
Chapter 650

Chapter 650
Not long after, a large group of female guards rushed over to protect Lu Xiu, Zhao Qiaoyun and Yu's sisters, and the two wet nurses behind were holding Chen Qing's son and daughter.

Lu Xiu saw her husband wearing armor and holding a bow and arrow in his hand, she was a little frightened and said, "Husband, what happened?"

Chen Qing smiled as calmly as possible: "I found two black spots in the lake, which may be water birds such as night herons. Just in case, everyone should sleep in the red building tonight!"

Lu Xiu knew her husband was talking nonsense as soon as she heard it. If it was a waterfowl, why would she be so nervous? She must have discovered the assassin. She didn't say anything, but turned around and said to everyone: "Let's go to the second floor!"

Zhao Qiaoyun stepped forward and said to Chen Qing: "Officials, bring Master here too!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry! We have sent someone to pick her up, and she will be here soon."

Just as they were talking, two female guards hurried over with Li Qingzhao and her personal maid Chuntao.

"I'm just an old woman, it's okay, you don't have to worry about me!"

Zhao Qiaoyun stepped forward to hold Master by his arm, "Master, hurry up and go upstairs!"

"Hey! You are pregnant, you can't stay up late at night, go to bed quickly."

Everyone went upstairs, twenty female guards were deployed inside and outside the red building, and Chen Qing also went up to the roof.

At this time, Yan Jun entered the backyard with a hundred soldiers and several hounds. They divided into ten teams and searched the entire garden thoroughly. There were also several small boats on the water surface to search for them.

They searched all night and found no trace of the assassin, but there was actually a problem. The three female guards all saw two black dots in the sparkling light, but they didn't find anything suspicious. Could it be that the black dots were really waterfowl? Startled and flew away.

At dawn, the soldiers finally discovered the situation, and Yan Jun rushed to report to Chen Qing.

"Reporting to Dutong, the brothers found wet soil on the wall in the northeast corner and on a big tree. It has not rained in Jingzhao for more than half a month. There is only one explanation for the wet soil. Someone crawled out of the water. Judging from the soil distribution, there are indeed two people, and they should be assassins."

Chen Qing didn't know that the person who wanted to assassinate him was not only Jin Guo, but also Xixia, but this was not important, what was important was how he would deal with it?Especially how to protect the safety of your family.

"Do you think I should find a secret house outside to protect my family?" Chen Qing asked Yan Jun.

Yan Jun thought for a while and said: "There are many uncertain factors in finding a house outside, especially the army cannot participate in the protection. If the assassin finds out, it will be more dangerous. I suggest going to the military camp, or there is another way."

"What other way?" Chen Qing didn't want to put his family members into the barracks, which would shake the morale of the army and cause unnecessary speculation among the soldiers.

"Beizhi suggested to move the family members to the Qifeng Pavilion on the island. The Qifeng Pavilion itself has a main building and four auxiliary buildings, which are enough to live in, and then equipped with patrol soldiers and mastiffs around. The assassins will be found when they swim to the island, which is more critical. Yes, it’s impossible for the assassins to come to find out for the second time, they don’t understand the situation on the island at all, so it’s not easy to assassinate them.”

It’s a good way to go to the island. Living on the island, food, and daily needs can all be done by boat. More importantly, the layout of Qifeng Pavilion is relatively complicated. Mastiff, it is basically impossible for assassins to come up to assassinate.

"Your suggestion is very good, go to the island today!"

At dawn, Lu Xiu took everyone to the island by boat. The area of ​​the small island is about six or seven acres. It was originally a stone island, but it was covered with soil and filled with large grasslands. All kinds of wild flowers are colorful and swaying. It is colorful and full of wild charm. Unfortunately, the soil layer is too shallow to plant big trees.

A six-storey pavilion was built in the middle of the island, called Qifeng Pavilion, surrounded by four auxiliary buildings, and a circle of tall courtyard walls was also built.

The first floor of Qifeng Pavilion is a ten-foot-high granite base, on which a six-story wooden building is built. There is an annex building on each side of the base, and an air bridge connects the east annex building to the base. This is the only way to enter the Qifeng Building. You must first enter the wing building before you can walk onto the granite base.

