
Chapter 587 Game

Chapter 587 Game ([-])

The news of Liu Guangshi's defeat spread throughout the court and the public through Li Hui's memorial, which shocked and angered the court and the public. The shock was that the two Song armies fought in the same room. Big defeat, in everyone's impression, it seems that Liu Guangshi has never won a battle. Every time he is defeated, he loses thousands of people, which makes people extremely angry. Such a mediocre and incompetent general. But also repeatedly reused.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall of the Imperial Study was very oppressive, and all the prime ministers were silent. After a while, Emperor Zhao Gou asked in a hoarse voice, "Is there any news from Yue Fei?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "Yue Dutong said that he was not prepared enough. He didn't have large siege weapons and couldn't attack Wuguan. The current logistics of the army can't keep up. Xiangyang is empty. His army has retreated to Neixiang County."

"Let him withdraw!"

Zhao Gou said helplessly: "Don't lose sight of the other, Xiangyang was attacked by Jin soldiers."

Now everyone is worried that it is not Chen Qing, but Liu Guangshi. If the content of Li Hui's memorial is true, then Liu Guangshi is likely to stay on Jingnan Road and become another cancer.

"May I ask, Your Majesty, what does the Empress Dowager say about Liu Guangshi?" Xu Xiantu asked.

Zhao Gou smiled wryly and said, "The queen mother said that Liu Guangshi has nothing to do with her, and the court will follow the rules."

Everyone was speechless. If the Queen Mother hadn't insisted repeatedly, the imperial court would have sent Liu Guangshi to attack Bashu?Now that something happened, and she said it had nothing to do with her, what should people say?
"Tell me, Mr. Qin! Don't be silent, I need you to solve problems now."

"The minister obeys the order!"

Qin Hui stood up and said: "Your Majesty, what Liu Guangshi wants to do is just a guess at the moment, and he still can't see his real intention. Although it is necessary to severely reprimand him for taking taxes, everything has priorities. I suggest that Chen Qing should be dealt with first. , and then consider Liu Guangshi."

"How to solve Chen Qinggai, does Mr. Qin have any ideas?"

Qin Hui's long-lasting favor of the emperor was not because he was a capitulator, but because he was good at understanding the emperor's mind, and he could find sufficient reasons to explain the emperor's heart every time. The organization is very dependent on him.

Qin Hui knew that the Son of Heaven wanted to compromise, although he was very reluctant in his heart, but if he didn't say anything at this time, Zhang Jun would take the lead and become Zhang Jun who understood the holy will. No matter how much he hated Chen Qing, Qin Hui would not harm his own interests. .

"Your Majesty, there are only two ways to solve the problem, civil and military. If martial arts can't solve it, then we can only consider it in terms of literature. I suggest that Li go back to Jingzhao to find out what Chen Qing has said."

"What about Mr. Zhang's opinion?" Zhao Gou asked Zhang Jun again.

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said, "This minister agrees with Mr. Qin's opinion in principle, but we need to pay attention to some details."

"Could Zhang Xianggong be more specific about the details?"

"First, if Li is allowed to go back to Jingzhao, he must first be dismissed from his position as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and transferred to another dispatch, otherwise there will be no way to talk, and maybe let other people go to Jingzhao;
Second, Jingzhao is far away, and finally a quick contact method can be established, such as using pigeon letters to transfer in Xiangyang, otherwise the communication will take several months, and the negotiation will be meaningless;

Third, we need to prepare various plans first, clarify our bottom line, determine how much concession we can accept, and hand over all plans to Li Hui after finalizing all plans;
Fourth, we also need to send a deputy envoy, and this deputy envoy must participate in the formulation of various plans, and he can deeply understand the intention of the court;
Fifth, if it is determined to negotiate with Chen Qing, then it is best for Lu Yihao to deal with it properly; the above five points are my opinion. "

Zhu Shengfei said from the side: "Your Majesty, I believe that a rebellious official like Chen Qing must not be tolerated. If Liu Guangshi can't destroy him, then let Zhang Jun go, or Han Shizhong go. If a hundred thousand troops are not enough, then send two hundred thousand ,anyway"

"Mr. Zhu, let's talk later!"

