
Chapter 710 Triumph

Chapter 710 Triumph

After entering Jingyuan Road, the road is obviously easy to walk, there is a spacious and flat official road, and the army speeds up. Four days later, [-] troops arrived in Chang'an City.

Hearing that tens of thousands of people came out of the city to welcome the army from the Northern Expedition, Chen Qing immediately decided to hold a grand triumphant entry ceremony.

The [-] troops entered the city through the east gate and left the city through the west gate. Almost all the people in the city flocked to the nearly ten-mile-long West Street and East Street. For example, some restaurant shopkeepers even picked more than a dozen loads of good wine, and handed bowls to the soldiers to drink it up. Every time the soldiers responded with a wave of their hands, the common people immediately cheered enthusiastically. Groups of girls sang and danced to welcome Xi The warriors returned in triumph.

When Chen Qing appeared under the battle flag, the whole street was boiling, "Long live! Long live the Western Army! Long live the Xuanfu envoy!" Countless people raised their arms and shouted, and the cheers resounded through the sky.

A large carriage was parked in front of an alley behind the crowd. There was a gauze curtain hanging on the carriage. A fat man squinted at Chen Qing who was surrounded by his own soldiers. For a moment, he saw Chen Qing's face. Chen Qing suddenly looked back, his cold eyes seemed to see through the carriage, and the fat middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat in fright.

He immediately realized that Chen Qing was accepting the cheers of the people on the surface, but in fact he was extremely vigilant, and he knew every trouble around him.

A few people in black next to them held crossbows and arrows, waiting for the order from the fat man.

The obese man shook his head, "It's impossible to succeed in the assassination, give up!"

A subordinate with a long scar on his face said anxiously: "Boss Jin, this is a rare opportunity!"

The obese man gave him a cold look with his slender eyes, "Do you think Chen Qing is a clay bodhisattva, stretching his neck and waiting for you to shoot arrows? You are so stupid, I think you are not as good as Li Toutuo."

Thinking of the viciousness of the manager, the man with the scar didn't dare to say a word. The carriage started immediately and drove into the long alley.

The ceremony of entering the city lasted for more than an hour. The [-] troops left the city from the west gate and returned to the barracks. Chen Qing brought [-] soldiers back to his mansion, and the soldiers went to the nearby barracks. Entered the mansion under the guard of a dozen personal soldiers.

His wife Lu Xiu brought a pair of children to welcome him. His son Chen Ji is three years old this year. He is a bit shy and hides in the arms of his nurse.

On the other hand, the one-year-old daughter, Xue'er, who was just able to walk, staggered towards her with her arms outstretched, and shouted in a childish voice, "Daddy!"

Chen Qing's heart melted. He picked up his daughter, kissed her face heavily, and pointed to his own face. The little lady had a natural sense of intimacy and familiarity with her father. Gnaw a face full of saliva,
Everyone laughed, Lu Xiu smiled and wanted to take her daughter, but the little lady hugged her father's neck and refused to let go, Chen Qing laughed, and simply hugged her daughter with one hand and son with the other, Chen Ji blushed and whispered : "Daddy!"

Chen Qing was elated, and walked towards the back house with a pair of daughters in his arms, "Daddy has brought you gifts, let's go back to the room to look at the presents."

The soldiers quietly handed the gift box to Yu Ying, and Yu Ying and Yu Lian hurriedly followed Madam carrying the box.

The family came to Zhao Qiaoyun's confinement room, and the nurses retreated knowingly. Zhao Qiaoyun was happy, but also a little embarrassed, and quickly got up to salute, "My husband is back."

"It's been more than half a year, and I finally returned home. How is Qiaoyun's recovery?"

"At the beginning I was a bit short of energy and blood, but now I have fully recovered, and my eldest sister won't let me go out."

Lu Xiu picked up her monkey-like daughter from her husband, and said with a smile: "If you don't sit still enough, you will suffer from the root of the disease. I am kind, but you don't appreciate it."

Zhao Qiaoyun also smiled and said, "I don't appreciate it, isn't this just staying in the room obediently?"

At this time, Chen Qing's eyes fell on the little daughter in the cradle. The child's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to his own, but more like her mother. His facial features were extremely delicate, and he was a finely crafted little person.

