
Chapter 651

Chapter 651
Xianyang Grand Inn, the two assassins returned to the inn and reported to Murong Wenmu what happened last night.

"I want to report to the hall master, they have a loose perimeter and almost no guards. Dozens of female guards are deployed in the house. I saw that the house is very well-defended, but we found a loophole in the other side. There is a lake in the mansion, and the lake is connected Going into the house, you can sneak in from the bottom of the water."

Murong Wenmu nodded and asked: "What I am most concerned about now is whether you have been discovered by the other party?"

The two assassins looked at each other, and the lead assassin said: "It should not be!"

"What do you mean should not be? Is there really?" Murong Wenmu asked sharply.

The two shook their heads like rattles, "Surely not, when we left, we didn't see them search, and there was no confusion."

"Really do not have?"

"Humble Job Guarantee!"

The two assassins didn't dare to tell the truth. They knew the consequences of telling the truth. Moreover, they were not sure whether the other party had found them. They escaped in time without leaving any evidence. It is very likely that the other party thought they were two night herons.

Murong Wenmu nodded, "Go draw a map, and draw everything you have seen and heard."

After the two assassins left, the treasurer Li Lu asked in a low voice, "The hall master thinks they are not telling the truth?"

Murong Wenmu nodded, "Actually, they have already slipped their mouths. I didn't tell them that there were female guards inside, so how did they know? They also know that the female guards are all deployed in the house. These female guards must have rushed out of the house. found them."

"If they are found, how can they escape?"

Murong Wenmu said coldly: "That's what I told you. Chen Qing didn't mean to be prepared for assassination. His personal guards are all in the front house. When they rush over, it's too late."

"Then what should we do now?"

"Now we can only bear with it temporarily, and wait until their defenses are gradually relaxed before considering action."

Having said this, Murong Wenmu's gaze became cold and severe, "As for those two bastards, I'll deal with them later!"

The preparations for the Western Army are still going on, but the public opinion of attacking Xixia has spilled over to Lin'an. Chen Qing is going to lead the army to attack Xixia. They were all very excited. Ten years after the Jingkang disaster, the day of the counterattack finally came. Whether it was an attack on the Kingdom of Jin or Xixia, it was an exciting event.

At this time, another news came from nowhere. The Western Army defeated the Jin soldiers on Shaanxi Road, wiped out [-] enemies, and captured the Jurchen royal family Wanyan, Lisa and Wanyanqi. This news made Lin'an boil, Lin'an The people beat gongs and drums to celebrate the victory of the Western Army.

Just after dawn, the court meeting in the Daqing Palace was still going on. The court meeting was held every five days, and all officials above rank seven had to participate. The content of today's court meeting was how to respond to Chen Qing's request.

The light in Daqing Hall was dim, and hundreds of courtiers stood on both sides of the hall, above the tall Danbi, sat Zhao Gou with the same gloomy expression.

Zhao Gou received much more news than ordinary people and ministers. He already knew that the negotiations between Chen Qing and Jin Guo had broken down.

Going over the imperial court and negotiating with the Kingdom of Jin without authorization, this kind of thing is already irritating, but what makes Zhao Gou even more crazy is that Chen Qing actually wants to exchange the former prince with the two Jurchen royal families, Wanyan Helisa and Wanyan Xiyin Zhao Chen, even though the negotiations were unsuccessful, Zhao Gou was blown up on the spot when the news came, and all the teacups, inkstones, and memorials on the imperial case were overturned on the ground. Such a gaffe, such a rage.

The former prince Zhao Chen must be related to the succession of the throne, and any matter related to the succession of the throne is Zhao Gou's rebellion. Moreover, Chen Qing still made this request without authorization and did not report it to him at all, which made Zhao Gou feel murderous.

It's just that he conceals it better now, and the officials don't know his mentality.

"Zhang Xianggong, please introduce the situation first!"

Zhang Jun walked out of the line, bowed to the emperor, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, ministers, Chen Qing's letter was received five days ago, and he wrote a memorial in the way of flying pigeons. This fall and winter, when Xixia is weakest, he will attack Xixia in the north, but his strength and money are slightly insufficient. He hopes that the court will support [-] troops and [-] guan. In addition, he strongly condemns Liu Guangshi's betrayal of the court. I am willing to send troops to cooperate with the court to destroy the traitor Liu Guangshi."

At this time, Zhe Yanzhi, the new Tongzhi Privy Council official, came forward and said: "I would like to add one more thing, why is Xixia weakest now? The reason is that the civil war lasted for nearly two years. The Liao general Xiao Heda rebelled Xixia, independent, fought with the Xixia court for two years. According to the information we got, there are only less than [-] Xixia standing troops left, taxes have dropped by [-]%, the treasury is empty, and the population has lost at least [-]%. It was the weakest time since the founding of Xixia, and at the same time, the Jin Kingdom was hurt by the defeat on the Shaanxi Road, and the Jin soldiers on the East Road were also unable to support Xixia, so now is indeed a good opportunity to attack Xixia."

"This is taking advantage of other people's danger, not what a gentleman would do!"

University scholar Qi Yuanlu walked out of the queue and saluted: "Your Majesty, I have a word in my heart, and I will not say anything, please allow it!"

Zhao Gou nodded calmly, "Yes!"

Qi Yuanlu glanced at the crowd, and said slowly: "Just now I misheard, I thought the Western Army was going to attack the Kingdom of Jin, and I was overjoyed. Taking advantage of others' danger, it's worth not mentioning this, lest someone call me pedantic.

But I don't understand, what good is it for us to attack Xixia? Most of them are in the Gobi desert, and the national treasury is empty, and millions of people have become starving people.Everyone, tell me, what does it mean to us to fight Xixia?what is the benefit? "

Qin Hui laughed dryly and said, "Why is there no benefit? Xixia is immortal and always threatens Xihe Road. Only when Xixia is destroyed can we have peace of mind."

There was an uproar in the court, and the officials whispered. Qin Hui's meaning was very clear. The extermination of Xixia was only to relieve the pressure on Sichuan and Shaanxi, and it would not benefit the court at all.

Zhang Jun was dissatisfied with Qin Hui's tone. He did not hesitate to refute Qin Hui and said, "Mr. There is nothing wrong with decompressing Xihe Road, besides, conquering Xixia has always been the dream of Emperor Shenzong, and it is also a consolation to our ancestors that we can realize Emperor Shenzong's dream."

At this time, Xu Yun, a senior admonisher from the right, came out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, the Admonition Court has received a large number of letters from the people in the past two days, a total of more than [-] letters. Most of the letters from the people hope that the imperial court will support the Western Army. Conquer Xixia, and wash away the humiliation of a hundred years."

"Your Majesty, my minister objects!"

"Your Majesty, I firmly support and assist the Western Army!"

There was a commotion in the main hall, Zhao Gou frowned, and the supervisor in the hall shouted, "Quiet!"

The hall was quiet for an instant, and the emperor Zhao Gou said slowly: "The court meeting only discusses the pros and cons. It is a matter of great importance and needs to be carefully considered. In addition, I appreciate Chen Xuanfu's clear attitude towards Liu Guangshi. If you have enough ability, you don’t need his help, left and right Xiangguo stay and leave the court!”

(End of this chapter)

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