
Chapter 593 Game

Chapter 593 Game ([-])
Although the negotiations during the day had entered a substantive stage, there were no results. The two sides had great differences. Although Chen Qing finally came up with a plan, Zhang Jun could not decide on this plan. It had to be decided by the officials. The most important thing here was Chen Qing will serve as the envoy of Xuanfu in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Zhang Jun paced back and forth in the lobby with his hands behind his back, while Li Hui said, "We just got the news that Chen Qing and Liu Guangshi reached an agreement on the release of prisoners of war. [-] prisoners of war were redeemed for the price of a large ship, and I heard that several additional treaties were reached, which seemed to be related to trade and navigation, but I didn’t ask about the specifics.”

Zhang Jun sighed softly, "It doesn't matter what treaty they reached, the key is that they didn't pass the court, hey! The court made a big mistake by letting Liu Guangshi come to Jing South Road."

Li Hui tentatively asked: "If Liu Guangshi really supports himself, Zhu Shengfei should bear the responsibility of recommending him?"

Zhang Jun snorted coldly, "He must take responsibility!"

At this time, Huang Guinian said from the side: "I am afraid that the imperial court will not agree to make Chen Qing the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Zhang Jun shook his head, "This is not a question of whether the imperial court will answer or not. It is the situation. Is the imperial court reluctant to part with a procuratorate, or is it just watching Chen Qing separatize Sichuan and Shaanxi, and then support Liu Guangshi to stand on his own? I am most worried about the latter point." Once Chen Qing supports Liu Guangshi to stand on his own feet, the Great Song Dynasty will be in danger, and the officials must understand this point."

Early the next morning, Zhang Jun sent more than a dozen carrier pigeons to Xiangyang. He was worried that the court would not receive his letter, so he sent three copies repeatedly.

Three days later, Qin Hui received the letter from Zhang Junge. At the same time as Qin Hui received the letter from Zhang Junge, he also received the latest news about Liu Guangshi from Xiangyang.

Liu Guangshi has proclaimed himself King of Jing, imprisoned officials, and even killed Du Sheng, the prefect of Changde. Things became very difficult, but Qin Hui also realized that this was an opportunity for him and Queen Mother Wei to reconcile.

Qin Hui did not go to see the emperor immediately, but called his wife Wang.

"Madam, can I go to the palace to see the Queen Mother soon?"

Wang was a little unhappy and said: "I haven't entered the palace for a long time since the master offended the queen mother in the court."

"You go to the palace immediately and tell the Queen Mother that Liu Guangshi really wants to join forces to rebel. He has proclaimed himself King of Jing and killed the magistrate, so the Queen Mother should get rid of himself as soon as possible."

Wang also realized that the problem was serious, and she asked nervously, "How can the Queen Mother get rid of it?"

"She knows, let Zhu Shengfei take responsibility, but don't mention Zhu Shengfei, her heart is like a mirror."

Wang Shi nodded, "I will enter the palace now!"

After cleaning up, Mrs. Wang went into the palace in a carriage.

Qin Hui looked at his wife's carriage going away, and smiled smugly.

The easing of relations with Empress Dowager Wei is of course just an excuse, the key is that he wants to use this matter to drive Zhu Shengfei out of the Zhizheng Hall. If Zhu Shengfei resigns from the Prime Minister, the Empress Dowager will definitely recommend Liang Xi, a scholar, to be the Prime Minister, but Liang Xi is not only the Queen Mother's henchman , is also my dark son

Not long after Mrs. Wang left, the housekeeper quickly walked to the door and said to Qin Hui, "Mr. Xiao is here."

Qin Hui was startled. Mr. Xiao is Xiao Jingye, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Jin who is stationed in Lin'an. Usually his aides come here, but this time it was Xiao Jingye who came in person. Something big must happen.

He hurriedly asked the housekeeper to invite Xiao Jingye to his study outside. Xiao Jingye was about forty years old, a Khitan who lived in the Kingdom of Jin.

Xiao Jingye has a pair of triangular eyes, and the corners of his eyes are full of treachery when he smiles, "I don't know how the negotiations between Zhang Xianggong and Chen Qing are going now?"

Although Qin Hui was very humble in front of Wan Yanchang, he still maintained the posture of a prime minister in front of Xiao Jingye, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea, put down the teacup and said calmly: "Let's talk! It seems that things are not going well, and the two sides have big differences."

