
Chapter 715 Rumors

Chapter 715 Rumors
In the morning of the next day, Zhe Yanzhi officially read the will of the emperor, commending Chen Qing for his great achievements in destroying Xia, rewarding him with [-] taels of silver, and canonizing him as the king of Lingwu County, making his eldest son Chen Ji his son, and adding the title of captain of Qingche , the official wife, Lu, is the princess, and the wife of Xia Guo is appointed, the second wife, Zhao, is the wife of the county, and the two concubines, Yu, are named Yiren.

The Privy Council and the Ministry of Officials are ordered to reward all meritorious officers and soldiers according to their merits, and another million pieces of silk will be rewarded to the officers and soldiers of the three armies.

After reading the imperial decree, Orihiko discussed the governance of Hetao on behalf of the imperial court, Chen Qing and several chief officials of the Xuanfu envoy.

"I can tell the Xuanfu envoy and all the senior officials frankly that the officials are not very interested in Hetao. It should be because it is too far away. When the officials heard that Xixia was destroyed, they only said yes three times, and then there was no more, not even Let the political affairs hall discuss the follow-up matters, but the imperial court is very concerned, Zhang Jun suggested that the political affairs hall discuss the governance of Hetao, although they failed to come up with a set of plans, the imperial court will still maintain a high degree of concern."

Jiang Yanxian slightly bowed his body and smiled, "Could Zhetongzhi tell us why the court didn't come up with a governance plan?"

Orihiko smiled and said: "Accordingly, this is not the scope of my duties, I should not say too much, but since Jiang Changshi asked, I think it can still be discussed as a kind of political exchange.

I personally think that the imperial court did not formulate a plan. The key is that the imperial court has no idea of ​​the situation in the Hetao area. How many counties, population, ethnic composition, production situation, etc. have no clue. How can they come up with a governance plan? "

"Then will the imperial court send someone to understand the situation in Hetao?" This time it was Zhou Kuan who asked.

"If the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu envoy has not provided the corresponding information, then the imperial court can only send people to Hetao to find out the situation, but if the envoy can't go to Hetao due to safety issues, the matter may be left alone in the end. Zhengshitang There are so many affairs that it is impossible to focus on one thing, do you understand what I mean?"

What Orihiko means is that if you want the court not to interfere with Hetao, you should not provide any information to the court. At the same time, you must prevent the court from sending people into Hetao to investigate. up.

Everyone is well aware of Orihiko's suggestion, but Orihiko is representing the imperial court, so he can't say too much, and can only make a fuss from such trivial details, but for Chen Qing, none of the above is necessary, even if The imperial court made a thousand governance plans, just ignore it.

However, Chen Qing was more concerned about the financial situation of the imperial court. He asked: "Yesterday, Mr. Zhe said that the imperial court decided to negotiate a peace and truce with the Kingdom of Jin because of the financial crisis. Actually, I don't care about the peace and truce. I am more concerned with the financial crisis of the imperial court. How serious is it?"

"It's very serious. As far as I know, there are only [-] copper coins left in the official treasury of the imperial court. Generally, the last year's tax will not be escorted to Lin'an until April next year. How much money was escorted and immediately transferred to Lin'an, it is said that it is only [-] million yuan, which is not even enough for a month's military salary."

Zhou Kuan frowned, "I remember that a few years ago, the imperial court still had a budget balance. Why did it change so much?"

Zhe Yanzhi sighed, "It is mainly because of three major events that caused the court to suffer miserably. Of course, it has nothing to do with Bashu. Bashu's taxes have been supplied to the Western Army for so many years, and the court has not been able to get it. It has no impact on the court. The key is Jingnan. It is said that Zhang Jun's army spent [-] million guan in military expenditure and [-] million shi in food in half a year to quell the chaos on the South Road.

The second is that the imperial court subsidized Jianghuai. During the Jianghuai war, millions of people in Jianghuai could not cultivate, so they had to be fed by the imperial court. The time is ending, just don't know. "

The third is the military pay, food and grass for the [-] troops of the Northern Expedition. The military salary alone costs two million guan, and there is also a large amount of armor and supplies. After half a year of the Northern Expedition, almost all the warehouses of the imperial court were empty, and it was really impossible to fight. There must be a truce and peace. "

Chen Qing said indifferently: "The financial crisis of the imperial court has become the responsibility of the anti-gold faction?"

