
Chapter 716 Complaint

Chapter 716 Complaint
Orihiko left the next day, and the time gradually approached mid-December, and another heavy snow swept through Guanzhong. Jingzhao City was filled with a world of ice and snow. The New Year was getting closer, and every household posted door signs , making rice cakes, brewing Tusu wine, everyone is immersed in the atmosphere of the approaching New Year.

It was a day off, and it was still snowing outside, but the room was as warm as spring. Chen Qing was playing with his one-year-old eldest daughter Xueer in the study. Xueer was very naughty, climbing up and down on Chen Qing, and no one was serious The shape, in the words of her mother Lu Xiu, is the same as when she was a child.

His son, Chen Ji, is very stable. The three-year-old is not naughty, and sits beside him and draws quietly. He likes calligraphy and painting.

At this time, Lu Xiu walked in, hugged her daughter and smiled, "Don't make trouble, little guy, your father is busy!"

The little guy hugged his father's neck from behind and refused to leave, Chen Qing said with a smile: "Today is a day off, you can play for a while."

"A Ying and A Lian are looking for you! It seems that they are very excited when they encounter something."

"Let them come over, let me ask what's the matter?"

Lu Xiu went to the door and told the maid, who hurried away, and after a short while, the Yu sisters hurried over to perform a Wanfu ceremony together.

Chen Qing asked with a smile: "Ma'am, what happened to you?"

Yu Lian hurriedly said: "Actually, I didn't meet her, but my maid Dongxiang met her. She went out to buy makeup just now, and when she came back, she said that there were many people kneeling in front of the government office, all of them were old people. Ah Ying and I ran to Look, there are really a lot of people kneeling, and the soldiers are trying to persuade them to leave."

Chen Qing was startled, and asked, "How many people are there?"

"There are at least fifty or sixty people, all of whom are elderly."

Chen Qing frowned, handed his daughter to Lu Xiu, got up and said, "I'll go and have a look."

"Husband, ask the soldiers to take a look! It's still snowing outside!"

"You don't need to look for soldiers, it's very close anyway, I'll go and have a look."

Chen Qing felt very uncomfortable. Dozens of old people were kneeling in the snow. Could it be that there was such a big injustice under his rule?

It was snowing heavily, and the sky and the earth were all gray. Chen Qing rushed to Xuanfu envoy's office with dozens of soldiers, but saw Jiang Yanxian explaining something to the soldiers, and the old man was no longer seen on the ground.

Chen Qing stepped forward and saw many footprints and traces of kneeling on the ground. At this time, Jiang Yan stepped forward and said: "The humble official just got the news that there are a group of old people who knelt here just after dawn. .”

"What about them?"

"I asked the soldiers to send them to the opposite inn to rest, and promised to give them no money to stay in the inn, so they were willing to go."

"Why are they kneeling here?"

Jiang Yan shook his head first, "It seems to be complaining about grievances, and it has something to do with the land. The humble job has not had time to ask for details."

Chen Qing frowned. What he was most worried about was related to the land, and he really came.

"Go and see!"

Chen Qing walked towards the inn under the guard of dozens of soldiers. The inn was diagonally opposite, about a hundred steps away. here.

Of course the shopkeeper knew Chen Qing and Jiang Yanxian, so he quickly invited them to sit in the living room.

"There was a group of old people just now, are they still there?"

"It's still there. There are fifty-four people in total. The villain has already arranged for them to stay."

Chen Qing nodded, "Go and bring some leaders over, try not to disturb others."

"Little man understands!"

The shopkeeper left in a hurry, and after a while, he brought three old men over. The old man obviously knew Chen Qing's identity, and when he entered the living room, he knelt down and kowtowed, "Xiaomin pays homage to the county king!"

"Please sit down!"

The shopkeeper moved some small stools for them to sit on.

Jiang Yanxian said: "If you have any grievances, just say it, just say it, don't have any worries."

"Hey! If we have concerns, we won't come to complain. We have been forced to do nothing."

Chen Qing whispered a few words to a soldier, who immediately turned around and left.

