
Chapter 592 Game

Chapter 592 Game (Fifteen)
Chen Qing returned to the Internal Affairs Hall, took a sip of hot tea, and Zhao Qiaoyun handed him the open letter, "How do officials look at this letter?"

Chen Qing read it once and praised: "Your master is a poet of the Wanyue School, I was worried that you would not be able to write it. It is very good, very powerful, and inspiring. It can be said that it is the best writing in the past few years, especially the last sentence. , 'Just ask the world, who dares to take away the edge of my sword? Who dares to stop my horse and iron hoof? Anyone who violates our military power will be punished even if it is thousands of miles away!' Quite the momentum of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty."

Zhao Qiaoyun was a little embarrassed and said: "The last sentence is indeed borrowed from the words of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but I don't think there are many people in the army who know this sentence. As long as it can inspire the soldiers, it can be used."

"I am very satisfied with this letter. Later, I will have someone engrave it and print thousands of copies for the whole army."

Chen Qing put the letter aside, gently hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile, "Are you nervous?"

Zhao Qiaoyun's pretty face flushed, she nodded lightly and said, "I'm afraid of being seen."

It will indeed be seen, the tea boy is in the yard, Chen Qing let her go, sat her by the brazier, said with a smile: "I have thought about it, on New Year's Eve, you will offer tea to your wife, and then on the first day of the first month, come with me Sacrifice."

Zhao Qiaoyun blushed even more and nodded slightly.

"You are two years older than Xiu'er, but you still want to call her eldest sister, it's hard for you."

Zhao Qiaoyun whispered: "This is the rule, just like Jiang Changshi is fifty years old, and you can see that officials in their twenties are not the same respectful and respectful, do they call themselves humble?"

"This analogy is good. I won't marry too many women. It may be just the four of you. I don't want internal conflicts, especially things that disrespect my wife are not allowed. Even if you are an imperial concubine, you can't be wronged. thinking."

Zhao Qiaoyun bit her lip and said: "Officer, let me say it again, the imperial concubine Zhao Qiaoyun is dead, I am Zhao Qiaoyun, a civilian daughter, this imperial concubine brings me only shame and nightmare memories, and it reminds me of the girl in the palace." The woman who killed my mother, I hate the title Di Ji."

Chen Qing nodded, "It's getting late, you go back!"

"Then I'll go first!"

When Zhao Qiaoyun walked to the door, Chen Qing stopped her again, and smiled at her: "I hope you will continue to help me here after I get married."

Zhao Qiaoyun smiled sweetly, turned around and left in high spirits.

The next morning, the negotiations continued. This time the negotiations were held in the military camp outside the city. Three large tents were set up. The middle tent was the main tent for the negotiations. Chen Qing sits in charge.

Because Zhang Jun attended behind the scenes, Chen Hing also attended behind the scenes.

The main negotiators of the two parties are still Jiang Yanxian and Li Hui, and the deputy envoys are Su Ji and Huang Guinian. If the first round of negotiations is a trial, then this round of negotiations will enter into substantive negotiations.

Zhang Jun specifically listed [-] rights, including the right to garrison troops, the right to public security, the right to defense, the right to militia groups, the power to local government affairs, the right to appoint and remove personnel, the right to supervise, the right to criminal review, the right to taxation, the right to salt and iron, the right to transshipment, the right to mine Right, right to cast money, right to official craftsmen, right to recommend imperial examinations, right to appoint honored officials, right to benefit from public land, right to dispose of official houses, status of Xiazhou, status of Hanzhong, etc.

Zhang Jun is worthy of being an experienced prime minister. The bottom line of the emperor is the power of local government affairs and the right to appoint and remove personnel. However, Zhang Jun listed [-] rights and negotiated with the other party one by one. In this way, the rights he finally obtained There are definitely more than two.

Moreover, many powers are not local powers. For example, mining rights, supervisory powers, salt and iron rights, powers to appoint honorary officers, and powers to recommend imperial examinations are the powers of the imperial court. The powers of criminal review and transshipment are the powers of various parties. If they are not clarified In the end, all these powers belonged to Chen Qing.

In addition, Zhang Jun also wants to discuss the ownership of Hanzhong. Zhang Jun wants to take back the local government affairs and personnel appointment and dismissal rights in Hanzhong. It belongs to Jinghu South Road, not to Sichuan, but Chen Qing occupied Xiazhou in this war.

Su Ji came to Chen Qing's account in a hurry, and handed over the negotiation list drafted by Zhang Jun to Chen Qing. Chen Qing was stunned, and he didn't expect so much to be involved.

He pondered for a moment, circled the eight items of garrison power, security power, defense power, militia power, taxation power, salt and iron power, transshipment right, and mining right, and crossed out the ownership of Hanzhong and Xiazhou. Do not participate in negotiations.

Hand it over to Su Jidao: "The ones I circled must be obtained, and those crossed out will not participate in the negotiation, and then the local government affairs and personnel appointment and dismissal rights can be given to them, but the two positions of Chengdu Governor and Chengdu General Judge must be recommended by me , In addition, I will serve as a Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu envoy."

