
Chapter 599 Information

Chapter 599 Information
Near the south gate of Taiyuan City, there is a Qingjiang Inn, and there is also a Qingjiang Restaurant next to it. This inn and restaurant existed during the Zhenghe period, but due to the impact of the war, several owners have been changed. No one knows what is happening now. Who is the proprietor.

However, the Western Army Intelligence Agency took a fancy to this inn and restaurant. In March last year, a Qinzhou businessman bought the inn and restaurant at a price of [-] yuan, and changed the shopkeeper and staff to run it again. It became the intelligence point of the Western Army in Taiyuan.

What is certain at present is that Jin Bing's counterattack on Shaanxi Road must start from Hedong Road, and after Wan Yanchang became the prime minister of the Kingdom of Jin, he can mobilize more resources and increase the offensive against Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Therefore, Chen Qing paid more and more attention to strengthening Taiyuan's intelligence capabilities.

The shopkeeper of the inn is Wu Xingping, a middle-aged man in his forties, short and fat, with a pleasant smile. He is a veteran of the Intelligence Agency and has worked as a shopkeeper in several places.

This morning, the inn and restaurant were still open as usual, but the shopkeeper was a little restless. He got the news that a group of tens of thousands of golden soldiers arrived in Taiyuan at midnight last night. He was eager to know the detailed information. A few guys were sent out early in the morning.

"The shopkeeper!" Li San, the innkeeper, ran back out of breath.

"What are you in a hurry?"

Wu Xingping gave him a hard look, "There are so many guests waiting, hurry up and boil the water!"

Li San agreed and hurried to go.

Seeing that there was no one around, Wu Xingping also slipped into the kitchen.

"How to say?" Wu Xingping asked eagerly.

Li San lowered his voice and said: "[-] troops have come, it is said that they are all Jurchen soldiers, including infantry and cavalry, and the leader is Wanyan Yinkeshu."

Wu Xingping took a deep breath, there were actually [-] troops, there were [-] Jurchens on Hexi Road, and with the [-] Xie Congjun recruited last year, there were almost [-] troops, and Wanyan Yin could be golden The famous general of the country, everyone in Hedong Road knows that he led the army to fight dozens of battles with the Song Army on Hedong Road, and almost won all of them.

"Shopkeeper, we will send a pigeon letter to Jingzhao now, I am afraid it will be strictly controlled."

"Wait a minute!"

Not long after, several other guys also came back. They brought other information, but when pieced together, the information is complete.

There were indeed [-] Jin soldiers arriving last night, but they were not entirely Jurchen troops. There were also four Eastern Hu armies, including the Khitan Army, the Goryeo Army, the Xi Clan Army, and the Bohai Navy. The pure Jurchens only had [-] cavalry. A mixed army, the main general is Wanyan Yinkeshu, who succeeds Wanyanchang as the Marshal of the West Road Capital, and is in charge of the Sichuan-Shaanxi strategy.

At noon that day, two carrier pigeons flew from outside Taiyuan City to Jingzhao.
At present, there are indeed [-] Jinbing soldiers in Hedong, plus [-] members of the Association, nearly [-] people. The high-level command is composed of five people. Female, Marshal Han Chang, Marshal Hu Shi said goodbye.

Of course, the five of them each have their own division of labor. Wanyan Yinkeshu is the chief general, commanding the entire army, Wanyan Helisa and Wanyan Huonu are commanding the Jurchens, Han Chang is commanding the Han Chinese Xie Congjun, and Hu Shidabie is commanding the Donghu Army.

Today is the first day of Wanyan Yinkeshu's arrival, and he immediately called everyone to discuss matters in the military hall.

Wanyan Yinkeshu was nearly [-] years old, and he was second only to Wanyan Loushi among the founding generals of the Jin Dynasty. Complete victory, his prestige in the Kingdom of Jin is excellent, and all the generals are convinced.

In the past few years, Wanyan Zongbi was extremely powerful, which inevitably affected the strategy of the Kingdom of Jin. Wanyan Zongbi focused on Hebei and the East, while despising Sichuan and Shaanxi, which caused the resources of the Kingdom of Jin to tilt to the east and Hebei. After several consecutive defeats, Wanyan Wushu was transferred to the Central Plains, and Shanxi Road was ignored by Jin Guo, which also led to Chen Qing's rise in the northwest.

Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, Wanyan Chang won the final power struggle and became the prime minister of the Kingdom of Jin. Wanyan Zongbi's power was suppressed, and the resources of the Kingdom of Jin were once again tilted to the west, and even sent senior veterans like Wanyan Yin Keshu Preside over the overall situation.

Wanyan Yinke has white beard and hair, and his voice is still like a bell, "This time we have two tasks. One is to recover Shaanxi Road. It would be best if we can wipe out Chen Qing's army. , and then drive out of Shaanxi Road.

The second is Xixia. The Lord of Xixia once again asked for help from the Kingdom of Jin. The imperial court has decided to send troops to help Xixia quell Xiao Heda’s rebellion, so that Xixia can restore its national power as soon as possible, and let it attack Xihe Road from the north. "

Wanyan Lisa raised his hand and said, "Marshal Du, shall we send troops to Xixia first, and then attack Shaanxi Road?"

Wanyan Yinkeshu shook his head, "Ba Lisu has already commanded [-] troops to go to Xixia. In fact, [-] troops will be dispatched this time, of which [-] are to implement the Xixia strategy, and [-] will be brought to Taiyuan under my command. road strategy."

Han Chang pondered for a moment and said: "Chen Qing's Western Army is different from other Song Army. It has excellent equipment, sufficient logistics support, well-trained soldiers, strong combat effectiveness, and effective command of the generals. It is a powerful army. We must not I wonder if Marshal Du has a plan to underestimate the enemy?"

Wanyan Yinkeshu nodded slightly and said, "I have a plan. The first step of the plan is to seize a foothold on the west bank of the Yellow River on Shaanxi Road!"

After the defeat of Liu Guangshi, the number of Chen Qingxi's army has increased to [-], of which [-] guard Bashu, [-] are stationed in Hanzhong, [-] are stationed at Xihe Road, and Guanzhong and Jingzhao guards. In fact, the army that Chen Qing could mobilize was only about [-].

How these [-] people are deployed and how to fight against them is the most important thing whether they can win this battle.

Chen Qing received the emergency pigeon letter from Taiyuan and grasped the enemy's movements. He also immediately called senior military and political officials to discuss countermeasures.

In the meeting hall of the military office, Chen Qing asked the sergeants to carry out the full map of the sand table on Shaanxi Road. The sand table was two feet long and one foot wide, and everyone stood around the sand table.

Chen Qing held a wooden pole in his hand and said to the crowd: "The enemy general is Wanyan Yinkeshu. He is a veteran. He has fought many battles against the Song Dynasty and has almost no defeats. He has rich experience and brave battles. We can't expect Jin Guo to continue We have sent mediocre generals like Wanyan Holisa to attack Shaanxi Road, when the real elite of the enemy army comes out, we must not underestimate the enemy, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Does Dutong have any information about Wanyan Yin's skill?" Yang Zaixing asked.

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "We don't know much about Yin Keshu, but if we analyze his ability from his past battles, it is easy to make a misjudgment. For example, he is not good at attacking Taiyuan. If we think that he is not good at attacking City, that is a misjudgment, he was actually besieging the city to fight for aid, thus wiped out all the elites from all walks of life in Hexi who came to the rescue, and even the middle division died under the arrow of Wanyan Huonu. In fact, his siege He is very capable, and he led the army to break through Bianjing.

Secondly, he is very good at long-distance raids, and he is also good at roundabout combat, bringing the advantages of cavalry to the extreme. "

Zhang Xiao asked: "May I ask Dutong, is he good at long-distance raids, or does he like to use long-distance raids?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "I'm good at it, but I also like it!"

Everyone was discussing in a low voice, and Zhang Xiao continued: "Just now I was thinking that long-distance raids actually have advantages and disadvantages. If the attack is successful, it's okay to say, but if the attack fails? Then you will be passive, or you will be surrounded and wiped out instead. So everything There are advantages and disadvantages, but the key is that we must be fully prepared to defeat his long-distance attack in turn.”

Chen Qing nodded, "Zhang Sima said it very well, let me ask you a question, which one do you think is the first long-distance raid target for Wanyan Yinkeshu?"

There was no sound in the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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