army is asleep, then even running a mile will still have time to break into the crowd before the enemy army is ready.

But now that the enemy army is gathering at the police station, the opponent has enough opportunities to trigger the crossbow, and it is very likely that he will have to retreat after suffering heavy losses.

Yang Zaixing changed his plan and launched a surprise attack while the enemy was retreating.

Before dawn, the [-] troops began to evacuate quickly. The mighty army ran along the official road at full speed, pulling out for more than ten miles. Desire still stimulated the potential of the soldiers and made them run desperately.

Li Qiong discovered the problem, he urged his horse to catch up with Liu Guangshi and said anxiously: "Dutong, the team is too long, the terrain in this area is complicated, and it is easy to be intercepted by the opponent."

Liu Guangshi was at the front of the line. He looked back, and sure enough, the line was too long, and he could no longer see the tail.

Of course Liu Guangshi knew that this was very dangerous, so he immediately ordered: "The former army stops advancing!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a series of explosions from behind, followed by shouts of killing, the ranks were in chaos, and the soldiers were crying and running desperately, shouting, "The cavalry is here! The cavalry is here!"

The fear of the night finally broke out at this moment. All the soldiers began to run desperately, like a landslide. The soldiers were desperately pushing and trampling each other. These soldiers were all new recruits who had never fought before. affects everyone.

The generals yelled loudly to no effect, and they were surrounded by soldiers and fled eastward.

The cavalry of the Western Army did launch a multi-point attack, which caught Liu Guangshi's army off guard. Chased by the cavalry, the soldiers ran wildly and collapsed across the board.

The [-]-strong rear army was intercepted and surrounded. Li Hongyu ordered the entire army to surrender. Yang Zaixing did not continue to pursue, but ordered more than [-] prisoners of war to retreat westward.

Liu Guangshi ran for more than forty miles in one breath, and stopped running when he reached Jingmen Mountain, and began to collect the remnants of the army. But until noon, they only collected less than [-] defeated troops. Could it be that the other [-] troops were wiped out by Chen Qing's army? Yet?
At this time, Li Qiong fled with thousands of soldiers and reported to Liu Guangshi: "Beizhi found a lot of discarded armor and weapons along the way. I guess many soldiers took the opportunity to flee."

"How many brothers were killed?"

"It shouldn't be many, more than a thousand at most. Chen Qing's cavalry just created momentum, especially the explosion of gunpowder, which frightened the brothers."

Liu Guangshi stood there for a while, then sighed and said, "Retreat to a safe place first!"

The army continued to retreat eastward. In the afternoon, they encountered more than [-] carts of food from Zhijiang County. The soldiers finally had a full meal. They withdrew from the boundary of Xiazhou and entered the boundary of Jiangling Prefecture that night. The whole army was completely relieved.

At this time, Wu Chang brought good news to Liu Guangshi. They robbed Jingnan South Road of taxes and food for a year, about [-] million guan and [-] shi of grain, and hundreds of large ships were moored at Jiangling Mansion. .

This news gave Liu Guangshi, who was extremely depressed, a glimmer of sunshine in his heart.

At this time, counselor Yang Chui'an suggested to Liu Guangshi: "It's better to discuss with Chen Qing's army and use money to redeem part of the surrendered army. If we can redeem [-] to [-] troops, it is very important for us to stand firmly on the Jingnan Road. "

Liu Guangshi took this suggestion very seriously, and immediately called his confidant Li Miao, and asked him to go to Shuzhong to negotiate with Yang Zaixing.

In the government office of Jiangling City, Li Hui paced back and forth in the lobby, appearing to be preoccupied.

Two months ago, Li Hui was named the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan by the imperial court. He came to Bashu from a long way to take up the post. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in Jiangling, he got the news that Chen Qing's army had occupied the whole territory of Sichuan. Li Hui had to temporarily stay in Jiangling Mansion. Obey the follow-up arrangements of the court.

Not long ago, Li Hui received the imperial edict and learned that the emperor had sent two armies to attack Shu, and both armies were under his control. This news really cheered Li Hui up, showing that the emperor still attached great importance to his ability.

Yue Fei's army on the north road was too far away for him to reach, but Liu Guangshi's army on the south road was coming to Jiangling Mansion, so it happened to be under his control.

But Li Hui never dreamed that Liu Guangshi would ignore him at all. He ordered Liu Guangshi to come to see him twice, but Liu Guangshi ignored him at all. He rushed to find Liu Guangshi angrily, but he couldn't even enter the barracks.Li Hui suffered great humiliation.

But today he was connected to two important news. One news was that Liu Guangshi's army robbed hundreds of tax and grain ships belonging to the Jing South Road Transit Department. At this time, four hundred large ships were moored on the river outside Jiangling City. , with the banner of Jinghu South Road Transit Department on it, the evidence is conclusive.

When the second news came, Liu Guangshi's army was defeated in Yiling, more than half of the [-] troops were lost, and the remnants were fleeing back to Jiangling County in panic.

These two news made Li Hui very happy, but also made Li Hui deeply vigilant. He was happy because he finally caught Liu Guangshi and impeached him, but he was vigilant about whether Liu Guangshi would separate Jingnan road?

This is not Li Hui's random speculation, but the shopkeeper of Jiangling Restaurant told him that Wang De, the left-behind general, publicly declared when he attended the banquet of several squires that if Liu Guangshi could not serve as Sichuan Xuanfu envoy, he would be reassigned as Jingnan South Road Festival. Du envoy, permanently stationed on Jinghu South Road.

This shocked Li Hui. The Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan appointed by the imperial court was himself, and Liu Guangshi was only a military envoy. Moreover, when did the imperial court appoint Liu Guangshi as the envoy of Jingnan South Road?Still stationed on Jinghu South Road, what does Liu Guangshi want to do?
Li Hui smelled danger. If Liu Guangshi really had the ambition to separate Jing South Road, he would be in danger of his life if he stayed in Jiangling Mansion.

At this time, Li Hui's second son Li Chun quickly walked in to salute, "Father, the child is ready."

Li Hui immediately took out an impeachment memorial and handed it to his son, "Hurry back to Lin'an immediately and hand this memorial to Mr. Qin. Don't delay on the way, the situation is very urgent!"

Li Chun took the memorial and put it in his arms, "Boy, let's leave by boat!"

After a pause, Li Chun said with concern again: "Jiangling is not safe, and my father has to leave as soon as possible."

Li Hui nodded, "You go first, I'll pack up and go to Xiangyang, without the official's call, I can't go back to Lin'an!"

(End of this chapter)

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