The area of ​​Qifeng Building is not small. Each floor has three to four hundred square meters, and there are more than twenty rooms, almost all of which are suites. Many rooms are connected by secret doors, which is very complicated.

In fact, Qifeng Pavilion is a place of refuge for emergencies in the palace. Even if the assassin gets to the island by chance, avoids the patrolling mastiff dogs and guards, and sneaks into Qifeng Pavilion, he may not be able to find his target.

However, Chen Qing, the assassin's real target, still came to the official room on time. Although he didn't sleep last night, he was still full of energy.

As soon as Chen Qing arrived at the official room, Wang Hao, the commander of the internal guards, rushed over. Yan Jun had already informed him of the abnormality in the inner house of the Xuan Fu envoy last night, which shocked Wang Hao into a cold sweat.

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands and asked, "Did your internal guards find anything unusual in the northeast corner?"

"Reporting to Dutong, the inner guard originally had three brothers in the northeast corner. Because Han Zhengfu was also in charge of monitoring the Wanxi Restaurant, he transferred some brothers, and there was only one person left in the northeast corner. I went to the surveillance point to check it out early this morning. I found that there happened to be a corner over there that was difficult to monitor, and if there were three people, they would definitely be able to see it, and they continued to send more people because they were humbled to make up for it.”

Chen Qing was not satisfied with this answer. Han Zhengfu was obviously the commander of the ninth group, but he went to do the work of the first and second groups, which led to the ineffective monitoring.

However, Chen Qing didn't want to pursue the responsibility for the time being. He took a few steps behind his back and said, "Lin Jianqing asked me if I had a substitute. It is reasonable for them not to act rashly until they get a clear answer. The abnormality last night was more like someone stepping on the spot. I suspect People from the Kingdom of Jin are not the only ones who want to assassinate me."

Wang Hao was startled, "Dutong refers to Xixia?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Xixia has a tradition of assassination. At this critical moment, Xixia sent people to assassinate me to prevent the Western Army from attacking north. To relax the operation, not only to arrest the spies of the Kingdom of Jin, but also to interrogate the spies of Xixia, not only Jingzhao City, but also the counties around Jingzhao City. In addition, Han Zhengfu was transferred back to monitor Wanxi Restaurant and let a group go. "

Wang Hao was a little ashamed and said: "The humble job is not thoughtful, so let's arrange it!"

Just as Wang Hao was about to leave, Chen Qing called him back, "Wait a while before leaving."

Wang Hao stopped in his tracks, and Chen Qing pondered for a while and asked, "How about Zhong Huan at the inner guard?"

"Reporting to Dutong, the young man is excellent and very competent. It is thanks to him that he found the clues of the Jin Kingdom spies this time. He has made a great contribution. We are very satisfied with him from top to bottom."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "How about transferring him to me?"

Wang Hao jumped up immediately, "Dutong, you can't joke like this. It was so easy for me to get a capable civil servant. You recommended him. Now I have to leave again. I can't explain to my subordinates!"

Seeing that he was sweating profusely in anxiety, Chen Qing couldn't help laughing and said: "Then I won't poach the corner of your inner guard, and lend me a while, and return to the inner guard after the Western Xia War, how about it?"

Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "Is it because he is a child of the Zhong family?"

Chen Qing nodded, and took a letter, "This is the book he wrote to me, called Eighteen Strategies for Miexia. It is rare for me to read the full text. It is very incisive and practical. I have gained a lot. It is estimated that this is the information left by his ancestors."

"The humble official asked him to donate all the materials left by his ancestors. If Xixia can be conquered, it will also be a kind of comfort to the loyal Zhong family. He will definitely agree."

"I know he will agree, but I need to make up for him. Taking him to attack Xixia together is more meaningful to his ancestors."

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "The humble officer should go talk to him, obey his wishes, and don't force him."

"Yes, I hope he will give me a copy of the materials left by his ancestors as soon as possible, and he will keep the original as a souvenir."

(End of this chapter)

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