
Chapter 597

Chapter 597
Chen Qing's inner study changed three places, and finally settled in the corner of Cuiyuan. The study also has two floors, the lower part is the study room, and the upper floor is a place for rest.

After the priest came back, Chen Qing took a nap in the study for an hour and a half, and was finally woken up by Yu Lian.

"Officer, wake up."

"What time is it? Is it dawn?" Chen Qing asked in a daze.

"It's dawn, madam urges you to have breakfast."

Chen Qing put his arms around her waist and smiled and said, "You still call her Madam? You should call her Eldest Sister instead!"

"Madam gets used to it, and besides, a lowly concubine like me is not qualified to be called eldest sister." Yu Lian's eyes turned red.

"Are you jealous?" Chen Qing held her in his arms.

"You promised me a long time ago that you would give me flowers and candles in the bridal chamber on the night of our marriage." Yu Lian lay on Chen Qing's shoulder and cried aggrievedly.

Chen Qing was a little embarrassed, he did promise, wiped away her tears and said with a smile: "Don't cry, wait for me to become king, and I will make you and Ah Ying the good concubine."

"What is Liangdi?"

"Liangdi is the third rank, which is equivalent to the wife of the county, and Shang Shu's wife is also the third rank."

When Yu Lian heard that she was the wife of Shang Shu, she burst into tears and laughed, "Don't coax me again!"

"I didn't coax you, let me ask you how much my wife gave you last night."

"Ah Ying and I each have five thousand guan, five hundred acres of farmland, five thousand guan! Hee hee, Madam is really generous."

"Actually, I gave it to you."

Yu Lian put her arms around Chen Qing's neck, and said with a charming face: "Then why do you thank the officials?"

Seeing that she was full of coquettishness, Chen Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled her to cheer up beside the bed.

When the rain cleared, Yu Lian hurriedly straightened her clothes and put some rouge on her face. She suddenly remembered something and said with some fear: "Ma'am, we are not allowed to have sex with the officials during the day. They say it will hurt us, so we will still be fine." Once the house rules are established, if the officials want it, they can do it at any time at night, but not during the day."

"There are also house rules, why don't I know?"

"It's not the family rules, it's just the ten rules we talked about. You are not allowed to talk back to your wife, you are not allowed to form cliques, you are not allowed to fight and swear in the street, you are not allowed to insult and punish servants, you are not allowed to have personal relationships with guards, and you are not allowed to seek advice for others. Self-interest, you are not allowed to accept bribes from outsiders, anyway, there are ten rules in total, and the last one is not to promiserate with officials in the daytime, if you violate it three times, Madam will divorce us."

Chen Qing also understands his wife's good intentions in formulating family rules, which is also the way for her to control the family. Without rules, there will be no success. He nodded and smiled: "Just this time, it's not an example, you go first! Give me breakfast Come on, I still have something to do, I need to deal with some official business, "

Yu Lian agreed and left, and came to the dining hall with trepidation, for fear that Madam would find out that she had a good time with the officials just now, Madam's eyes are very vicious, it's hard to hide it.

But she was very lucky, she didn't see his wife in the dining hall, and the maid next to her said she was breastfeeding the child, so Yu Lian was relieved, and hurriedly brought breakfast to Chen Qing.

The New Year's office has a five-day holiday, but it is not a holiday for Chen Qing, especially when spring is approaching, facing the impending counterattack of the Jin soldiers, Chen Qing must plan ahead and be fully prepared.

First of all, the Guanzhong Plain cannot be turned into a battlefield. In the battle of Fuping, not only the Song army was defeated, hundreds of thousands of soldiers died, but hundreds of thousands of people died, millions of people were displaced, and the Guanzhong Plain was almost destroyed by the battlefield.

In the past few years, there has been no war in Guanzhong. A large number of people from northern Shaanxi have been moved into Guanzhong, and the people who fled before have gradually returned. The population of Guanzhong has gradually recovered to [-]% of the Xuanhe period. After five years of recuperation, the population will recover. It has reached the level of Xuanhe years.

Of course, it will take at least one generation for northern Shaanxi to return to pre-war levels.

If Guanzhong experiences another large-scale war, the fragile social economy will be completely destroyed. This is a scene that Chen Qing absolutely does not want to see.

If Jinbing attacked Shaanxi Road, which directions would it take? Basically, it can be determined that there are three directions. One is Tongguan Road, but Tongguan Road is narrow and the mountain road is rugged. Attacking Tongguan is not as good as attacking Pujin Pass.