The little girl's nose twitched, and suddenly she burst into tears. Zhao Qiaoyun hurriedly held her daughter in her arms, and gently coaxed her.

Chen Qing said helplessly: "It's probably because the smell on my body has suffocated her. I'm afraid I need to take a good bath."

Yu Ying quickly said: "The water is already boiled."

Lv Xiu smiled and told Yu Ying and Yu Lian: "You two go to wait for your husband to take a bath, and we will share gifts in the evening. You two are indispensable."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, when did his wife become so enlightened.

He was afraid that his wife would repent, so he got up and went out. The Yu sisters were secretly happy, and hurriedly followed.

After they left, Zhao Qiaoyun smiled and said, "Elder Sister broke the rules."

Lu Xiu smiled slightly and said: "Rules are made by people, but also broken by people. Seeing that my husband didn't bring me back a Xixia princess, I will reward him once."

After taking this bath for more than an hour, Chen Qingcai changed into a comfortable cotton robe refreshed and returned to his inner study. At this time, Lu Xiu came in with a cup of hot tea.

Chen Qing hugged his wife's waist and sat on his lap. Lu Xiu snorted and said, "I'm not the two of them. Don't mess around during the day!"

Chen Qing refused to let go, and said with a smile: "I want to report to my lady! In Xixia, I promise to keep my body like a jade."

Lu Xiu looked at her husband with a half-smile and said: "Invade the palace, those princesses and concubines are all in your hands, I don't believe you can bear it?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "No really, I let Brother Li Cha break out from the north city gate, and he took away concubines, princesses, princes and some dignitaries. When I entered the palace, there were only a few hundred court ladies and eunuchs left. Let them all go home."

"Really not?"

"I don't have to lie to you!"

Lu Xiu snuggled into her husband's arms, stroked his beard and said, "It's true, my husband is now a prince, and the prince wants to find a woman, so why do I need my consent?"

Chen Qing was startled, "What prince?"

"There is news from Lin'an that the officials have proclaimed my husband the King of Lingwu County, and the envoy is on his way to Jingzhao."

"Their news is quite fast, what else is important?"

Lu Xiu stood up from her husband's lap, took out a thick stack of copies of the documents from the bookcase, put them on the table and said with a smile: "This is the nineteen copies of the documents that Qiaoyun and I discussed and submitted to Xuan Xuan. Mr. Chen, the envoy, if there is something wrong, please forgive me!"

"Even if you make a mistake, I will stand up for you."

Chen Qing took a sip of hot tea, casually picked up the document on the top and read it carefully. Lu Xiu didn't bother her husband anymore, and quietly retreated out.

The gift Chen Qing brought back was the treasure chest of Empress Dowager Liang of Xixia, which was found in a secret room in the palace. It was all the personal belongings of Empress Liang. Li Qianshun hated Empress Liang, and after her death, he sealed all her belongings together Brother Li Cha didn't know about the secret room, and Song Jun only found out when he demolished the palace.

Empress Dowager Liang loved jewelry, jade, and porcelain. She collected dozens of large boxes of jade and porcelain alone, and thousands of gems and jewelry. Chen Qing gave all the gems and jewelry to the generals. Prepare to reward civil servants.

He himself also got the most precious treasure chest of Empress Dowager Liang, which contained more than one hundred pieces of jewelry and jade, all of which were rare treasures, and there were more than twenty sapphires the size of pigeon eggs alone.

If it were not for Li Qianshun's hatred of Queen Mother Liang, these jewels, jade and porcelain could not be preserved intact.

Yu Ying and Yu Lian walked into Madam's room, the blush on their faces hadn't faded, their eyes were full of spring, and they seemed to be well nourished.

Lu Xiu glared at them, "Just make an exception this time today, next time you are not allowed to mess around in the daytime."

"Yes! Ma'am." The two agreed obediently.

Lu Xiu pointed to the two wooden boxes on the table, "There are two sets of jewelry inside. The officials gave you precious treasures. Each of them has twelve pieces. Take them!"

"Thank you ma'am!"

The two picked up the box and retreated. When they walked outside, Yu Lian couldn't help but open the box. Immediately, the jewels were so dazzling that her eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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