
Chapter 596

Chapter 596
On New Year's Eve, there is generally a tradition of keeping the year old. This tradition is not because of any legends, but for very practical reasons. Every household has to sacrifice to Yinshi.

Yin time refers to three to five in the middle of the night. If there are many people in the family, preparations must be made in advance, and there are many trivial things to do, so most people will not sleep on New Year's Eve.

Tonight is Zhao Qiaoyun's bridal chamber. She snuggled into Chen Qing's arms all night and slept soundly. Even in her dreams, she was still immersed in the joy of being a married woman for the first time.

There was a knock on the door outside, and Zhao Qiaoyun woke up from a deep sleep. She found herself lying naked in her husband's arms. She was really shy, but she had to respond to the knock on the door outside, so she had to agree. Said: "Wake up!"

The maid who knocked on the door left, and Chen Qing also woke up from sleep, looking down at Zhao Qiaoyun with a half-smile.

Zhao Qiaoyun was so ashamed, she snorted, and got into Chen Qing's arms, not daring to look up.

Chen Qing put his arms around her warm delicate body and teased, "How about we continue to study how to have children?"

Zhao Qiaoyun was so frightened that she hurriedly said: "I studied it three times last night, or they will laugh at me when my legs and feet become sore later."

"Okay! Get dressed and get up."

Caressing his silky smooth skin, Chen Qing was really reluctant to part with him, but there was nothing he could do about it, even his two-year-old son had to get up to participate in the sacrificial ceremony, let alone making him a father.

"what is this?"

Chen Qing found a soft satin bag on the bedside, but he didn't notice it last night.

Zhao Qiaoyun, who had just put on her underwear, stepped forward to look at it and said, "This is the gift money from my wife and elder sister when serving tea."

Chen Qing came to his senses, and said with a smile, "It's not gift money, it's dowry property for you, and the three of you have a share."


Zhao Qiaoyun was taken aback, "How much is that?"

"Haven't you watched it yet?"

Zhao Qiaoyun rolled his eyes at him, "I was as impatient as you last night, do you have time to watch it?"

Chen Qing laughed, "Turn back and look slowly, someone outside is urging us again."

The two put on their clothes, Zhao Qiaoyun opened the door, and two personal maids came in, busy cleaning and washing for them, at this time, it was still dark outside, it was just at Yinshi, and there was still half an hour before Yinshizheng when they worshiped .

The family temple is located in the northeast corner. It is a small nunnery called Shuiyue nunnery. There are five female nuns living in it, and a Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined. The gate of the nunnery faces the main street. The small door is usually locked from the inside with a big iron lock. Even if Lu Xiu wants to go to burn incense, he has to go around the door. The small door will only be opened during the annual sacrifice.

There is a mourning hall in the backyard of Shuiyue Temple, in which the spiritual tablets of Chen Qing's parents are enshrined.

After the family reunited, they drove to the back door of Shuiyue Nunnery together. Lv Xiu held her son Chen Ji in her arms. She was so excited just now, and now she fell asleep in her mother's arms.

"Why don't you let him go back to sleep! He'll catch a cold." Chen Qing touched his son's cold face and said.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "He won't get out of the car later, the nanny will sit in the car with him in her arms, and then cover him with a blanket, it shouldn't be cold."

Zhao Qiaoyun and Yu's sisters sat quietly aside. It was the first time for them to participate in the sacrificial ceremony as daughter-in-law. They were both looking forward to it and a little nervous.

Chen Qing smiled and said to the three of them: "I'm going to wear sacrificial clothes later, so I don't need to change clothes, just put them on outside."

Lu Xiu shook her head and smiled, "I told them that the officials don't have to worry about these trivial matters."

The carriage slowly stopped at the small gate in the northeast corner, and the nunnery master Jingxin and his four apprentices were already waiting in front of the gate.

The nuns of Shuiyue nunnery have been living in poverty these years. At the worst time, they couldn't even afford to eat, so they had to go door to door to beg for rice. But since Chen Qing's family entered the house, they turned over. The Yue Nunnery was renovated, and they were given two hundred guan sesame oil money every year, so that the master and apprentice of Jingxin would have no worries about food and clothing.

Seeing the arrival of the owner of the mansion, Master Jingxin stepped forward and saluted with palms together: "Welcome the Xuanfu envoy, the sacrificial hall has been arranged and the sacrificial clothes are also ready!"

"Thank you Master!"

