
Chapter 709 Triumph

Chapter 709 Triumph

The news of the Western Xia's great victory in Xixia and the demise of Xixia reached Jingzhao City a month ago. Jingzhao was full of joy, and hundreds of thousands of people marched with songs and dances, pushing the joy of victory to a climax and making Chen Qing's Personal prestige reaches its peak.

At the moment when the whole city was immersed in the joy of victory, Chen Qing's third child was born.

Twenty days passed in a flash, and the smiles of victory had not faded from people's faces. A heavy snowfall came quietly, and the festive Jingzhao Mansion became a world of ice and snow.

It was ice and snow outside, but the room was as warm as spring. Zhao Qiaoyun was lying on the bed intently reading a document, and in the cradle next to him, a little baby carved in pink and jade was sleeping soundly.

Zhao Qiaoyun has been in confinement for [-] days, she is really bored, so she helps her husband to review the documents again.

This letter was issued by Zheng Ping, a soldier and horse envoy in Sichuan. He stated in the letter that bandits and thieves were rampant on South Jingnan Road, the people were in a miserable situation, and the people were in dire straits. Suppress bandits along Jing South Road and save the people from fire and water.

Zheng Ping's proposal was of great importance, and the Xuanfu envoy could not make a decision, so he transferred it to Chen Qing's mansion, hoping that his wife would make a decision.

Of course, Jiang Yanxian, Zhou Kuan, and Zhang Miao all gave instructions and agreed to help the hungry people on Jingnan South Road, but it was not up to them to decide whether to send troops to suppress the bandits.

Chen Qing, the envoy of Xuan Fu, is not here, so the decision is in the hands of his wife Lu Xiu, and Lu Xiu will naturally ask Zhao Qiaoyun to help consider it.

At this moment, the door curtain opened, Lu Xiu walked in from the outer room, pointed to the outer room and said in a low voice, "Nurse is asleep."

Zhao Qiaoyun nodded, "Nurse has not slept all night, she is exhausted, I will let her take the time to sleep for a while."

Lu Xiu touched the child's little face, and said with a smile, "much fatter than her sister, who was still like a skinny cat when she was twenty days old."

Zhao Qiaoyun also laughed and said, "Their sisters are only one year younger, and when they grow up, they will have playmates."

"Hey! Mine is so naughty, it's a big head."

"It means she is in good health, a good thing."

"That's all I can think of."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "There is good news, the army has withdrawn from Xixia."

"Sister, it's not Xixia, it's Lingzhou Mansion."

"I forgot again, I'm used to talking about Xixia."

Lv Xiu laughed at herself and asked, "What about this document? Jiang Changshi sent someone to ask again today."

"Are you in such a hurry?" Zhao Qiaoyun asked with a smile.

Lu Xiu smiled wryly and said, "Zheng Ping is in a hurry. After the Chinese New Year, we will have spring plowing. There are no seeds, no cattle, only thieves. If you miss the spring plowing, big trouble will happen."

Zhao Qiaoyun asked, "What's your opinion?"

"Me?" Lu Xiu was a little embarrassed, she basically left these things to Zhao Qiaoyun.

Lu Xiu thought about it for a while, and hesitated: "Will helping those people help improve your husband's prestige? I was just thinking about it."

Zhao Qiaoyun pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Actually, the eldest sister mentioned the key point. Why did you send troops to suppress the bandits and help the people? It's just to protect your reputation."

Lu Xiu thought for a while and said, "But it shouldn't be as simple as maintaining reputation! Zheng Ping is not a person who pays attention to fame. He must have other reasons for rushing to send troops."

"There is another reason. My husband has roots in Jingxiang. Many people in the military are from the Jingxiang area. Now that Jingxiang is in trouble, the people have expectations of us. It is our duty to send troops. However, if we send too many troops, the court will There will be a strong reaction."

"Then what's your opinion?" Lu Xiu asked.

"Of course I agree to send troops, but I suggest that the number of troops should not be too many. It should be around [-]. While suppressing the bandits, a relief team should also be sent to cooperate with the local government to distribute seeds to farmers and lend cattle to the government. Unified arrangements for spring plowing.

