
Chapter 588 Game

Chapter 588 Game ([-])

In the Internal Affairs Hall, Chen Qing is also discussing tomorrow's negotiations with Jiang Yanxian.

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said: "Tomorrow should be just a test. Li Hui came directly from Xiangyang. He can't know the bottom line of the court. I think he should test our sincerity and give it back to the court. Then the court will discuss and determine the plan. .”

Chen Qing nodded, "Since we want to talk, we must show our sincerity. Take him to see Cixing Temple and Renzong Temple tomorrow, and then talk to him."

"The humble official suggested that the Procuratorate should meet Li Hui first, and then go to the monastery?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said with a smile: "Li Hui had a good relationship with me before, so it's okay to meet him."

"Then where is the best place to arrange it?"

"right here!"

Chen Qing pointed in front of him, "Please come here early, I'll just see him for a while."

"The humble job has been arranged!"

Chen Qing instructed him again: "Since tomorrow is just a test, don't reveal my true intentions too early. Tomorrow is just a statement, and everything can be discussed. I believe they will understand what I can't compromise."

"Understood, I understand, I will prepare first."

Jiang Yan got up first to say goodbye.

Chen Qing sent him out, and when he came back, he saw that Zhao Qiaoyun had put away the tea cup and served him another cup of tea.

Chen Qing sat down in front of the brazier, added two pieces of charcoal, warmed the fire and said with a smile: "You also sit down and warm up."

Zhao Qiaoyun sat sideways beside Chen Qing, "What's the matter?" Chen Qing noticed that she was a little unhappy, and smiled again: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's not unhappy, it's just a little unspeakable discomfort."

"Give me your hand!"

Chen Qing stretched out his hand, and Wang Qiaoyun hesitantly put her white and petite hand in Chen Qing's broad palm. Chen Qing held her cold little hand and said with a smile: "If you don't want to reveal your identity, you can't force it."

Wang Qiaoyun lowered her head and whispered, "I just don't want to be a political marriage."

Chen Qingrou said: "Unless I don't give you any title, as long as I marry you, the court will know sooner or later."

"Then let them know later, I really... really don't want to be a bargaining chip on the negotiating table, official, I feel very sad."

Chen Qing looked at her silently for a moment, then nodded, "Okay! I promise you, but in this way, you may not have a grand ceremony, no official marriage, and you can only respect Madam a bowl of tea like Ah Ying and A Lian , and then become my woman, would you like to?"

"I am willing, I am willing to be an unknown little woman, quietly with the officials, I don't want any grand ceremony at all, I really hate the title of Emperor Ji, it is something that I will never get rid of nightmare."

Although Wang Qiaoyun was a very good bargaining chip, Chen Qing also knew that using her as a bargaining chip would really hurt her a lot and was unfair.

And taking a step back, Zhao Gou may not care about this kind of marriage, after all Wanyan Wushu is also his brother-in-law, Zhao Gou would not take these sisters to heart at all, otherwise why Zhao Gou would have ignored Wang Qiaoyun's existence at all these years, Even Wang Mi didn't ask her a question when he was in charge of the army, he would only regard them as a shame.

Chen Qing took a report and handed it to Wang Qiaoyun with a smile: "This is the final draft of the negotiations between Yang Zaixing and Liu Guangshi. You can check if there are any problems. If there are no problems, I will sign it."

Wang Qiaoyun took the manuscript and said with a smile: "I remember we talked about it for more than a month. Is there a tug-of-war over the ownership of the ship?"

"How do you know?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

"I know that the ships in the Jingxiang area are extremely important. When the officials wanted to bring all Liu Guangshi's ships, I felt that something was wrong. Liu Guangshi might not agree."

"You're right. Liu Guangshi was indeed unwilling to agree. He refused to give me even a big ship. After a few rounds of tug-of-war, he finally let go and agreed to give me the usual big ships. There were a total of two hundred and seventy-seven ships. Then Give us [-] coins and [-] grains, and redeem [-] soldiers."

"I'll take a good look at it tonight! I'll reply to the officials tomorrow."

