
Chapter 708

Chapter 708
Emperor Zhao Gou was also afraid of Chen Qing's separatism and self-reliance, not only because he was afraid of losing Sichuan and Shaanxi, but also because he was afraid that Chen Qing would form an alliance with the Kingdom of Jin and launch an attack on the Great Song Dynasty at the same time, which would end the Great Song Dynasty.

So without anyone reminding him, and regardless of the resolute opposition of the Queen Mother and Qin Hui, he still resolutely canonized Chen Qing as the king of Lingwu County. Give it back to himself, he will definitely support it.

This expectation is of course unrealistic, and Zhao Gou also knows that unless Chen Qing is kicked in the head by a horse, he will return Chuanshan to himself.

In addition to Chen Qing, Zhao Gou had a lot of troubles. First of all, Yushi Zhang Zhiyuan impeached Zhang Jun for embezzling the military salary and dividing the spoils privately.

It took Zhang Jun more than half a year to destroy Liu Guangshi. He spent eight million guan on military expenses and one million stones on food. However, Zhang Jun and Liu Guangshi did not fight in the first battle, and privately spoke against Liu Guangshi's two henchmen Generals Li Qiong and Wang De, when the two turned against each other, Liu Guangshi was at a loss and had to surrender.

The content of Zhang Zhiyuan's impeachment is very sharp, "If the First World War has not been fought, how can there be millions of casualty compensation money?"The [-] rebels were all organized into the Song Army, so why did the [-] rebels repatriate money?How can a hundred thousand troops garrison for half a year eat up a million stones of grain? '

In addition, three thousand guan of money and nine thousand shi of grain were seized from Liu Guangshi's treasury. How could it be possible to say that Liu Guangshi ran out of money and food?Where did the other hundreds of big ships go?Where did Liu Guangshi's personal belongings go?

Although the content of the impeachment letter even a three-year-old child knows what Zhang Jun did?But Zhao Gou couldn't approve the impeachment letter. Can he approve Zhang Jun's dismissal?Zhang Jun has an army of [-] in his hands, what should he do if he stirs up a mutiny?
Chen Qing's army is still thousands of miles away from Lin'an, but Zhang Jun's army is right next to Lin'an!

What's more, although Zhang Jun is a bit greedy, he is loyal to him, while Chen Qing is honest and not greedy. Is he loyal to him?

Zhao Gou is the son of heaven, and he looks at the loyalty and corruption of his courtiers with the eyes of an emperor.

It doesn't matter if Zhang Jun is greedy for money, but he is afraid that he is not greedy for money. A warlord who is not greedy for money will definitely be greedy for power, and a warlord who is neither greedy for money nor power will definitely be greedy for the country.

It's a pity that these censors don't understand!Supervising warlords is to see whether they have ambitions and overstepping. This is the key point. Supervising civil servants is to look at corruption and bribery.

Zhao Gou drew a pen and crossed the impeachment letter, vetoing the impeachment letter.

Immediately afterwards, another thing that troubled him very much came again. It was the memorial of Lu Qingshan, the servant of the household department. The court had a serious financial crisis. The inventory was less than [-] guan, and it was already unable to pay the next month's [-] million guan. For military pay, I hope that money and food will be allocated urgently from various places.

Lack of financial resources, the huge military salary has been oppressing the imperial court. In the past, there were taxes in Sichuan and Jingxiang, but now there are no taxes in Sichuan. Jingxiang is in chaos, and hungry people are everywhere. The imperial court set aside money and food for relief.

But there are also hungry people in Jianghuai. The imperial court recovered Jianghuai, but not only did it not bring any benefits, but the hungry people were everywhere, and thieves were everywhere, like a bottomless pit.

It is no wonder that more and more ministers oppose the recovery of the Central Plains. The Jianghuai River will overwhelm the imperial court, and with the desolation and poverty of the Central Plains, will the imperial court be able to survive?
How to do?Zhao Gou didn't know what to do.

"Go get Qin Xianggong and Zhang Xianggong to me!"

Zhao Gou didn't know what to do, but he could push it to the prime minister. If there was a financial crisis, wouldn't this be the prime minister's business?How Lu Yihao solved the serious financial shortage back then, they can learn from it!

Not long after, Qin Hui and Zhang Jun walked into the imperial study one after the other, bowed and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand, "There are two things I have come to ask you for. The first is about the envoy to Jingzhao. It must be confirmed immediately. This matter cannot be delayed. It is best to confirm it now."

