
Chapter 707

Chapter 707
At present, Chen Qing has a total of [-] troops in Lingzhou Prefecture and Xiazhou Prefecture, including [-] Western Army, [-] Militia Army, and [-] Qiang soldiers. According to the agreement Chen Qing reached with the Qiang people , After the demise of Xixia, the grasslands and pastures in the Henan area of ​​​​Xixia belonged to the Qiang people, and then the Uighurs in the Hetao area of ​​​​the northern Heishan will be sent back to Ganzhou in Hexi, and the vacated Hetao area will also be handed over to the Qiang people.

As support for Chen Qing, [-] Qiang troops from the [-] Qiang army joined the Western Army, and the other [-] Qiang troops were deployed in the Hetao area of ​​Heishan to defend against the nomadic peoples in Mobei.

Originally, the Hetao area was intended to be given to the Yellow-headed Uighur, but since the Yellow-headed Uyghur did not participate in the battle against Xia, the Hetao land could not be given to him, and it was handed over to the Qiang people.

From Chen Qing's original intention, he was more willing to give the Qiang people. The Qiang people are gentle, unambitious, and engaged in animal husbandry. They are good partners and can guarantee them the source of meat and war horses for a long time.

However, for the sake of his friendship with Cao Changchun, Chen Qing decided to hand over the Uighurs in Hetao to Cao Changchun, which can be regarded as an act of benevolence.

Chen Qing considered for a long time, and decided to temporarily keep [-] troops, internally to prevent and control party members, externally defend the counterattack of the Jinbing and Datong Prefecture Xixia Army, and guard [-] Xixia prisoners of war mining.

In fact, neither the Jin soldiers nor the Xixia army has the ability to counterattack for at least a few years. The Jin soldiers on the East Road are seriously insufficient, and it is impossible to transfer troops from the East Road, and Wanyan Wushu has lost [-] Jurchen cavalry. It is possible to send troops to attack Xixia, which has nothing to do with him, and Jin Bing can be ruled out.

There are only [-] remaining Western Xia remnants, and their purchase of one million taels of silver in Datong Mansion was intercepted. It is still a big question whether the Golden Council will give them Datong Mansion.

Even if it was given to them, what would they have to support [-] troops? The party herdsmen are all old and weak women and children. These old and weak women and children need to be raised by themselves, let alone raise an army!

So the key depends on whether Jin Guo is willing to use resources to support Brother Li Cha to continue his life in the Xixia Dynasty. If Jin Guo's senior management feels that the gain is not worth the loss, even if Wan Yanchang persists, it will be useless.

Once the support of the Kingdom of Jin is lost, the Xixia Dynasty will inevitably disappear in the long river of history, and the [-] Xixia cavalry will also become the possession of the Kingdom of Jin.

In fact, Chen Qing flew away with the iron harrier, and there was a faint intention to drive the sheep into the tiger's mouth. Would Jin Guo not be tempted when he saw three thousand iron harriers and heavy armored cavalry?
These are all things for the future, and the army can't wait any longer to go south.

Chen Qing came to the barracks. In the barracks, thousands of soldiers were busy packing and loading. They went south this time in two routes. Heavy catapults, battering rams, barracks and other supplies still used large sledges to walk on the ice of the Yellow River. Take this route to Lanzhou.

However, the [-] main force marching to Baimachuan can only carry part of the property for the time being, and most of the property must wait for the spring to be transported southward.

At this time, Chen Qing saw that Liu Cui was a little unhappy, so he smiled and said: "Don't worry, you won't miss the Battle of Hedong. When we attack Hedong, we also need to march from the north, and you will lead the army at that time. "

Liu Cui's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Du Tong keeps his word, don't break his promise!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "Since I promised you, I won't go back on my word!"

Now Liu Cui is relieved. Ever since Du Tong announced that he was the military envoy of the Han Navy, Liu Cui has not been happy for a few days. As soon as he opened it, he missed it, especially the battle to conquer Hedong next year, which really made Liu Cui very depressed.

The main general staying on Lingxia Road this time is Liu Cui, and the deputy generals are Cheng Huan and Ashali. Of course, Liu Cui is the general beside Chen Qing. Chen Qing will not let him stay on Lingxia Road forever, he just needs him to lead the army Stabilize the situation and make Zhang Xiao implement the Han-dominated strategy step by step.

When the situation stabilizes next year, Chen Qing will change generals, and Liu Zan will be stationed on Lingxia Road instead.

Two days later, the [-] troops set off. All the infantry and cavalry rode on horseback. Everyone returned with a full load. This time, the money found from the prisoners of war and the dead enemy soldiers was rewarded to the soldiers. You must know how much these Xixia soldiers plundered. Once, everyone had dozens of taels of property, and in the end it was all cheaper for the soldiers of the Song Army.

