
Chapter 586 Game

Chapter 586 Game ([-])

Chen Qing's external study was renamed the Internal Affairs Hall, which is where he handles government affairs and receives officials at home. Zhao Qiaoyun is currently writing in Chen Qing's Internal Affairs Hall, responsible for sorting out confidential documents for him.

Zhao Qiaoyun has been working in the internal affairs hall for a month. From being jerky at the beginning to gradually proficient, she is worthy of being the daughter of an emperor. She can always see the essence through the phenomenon, and she can say the key points in one sentence, and her memory is amazing. She can remember all the government orders from the past.

For example, there was a drought in Dingyuan County in Qinzhou this summer and autumn, and the autumn grain production was reduced by [-]%. Wells were drilled in Dingyuan County to combat drought. If these deep-water wells worked, the degree of production reduction should not be so large.

Chen Qing immediately sent people to Dingyuan County to check, but did not find a deep water well. Chen Qing immediately ordered a group of county magistrates to be detained. The county magistrate and county magistrate were dismissed, which also triggered his idea of ​​establishing the Overwatch Council.

Zhao Qiaoyun also became famous because of this incident, the high-ranking officials were full of praise for her, and Chen Qing really appreciated her beauty and wisdom.

It was still early, and Chen Qing arrived at the Internal Affairs Hall. He had just sat down when Zhao Qiaoyun brought him a cup of hot tea and said with a sweet smile, "If the officials want the system plan of the Overwatch Council today, I can't bring it out."

After getting along for a month, Zhao Qiaoyun no longer had the shyness and restraint she had at the beginning. In front of Chen Qing, she gradually became confident and calm, and gradually got rid of the haze of the past.

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Have you encountered any problems?"

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "I have never experienced officialdom at all, and I am ignorant of all kinds of tricks and tricks in officialdom. If I were asked to write about the Overwatch Council system, I think it is all on paper. Officials should let experienced officials do it." Draft it!"

"It's really embarrassing for you to draft the Overwatch Council system, okay! I'll hand it over to Jiang Changshi later, and you don't care about it. Have you read the Wanyan book about the imperial examination yesterday?"

The book of ten thousand words was written by Hong Shitai, a Ph.D. from the Jingzhao Prefecture. Chen Qing felt dizzy when he glanced at it. He had never studied it systematically in his past and present lives, so he asked officials to keep their letters concise and straightforward. , regular script must be used.

But this old Mr. Hong deliberately showed off his knowledge, and wrote more than [-] characters in parallel prose in Xiaozhuan. Doesn't this make Chen Qing embarrassed?
Fortunately, he now has a female secretary by his side, and let her handle it.

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, and took out a piece of Xiujian. She finally refined the content of Wanyan Shu after seeing it at two o'clock last night.

Chen Qing took it, and his eyes felt comfortable all of a sudden. Why is it said that Zhao Qiaoyun is considerate?She knew Chen Qing's habits, so she wrote it horizontally, summarizing ten items, one sentence per line.

First, there are too few scholars on Xihe Road and Shaanxi Road, and there is a shortage of talents.

Second, the Shaanxi Road Primary School has been unable to open for a long time. There is a lack of professors and talents.

Third, many scholars on Shaanxi Road are confused about their future and have no upward channels.

Fourth, there are many scholars and talents in Sichuan from all walks of life, and they also need to enter official careers.

Fifth, next year, the spring of each state can be held, and the road test can be held in autumn. Those who are outstanding can also be recommended to Lin'an to take the provincial test.

Sixth, use imperial examinations to discover and reserve talents.

Seventh, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of the people to send their children to study.

Eighth, establish a women's talent club.

Ninth, encourage private schools.

Tenth, establish a complete education system including primary schools, county schools, state schools, and road schools.

The summary is very succinct. After reading Zhao Qiaoyun’s annotations, I don’t need to manage the tens of thousands of words. This is the role of the staff around the senior officials. Many official documents are read by the staff, and the content outline and special notes are written on the side. Just look at the synopsis and notes.

In fact, even the emperor did the same thing. The academicians or eunuchs in the imperial study room reviewed the memorials for the emperor, and wrote down the outline of the content and handling opinions. Otherwise, dozens or hundreds of memorials would be written in thousands or tens of thousands of words a day. , how can the emperor see it.

