
Chapter 598

Chapter 598
At present, the general in charge of Sichuan's military affairs is no longer Yang Zaixing, but Zheng Ping. Zheng Ping, as the commander of the Western Army, served as the military envoy of Sichuan, commanding [-] troops in Sichuan. The state capital deploys troops, and there are [-] troops stationed in Chengdu alone.

Zheng Ping arrived in Chengdu on the eighth day of the first lunar month to take up his post. The Sichuan-Shanxi Propaganda Commissioner’s office was located in Jingzhao. Chengdu also has a Sichuan-Shanxi Propaganda Commissioner’s office, the Sichuan Military and Horse Administration, the Salt and Iron Administration, the Transit Administration, the Mine Administration, and the Civil Corps Administration, etc. The official offices are all located in the official office of the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

This morning, Zheng Ping received Li Miao, Liu Guangshi's special envoy, in the government office. He flatly refused Li Miao's offer of weapon support, "We are also recruiting militia soldiers to participate in training. There is not even a single spear spare. I'm sorry. Can't help you guys."

No matter how Li Miao slobbered, Zheng Ping refused to agree, and told Li Miao clearly that this was the official reply from the Xuan Fu envoy.

Li Miao hit a thorn in his head and had no choice but to say goodbye and leave the government office.

Li Miao was really depressed. The [-] prisoners of war they received had no soldiers, and the soldiers from the states along the Jingnan Road were all collected by the imperial court to prevent the resurgence of water thieves. He was able to come to the Western Army for support, but was ruthlessly rejected.

Li Miao really didn't know how to explain to Liu Guangshi when he went back?

"What difficult things does this official need to do, I am willing to help!"

As soon as Li Miao walked out of the official office, a Yaman greeted him. The Yaman was an intermediary, who was responsible for making connections, finding ways, matchmaking, running errands, and earning commissions.

Li Miao waved her hands in a state of distraught, "Go aside, you can't do what I want to do."

"Hey! These days, as long as you have money, there are things we can't do?"

Li Miao gave him a hard look and said, "I have money, but I want to buy armor, can you do it?"

Yaren stuck out his tongue, "I really can't do it, but I know who can do it."

Li Miao looked at him suspiciously, "I want a lot, can it be done?"

Yaren patted his chest and said: "In our line of business, news is what we eat. The official will give me a lot of money. I will tell the official where it is going, and the official will be able to buy it on the black market."

Li Miao took out a small piece of broken silver and said, "This is three pieces of broken silver, which can be exchanged for [-] Wen. Let me tell you the news, and it will be yours."

Yaren's eyes were burning hot, and he quickly took out a small book from his pocket, found a page, and said in a low voice: "Go to Wanyi Yahang next to Qingyang Palace, find a man named Yang Wu on the westernmost side of the second floor. My Yaren, he is the one who introduces people to the business of Bingjia, and I heard that he has done big business."

Li Miao was overjoyed, and gave the Yaman three coins, and strode away.

The tooth man weighed the silver and looked at Li Miao's back with a meaningful smile on his face.

Li Miao found Yang Wu, who was shocked and said, "Twenty thousand sets of armor?"

"Didn't you say that you have done big business? Can't you do it?"

Yang Wu said with a bitter smile: "I have done business with a thousand sets of armor at most, which is already a big business. It is not easy to know that a set of armor includes armor, spears, swords, and daggers. I've never heard of anyone asking for [-] sets of armor."

"I'm Liu Guangshi's subordinate, do you understand?"

Yang Wu nodded, "I see, have you heard of Li Longwu, the largest black market weapons dealer in Bashu?"

Li Miao shook his head, "I'm not familiar with the black market."

Yang Wu smiled and said: "You also know that the Bashu government is relatively lax in the management of the black market, and there are many big businessmen doing black market business. Li Longwu specializes in the black market weapon business. I heard that he has more than a dozen large warehouses in various states in Bashu. I have hoarded tens of thousands of weapons, I just heard about it, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Li Miao asked suspiciously, "Why does he have so many weapons?"

"Li Zhong and Sang Zhong rebelled in the first year of Shaoxing, but they were later suppressed by Wang Yan, and a large number of weapons flowed into the people. He bought them at that time."

A glimmer of hope rose in Li Miao's heart, and he said hastily, "I want to meet him and guarantee a lot of your penny commission. I just want to talk to him in person."

"no problem!"

Yang Wu narrowed his eyes with a smile, "I'll make arrangements, only you and I know about this matter, and you must not tell a third person."

