
Chapter 706

Chapter 706
The Lingzhou Mansion has been established, Zhang Xiao is the magistrate, Cao Baozong is the Sima, Fu Lin is the judge, and there are six divisions under the Cao Fang. If there is a shortage of officials, the army's civilian officers are temporarily appointed, and even Zhong Huan is also temporarily appointed as the Household Cao Division.

There are seven counties under the jurisdiction of Lingzhou Prefecture. The original Xingqing City was renamed Daxing County, which is the seat of the government office. There are also six counties below it, including Shun County, Baojing County, Ding County, Lingwu County, Mingsha County and Li County.

The top priority of Lingzhou Prefecture is to clean up the houses. More than [-] Han people will move back. Of course, some will move to Xiazhou Prefecture, and some will form villages. There must be at least [-] people and nearly [-] Han households. Settled in the counties of Lingzhou Prefecture.

Chen Qing specially dispatched [-] soldiers to assist Lingzhou Mansion in cleaning up the houses. It took one month to clear out the houses and let the people move back.

That afternoon, Chao Qing hurried over and said, "Xuanfu envoy, I have a letter from home!"

Chen Qing was startled, now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, can Jiaxin come over?
Chen Qing hurriedly said, "Where is the letter?"

Chao Qing handed Chen Qing a tube of Eagle Letters, and Chen Qing smiled wryly. It turned out to be Eagle Letters, so he said how he could get along.

He quickly took the letter and looked at it carefully, and immediately jumped up. Zhao Qiaoyun gave birth to a daughter. According to his idea, he named it Bing'er. The mother and daughter are safe and the child is healthy.

Chen Qing was overjoyed, he had another precious daughter, he immediately said to Chao Qing: "Go and pass on my order, to celebrate my daughter, the whole army will be on holiday for three days."

When the news spread, the generals came to congratulate them one after another. Chen Qing felt like returning home. At this time, Tang Qian suggested to Chen Qing that although the mountains were covered by heavy snow, he could go southward by the Baimachuan River and walk about eighty miles through the ice-covered canyon. The key point is that the ice surface of the small river is far from as cold as the ice surface of the Yellow River, and the soldiers, war horses and camels can completely bear it.

After arriving in Gyeongju, go directly south along the Malingshui River Valley, and finally take the Jingyuan Road to enter Guanzhong.

This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone, and Chen Qing immediately sent a scout to explore the way. At the same time, the army began to pack up their supplies, and they could set off after getting the exact news.

In fact, Zhang Xiao and the officials did a good job, and there was no need for Chen Qing to make further decisions. After he approved Zhang Xiao's Han Chinese-dominated plan, Zhang Xiao and the officials would implement the specific matters.

Lingzhou Mansion is running very smoothly, with enough military assistance, [-] households have been cleared out of yards or houses in just half a month, and many of them have only one old man left. They all lived together in one big courtyard, and there was a special person to cook every day, which was equivalent to a nursing home. This method alone freed up nearly [-] courtyards.

That morning, [-] camels and [-] livestock brought the first batch of Han people from Cuta Village to Daxing County.

The camels that transported them were not Song army camels, but camels captured from Xixia. The Song army captured a total of [-] camels in Xixia, gave [-] camels to the Qiang people, and the government still had [-] camels.

In addition, there are a large number of horses, mules and donkeys, and these horses, mules and donkeys are all going to be given to Han families.

Before the arrival of the first batch of people, the government had already arranged the big camp. The people lived in the big camp first, and then drew lots to reserve houses. After getting the houses, they could move there directly.

Tens of thousands of households are nervous, expectant, and a little timid. After all, they have been oppressed by Xixia all the year round, and their psychology has become very weak. It will take a long time to slowly reverse their weak mentality.

In the afternoon, the first batch of [-] households assigned to courtyard houses entered the city. They were led by soldiers to their new courtyards. Many of these courtyards were non-party clans that were expelled from Xingqing City by Brother Li Cha before. Those expelled people will move to Xiazhou Mansion, and their original houses will be owned by the new owners.