Zhao Gou couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Zhu Shengfei's conversation. Now everyone was discussing how to negotiate, but Zhu Shengfei jumped out to oppose the negotiation, which really annoyed Zhao Gou.

Of course Zhao Gou knew that what Zhu Shengfei was conveying was the Queen Mother's opinion, but the Queen Mother was considering personal emotions, not the interests of the court.
Publicly declaring Chen Qing as a rebellious minister and traitor, and publicly declaring him as a rebel, isn't this forcing an independent country?Simply stupid idea.

So on the issue of Chen Qing, Zhao Gou didn't want to listen to the Queen Mother's opinion at all.

"Zhang Xianggong's opinion can be referred to. Li will be removed from the post of Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and reassigned as appeasement envoy of Jinghu North Road. Lu Zhi, Minister of the Household Department, will take up the post."

After a pause, Zhao Gou said again: "The matter of Chen Qing will be led by Zhang Xianggong, and the matter of Liu Guangshi will be followed by Qin Xianggong. If there is any progress, you must report to me immediately!"

Zhang Jun and Qin Hui bowed together and saluted, "Observe the order!"

Zhao Gou said to Xu Xiantu again: "The war on the Jianghuai side cannot be stopped. As Mr. Xu is a privy secretary, you should pay attention to the war on the Jianghuai side!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Back off! I want to stay alone for a while."

When everyone retreated, Zhu Shengfei's face turned red and then turned pale. He knew that he was completely excluded, and he felt a dark hatred in his heart. That stupid woman was dazzled by hatred and hurt himself.

Li Hui accepted the task entrusted by the imperial court. He set off from Xiangyang to Jingzhao. He naturally took Shangzhou Road, passed through Shangzhou, and entered Guanzhong. This afternoon, Li Hui arrived at Jingzhao City. Jiang Yanxian went to the city in person. Outside to welcome Li Hui's arrival.

"Your Excellency is Jiang Changshi, I have admired you for a long time!"

The other party is Chen Qing's number one civil servant, and this negotiation is probably going to be with him. Although he still looks down on the other party, Li Hui is still very polite.

"I am here to welcome Mr. Li by order of the Xuanfu envoy, please come with me!"

Jiang Yanxian's attitude was also lukewarm and very polite. He brought Li Hui into Jingzhao City. Li Hui asked with a smile, "Taichang Shaoqing Huang Guinian did not return to the court. Is he still in Jingzhao?"

Jiang Yanxian chuckled, "Huang Shaoqing has been out on patrol for a long time. He went to Hehuang, and even went to Hexi. He just returned to Jingzhao yesterday. Mr. Li will see him later."

"So that's how it is. The emperor is more worried about him. In addition, I have been reassigned as the appeasement envoy of Jinghu North Road."

Jiang Yanxian said happily: "That's good, otherwise it's really hard to talk about it."

When Li came back to the expensive hotel, Jiang Yan asked him to stay first, and the two sides were discussing in detail tomorrow morning.

In the inner hall, Li Hui saw Huang Guinian who had returned from his inspection tour. Huang Guinian had patrolled Shaanxi Road, Xihe Road, and the Hexi Corridor for three months. , I felt a little sick on the way, and after recuperating in Lanzhou for a month, when he came back, it was another scene.

"This time I went the farthest to the south of the West Sea, where there is an endless salt lake with few people. The Han people are gone, no wonder Chen Qing’s military rations can be solved, these two valleys are well developed.”

Li Hui tapped on the table lightly and said, "Huang Shaoqing, don't you know that Chen Qinghe captured Bashu? That's the big problem."

Huang Guinian smiled and said: "I heard about it yesterday, and I talked with Jiang Yanxian about the situation in Bashu."

"What did they say?" Li Hui asked anxiously.

"Jiang Yanxian said that the capture of Bashu was a last resort. They have an army of [-], and Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road alone cannot support such a huge army. I believe this. I have seen it with my own eyes. There is devastation everywhere, and they need to recuperate."

"Is there any possibility of negotiating to take back Bashu?"

Huang Guinian smiled faintly, "Chen Qing doesn't want to turn against the court either. To what extent we can talk about it depends on the sincerity of the negotiations."

(End of this chapter)

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