Chen Qing read it in just a few lines, the content is so simple, but he has to write more than [-] characters, and even uses Xiaozhuan. This Hong Shitai is not practical and cannot be reused.

Zhao Qiaoyun added later, 'First, this article does not involve engineering, and it is recommended to link it with engineering; second, it is suggested to change Luxue to the Sichuan-Shanxi Branch of Taixue; third, the outstanding ones should be used by themselves instead of being sent to the imperial court. '

The three supplementary points touched Chen Qing's heart, and the supplements were very precise.

"What is the eighth point of women's talent?" Chen Qing asked puzzled.

Zhao Qiaoyun stood in front of Chen Qing with her hands behind her back, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The women's poetry fair organized by my master is also a kind of women's talent fair."

Li Qingzhao accepted nearly a hundred female apprentices in Jingzhao Mansion, and held lectures and literary exchanges in her Yi'an teahouse every five or tenths of every month. Yingying and Yanyan were all women, the granddaughters of Zhang Miao and Zhou Kuan, and the youngest daughter of Jiang Yanxian. are also in it.

"Be specific!"

"Actually, the officials will find out if they ask Madam."

"Asked me what?"

Turning around, Chen Qing saw Yu Ying walking in with Lu Xiu supporting her.

Chen Qing was startled, and hurried forward to support his wife, "Why is the lady here?"

"Doctor Wang came at noon and announced that my confinement period was over and I could go out for a walk, so I thought about coming over to have a look."

Chen Qing helped his wife to sit down, and asked Yu Ying to pour tea. He smiled and said, "Jingzhao Prefecture has published a Wanyan book, which mentions the establishment of a women's talent club. I don't quite understand it. Qiaoyun said that my wife It's clearer."

Lu Xiu smiled slightly and said: "I do know better, I have participated in various female talent shows since I was a child, and Qiaoyun is in the palace, so she has no chance to participate."

"Ma'am, can you tell me more about it?"

Chen Qing pushed his teacup to his wife, indicating that he hadn't drunk it.

Lu Xiu picked up her husband's teacup and took a sip of hot tea, then said in a calm manner: "When a woman from a rich family gets married, the man values ​​the woman's talents, such as whether she knows music, poetry, painting, embroidery, etc. , because after marriage, it is mainly a husband and a child. If a woman does not know any talents, or even illiterate, how can she teach her children? How can she be a husband?

Because of the demand, various female talent associations have emerged. In the past, there were hundreds of them in Bianliang, and most middle-class families would send their daughters to be trained so that they could marry well in the future. "

"Is the professor male or female?"

"Yes! But if it's a male professor, there will definitely be a female supervisor sitting next to it. I know that the wives of many low-level officials go to talent fairs to teach students part-time to earn some money to subsidize their families. Otherwise, how can they afford to rent in Bianliang? house."

Chen Qing nodded, "I see, it's equivalent to a girls' school."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "Actually, it's still different. The ultimate goal of the school is to take part in the imperial examinations. It mainly memorizes scriptures and writes policy theories, while the talent club focuses more on poetry and literature. I have never studied "Three Classics and New Meanings" edited by Wang Anshi. .”

Chen Qing looked at the sky, and said with a smile: "It's getting late, I'm here today, go back and prepare dinner, Qiaoyun should go back too!"

Lu Xiu waved to Zhao Qiaoyun, "Let's go back together, let's chat, and have dinner together later."

Zhao Qiaoyun was a little confused: "Master said she stewed fat goose today, so let me have a drink with her in the evening."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "That's easy, please bring Master and the fat goose here, let me have a taste too."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiu suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly pulled Zhao Qiaoyun and said anxiously: "Hurry up and follow me, I guess Xue'er is going to cry again, this little guy has to eat more than ten meals a day, and he doesn't give him a chance to breathe I."

Chen Qing stood aside and watched the three of them get into the carriage and hurried away. He couldn't help laughing wryly. The wife actually forgot about herself. Is it easy for a woman to forget her husband after she has a child?

Halfway through the carriage, Lu Xiu slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Oops! I'm so confused, why did I forget about my husband?"

Wang Qiaoyun covered her mouth and giggled.

Lu Xiu hurriedly stopped the carriage, and told Yu Ying, "Hurry up and arrange the carriage, bring the official back, explain clearly to him, and let him not be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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