
Chapter 591 Game

Chapter 591 Game ([-])
Chen Qing really did not expect that the emperor would send Zhang Jun to negotiate. On the one hand, he wanted to use his position as prime minister to oppress Chen Qing. On the other hand, Zhao Gou also wanted to play the favor card and use his personal friendship to gain an advantage in negotiations.

But it can only be said that Zhao Gou made a wrong calculation. Although Chen Qing can receive Zhang Jun with a low profile, it does not mean that he will give in at the negotiating table. The reason is also very simple. Chen Qing is not alone. There are also the interests of millions of people.

The carriage stopped in front of Chen Qing, and a boy helped Zhang Jun get out of the car. Zhang Jun laughed and said, "Chen Dutong, don't come here without any problems!"

Chen Qing quickly stepped forward to salute, "I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to come to Jingzhao in person. It's been a hard journey."

"I haven't been here for many years, and revisiting the old place again is a matter of peace."

Chen Qing arranged for his subordinates to come forward one by one to pay respects, and then he said with a smile: "It's cold, Mr. Zhang gets into the carriage first, and we will sit down and talk in detail."

Zhang Jun nodded and smiled at Chen Qing: "Chen Dutong, let's sit up together!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "I won't come up, I'll just ride a horse in front of the car window and follow!"

Zhang Jun knew that Chen Qing was keeping a distance from him, and it seemed that he was still very vigilant about his arrival. Zhang Jun knew it well, and this time he might not be able to suppress Chen Qing even if he bet on favors.

With a wry smile in his heart, he got into the carriage. Chen Qing got on the horse and followed the carriage.

"Chen Dutong himself should have a comparison! The current Jingzhao City is different from the Jingzhao City when you singled out Yan Loushi back then!" Zhang Jun asked with a smile.

Chen Qing nodded, "The changes are indeed great, especially in the past few months. After we have continued to donate [-] shi of grain, the hungry people in Jingzhao City have completely disappeared, and the price of grain has also dropped to [-] cents per bucket. And the price of salt is even lower than during the Xuanhe period.”

"How did you do it? Can you tell me about your experience?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "In fact, everyone understands the truth, that is, a lot of investment, but what we have done better is to deliver food and materials to the real hungry people. As long as the hungry people disappear, the atmosphere of food shortage will disappear. Grain and commodity prices will naturally stabilize, simply put, it is the shortest board of a wooden barrel to be repaired first, so that the barrel can hold water, and then other defects will be slowly repaired.”

Zhang Jun praised: "Well said, make up for the shortcomings first!"

When the group came to the VIP House, Chen Qing personally arranged for Zhang Jun to live there. Zhang Jun smiled and said, "If Dutong is fine, let's chat for a while, don't worry, we won't talk about Bashu."

Chen Qing nodded with a smile, "I would like to obey the order of the prime minister!"

The two sat down in the lobby, and Zhang Jun asked, "How is the situation in the Kingdom of Jin? Do you all understand?"

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "The latest news I got is that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Cheng, passed away two months ago. The new emperor is called Wanyan Quan, who is only sixteen years old. Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Yan Chang and others are vying for the position of assistant minister. I heard that Wan Yanchang has the upper hand and will be the prime minister. The internal power struggle in the Jin Kingdom has basically come to an end. I am afraid that after the beginning of spring tomorrow, the Jin soldiers will go south again. "

"Do you all think we can defend the Jianghuai frontline?" Zhang Jun asked worriedly.

"The Jingxiang line is guarded by Yue Fei. It should not be a big problem. The weak point lies in the east line. But I think that as long as the Song army can make good use of the Huaihe River and the opponent's cavalry advantages cannot be brought into play, there is hope for a confrontation, such as kerosene and gunpowder. Advanced weapons such as the bed crossbow, the god arm crossbow, etc. should be used in large quantities, especially the fierce fire oil burning into one piece on the river surface, which is the sharpest weapon against the golden soldiers' leather rafts."

Zhang Jun hesitated and said, "We don't lack gunpowder, bed crossbow, and god arm crossbow, but we don't have any fuel oil. Can all of them support us with some fuel oil?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It's not a big problem, I can support the imperial court with [-] barrels of kerosene."


Zhang Jun sighed softly, "When the oil is transported to Lin'an, who dares to say that they are all traitors?"

After a pause, Zhang Jun said again: "About the imperial court, don't you have anything to ask?"

"Of course I am more concerned about Lu Xianggong. How is his situation?"

