
Chapter 590 Game

Chapter 590 Game ([-])
On the Yangtze River Wharf in Jiangling County, teams of peasants chanted chant and loaded the last batch of copper coins and grain in wooden boxes onto the big ship. Two hundred three thousand stone big ships were ready.

Negotiations between the two sides went on for more than a month, back and forth, money and grain were not a big problem, [-] pennies plus ten shi grains were exchanged for a prisoner of war, and the two sides reached an agreement in the first round.

The key is the big ships. The Western Army wants five hundred three thousand stone ships from Jiangling Mansion. These were originally official ships transferred from various places to transport money and food to Lin'an, but Liu Guangshi also knew the importance of these warships. No boat along the Yangtze River means no legs, so Liu Guangshi firmly disagreed with giving boats, and would rather give more money and food.

But the Western Army refused to give in. Without ships, the negotiation would be tantamount to breaking down. In the end, Chen Qing made the final decision. The ransom for each soldier was based on [-] pennies, plus [-] stones of grain, and the [-] stone ships were reduced to [-] ships. Liu Guangshi also agreed to this plan, and the two sides reached a compromise.

Looking at the boats moored on the river, Liu Guangshi worriedly said to his aide Yang Chui'an: "I was worried that Chen Qing would go against his word and take away the money, food and boats, but he would not let him go. I have nothing to do with him."

Yang Cuian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about envoy Xuanfu. Didn't Chen Qing sign an additional agreement with us? I think he values ​​trade very much. If he wants to trade with us and Jiangnan, then he won't go back on what he says."

One sentence reminded Liu Guangshi that on the basis of redeeming prisoners of war, they signed an additional agreement on trade and transit. Both sides agreed to fully liberalize trade. Liu Guangshi also promised that there would be no checkpoints on the Yangtze River. , no interception, free passage of ships.

Yang Chui'an continued: "Conversely, Chen Qing shouldn't be worried about the envoy's emptying of the ship. After all, the Western Army controls Yiling and can go to Jiangling at any time. This is because both sides have restrictions."

At this moment, a cavalryman rushed over and stopped in front of Liu Guangshi. The cavalryman got off his horse and knelt down on one knee to report, "Report to Xuanfu envoy, news from Yiling that our [-] captured soldiers have appeared." In Yiling."

Liu Guangshi finally made up his mind and ordered: "The fleet sets out!"

Two hundred [-]-stone boats loaded with money and food slowly set sail, and under the pull of the trackers, they sailed mightily towards Yiling.

The Western Army did not break its promise. Three days later, [-] prisoners of war arrived in Jiangling City.

In December, the weather in Guanzhong was freezing, and a blizzard swept across Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road from north to south, turning the whole Guanzhong into a snow-covered world.

In the yard, two servant girls are adding briquettes to the stove hole. The briquettes are burning vigorously, and above the stove hole in the room is a kang, which is also an important way for large families in the north to keep warm.

They don't put charcoal pots and stoves inside the house, which are prone to poisoning, but burn wood or coal in the stove hole outside the house, and there is also a flue to discharge the soot to the roof.

The kang is very warm and makes the room extra warm.

The heated kang is very spacious, one foot long and eight feet wide, enough for seven or eight people to sleep. The heated kang is covered with thick mattresses. In the cold winter, people stay on the heated kang.

At this time, Chen Qing's two-year-old son, Chen Ji, was lying in front of the glazed window. Through the glazed window, he looked enviously at the maidservants making snowmen in the courtyard. From the details, we can see the luxury of this royal palace. The windows are made of colored glaze.

Although Chen Ji is only two years old, he is very sensible and obedient. He understands what his mother tells him.

Lu Xiu told him that it wasn't that he was not allowed to go out to play in the snow, but that he was still young and the cold could easily invade his lungs and he would get seriously ill. Chen Ji obeyed his mother's advice obediently.

There was a small table against the wall, and Lu Xiu was holding her two-month-old daughter in her arms. The daughter was weak, so Lu Xiu and her husband decided not to hire a wet nurse until the child was half a year old, and Lu Xiu would take care of it herself.

Under the careful care of her mother, Xueer gained another four catties and reached ten catties. She is no different from a normal little lady, her face is very rosy, she cries loudly, and her little hands and feet are chubby. , in the words of Dr. Wang, they are raised very well, and as long as there are no accidents, they will grow up healthily.