Zhao Qiaoyun also went back, and Chen Qing immediately sent someone to inform Jiang Yanxian that he would meet Li Hui in the official room tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing met with Li Hui in the official room, and the two sat down separately, Jiang Yanxian also sat beside him.

Li Hui really didn't think that he was still a little nervous in front of Chen Qing. Back then when he was appointed as a privy secretary, Chen Qing was only a student of martial arts. In just five or six years, Chen Qing has become a prince of one side, and there is a kind of feeling in his gestures. An indescribable sense of coercion.

"When did the appeasement envoy come to Jingzhao?"

"The first year of Zhenghe! At that time, I followed Tong Guan to attack Xixia, and I was stationed in Jingzhao, and I was still a commander. More than [-] years have passed, and I feel that Jingzhao has not changed much."

Chen Qing shook his head and smiled: "There must be changes in Jingzhao. It has been occupied by the Jurchens and the Puppet Qi Army for eight years. Except for the official office of the Xuanfu Envoy, which was not destroyed because Wanyan Loushi and Wanyanchang liked it, other The official logos related to Song have all been erased."

"It seems that Jingzhao City Wall has become higher."

"I actually ordered the Jingzhao city wall to be raised higher. The Jin soldiers will not be reconciled to the loss of Shaanxi Road, and will definitely counterattack aggressively. I must prepare for the rainy day. I must do a good job of defending Jingzhao City."

Li Hui frowned, "If Chen Dutong puts the battlefield in Jingzhao City, I am afraid it will be a devastating blow to Guanzhong. The golden soldiers will not leave a blade of grass."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "I'm just in case. Of course, I won't put the battlefield in Jingzhao City. Please tell the imperial court that the Western Army is preparing for the battle with all their might. Shaanxi Road will never fall into the hands of Jinbing again."

Chen Qing didn't meet with Li Hui for a long time, and there was no negotiation involved. After leaving the government office, Jiang Yanxian accompanied Li Hui to the Cixing Temple in the east of the city. Xiu, there is also an ancestral hall of Song Renzong in the temple, which is called Renzong Temple by the locals.

Abbot Huiming, the abbot of the monastery, specially led the monks out to welcome Li Hui.

Looking back at the big plaque in the temple, Li looked back, and saw that the "Decree to Build Cixing Temple" was actually written by Song Renzong, and he was a little surprised: "This plaque is still there?"

Abbot Huiming clasped his hands together and said, "The appeasement envoys don't know anything. Jin soldiers captured Jingzhao, and Cixing Temple was also destroyed. We hid the plaque, but the temple caught fire in the second year of Jianyan, and the plaque was missing. It may have been destroyed during the firefighting." People took it away. After the envoy Xuanfu led his army into the city, he restored the burnt Guanyin Pavilion and Renzong Temple. He also paid a lot of money to find the plaques among the people and hung them again in front of the temple. Grateful."

Jiang Yanxian smiled and said nothing, and Li Hui suddenly understood what the other party meant by bringing him to Cixing Temple. This plaque is proof that Chen Qing never intended to betray Da Song, otherwise this plaque would not be hung here .

They came to the Renzong Ancestral Hall on the left side of the vestibule, which is the Renzong Temple. There is a statue of Song Renzong inside. After entering the city, it can be reshaped, and the merits are immeasurable.

Li Hui knelt down in front of the statue of Renzong and kowtowed three times respectfully.

He stood up and said to Jiang Yanxian: "I understand your painstaking efforts. It seems that the court rumors that Xuanfu envoys are ambitious, self-reliant, and betrayed the court. These rumors are not true. I will report the truth to the court. You really have sincere negotiations. .”

Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said: "The main reason is that Shaanxi Road is located in the northwest, and it is far away from Lin'an. Naturally, communication is not smooth. All misunderstandings are normal. We also have unavoidable difficulties in entering Sichuan. We definitely do not want to separate Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Li Hui said happily: "In this case, I am willing to listen to Chang Shi's explanation!"

(End of this chapter)

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