In addition, the envoy of Xuanfu will come forward and write a memorial to the court. Even if the bandits are rampant, they have threatened the lives of the people in Bashu, so we have to send troops to suppress the bandits. , Do what should be done, and the court will have nothing to say. "

"Okay! You write down your opinion, I will stamp it and send it to Jiang Changshi."

Zhao Qiaoyun immediately wrote an instruction, Lu Xiu stamped Chen Qing's seal, and sent someone to Jiang Yanxian.

Chen Qing's [-] troops have entered Gyeongju and are marching south along the Maling River Valley. The winter on Shaanxi Road is obviously much warmer than Xixia. Although it has entered the cold winter of December, there are not many people in the valley. The snow and the ice of the Maling River are not too cold, there is no biting cold, and the soldiers wear thicker clothes, so they can walk on the ice on horseback.

The [-] army and [-] camels stretched for more than [-] miles, and the mighty force could not be seen. The army traveled day and night for more than [-] days. This afternoon, the army finally arrived at Xiping County.

Xiping County is the state capital of Binzhou, and it is also the most important strategic place on the Jingyuan Road. The Jingyuan Road to the northwest and the Maling River Valley to the north meet in Xiping County.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Qing ordered the army to camp there to rest. The soldiers took out their marching stoves, briquettes and iron pots to boil water for cooking. With hundreds of fat pigs came to see Chen Qing.

Chen Qing praised them a few words, and then ordered people to kill pigs and send them to the wounded barracks. The lightly injured soldiers basically recovered, and thousands of seriously injured soldiers continued to be recuperated and treated, but most of them were cured. The state capital also went south together.

"Xuanfu envoy should go to the city to rest!" Zhizhou Li Houzhi saw that Chen Qing's camp tent was very simple, and he was really uneasy.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your kindness. If you have something to tell me directly, I won't go to the city."

"There is one thing that needs to be clearly instructed by the envoy!"

Li Houzhi scratched his head and said: "The humble official has already written a report to Jingzhao, which is actually about the issue of land ownership. Last year, the Xuanfu envoy issued an order to encourage wasteland reclamation, stipulating that the reclaimed land should be owned by farmers, which indeed aroused great reactions. It has also greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers. This year's cultivated land has increased by [-]% compared to last year, but there is a problem, that is, the old cultivated land was left unused because the owner was gone, and some farmers reclaimed these old cultivated land. It is a bit difficult to ask the government to issue a land deed, but the government has this land deed."

Chen Qing frowned and said: "Unowned cultivated land is owned by the government. It is official land. The land ownership is very clear. Farmers can be used as tenants after reclaiming land. At most, they don't need to collect rent for the first few years, but the land rights belong to the government. There is no doubt that the wasteland reclamation order I issued last year also made it very clear that it is to reclaim wasteland, not unowned arable land, and it cannot turn into a robbery of official land."

Zhou Yu, the county magistrate next to him, added: "The key is that the cultivated land has been put on hold for many years, and it is no longer clear from the wasteland, and the farmers don't know it. Once it is reclaimed, we will not issue a title deed, and they will make a lot of noise. There have been several disturbances this year. Now, pouring dung into the county government and state government is simply unbearable!"

Chen Qing said coldly: "There have been thieves in all dynasties. The archers and arresters of the government not only catch thieves, but also maintain order. Those who should be arrested should be arrested and severely punished. They cannot be tolerated. The land reclamation order has principles. , cannot be an excuse for some big households to take the opportunity to seize the land."

Li Houzhi and Zhou Bang were sweating profusely, and said quickly: "I understand!"

Chen Qing also said earnestly: "The land reclamation order was issued in February last year. In March, some people in Chencang County reclaimed unowned land. After discovering this loophole, we issued several decrees successively, including the requirement of continuous farming years, the upper limit of the quantity, and the requirement that it cannot be transferred within ten years.

I remember that I issued a special order last June to prevent this kind of encroachment on official land. It is clear that the property rights belong to the government. If you make it clear and make trouble, then you are making trouble. "

Li Houzhi was ashamed and said: "When I returned from my humble position, I summoned the chief officials of all counties and asked them to send people to the countryside to explain these laws clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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