While coaxing her daughter, Lu Xiu smiled and comforted her son and said, "It snows every year. When you are older, Daddy will take you to go skating!"

Chen Ji's eyes lit up, and he said expectantly, "I want to go skating with Daddy!"

"When it snows next year, Daddy can take you there."

Chen Ji looked out the window, his eyes full of anticipation for skating.

Lu Xiu shook her head, and her eyes fell on Zhao Qiaoyun next to her. Zhao Qiaoyun was engrossed in writing without raising her head.

"Qiaoyun, what are you writing? I haven't seen you stop writing?" Lu Xiu asked curiously.

Zhao Qiaoyun sat up straight, twisted her sore neck and said, "I'm writing an open letter to all the soldiers in the New Year for the officials. I want to write it with a little momentum, but I'm not satisfied after writing several letters."

Lu Xiu frowned, "Why do you have to write this kind of letter? Didn't he have a record room to join the army?"

Zhao Qiaoyun blushed pretty, and said in a low voice, "I took the initiative to bring it over. The officials are not very satisfied with the letter written by the new reporter's office to join the army."

"You! Why bother?"

Lu Xiu understood Zhao Qiaoyun's thoughts very well. She was inferior to herself in terms of status, and inferior to the sisters of the Yu family in terms of youth and beauty. She could only work hard, but she also liked her husband. Wouldn't it be good to marry a general to be his wife? ?
Lu Xiu suddenly remembered what Yang Liuer told her. There was a young general named Sun Jian who liked Zhao Qiaoyun very much. He found Zheng Ping to inquire about Zhao Qiaoyun's identity, and when he learned that Zhao Qiaoyun was the emperor's concubine, he was so scared that he ran back to Bashu overnight.

The key is Zhao Qiaoyun's identity, no matter whether she is willing or not, she is the Empress Concubine, and no one would dare to marry her as an Empress Concubine, not to mention the Empress Concubine who was rescued from the Kingdom of Jin, I am afraid that only her husband can marry her. Accept her.

While thinking wildly, the door curtain was lifted, and Yu Lian walked in quickly. She was holding a large red lacquered plate with two grapefruit-sized snowballs inside.

"Ji'er, come and play snowballs!"

Chen Ji cheered and rushed over. He suddenly hesitated and looked at his mother pitifully.

Lu Xiu secretly praised Yu Lian for being smart, so she nodded with a smile, "You can play, but don't throw it around, it's full of water, wash your hands clean later."

"Thank you, Aunt Lian!"

Chen Ji happily took the plate, sat on the table and began to build a little snowman.

In the welcome pavilion outside Nancheng, Chen Qing had been waiting for a long time with a group of officials, Li Hui, Huang Guinian and others. Chen Qing got the news that the prime minister, Zhang Jun, was about to arrive in Jingzhao City.

Zhang Jun's status is much higher than that of Li Hui. Zhang Jun is not only the left minister, but more importantly, he is Chen Qing's old boss and the former Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy. He has been of great help to Chen Qing. Privately, Chen Qing would come to meet him outside the city in person.

"I'm coming!"

A soldier pointed to the front from a high place and shouted: "It's the cavalry and the convoy."

In the distance, the yellow dust billowed, and the banners were unfurled. A large carriage escorted by about a thousand people was coming here.

Zhang Jun was indeed in the carriage. After a month of hard work, he finally arrived at Jingzhao City.

Zhang Jun briefly recovered Jingzhao City before the Battle of Fuping, lived in Jingzhao City for a few days, and had a deep impression of Jingzhao City and Guanzhong.

Along the way, Guanzhong has a much more human atmosphere than it did back then. At that time, there were deserted villages everywhere, but now, every village has smoke from cooking, which made him deeply moved.

In fact, Zhang Jun didn't know that it was not Chen Qing's credit. After the Battle of Fuping, the puppet Qi took over Guanzhong, and a large number of people migrated from northern Shaanxi to Guanzhong, which quickly restored Guanzhong's vitality.

At the beginning, Puppet Qi was good, encouraging farming and business, but within a few years, it couldn't bear the huge oppression of military expenditure, and began to cruelly squeeze the people.

At this time, a follower came galloping on horseback, and bowed to report: "I want to report to you, Mr. Xuanfu! Chen Qing, the envoy of Xuanfu, led the crowd to welcome him outside the city."

(End of this chapter)

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