"I can't say that. Fighting against gold is a big plan. It won't be won in a short while. In particular, we must pay attention to methods and methods. Gou Jian spent ten years accumulating national strength and finally won a battle. Just fight against gold, with a hammer in the east and a stick in the west, take Yangzhou, attack Bianliang, and fight against Jianghuai. Putting the blame on the anti-gold faction, Lu Xianggong dismissed, Li Gang dismissed, those who are really capable of resisting the gold are not reused, and those who are incapable of resisting the gold occupy high positions, isn't it chilling?"

"The capable fighters are Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and Wu Jie, but who are the incompetent fighters?"

"The incompetent anti-gold fighters are two Zhangs, with the same name, the mediocre general Zhang Jun, and the mediocre prime minister Zhang Jun."

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "I would like to hear the details!"

Orihiko shook his head, "During the six months since Xuan Fu envoy attacked Xixia, many major events have happened in the court, and they are all public matters. Xuan Fu envoy can inquire about it by himself. It would be bad if I said it."

Chen Qing knew that he was afraid of offending Zhang Jun, so he didn't ask any more questions, and sent someone to send him back to the VIP post to rest.

Chen Qing returned to his official room and sent someone to invite Zhang Miao. Not long after, Zhang Miao hurried over, bowed and said, "See the king!"

Chen Qing didn't like the title of Fushi Xuan, that's why he insisted on being crowned king. Once he was crowned king, the nature would be different. Fushi Xuan was a minister, while the king of the county was the lord.

Chen Qing was not modest and acquiesced in Zhang Miao's change of address.

"I want to know what happened to the court during the six months since I conquered Xixia?"

Zhang Miao was in charge of intelligence, and he had heard about the affairs of the court, but he didn't know the details.

He thought for a while and said: "Probably in the first half of the year, Zhang Jun was transferred to conquer Liu Guangshi, and Wu Jie replaced his defense line. The [-]-strong army united to attack the Central Plains without Zhang Jun's restraint. Both Wu Jie and Han Shizhong agreed, and the emperor also agreed. In charge of the logistics of the three armed forces.

The imperial decree had been issued, and the army began to send troops to the Northern Expedition, but for some reason, the emperor suddenly issued an order to cancel Yue Fei's post as the commander of the three armies, and at the same time cancel the Northern Expedition, so the three armies had to withdraw back to Jianghuai.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Fei resigned, and without waiting for the emperor's consent, he took off his armor and went to Lushan Donglin Temple to observe the filial piety for his mother. In Xiangyang, Yue Fei's generals complained of illness one after another, and everyone panicked. The hundred thousand Yue's army was about to mutiny.

When the news reached Lin'an, the emperor was also frightened. He refuted Zhang Jun's request to dismiss Yue Fei's memorial, and also rejected Yue Fei's resignation. He ordered Zhang Jun to go to Luzhou to appease Yue Fei, invite him back to Xiangyang, and let Yue Fei restrain Wu Jie's army. , In fact, the emperor compromised with Yue Fei. "

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "It should be Zhang Jun who is instigating, that's why Orihiko called him mediocre."

"The lowly position is also considered in this way. There are rumors that Zhang Jun was transferred to quell Liu Guangshi's rebellion. Yue Fei bypassed the governor Zhang Jun and directly recommended Wu Jie to the emperor as the leader of the center line. Zhang Jun was very unhappy. Zhang Jun was originally I want Zhang Zongyuan to be the center line leader."

Chen Qing understood, and said with a smile: "So Zhang Jun persuaded the emperor that it was too dangerous for Yue Fei to control an army of [-], and he would become the second Chen Qing, so the emperor changed his mind and canceled the joint northern expedition. He lost the right to join the army, and felt that he was loyal to the Northern Expedition for the country, but the court was suspected, so he put down his burden in a fit of anger."

"The county king's guess is almost inseparable, and the truth should be like this."

"But Yue Fei is too upright, he doesn't understand the dangers of the court at all."

Chen Qing sighed, shook his head and said: "He is loyal, but the emperor thinks that he is greedy for military power. Go back and give him the military power again.

The same thing, standing in his position and the position of the emperor, are completely different interpretations. One is that he failed to serve the country and ran away in anger, and the other was that he failed in seeking power and retreated to advance. . "

Chen Qing slowly said to Zhang Miao: "This is the reason why I am determined to control the military power. Instead of being suspected of rebellion, it is better to establish a separate regime. I will never be the second Yue Fei."

(End of this chapter)

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