"The so-called skyrocketing prices and repaying the money after landing, it is normal to have differences. The key is whether the court will compromise?"

Qin Hui shook his head, "I'm mainly in charge of Liu Guangshi's affairs, and Zhang Jun is in charge of negotiating with Chen Qing. I don't know much about the situation."

"Qin Xianggong, let's find out! Marshal Du is very concerned, and wrote to me specially, and also wrote a letter to Qin Xianggong."

After speaking, he took out a letter and handed it to Qin Hui. Qin Hui quickly took it, and it was indeed Wan Yanchang's personal letter. Qin Hui hurriedly opened the letter and read it carefully. Postponed until March of next year.

Qin Hui was really in a dilemma, and said for a while, "I'll try my best! The main reason is that I'm not in charge of negotiating with Chen Qing. The government has already authorized Zhang Jun. If Zhang Jun has already reached an agreement in Jingzhao, I have nothing to do."

"Qin Xianggong just do his best."

Xiao Jingye stood up and said, "If Mr. Qin doesn't reply, then I'll take my leave!"

Qin Hui asked the housekeeper to send Xiao Jingye away, and he paced the room with his hands behind his back.

Unexpectedly, Wan Yanchang paid much attention to the negotiations in Bashu. Qin Hui was a bit embarrassed. Bashu was not his territory, so he didn't have much say in this matter.

Qin Hui pondered for a long time. Apart from concealing Zhang Jun's pigeon letter, he really had no other way to interfere.

In the morning of the next day, Qin Hui reported Liu Guangshi's latest news to the emperor Zhao Gou. Liu Guangshi had proclaimed himself the king of Jing, and at the same time announced that he would be the envoy of Jingnan South Road, and forced local officials to write letters of loyalty. Officials who refused to write letters of loyalty More than [-] people have been imprisoned. What's more, in order to make an example to others, Liu Guangshi ordered the execution of Du Sheng, the prefect of Changde who strongly opposed his support for self-reliance.

Zhao Gou was stunned by a series of sad news. He was stunned for a while, and asked nervously, "According to Xiangguo, how should I deal with Liu Guangshi?"

"Wei Chen suggested that Liu Guangshi's crimes should be publicly discussed at the court meeting, and the opinions of all officials should be listened to. At the same time, Liu Guangshi's crimes can also be announced to the world."

This is Qin Hui's cunning, all the officials can impeach Zhu Shengfei and dismiss him without his presence. As for Liu Guangshi, they just sent troops to punish him. In all likelihood, he sent Zhang Jun, and Qin Hui didn't want to ask.

"What about Xu Xianggong's opinion?" Zhao Gou asked Xu Xiantu again.

Xu Xiantu bowed and said, "I agree with Mr. Qin's opinion, and discuss it at the court meeting. In addition, it is the middle of winter, and it is not suitable to send troops. I suggest to collect more evidence, or have officials come to accuse Liu Guangshi. This will be more convincing. .”

Although Xu Xiantu has a sense of justice, he is a scholar after all. He has no experience in war and does not understand military affairs. He has too many worries about things and lacks the courage to act vigorously.

You must know that the most important thing now is not to collect evidence and find witnesses, but to take advantage of Liu Guangshi's lack of foundation in Jingnan Road, and immediately send a large army to suppress it, so that Liu Guangshi cannot be given any chance to take root.

Zhao Gou also lacked the courage to act resolutely. He agreed with Qin Hui and Xu Xiantu's suggestion. It's the middle of winter, and the new year will be half a month away. Let's wait until the spring of next year. Take advantage of this time to send people to investigate Liu Guangshi's crimes .

At this time, Zhao Gou suddenly thought of a person, and it would be most appropriate for him to investigate Liu Guangshi.

Zhao Gou immediately issued an edict ordering Li Gang, the envoy of Huguang Xuanfu who was currently raising grain and grass in Jiangxia, to investigate what Liu Guangshi had done on South Jingnan Road.

In fact, Qin Hui concealed the source of the news. He got the news from Liu Guangshi that Li Gang sent it to Lin'an through Xiangyang Gexin Station.

He was worried that the emperor would reactivate Li Gang, so he concealed the source of the news. Unexpectedly, Zhao Gou still thought of Li Gang in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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