Chen Qing nodded, "Please continue!"

"We are from Heyang County, Tongzhou. We fled to Bashu before, and then came back one after another, only to find that our land has been taken over by others. Some people who don't know them say that the land belongs to them, and there are government officials. But we also have land deeds, we couldn’t get angry, so we went to the lawsuit, and we lost in the end, it’s really unreasonable, why should the land of our ancestors become someone else’s.”

Chen Qing remembered what he had encountered in Xinping County, Binzhou when he came back. Could it be the consequence of the land reclamation order issued by him?
Jiang Yanxian said in a low voice: "The humble official thinks that it may be the result of the puppet Qi's recruitment order."

Chen Qing immediately understood that when the Jin soldiers entered Guanzhong, countless people were killed and injured, and a large number of people fled to Guanzhong. In order to provide food for the Jin soldiers, the Puppet State of Qi recruited a large number of farmers from northern Shaanxi to go south, and re-applied the contracts for them.

The old title deed is still there, and the new title deed comes out again, and the conflict will of course intensify.

At this time, Zhang Miao rushed over, clasped her fists and said, "The king of the county is looking for me?"

Chen Qing nodded, then recounted what happened just now, and said: "The Supervision Department took over this matter, and asked one by one to see if their demands are the same, and then went to Tongzhou to investigate."


Chen Qing said to Jiang Yanxian again: "Let them live in peace first, and tell them that this problem must be solved for them."

"Please don't worry, the king of the county, I will arrange it."

Chen Qing comforted the three old men a few more words, then got up and went back home.

When Chen Qing returned to the mansion, he was really annoyed. He paced back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back. He believed that there were many more similar cases. , This kind of land grabbing case will definitely break out on a large scale.

How to solve it?

At this time, Chen Qingruo felt something, and when he turned around, he saw Zhao Qiaoyun coming in with a cup of tea.

Chen Qing's eyes lit up, and he quickly smiled and said, "My daughter Zhuge is here, quickly think of a way for me."

Zhao Qiaoyun curled her lips and said, "Eldest sister asked me to deliver the tea, so I knew there must be something wrong."

Chen Qing hurriedly pulled her to sit down, "Those who can do more work, if you don't help me, who will help me?"

"My husband is a prince, there are so many people who want to help!"

After saying this, Zhao Qiaoyun still sat down, "Let's talk! What's the matter?"

Chen Qing recounted what happened today, Zhao Qiaoyun thought for a while and said, "This is not the first time, it happened in November last year."

"Last August?"

Chen Qing frowned, "Why don't I have any impression?"

"This incident is mixed in a big case of fighting with weapons. It's basically a sentence. It's normal that your husband doesn't have an impression. It happened in Fufeng County. I remember it very clearly. The two villages fought collectively for land. The ownership of many acres of land is not clear, two families have title deeds, one is from northern Shaanxi, and the other is a native of Guanzhong.”

"Then how did you solve it?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

"The magistrate of Fufeng divided more than [-] acres of land into two, and the two families divided equally. After that, there was no trouble."

Chen Qing nodded, "Is this a good way?"

Zhao Qiaoyun shook her head, "Actually, after that document, I added several methods, and my husband probably didn't even read it."

Chen Qing was a little embarrassed, "Maybe I have too many things to do, I forgot, my lady might as well talk about it."

Zhao Qiaoyun likes her husband to call her his wife the most, and she was elated when she called her a lady. She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "The solution! It's actually very simple. Compensate with official land. There are many unowned farmlands, and they all become official land. If the other party's land deed is real, then use the same area of ​​official land as compensation, and cancel the original land deed. The details in it are at the discretion of the county magistrate. The second method is to use money to compensate. , are all civilians, and the land obtained by farmers in northern Shaanxi must be recognized as legal."

"It's a good idea."

Zhao Qiaoyun said again: "But I want to remind my husband, dozens of old people came to Jingzhao to file a complaint. The matter may not be that simple. There must be someone behind them who advises them and organizes them."

(End of this chapter)

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