Chen Qing is currently inspecting Dongcheng. This area was originally the place where the Qiang people gathered, and it will also be the place where the Han people will gather most in the future.

At this time, he saw a soldier leading a family of five to a courtyard. Chen Qing stepped forward and asked with a smile, "May I ask your surname?"

The male owner is in his thirties. The husband and wife have two children and an old mother. They should belong to the second generation of Han people. Their mother is a slave who was captured. slaves."

Chen Qing shook his head, "There are no slave households anymore. You are the people of Daxing County, the capital of Lingzhou in the Song Dynasty, and you are upright civilians. Your children are all the same."

"The villain also knows, and now it is renamed Daxing County, Lingzhou Prefecture, okay!"

"Is this the house you drew?" Chen Qing pointed to the yard and asked with a smile.

"Exactly, my mother got it. It is said that there are two acres."

The man was very excited. Originally, his family of five lived in a small shack, but now they finally have their own house, which is still two acres.

With trembling hands, he took out the key and opened the courtyard door. The two children cheered and ran in.

Chen Qing asked his soldiers to help them move everything in. The yard was huge, covering half an acre of land. There was a jujube tree and a well in the corner. The yard was covered with thick snow. Although the belongings inside have been looted, all the furniture is still there, including clothes, bedding and even pots and pans, and there is still a lot of firewood piled up in the kitchen.

The old lady was so excited that she couldn't restrain herself, and suddenly covered her face and cried, "It would be great if your father was still here!"

"Mom, don't cry, it's making people laugh!"

The man hurriedly asked his wife to take his mother to the backyard, and each family was given food. The ration was given according to the head of the family. Children received one bucket of rice per month, and adults had two buckets of rice per month. Two coins, as well as sheepskin, cloth, salt, oil and other daily necessities.

The man scratched his head and asked Chen Qing, "Excuse me, general, when will our land be distributed?"

"Now that the government is clearing the land, there must be time before the spring plowing."

"It's a bit late before spring plowing. We have three seasons in two years here. This year we only plant one season of wheat, so next year we will plant two seasons, one season of corn and one season of wheat. As soon as the ice and snow melt, we will have to plow the land. By the way, there are no seeds yet. "

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry! There will be all of them, there will be no delay."

At this time, an official and several soldiers walked in at the gate of the courtyard. Seeing Chen Qing in the courtyard, they saluted in fright.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Qing asked.

The official quickly said: "Because the situation of every household is different, the magistrate asked us to go door-to-door to register the population, give them household registration numbers and house numbers, and then see what they are still lacking, and then make arrangements together."

"What is the most missing thing now?"

The official smiled wryly and said, "Money is the most lacking thing now, so the magistrate said, we have to find something for them to do and let them work to earn some money."

Chen Qing laughed, "Register! I'll look elsewhere."

Chen Qing led the soldiers away, the official breathed a sigh of relief, the man asked curiously: "Who is this general? It seems very powerful."

"You don't even know who he is?"

The officials and several soldiers couldn't help laughing, "He is the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi, our supreme commander, Chen Dutong, you know it now!"

The man's legs gave way, and he almost knelt on the ground. Just now, he asked the military master to lead the mule into the house for him!

The efficiency of the government was very high. In two days, all [-] households were resettled in Daxing County. Zhang Xiao also found jobs for them, which were logging, mining coal, and firing bricks.

Honeycomb coal in the Song Dynasty was very popular in Xixia. Xixia also found an open-pit coal mine in the east of Xingqing Prefecture last fall. Although the coal field is not large, it is easy to mine and the sulfur content is not high. Due to the war, mining stopped after only a few months.

Now the Lingzhou government needs to prepare a lot of building materials, coal mining to burn bricks, coal mining to make briquettes, and also go to the Hetao Manor to cut a large amount of wood, which happens to find a job for these Han people to earn money.

After resettling the first group of people, the second group of [-] people set off from Ghota village to go north. At this time, the scout sent an eagle letter from Qingzhou, saying that the snow in the Malingshui River Valley was not serious, and it was completely safe. Go south and return to Guanzhong.

The day of going south finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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