
Chapter 652 Chips

Chapter 652 Chips
Zhao Gou returned to the Imperial Study Room. Not long after, Qin Hui and Zhang Jun also rushed over. Zhao Gou was a little annoyed and said, "What does Chen Qing mean? Does he need that little money, or that little military force? The imperial court must come out." .”

Qin Hui bowed and said: "Your Majesty, on the surface, Chen Qing wants to cooperate with the imperial court to take Xixia, but in fact he doesn't take the imperial court seriously. It can be seen from the unauthorized negotiation with Jin Guo that he actually wants to exchange The former prince, what does he want to do? Is he a local official who can decide this kind of thing? Wei Chen clearly feels that he is a hero similar to Cao Cao, ambitious, and wants to use the former prince in exchange for his own political power. Benefit."

The anger in Zhao Gou's heart was aroused by Qin Hui again, and he said bitterly: "I knew that a general should never be in charge of the army, I only regret that I didn't obey the instructions of my ancestors and let him grow up."

Zhang Jun shook his head secretly at the side. When the matter came up, he should find a way to solve it. However, Qin Hui, as the right minister, not only did not share the worries and solve the problems for the emperor, but kept fighting and worsening the situation. This kind of attitude is very bad. "

Zhang Jun stood silently at the side, at this moment Zhao Gou glanced at him and asked, "Why doesn't Mr. Zhang speak?"

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "Wei Chen is still waiting for Mr. Qin's conclusion. After talking for a long time, should he refuse or cooperate?"

Qin Hui felt a little displeased immediately. He could hear the sarcasm in Zhang Jun's tone, and he said calmly, "Your Majesty, of course the humble minister's opinion is to be rejected outright. There is no need for the imperial court to ignore his insincere invitation."

"If this decision is made, then the great achievements of destroying Xixia have nothing to do with the imperial court. Giving such a world-renowned reputation to Chen Qing and fulfilling his reputation, is this the result Qin Xianggong wants?"

Qin Hui snorted, "Wait until he can really destroy Xixia!"

Zhao Gou also calmed down slowly, and he also tasted it. Qin Hui's personal grievances are too heavy, and the suggestion may not be rational.

He pondered for a while and said to Qin Hui: "Mr. Qin, go first! I will talk to you slowly later."

Qin Hui nodded, Zhang Jun was beside him, and he also had a lot to say.

"Wei Chen retire!"

He saluted and stepped back.

Only then did Zhao Gou let Zhang Jun sit down, "Mr. Zhang can tell me frankly if he has anything to say. Sometimes I am really a bit of a fan of the authorities."

Only then did Zhang Jun slowly say: "Your Majesty, to understand Chen Qing's intentions, we need to start with the negotiations in Bashu. He has already captured Bashu, why is he still negotiating with us, and he also took the initiative to hand over the power of government affairs and criminal law to us? In fact, His Majesty also knows that Chen Qing is not Liu Guangshi, he wants autonomy, but he does not want to bear the charge of treason, this is Chen Qing's pulse, if he knows this, His Majesty will know how to deal with it."

Zhao Gou sighed, "I understand what you mean, the attack on Xixia is the same?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "I think that's what I mean. He has no shortage of troops or money. Why should he cooperate with the court? Of course, Chen Qing is not a good man or woman. He has his political demands. In my opinion, he is not short of money. Above all, they are making a deal with the imperial court."


Zhao Gou was slightly taken aback, "What deal?"

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I believe that negotiating with the Kingdom of Jin is a gesture he made on purpose. It is said that the envoy from the Kingdom of Jin only went there for a day, and the negotiation broke down. What does this mean? It means that Chen Qing has no sincerity in negotiating." , he is actually doing it for us to see.

He offered to redeem the former prince. What does the former prince mean to him?Could it be that he could establish another Great Song Monarch? Without the approval of the court, the court would definitely not recognize the former prince. What is the difference between the former prince and a commoner?Weichen believes that he is not so stupid, he proposed to redeem the former prince, but he actually said it to His Majesty. "

"Xiangguo means that he is deliberately provoking me?"

"Isn't that the way to negotiate? If he doesn't advance the crown prince, then the value of this bargaining chip will be low. Wei Chen thinks that he actually wants to use Wanyan, Licha and Wanyan Qi as a high-value bargaining chip to negotiate with His Majesty." Trading."