That night, in the elegant room of Wangjiang Restaurant, Li Miao met Li Longwu, a short, fat, middle-aged man who seemed to have no aura, just like a shopkeeper of a grocery store who was friendly and made money.

"[-] sets of armor, I really have so much in stock, of course I can sell them to you, the key is the price." Li Longwu's small triangular eyes narrowed into a slit.

"The price is negotiable, but how to deliver? Also, I want to see the real thing with my own eyes. You have to show me at least part of the real armor before I believe you have this strength."


Li Longwu agreed, "Tomorrow morning, in Guangdu County in the south, I will show you five thousand sets of armor, and let you see my strength."

Having said that, Li Longwu handed him a list, "This is the price and delivery method. The delivery is on the Xiazhou River, and the payment is paid in one hand, and the delivery is in one hand. First declare that it is already the lowest price, and we will not return it." price!"

Li Miao looked at the list, the price is not high, even very cheap, a set of armor is twenty-five pennies, you must know that a standard sword in the market costs more than ten pennies, but the total price is very scary, all The transaction cost [-] yuan, he can't make a decision.

Li Miao thought for a while and said, "Let's do this! I'll go to Guangdu County tomorrow to look at the goods, and then I'll go back and report to the lord, and then I'll come back to discuss the details."

Li Longwu's fat face showed full sincerity, "This is a wise move by Li Guanren, and I have no objection at all!"

At the dock of Jiangling City, soldiers unloaded fifty sets of armor from a cargo ship. These were samples bought by Li Miao, and they were brought back for Liu Guangshi to have a look at.

Liu Guangshi didn't expect the Western Army to give him the armor for free, and he was ready to spend money to buy it, but Chen Qing firmly rejected him. This attitude really disappointed him.

Now he can only count on the black market, and he brought several officials to the pier to check in person.

"This armor is not bad!"

Liu Guangshi looked at the armor and weapons, and repeatedly praised, "The maintenance is very good, it doesn't look like it has been stored for five years."

"It's just a bit expensive."

Liu Guangshi frowned, "How much does he want?"

Li Miao took out the list and handed it to Liu Guangshi. Liu Guangshi looked at the list and said with a smile: "The price is not expensive, and you can buy hundreds of sets in Ezhou. The asking price is [-] sets, and this is only [-] sets, which is cheap." Half of it! We can afford half a million guan, the key is does he have so many goods?"

"Beizhi went to his warehouse in Guangdu County and saw that there were [-] sets of military armor. He said there are other warehouses. I believe there are [-] sets of armor."

Liu Guangshi handed the list to his staff member Yang Chui'an, "What do you think, sir?"

Yang Chui'an laughed, "Can't Xuan Fu envoy see such an obvious thing?"

Liu Guangshi was startled, "What do you mean?"

"It's too obvious. What kind of black market is this? Chen Qing clearly sold it to us in the name of the black market."

Li Miao blushed immediately, "What evidence is there for saying that, sir?"

"Let me tell you three points. First, [-] sets of armor cannot be sold on the black market. Chen Qing is not so stupid. He would allow [-] sets of armor to flow into the black market. This businessman bought so many armor, not to mention Does he have such a big capital, even if he does! But he has already been reported;

Second, is it possible to ship [-] sets of armor to Xiazhou for delivery?The large ships on the Minjiang River and the Yangtze River have been controlled by the Western Army. Can he ship [-] sets of armor?Where did he go to find a boat?Who dares to accept bribes from him, is he dead?
Third, and the most direct evidence! "

Yang Cuian handed an iron military badge to Li Miao, "I found this on a piece of armor just now, is it the army we captured before?"

Li Miao was dumbfounded when he saw the military badge. Liu Guangshi rummaged through a pile of armor for a while, and found a military badge, which was indeed the badge of the army they had captured before.

Liu Guangshi was stunned for a long time, and he was a little dissatisfied: "Why did he do this, can't he just sell it to me? He also walked from the black market, took off his pants and farted, is it necessary?"

Yang Chuian smiled and said: "The humble official guessed that Chen Qing had reached an agreement with the court and could not support us, so he could only support us secretly and sell us soldiers in the name of the black market, but Chen Qing would never admit this and his related."

Liu Guangshi understood, and said with a sneer, "I knew that Chen Qing was extremely treacherous. The court actually negotiated with him and believed him. It's so stupid."

He had no more objections, and said decisively: "We have done this black market business, and we will follow his quotation and delivery method."

(End of this chapter)

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