"I visited him before I set off. Duke Lu is really not in good health. He lives in seclusion in the mansion. According to him, he hopes that his second brother Lu Qingshan will come out and provoke the leader of the Lu family."

Lu Yihao's two brothers, Chen Qing, have met each other. He doesn't like the third brother, Lu Datong, who is arrogant and mean. It is said that he strongly opposed his marriage with Lu Xiu at the beginning, and looked down on generals from the bottom of his heart. Compared with the second brother, Lu Qingshan, he is much more kind. Chen Qing has a good impression of him because he is kind but also shrewd and capable.

If Lu Yihao's health is not good, it must be Lu Qingshan who will take the lead.

"But I heard that Lu Qingshan was demoted to be a county lieutenant, isn't that too much?"

"Isn't this normal? The Lu family is closely related to your fate. If you are demoted because of you, you will also be promoted."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked again: "What will happen if I marry Empress Xiande as my equal wife?"

Zhang Jun was startled, "Could it be that Empress Xiande is still with you?"

"She has always been by my side. Her mother, Qiao Cairen, was killed by Queen Mother Wei, so she is determined not to return to the palace."

Zhang Jun shook his head, "Since you asked me, I'll tell you the truth. Don't say marrying her as an ordinary wife, even if you marry her as a regular wife, it doesn't make any sense. Marrying her is better than marrying Lu Xiu."

"I mean, is it wrong to marry her as an equal wife?"

Zhang Jun still shook his head, "Jingkang was impossible before, but after Jingkang, the imperial concubine's aura has long faded. Do you still remember Zhao Hu'er, Chengde's concubine?"

Chen Qing nodded, and Di Ji, who was rescued by Zheng Ping's father Zheng Tongquan, "I know her, what happened to her?"

"She married the son of Guanglu Temple Minister Tao Hong less than a month after she came back. Last year, she was sent back to the palace by the Tao family because she was barren and no one would marry her anymore. You know what I mean Is it because they were kidnapped by the Kingdom of Jin, and the court officials only sympathized with them verbally, but in fact they all disliked them, even if they were emperor concubines, they would still be divorced by their husbands."

Chen Qing understood. No wonder some of the rescued women were concubines. The imperial court had no intention of taking them back to the palace.

It's no wonder that the imperial court has always ignored Zhao Qiaoyun for so many years. I am afraid that Zhao Gou still hopes that it is best for her to stay in the Kingdom of Jin.

Chen Qing understands, Zhao Qiaoyun doesn't want to be the Empress Dowager, she sees it better than herself!
"I see, I won't mention this matter in the future."

Zhang Jun said with a faint smile: "If you marry her as a common wife, maybe one day, the officials will look at her with admiration."

Chen Qing said goodbye and left. Zhang Jun paced back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back. He tried Chen Qing a little, and felt his concern for Da Song from the bottom of his heart. Without any conditions attached, it is nonsense to say that he is a traitor. This also gave Zhang Jun a glimmer of hope to solve the crisis in Bashu.

At this time, Li Hui and Huang Guinian walked into the lobby, bowed together and said, "See Xiangguo!"

Zhang Jun waved his hand, "Please sit down, both of you!"

Li Hui and Huang Guinian sat down, and Li Hui reported to Zhang Jun in detail how he negotiated with the other party for the first time, due to space limitations.The pigeon letter he wrote to the court was just the simplest result, and he didn't write a single word in the process.

After listening to the report, Zhang Jun pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it true what they said about five exemptions and three halfs?"

Huang Guinian said from the side: "It's completely true. I visited hundreds of ordinary households successively, and confirmed the government's promise. Xihe Road has been exempted for three years, and Shaanxi Road is also exempted from taxes this year."

"No wonder he can't support an army of [-]. Taxes and taxes are all exempted. If I had known about the five-year exemption and three-year halving, I could have deduced that Chen Qing would definitely capture Bashu."

Zhang Jun sighed slightly, and asked again: "Is there a report on Huang Shaoqing's investigation?"

"Yes! I wrote it. There are more than [-] characters. I will take it back to Xiangguo."

"Is there a transcript?"

Huang Guinian hesitated and said: "Chen Xuanfu envoy also valued the investigation report of the humble officer, borrowed a few copies, and the inferior officer will go ask for a copy tomorrow."

"No problem! Just give me a copy."

Zhang Jun replied to Li again: "The negotiation can continue, but the truth is not involved. The truth is behind the scenes. Tell you how to talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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