"What does he want to trade with me?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, "I don't know, but I can send someone to Jingzhao to discuss with Chen Qing about attacking Xixia, and find out his details. What exactly does he want?"

Zhao Gou was persuaded by Zhang Jun that he really couldn't use righteousness to deal with Chen Qing, he must be controlled to the maximum extent, and he must not be allowed to leave the court.

Zhao Gou has already realized that Qin Hui really can't listen to this matter. Qin Hui is too selfish in Chen Qing's matter, and his suggestion will not benefit the court.

"Who does Xiangguo think is more appropriate to send?"

Zhang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "My minister recommends Zhe Yanzhi as His Majesty's special envoy to Jingzhao."

"Yes, I agree!"

Zhang Jun said again: "In addition, I have two things to remind Your Majesty."

"Which two things?"

"The first is about Empress Xiande. He is married to Chen Qing, but His Majesty has never expressed his position on this matter."

Zhao Gou obviously didn't want to mention this matter, he said impatiently: "I haven't forgotten this matter, but I still need time to think about it, what else is there for Xiangguo?"

Zhang Jun sighed slightly in his heart, the officials were still very resistant to Chen Qing, they did not want to recognize Emperor Xiande's concubine, and they also refused to admit that Chen Qing was already a relative of the emperor.

"One more thing is about the Lu family. This is one of the conditions of Bashu negotiations, but His Majesty has not moved."

This matter was indeed ignored by Zhao Gou. Zhang Jun reminded him immediately, and he quickly asked, "How is Lu Yihao?"

"Wei Chen went to see him at the beginning of the year, and his health is not very good, so I don't know what's going on now."

Zhao Gou pondered for a while and said: "How about this! You go to see him for me and ask him what he thinks. If the request is not too much, I can agree."

"The minister obeys the order!"

In the Lu Mansion, Lu Qingshan accompanied his elder brother Lu Yihao to sit by the pond. Lu Qingshan said with a smile: "Today, the court is discussing the matter of cooperating with the Western Army to attack Xixia. In fact, most of the court approves it, but Qin Hui opposes it, and the great scholar Qi Yuanlu also opposes it. I don't know, when did Qi Yuanlu hang out with Qin Hui?"

Lu Yihao smiled lightly and said: "You are wrong about this matter. Although their positions are similar, their starting point is absolutely different. Qin Hui is out of hostility towards Chen Qing, but Qi Yuanlu is not. Qi Yuanlu thinks it will increase the burden on the court. And it’s not profitable, I’m not wrong!”

"Brother is right, but how does brother know?"

"Do you remember that Qi Yuanlu resolutely opposed the Northern Expedition at the beginning of the year? What he said represented the aspirations of most officials. The Central Plains had been ruined by Jin Bing and Liu Yu. Once recovered, it would bring a huge financial burden to the court. There are so many hungry people waiting to be fed, and the imperial court can’t bear it at all. Don’t even mention it, his theory of burden is very popular in the imperial court, and many high-ranking officials agree with it, so I know his attitude when he opposes the attack on Xixia. It’s a pity The attack on Xixia is decided by Chen Qing, and the imperial court has no influence."

Lu Qingshan laughed again: "This time Chen Qing publicly condemned Liu Guangshi for betraying the imperial court, and was willing to send troops to assist the imperial court to destroy Liu Guangshi. Although the officials did not need him to send troops, his clear attitude won the unanimous appreciation of the officials and court officials. "

Lu Yihao laughed, "This kid is very experienced in this matter, which has greatly offset the adverse effects of occupying Bashu. He has indeed matured in the past two years, which makes me very gratified."

At this time, the eldest son Lu Wen quickly stepped forward and clasped his fists: "Father, Mr. Zhang is here to visit."

Lu Yihao smiled and said: "It seems that the officials have not forgotten the old man, please invite Zhang Xianggong to sit in the guest room for a while, I will be there soon!"

Two maids supported him to stand up, and Lu Yihao smiled at his brother: "Second brother, will you accompany me to sit?"

Lu Qingshan hesitated and said: "It is estimated that Zhang Xianggong will convey some officials' intentions to you, it is better for me to avoid it first."

Lu Yihao nodded, "Alright, then you can avoid it first, and come see me later."

(End of this chapter)

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