Every soldier of the Song Army was rewarded with at least twenty or thirty taels of silver as spoils of war, and Chen Qing rewarded each of the soldiers with five bolts of cloth and one bolt of silk, so that everyone was satisfied and went south.

At the back of the team, [-] camels, laden with food, grass and money, followed the army to the south.

Lin'an Mansion, the Song army captured Xingqing Mansion, and the news of Xixia's demise made the whole Lin'an Mansion boil. The Song Dynasty experienced too many hardships and failures, and finally had an exciting victory, eliminating a century-old enemy.

Even though Prime Minister Qin Hui ordered that official celebrations be prohibited, the common people organized spontaneously. Hundreds of thousands of people in Lin'an held lanterns and torches in a parade, singing and dancing, venting their inner depression and celebrating the rare victory.

Many officials also ran out and joined the people's carnival team in their private capacity to celebrate the Song Army's victory.

For several days, the entire Lin'an city was immersed in the joy of victory. All the restaurants, teahouses and other public places were talking about this victory. This is the destruction of the country, and it is more exciting than a random victory.

In front of the window on the second floor of Wenqing Restaurant, Deputy Prime Minister Zhao Dingzheng was having a drink with Lu Qingshan, Minister of the Household Department. They were dressed in casual clothes, and in the eyes of outsiders, they were just two ordinary old men.

At this time, a few people not far away were arguing, "What does the destruction of Xixia have to do with the imperial court? It is all the result of Chen Qing leading the army to fight bloody battles. Where are the imperial army?"

"Brother Wen Huan can't say that. The imperial court will definitely not be able to send troops across thousands of mountains and rivers, but didn't they also give money and food? Besides, isn't Chen Qing's western army the imperial army?"

"But you can't be so shameless. What does it mean that with the efforts of the court, the Western Army lived up to the court's trust? Did the court work hard? Did the court trust it? There is nothing at all. If you have to take the main credit for yourself, you can't Wouldn't it be better to say that with the support of the Chinese people, the Western Army lived up to the expectations of the people of Song Dynasty?"

"Cai Wenhuan, you don't understand anything, and you're talking nonsense here. Why are you still a court official? But you don't speak from the court's standpoint."


Someone suddenly saw Zhao Ding and hurriedly said, "Keep your voice down, Mr. Zhao is over there!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Zhao Ding and Lu Qingshan, they didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Ding held his wine glass and said with a smile: "If I remember correctly, this Cai Wenhuan was the third candidate in the imperial examination last year!"

Lu Qingshan nodded, "That's right, it's him. In the past two years, he has been handling cases at Yushitai. He is jealous and ruthless. He has offended too many people. A few days ago, he impeached Qin Hui for private use of public weapons, and promoted his nephew Wang Bo to the Ministry of Punishment. Yuanwailang, Qin Hui probably wants to deal with him."

"What's the background of this Cai Wenhuan?" Zhao Ding asked again.

"I don't have any background. I'm from Fuzhou. It's said that my family is very poor, but I guess it might be from the Cai family?"

"Cai Jing?"

"It's just speculation."

After a pause, Lu Qingshan laughed again: "This time Chen Qing destroyed Xixia, according to the previous agreement, he should be crowned king!"

Zhao Ding nodded, "The Son of Heaven has decreed that Chen Qing canonize as King of Lingwu County."

"I thought the Queen Mother and Qin Hui would resolutely oppose it!"

Zhao Ding sneered, "How could they not object? The Empress Dowager burst into tears, saying that she broke the ancestral rules. We can all see that the officials are also extremely reluctant. Originally, they wanted to be canonized as King of Fufeng County, but they were temporarily changed to Lingwu County. Wang, it is estimated that the officials think that Lingwu County is not the territory of the Song Dynasty, and that it is the king of a foreign country. Do you think this kind of thinking makes sense? Doesn’t the court recognize that Lingwu Shuofang does not belong to the Song Dynasty?"

"Since the officials are unwilling, why should they be canonized?"

"Didn't you sign a letter of commitment before? If Xixia is destroyed, Chen Qing will be crowned king. Besides, it's better for the imperial court to proclaim himself King of Qin than Chen Qing!

Lu Qingshan chuckled, "The last sentence is the key!"

"Who says it's not? Now Chen Qing's power is so great that it reaches the grasslands in the north, Yunnan in the south, Hanshui in the east, and the Hexi Corridor in the west. If he no longer recognizes the imperial court, the imperial court will have nothing to do with him."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ding sighed, "I don't know why the Queen Mother and Qin Hui hate Chen Qing so much. Are they trying to force him to separate himself?"

(End of this chapter)

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