
Chapter 585 Game

Chapter 585 Game (VIII)

It has been a month since her daughter was born, and Chen Qing has been paying attention to her little changes. She has gained three pounds, her breathing is no longer so short, her skin is no longer sallow, but gradually becomes rosy and shiny, and her small arms The calf is also fleshy.

Although she is not completely out of danger, it can already be seen that her daughter is developing in a good direction.

Before, Dr. Wang said that he could recover within ten days, but he still underestimated the danger of premature babies. The child was in danger twice on the eighth day and the fifteenth day. Fortunately, under the treatment of Dr. Wang, the child survived .

Now that the full moon is over, seeing the child's body getting better day by day, Chen Qing and Lu Xiu finally relax a little bit after struggling for a month.

This morning, Dr. Wang bid farewell to Chen Qing. She was very haggard, and for a month she was obsessed with watching the child's every move and every detail. It was her meticulous treatment and care that made Chen Qing's daughter turn from danger to safety. Chen Qing was full of gratitude.

"Dr. Wang's great kindness, our whole family will remember it in our hearts, this little money is just a little bit of our family's heart, it can't express our gratitude, please be sure to be a doctor!"

Chen Qing asked Yu Ying to bring three hundred taels of silver, and Dr. Wang accepted it without being pretentious.

"About the child's feeding, I have explained it to my wife in detail. I will come here every day, but if you have any special circumstances, you can come to me immediately."


Dr. Wang laughed again: "I left two health-preserving prescriptions for the Xuanfu envoy. As long as the Xuanfu envoy takes care of my health according to my prescriptions, it doesn't matter if you marry more wives."

Chen Qing's face turned hot and he thanked: "Thank you very much!"

Dr. Wang packed up her things and left. She just doesn't live in Chen Qing's residence, but she still comes here every day. Chen Qing's daughter is the first premature baby she saved. Of course, she also hopes that the baby can grow up healthy.

Chen Qing went back to his wife's room again. Two curtains were installed in the inner room so as not to bring in the cold air from outside.

Lu Xiu is breastfeeding her child. Although she also wants to find a wet nurse for her child, she will breastfeed her child by herself for at least three months, which is also Dr. Wang's explanation.

Seeing that the child was sucking sweetly, Chen Qing stretched out her little finger and put it on the child's little hand. She immediately grabbed it. At this moment, Chen Qing could feel that the hearts of himself and the child were connected, and the child could also feel his own existence.

"Husband gave her his finger, and it will take another half an hour to grasp it." Lu Xiu said helplessly.

"It's okay, I'll just watch her from the side."

Chen Qing gently touched the child's ruddy little face, and touched the place where it should not be touched. Lu Xiu blushed and gave her husband a blank look, "There is no shape!"

Chen Qing giggled, "It's been a month, Madam, can you grant me permission?"

"Okay! I agree. Let Ah Ying go tonight. She has really worked hard these days. It is a reward for her."

After a pause, Lu Xiu asked again: "How do you feel about Qiao Yun's work?"

Chen Qing nodded, "She has done a very good job. Even Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yanxian praised her for her unique insights and clear thinking. These days, she has really helped me a lot."

Lu Xiu said with a half smile but not a smile: "You praise her like this, should I be jealous?"

Chen Qing scratched his head, "Then let her go back! I'll work harder myself."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "I'm just joking with you. I have two children to take care of. I really don't have extra energy. I will definitely neglect my husband. Qiaoyun is my sister. She comes to chat with me every day. I can feel her gratitude to me in her heart, and Ah Ying and A Lian are also people I trust. I am relieved to have them take care of you. After the new year, you will take them two. As for Qiao Yun , she has a special status, I can't say, husband decides for himself!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I guess the imperial court will send someone to negotiate with me soon, maybe Qiaoyun will become a special condition."

Lu Xiuxiu frowned, "You use Qiaoyun as a bargaining chip?"

"It's not that I want to use her as a bargaining chip, but that I want to establish a tacit understanding with the officials. If I become his brother-in-law, the officials can find a way for themselves, and he can also give the minister an explanation."