"Conferring a king is no small matter, please think twice, Your Majesty?"

Qin Hui was still not reconciled, and tried to persuade Zhao Gou again. He knew that the officials were not willing to canonize Chen Qing either.

Zhao Gou was in a bad mood, and interrupted him impatiently, "If I don't designate him, and he proclaims himself King of Qin, what should I do?"

"Your Majesty can declare him a traitor and call on the world to punish him."

Zhang Jun sneered behind him, "As a dignified prime minister, Mr. Qin, why do you think he is as naive and ridiculous as a three-year-old child?"

Qin Hui turned his head and glared at Zhang Jun, "In front of the emperor, Mr. Zhang, don't want to talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. If the imperial court and Chen Qing turned against each other, the Kingdom of Jin would welcome it the most. Without Chen Qing's army to restrain them from the side, the Kingdom of Jin would attack Song without any hesitation. Hai, what should we do? If Chen Qing colludes with the Kingdom of Jin and attacks Song from two sides at the same time, how should we resist?"

Qin Hui snorted, and said to Zhao Gou: "If the enemy army comes to attack, our army will resist it. Our soldiers are all brave and good at fighting, enough to wipe out the invading enemy. There is no need for it."

"Qin Xianggong, I have already made an order."

"Your Majesty can impose conditions to force him to give up."

"Qin Xianggong!"

Zhao Gou was really annoyed. Every time Chen Qing was involved, this Qin Hui behaved differently than usual childish and stupid.

Qin Hui didn't dare to persist any longer, so he could only bow down and say: "If your majesty has made a decision, I will support you, and I will recommend Zhe Yanzhi, who knows the Privy Council, to go on an envoy again!"

Zhao Gou glared at him, then asked Zhang Jun, "What about Mr. Zhang's opinion?"

"Weichen also agrees that Orihiko will go on a mission again!"

"Then decide to go to Jingzhao as an envoy. Let me talk about the second thing today, which is to talk about financial issues. The imperial court has a heavy burden and can't make ends meet. The huge financial gap in Jingxiang, Jianghuai has become our fill. There is a bottomless pit where hungry people are everywhere, thieves are rampant, and there is a monthly military salary of three million guan. .”

As the right minister, Qin Hui had thought about this issue a long time ago. He bowed and said, "Jingxiang is not a big problem. It can be recovered after a few years of recuperation by reducing taxes and taxes. The key is Jianghuai. The two sides are constantly tugging. As for people not being able to farm, once they miss farming, it means that there will be no food for half a year, and the court will have to continue to pay for subsidies. This is like a human body, with wounds that don’t heal, bleeding, and the pressure on the military salary is also due to war. Your Majesty, forgive me Wei Chen bluntly said that when our national strength cannot afford war, it is best to stop the war and negotiate peace with Jin Guo."

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to negotiate a peace.

Zhang Jun wanted to oppose the peace negotiation, but he didn't know how to oppose it. Qin Hui was right. Since the financial resources could not support the war, the only option was to stop the war. Otherwise, it would be militarism. Zhang Jun remained silent.

Zhao Gou paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, saying that he didn't want to negotiate peace, that was absolutely a lie. His request for the northern attack was very simple, to seize the Jianghuai River and make the Jianghuai River a buffer zone for the Yangtze River and even the south of the Yangtze River. Now that the goal has been achieved, he doesn't want to go north again. Attack, especially when he thinks of the devastation of the Central Plains, and the people in the Central Plains who are struggling to survive and will burden them with a heavy financial burden, he is even more reluctant. At this juncture, it is of course his wish to be able to negotiate with him.

"Can the peace negotiation be successful?" Zhao Gou asked.

"Your Majesty, I think it can be successful!"

"Tell me why."

Qin Hui said confidently: "I think there are two reasons. First, Wan Yanchang is currently in power in the Kingdom of Jin. Wan Yanchang is a moderate faction who always advocates peace talks and a truce;
Second, the Western Xia army will attack Xixia, and the next step will inevitably threaten the Central Plains and Hedong. The Jin soldiers will be severely restrained and unable to attack the south. The Jin Kingdom court will also consider negotiating peace with us. "

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes, Qin Hui knows this too!Chen Qing's army restrained Jin Bing, thinking that he really didn't know anything.

Zhao Gou glanced at Zhang Jun, "Does Mr. Zhang agree to negotiate a peace?"

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we discuss it in the court. If all the officials do not object, then the peace negotiation is what everyone expects."

(End of this chapter)

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