It is impossible for Chen Qing to let Qin Hui or Empress Dowager Wei's people control the core city of Chengdu Mansion, either Zhang Jun's people or the Lu family's faction.

Su Jidao: "The Governor of Chengdu and the General Judge of Chengdu probably won't give it to us!"

"It doesn't matter. At the end of the negotiation, we can exchange Hanzhong's government affairs power and personnel appointment and dismissal power."

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing asked Zhang Xuan to quickly copy the twenty-four rights before giving the list to Su Ji.

Chen Qing read the list and said to Zhang Xuan, "Run here and invite Mr. Wei!"

Mr. Wei is Wei Ningyuan's third uncle, called Wei Zhan, and the only elder of the Wei family. He once served as the governor of Jingzhao during the Zhenghe period, and was transferred to the imperial court to serve as Taichangqing and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Although he has no real power, he has great respect for The various operations of the imperial court and officialdom are well known.

Chen Qing visited him specially, and hoped that he would serve as a senior minister of the Economic and Strategy Office, equivalent to a consultant, to make up for their inexperienced weakness.

Negotiations have already begun. There is no objection to Chen Qing's four powers of garrison power, security power, defense power, and militia power.

Li Hui put forward two plans. The first plan is that the power of finance and taxation should be transferred to the Western Army, but the money and food should be divided in half. The military salary of the Wanjun army, but the five taxation rights, the right to salt and iron, the right to transshipment, the right to mine, and the right to cast money, belong to the imperial court.

This was Zhang Jun's plan. Of course, Zhang Jun wanted the second plan. Taking back Bashu's financial and taxation rights and transshipment rights was nothing more than paying the military salary of [-] troops.

At this time, Wei Zhan was invited. He was about [-] years old, thin, energetic, and especially clear in thinking. He appeared very humble in front of Chen Qing.

Chen Qing invited him to sit down and served tea to his subordinates. Only then did he tell Wei Zhan about the twenty-four powers and the current dispute.

Wei Zhan looked at the list carefully, and said with a smile: "Ms. Zhang is a master! His methods are sophisticated, and the Xuanfu envoy will never think of the meaning of the right to appoint honorary officers."

"I don't quite understand, so I asked the old Shangshu for advice."

"The right to appoint honorary officers is actually to control the squires. All squires basically have honorary officers, and they get many benefits from this, such as not seeing officials, such as immunity from misdemeanors, and taking concubines, traveling in and out of carriages, etc. They The social status of the gentry is obtained from the honorary officials. The honorary officials are in the hands of the court, and the gentry will naturally obey the court. Once the gentry support the court, the subordinate officials at all levels controlled by them will also support the court.

Moreover, without the support of the gentry, the militia in the military power would be abolished. If the gentry refused to agree, Dutong would not be able to recruit militia soldiers at all. "

"What if I try to get the right to appoint and dismiss honorary officers?"

"It's useless to get the Dutong! The gentry don't accept the honored officials appointed by the Dutong. They want the honored officials from the court."

"Then how to solve it?"

"The method is also simple. They all must get the Xuanfu Envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi. One of the functions of the Xuanfu Envoy is to approve or dismiss honorary officials on behalf of the imperial court. The imperial court will give [-] honorary officials from various provinces in Sichuan every year, and then the Xuanfu envoys will The officials were appointed and dismissed from the list reported by the prefectures and counties, and finally the list was handed over to the Ministry of Officials for record. In fact, the power to appoint and dismiss honored officers was in the hands of the Xuanfu envoy, and if a squire was disobedient, his honored officer would be dismissed directly."

Chen Qing admired secretly, Jiang is still old and spicy.

He asked again: "Then about the struggle for financial and taxation rights, what advice does the old Shangshu have?"

Wei Zhan chuckled, "Taxation is a power of the government to control the people. It is understandable that the court wants to fight for it, but the key is the transshipment right. All the money and grain warehouses and ships are controlled by the transshipment department, and how to allocate money and grain is also determined by the transshipment department." , as long as Dutong gets the transshipment rights and mining rights, it doesn’t matter if other financial and tax rights are handed over to the other party.”

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "But I still want to get the right to salt and iron!"

The salt and iron right is actually a monopoly right. The salt, iron, wine, sugar and other monopoly sales are all in charge of the salt and iron department, and the benefits are extremely rich.

"If they all want to take the power of salt and iron, then they have to make big concessions in other aspects, such as returning all the powers in Hanzhong except the right to garrison to the imperial court."

Chen Qing hesitated and said, "Actually, I want to exchange Hanzhong for the right to appoint the prefect of Chengdu and the general judge."

Wei Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Personnel rights are actually not important. As long as the governor is appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and the money and food are firmly in his hands, no matter who comes to be an official, he can be easily dealt with."

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand!"

He wrote a note and put forward a new plan. First, he asked the court to appoint him as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi;

Second, the transshipment rights, salt and iron rights, and mining rights in financial rights are under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner. The official salaries and daily expenses of the government offices in various prefectures and counties are allocated by the Transshipment Commissioner on an actual basis. Supplement for daily expenses;

Third, as a financial concession, all power in Hanzhong, except the garrison, can be transferred to the imperial court. "

(End of this chapter)

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