"But what if the government asks Qiaoyun to be his wife?" Lu Xiu worried.

Chen Qing smiled faintly: "Now it's not me who is begging him, but he is begging me. I just give him a step. If he doesn't want it, forget it. We are a married couple, and no one can replace you."

In the afternoon, Chen Qing returned to the official room. As soon as he sat down, Zhu Sui, who joined the army in the recording room, stepped forward and said, "I want to report to the Xuan Fu envoy, there is an urgent eagle letter on the table!"

Chen Qing saw the eagle letter and had already copied it. It was Yang Zaixing who sent an emergency military report. Yang Zaixing received the battle report five days ago. I don't know what important thing happened now.

Chen Qing picked up the eagle letter and looked at it carefully. It turned out that Liu Guangshi sent someone to negotiate, hoping to redeem some prisoners of war. Yang Zaixing asked him how to deal with it.

Chen Qing thought for a while, then said to Zhu Sui, "Go and invite Zhang Sima and Jiang Changshi!"

Zhu Sui hurried away, and after a while Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao hurried over, "See Xuanfu envoy!"

Chen Qing handed them the eagle letter, "Look at this first!"

The two read the Ying letter, Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I wonder if it's still too late if I want to redeem the prisoners?"

"It should be possible, otherwise Yang Zaixing would not have written this eagle letter."

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment and said: "If they don't offer to redeem them, what will the Xuan Fu envoy plan to do with the prisoners?"

Chen Qingdao: "According to the rules, select some strong soldiers to join our army, and the rest will be farmed or mined, and released after three years."

Jiang Yanxian said: "The humble job suggests that the other party can redeem some of them, such as about [-] people, and then take this opportunity to reach an agreement with Liu Guangshi on non-restriction of trade and mutual non-aggression, so that Jingxiang's supplies can also be smoothly imported to Bashu. .”

"Can Jiang Gong talk about the specific reasons?" Chen Qing asked.

"I have considered this issue before. If Liu Guangshi proposes to redeem the soldiers, how should we respond in order to obtain the greatest benefit? First of all, there is no shortage of people in Bashu. We can recruit sufficient labor no matter whether we recruit people for mining or farming. There is no need for prisoners of war to mine and farm; secondly, as Xuanfu envoy guessed before, Liu Guangshi’s intention to sit on Jingnan South Road is more obvious. If the two sides are too hostile, Liu Guangshi will cut off our contact and trade with the outside world and use this redemption It is very important to reach a settlement with the other party; thirdly, we can get a lot of money, which can be used to run schools in Bashu, open Anjiyuan and sales homes.”

Chen Qing nodded, "What about Zhang Sima's opinion?"

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "I agree with Mr. Jiang's suggestion. In addition, I don't have to ask for all the money. You can also ask for supplies, especially the big ship, which can save us a lot of things!"

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and then said: "You two discuss it, and then make a detailed list. If there is no objection, I will immediately pass it on to Yang Zaixing."

Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yan left first, and Zhu Sui sent some more documents. Chen Qing smiled and said, "Does Zhu Canjun want to go to Bashu as an official?"

"Let me go to Bashu?"

Chen Qing nodded, "The transshipment department of Bashu is the most important thing. Before that, Zhao Kai served as the transshipment envoy of the capital. He is old now, so I want to appoint you as the deputy envoy of transshipment to assist Zhao Kai. In a few years After he retires, you can succeed him."

Zhu Sui didn't expect the envoy Xuanfu to value him so much, he was moved in his heart, bowed and saluted and said, "I would like to share my worries for the envoy Xuanfu!"

Chen Qing smiled again: "In addition, you can recommend another reporter to join the army. Who do you think is more suitable?"

"The humble official recommends Zhang Xuan. His talent is better than the humble official. The Xuanfu envoy will give him a chance to try."

Zhang Xuan is Chen Qing's secretary in charge of materials and documents. Chen Qing also knew that he is capable, so he nodded, "Yes, I can use him to join the army as the secretary office. You and him will hand over the matter, and you will go to Bashu to take up the post the day after tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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