
Chapter 711 The Cabinet

Chapter 711 The Cabinet
Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the official room and immediately ordered someone to invite Jiang Yanxian, Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao.

Not long after, the three of Jiang Yanxian came in a hurry, bowed and saluted: "See Xuanfu envoy!"

Chen Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "The three of you have worked hard in the past six months, please sit down!"

Everyone greeted a few words, then Chen Qing said: "Lingzhou Mansion has been established, and Xiazhou Mansion will be established immediately. Lingzhou Mansion has Zhang Sima in charge, and it is already operating normally. The key is that Xiazhou Mansion is not normal. military control.

I have decided to let Lu Wei be the magistrate of Xiazhou, and then I need to select a group of officials to go to Xiazhou to take up the post. "

As he spoke, Chen Qing took out a job roster and handed it to Jiang Yanxian, "This roster is handed over to the Department of Officials for consideration."

Jiang Yan first took over the job list and looked at it, "The humble job will arrange candidates as soon as possible."

"The Department of Transshipment, the Department of Prosecution and the Department of Supervision, these three directly affiliated institutions must also be put into operation as soon as possible."

Jiang Yanxian frowned slightly, "There are quite a lot of officials in need, why don't we select from Shaanxi Road and Xihe Road first!"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "Isn't there a lot of young officials waiting for vacancies in the imperial court? We can also give them a chance to send a group of young officials to make up for our shortcomings."

Jiang Yan shook his head first, "Report to Xuanfu envoy, I don't quite agree with this."

"Tell me why!"

"The reason is also very simple. The imperial court has approved our imperial examination. We also need to take the imperial examination to select scholars and arrange positions. We still have Taixue. Excellent Taixue students also need to be arranged. Now fill up the remaining positions. What will we do next year?
In addition, we can't think too well about the imperial court. Even if they deploy officials, they will never be excellent officials. Instead, they will be problematic officials or officials with bad records. Whether we want to or not will be a headache. Cultivate yourself. "

Zhou Kuan also said at the side: "I want to report to the Xuan Fu envoy, and I want to intervene in a humble position."

"Please tell me the order!"

"Beizhi went to Shangluo on a business trip two months ago, and found that a county magistrate is really a genius. He not only knows the situation in Shangluo County well, but also knows the inventory of various materials in the warehouse of Shangluo County and their whereabouts. The documents are not bad, the thinking is very clear, and the books are very smooth. This person is called Wang Jing. I have already transferred him to the Duzhi Office as the accountant. The humble position means that many civil servants are actually very talented, but they may not It’s a little short, so there is no chance of getting ahead.”

Chen Qing was right when he thought about it, they did have talents, and he didn't need to think about the court, so he nodded and said: "You are right, we have a lot of talents here, there is no need to invite foreign monks to recite scriptures."

After a pause, Chen Qing said to Zhou Kuan again: "Have you received all the property list I sent back with Eagle Letter?"

"Received, there are a lot of them. It took us two days to sort them out. It seems that this attack on Xixia has gained a lot."

"It is indeed very rich. The wealth obtained from the Xixia dignitaries alone requires [-] camels to carry it, and the gold in it is more than [-] taels. What I am concerned about now is the total expenditure of this battle to destroy Xia. How much, have we made up for it?"

"We discussed this issue two days ago. The original budget was [-] million guan, but the actual expenditure may be [-] million guan, an overspend of [-] million guan."

Chen Qing frowned, "How could you overspend so much?"

"The main reason is that there are too many people killed in battle, and the pension far exceeds the estimated one million guan. , but in fact only [-] shi were transported.”

"What about the income?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

Zhou Kuan leaned back and smiled and said, "Don't be anxious, envoy Xuan Fu, let me listen to the humble official, from the list sent by the envoy Xuan Fu and the preliminary count at the scene, this war is not counted as food supplies, copper coins or other treasures. The two items of income from gold and silver alone amounted to [-] million guan.”

Chen Qing patted his forehead, this number was beyond his expectation, "Are there so many?"

Zhou Kuan smiled slightly, "It's the property of the thousands of camels that Xuanfu envoy said, the property of the Xixia dignitaries, we counted it yesterday at four o'clock at night, there are [-] million taels of silver and [-] taels of gold. , This is [-] million guan.