Chen Qing turned his head and said to everyone: "Let's change into sacrificial clothes first!"

Everyone walked into Shuiyue Nunnery, put on black sacrificial clothes and hats in the next hut, and then turned to the sacrificial hall.

The main hall for offering sacrifices is brightly lit. In the niche in the center is the spiritual tablet of Chen Qing’s parents. There is a large candle on each side, burning vigorously. In front is a small purple-gold incense burner with three sandalwood sticks on it. The cigarettes are curling up. There are three animal offerings, as well as snacks and candies on it.

Chen Qing took three sticks of incense from the table next to him, and saluted with a long body. Behind him was Lu Xiu, and behind them were Zhao Qiaoyun and Yu's sisters. The five of them held incense and saluted together.

Chen Qing stepped forward and knelt down on the futon, kowtowed three times, and then burned the incense in another large incense burner next to it.

Next came Lu Xiu kowtow, then Zhao Qiaoyun, and finally the Yu sisters.

In fact, the sacrifice of the big family is not so simple. First, the chicken must be sacrificed, the head of the family will read the sacrificial speech, and the elders of each house will report the family's situation for the year to the ancestors, and they will announce the rules of the new year in public. All kinds of tedious ceremonies will take at least an hour to finish before the family pays homage to their ancestors and finally toasts and drinks together.

The sacrifice on Chen Qing's side was very simple, and it ended in a quarter of an hour. Lu Xiu said a few words to the master of Shuiyue nunnery, and then left Shuiyue nunnery with her husband and returned to the back garden.

It is still the midwinter season, and Danfeng Garden is covered with white snow. Danfeng Garden is the name of the back house. It is called Danfeng Garden.

Then the building complex is divided into four parts. The main building complex is in the west of the lake, consisting of seven courtyards and more than [-] houses, including many pavilions. Then there is Qifeng Pavilion on the island in the middle of the lake. It consists of four small auxiliary buildings.

The third part is the Grace Garden in the northwest corner, which is a place for reading. It consists of seven or eight rooms in a courtyard. Li Qingzhao lives here now, and it is a very elegant garden within a garden.

The fourth part is Lushan in the northeast corner. There is a small real mountain with dense forests, farmhouses at the foot of the mountain, and pavilions on the mountain. It is a good place to live in spring and autumn.

As for Chen Qing's internal affairs hall, which is located in the atrium, it has nothing to do with the Danfeng Garden in the back house.

The main courtyard was originally called Cuiweiju, but Lu Xiu changed its name to Cuiyuan. It is also a garden within a garden, covering an area of ​​three acres. It is a garden full of various exotic flowers and plants. The main building is a large two-story pavilion. Everyone lives and eats here. In addition, Chen Qing's inner study is also in the corner of Cuiyuan.

Behind the Jade Garden are several stone paths leading directly to the other seven courtyards, which are like a fan-shaped structure, and the seven courtyards are seven fans, connected together by the Jade Garden in front.

Today is the first day of the first lunar month, and it is also the first time for the three of Zhao Qiaoyun to have their own private courtyard. Zhao Qiaoyun's small courtyard is on the east side of Lvxiu's courtyard. It covers an area of ​​two acres and has no name yet. We are waiting for Zhao Qiaoyun to name it.

This courtyard is completely Zhao Qiaoyun's territory. There is no shadow of Lu Xiu here. Besides Zhao Qiaoyun, there are four maids and two female guards. Last night's bridal chamber wedding night was here.

At this time, it was still dark, and Zhao Qiaoyun couldn't sleep. She was packing her things, and all the clothes had been put into boxes. Next door was her study room, where she was sorting books. Her personal property was very meager, and the master only gave her a few hundred. Bring this book as a dowry.

The study room is very spacious, and she was quite satisfied. At this time, she saw the brocade bag on the table. It was the gift bag that the elder sister gave to the three of them when she served tea to the eldest sister last night. One for each of them. She didn't know it was before. What, her husband told her at night, this is for her dowry.

She took out a land deed from her bag, a receipt for saving money from Baoji Money Shop, and half a piece of jade. Save [-] guan, and withdraw it with this bill and half a piece of jade.

God!Five hundred acres of land and [-] pennies, her mother used to save only a few hundred pennies in the palace, and when she just got married, her husband gave her such a generous dowry.

Zhao Qiaoyun's nose was a little sore, she quickly put away her things, went out and said to the two maidservants: "Put on the lanterns, let's go to Cuiyuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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