However, in the fourth year of Jianyan, Wanyan Wushu broke through Shanzhou and entered Guanzhong from Tongguan, while Wanyan Lou's family entered Guanzhong from Luoshui Road. They did not go through Pujin Pass.

But whether it is Tongguan or Pujin Pass, they must attack the pass, and defending the pass is precisely what his army is best at. It is impossible for Jin Bing not to know this, especially if Wanyan Wushu wants to recover Jianghuai, and against Yue Fei, he will not It is possible to attack Shaanxi again, then the Tongguan line will hardly be in danger.

At this time, Chen Qing's eyes fell on the Luoshui line on the map. Chen Qing was almost certain that the Jin soldiers must have taken the Luoshui line when they came from Hedong Road, and entered Guanzhong from Yaozhou. That was the road they were familiar with.

If Jin Bing takes this path, then the first to bear the brunt is not Guanzhong, but Yanzhou. Jin Bing will inevitably seize the fire oil production area. How should this battle be fought?Chen Qing fell into deep thought for a long time.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the Intelligence Agency ordered Zhang Miao to report an important matter to Chen Qing.

"Liu Shiguang asked us for support?" Chen Qing seemed to have heard something incredible.

How thick-skinned Liu Guangshi needs to beg himself.

Zhang Miao said with a smile: "Maybe we have just reached a redemption treaty. He feels that the hostility between the two has weakened a lot. More importantly, he thinks that both of them are fighting against the imperial court, so it should be an alliance."

"Did the messenger say so?"

Zhang Miao nodded, "The envoy said that with them guarding the east gate of Bashu, the imperial army would not be able to enter Bashu. He said that we should fully support them against the imperial court."

"What about Zhang Shuling's opinion?"

Zhang Miao was an old civil servant recommended to Chen Qing when Wang Yan was transferred away. He had been in charge of military affairs for Chen Qing, keeping a relatively low profile. Chen Qing let Zhang Miao be in charge of intelligence because of his trust in him.

Facts have proved that he is a qualified intelligence director. He has organized the intelligence department in an orderly manner and continuously expanded intelligence points in various places. He himself is also thoughtful and unique. He can see the essence through phenomena and grasp the essence of problems.

Zhang Miao lightly stroked the goatee and said with a smile: "I think there are advantages and disadvantages to this matter. The advantage is not to guard the east gate for us. We don't need Liu Guangshi to guard it. Liu Guangshi's role is to block the sword for us. We are actually a good friend to Bashu. The semi-separatist regime, or the occupation of the army, the whole court must be extremely dissatisfied with us, and even criticized Dutong as a traitor and traitor, damaging the reputation of Dutong, but after Liu Guangshi, all the insults turned to him, especially with his comparison, On the contrary, the government and the public will feel that they understand the general situation and take into account the overall situation. In the end, the imperial court had to hold its nose to admit our military occupation of Bashu, so supporting Liu Guangshi and allowing the rebel Liu Guangshi to exist for a longer time is of great benefit to us. benefit."

"What about the bad side?"

"The downside is naturally to be in the same boat. Liu Guangshi is like a big blowfly. People don't like food that has been bitten by flies. If you contact Liu Guangshi or support Liu Guangshi, you will definitely be criticized by the world. Seriously damage the reputation of the capital."

Chen Qing looked at Zhang Miao's sly smile, and said with a smile, "There must be a way to get both benefits and fame."

"Humble job does have some ideas!"

"Please tell me the order, I'm all ears!"

"Humble post suggests that the official should not come forward, and sell a batch of soldiers to Liu Guangshi in a private capacity with the help of businessmen, which are captured soldiers. Once someone asks about it, the official firmly denies it. This is the side of profit. Then when the time is right, we will Send troops to destroy Liu Guangshi, and return Jingnan South Road to the imperial court, won’t the fame come?”

Chen Qing nodded slowly, and asked with a smile: "Is there no such businessman?"

Zhang Miao thought for a while and said: "There is no big businessman, we can create a big businessman, we publicly reject Liu Guangshi, and then let this big businessman go to the emissary."

"This matter must be planned well. It must be concealed from the court, but at the same time, Liu Guangshi must accept our favor. I will hand over this matter to the Intelligence Agency."

Zhang Miao bowed and saluted, "I must do this well."

Chen Qing said slowly again: "There is one more thing that needs to be strengthened by the Intelligence Agency, that is, the information about the Hedong Road. I believe that the Jinbing has already stationed in Hedong on a large scale. I need detailed information about the main force of the Jinbing. The more the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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