Adding the [-] million taels of silver in the Xixia treasury, based on a ratio of [-] to [-], it is [-] million guan. Isn't this [-] million guan?I don't count the military supplies, there are millions of copper coins, as well as food, cloth, silk, sheepskin, medicinal materials, copper ingots, pig iron, cattle, sheep, and camels. It is the most profitable business, Xixia's century-old accumulation has been harvested. "

"How come there are so many?"

Chen Qing still didn't understand, "Xixia's national power is at its weakest now!"

Jiang Yanxian said with a smile: "Wealth will not disappear out of thin air. Xixia's national strength has declined, but wealth has flowed from the imperial treasury to the private treasury of the powerful. Remelted and remade, and then sold to the imperial court, he earned [-] million guan from this item alone, and [-] camels for the Xixia court to transport supplies were bought from Xia Jinfeng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and flowed into Xia Jinfeng's hands How much gold and silver? Can the national power not decline? But the total wealth is not small, the Xuanfu envoy understands it!"

Chen Qing sighed softly, "I understand. War is indeed huge profits. Our total income in this war of destroying Xia is at least [-] million yuan, not including population and land. If the court knows, I'm afraid they really want to He vomited blood."

The three looked at each other and said in unison: "Of course I won't let the court know."

The three of them discussed the material transportation arrangement again, Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao had something to do, so they left in a hurry.

Only Chen Qing and Jiang Yanxian were left in the room, and Jiang Yanxian said to Chen Qing: "There is one more important thing, this time Zhang Xiao went to Lingzhou, so the Xuanfu Envoy of the military affairs has to be arranged to take over. Increase the number of members of the Interior Hall to five, so that there will be a majority when voting.”

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back. He had been thinking about this issue along the way. He had to have sufficient qualifications and corresponding abilities. He already had a five-person plan in his mind.

"I want Guan Shigu to take over Zhang Xiao's military affairs, what does Chang Shi think?"

Guan Shigu used to be the commander of the Jingyuan army, regardless of his seniority, he is enough. His biggest stain is that he surrendered to the puppet Qi. It may be difficult to be recognized by the court, but it is not a problem here in Chen Qing. Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao They were both officials of the puppet Qi. The most important thing is that Guan Shigu’s family members are all in Jingzhao. The eldest son Guan Xiaolin was appointed by Chen Qing as the magistrate of Qishan County, and the second son Guan Xiaowen was appointed as the shepherd of Yuanzhou. He was responsible for raising sheep. Yangguan, the youngest Guan Xiaowu has joined the army, and is now Niu Gao's subordinate, and he is the leader of the cavalry.

Jiang Yanxian is very familiar with Guan Shigu, he said happily: "Old Guan should agree, we drank together a few days ago, I persuaded him to come out to be an official, he said that he was afraid that his lack of ability would delay the important event of the Xuanfu envoy, his tone has changed gone."

"That's good, I'll talk to him later!"

Chen Qing said again: "Then I consider that Zhang Miao will continue to be in charge of monitoring and intelligence. There are too many things on your side and the pressure is too great. I consider separating the Ministry of Officials and dividing it into two parts, the Department of Government Affairs and the Department of Officials. Zhou is in charge of the Department of Officials, and you continue to be in charge of the Department of Government Affairs."

Jiang Yanxian nodded, "I'm a bit overwhelmed, this is the best, but who can be better than Lao Zhou in terms of financial support?"

"I want to use Zhao Kai!"

Jiang Yan was stunned, and said with a smile: "Zhao Kai is currently a Sichuan-Shaanxi transit envoy, with outstanding ability, everyone recognizes it, and I fully support it!"

Historically, Zhao Kai passed away three years later, but his death was mainly due to Zhang Jun’s resignation. Zhao Kai was a member of Zhang Jun. He was implicated and suppressed, and soon died of depression. Died so early.

In this way, with the addition of Guan Shigu, Zhao Kai, Jiang Yanxian, Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao, a new five-member group of the Neizhengtang was formed.

(End of this chapter)

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