
Chapter 717 Night News

Chapter 717 Night News
At night, Zhang Miao rushed to Chen Qing's mansion, and he brought a result beyond Chen Qing's expectations.

"Qijun Wang, these old people are actually two groups of people, because of two things. One thing is that during the day, the county king said that the land dispute between northern Shaanxi farmers and the original owner of the land involved [-] mu of land. , but the other matter is a big one, involving the collusion between the officials and the gentry, and the embezzlement of official land, which covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu."

Chen Qing's eyes became sharper, "Tell me about the second thing in detail!"

"The second thing is that someone used a fake title deed to pretend to be the original owner of the land, and took a large amount of official land. As a result, the original owner really came back. Bad, the original owner quit, and there was a quarrel, and then"

"Then what?"

"Then a few old men reported that someone pretended to be a farmer in northern Shaanxi to receive a large amount of land, but this happened during the Puppet Qi Dynasty."

Chen Qing also knew that during the puppet Qi period, it was very common for farmers in northern Shaanxi to occupy land, but he had no time to clean it up, but this matter must be cleaned up. With the increase in the value of the Guanzhong area, more and more original owners of land returned from Bashu If there are many, all kinds of contradictions will become more and more acute.

Then it seems urgent to clean up the long-standing abuses. Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said: "First promise the people, the government will give them money compensation, let them go back first, stabilize the Tongzhou side, and then send someone from the Supervision Department to Tongzhou Secretly investigate the land situation, whether it is true to pretend to be the original owner of the land, and the fake Shaanxi farmers, and how serious the situation is, after the Chinese New Year, I will get an official report."

"Understood, I will send people to Tongzhou to investigate tomorrow!"

Zhang Miao left, Chen Qing sent his own soldiers to find Wang Hao, half an hour later, Wang Hao rushed over.

"See the county king for a humble position!"

Now not only the civil officials call Chen Qing the king of the county, but also the generals have changed their words. This is not Chen Qing's request, but a tacit understanding. It is obviously inappropriate for Chen Qing to be the capital commander, besides, the Western Army already has more than [-] troops, and each small capital commander can no longer bear such a huge army.

Chen Qing asked: "How is the investigation by Jin Guo's spies?"

Wang Hao said with a look of embarrassment: "There have been some gains, but not much."

"What is the specific gain?"

"We found Lin Jianqing's body. It was tied up with a big rock and sank at the bottom of the Qujiang River. It was picked up by a fisherman. It happened three months ago."

"and then?"

"Then we found out that the tall, thin man who was in contact with Lin Jianqing was called Li Toutuo, and he was also missing. We found Li Toutuo's residence behind the Wanxi Restaurant, and found a note in the wall. We know, Jin The leader of the scouts is called Jinhuhu, who is a Wanyan Wushu, who was sent to Chengdu by Wanyan Wushu shortly after the Battle of Fuping, and then developed from Chengdu to Jingzhao."

"Go on!"

Wang Hao sighed, "This golden fox is really an old fox. It hides very secretly, and we can't find any clues. We have offered a reward of [-] guan, but there is no news."

Chen Qing nodded, "Jin Bing spies can investigate slowly, don't worry, I have an important task for you now, do you know that there are more than [-] old people kneeling in front of Xuanfu envoy's office in the morning and crying for grievances?"

"Humble job heard!"

"These more than [-] elderly people were actually used by others. Someone organized them, and someone rented a bullock cart for them to Jingzhao. None of the fifty-four old men knew who the organizer behind the scenes was, they knew nothing.

I don't know what the people who organize them behind the scenes want to do, but I think this matter is very strange. You inner guards have checked out the organizers behind the scenes, what exactly are they trying to do? "

Wang Hao knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists, "I respect the order of the county king!"

Ever since Chen Qing occupied Jingzhao City, he canceled the martial law at night and opened the south city gate all night to facilitate the entry of caravans. He will take any measures that are beneficial to business.

Usually Jingzhao is very lively at night, especially near the South City Gate, but it has snowed these two days, and the area around the South City Gate has become very deserted.

On a small street about two miles away from the South City Gate, dilapidated ox carts were slowly driving. When they came to an alley, the ox cart stopped, and a man in black came down. A handful of money was given to the coachman, and the coachman drove away with the ox cart.

The man stood at the entrance of the alley, and looked around for a moment. After seeing that no one was following him, he walked into the alley.

The alley was very deep, and the inside was as complicated as a spider's web. The man turned countless turns, and finally came to a dead-end alley. At the bottom of the alley, there was only one wooden door. He knocked on the door rhythmically. The courtyard door opened a crack, and he stepped in.

The man went all the way to the backyard, and was led into a room without windows. The outside of the room was dark, but the inside was brightly lit. The room was very large, and there was a fat middle-aged man sitting there. No one knew his name, and his subordinates were behind him. Call him Golden Fox, but call him Manager Jin in front of him.

The man in black saluted, "See the manager!"

"Why did you come to see me now?" The golden fox looked unhappy.

"Xiaozhi just got the news that Zhang Miao went to Chen Qing's residence at night."

"Where is the supervisory department taking action?"

"Today, the Supervision Department officials are investigating. They went to [-] people. They should have discovered a big case, so Zhang Miao went to see Chen Qing overnight."

The golden fox narrowed his eyes and said, "It's not hard to find out what's going on here. I only care about whether Chen Qing will go to Tongzhou?"

"But then he seemed to summon Wang Hao again."

"What?" The fat flesh on the golden fox's face shook violently, and his eyes widened.

The man in black lowered his head and said, "I suspect that Chen Qing has discovered something?"

Golden Fox scratched his hair angrily, and he knew that he couldn't hide it from Chen Qing. How could a group of bad old men come to Jingzhao from Tongzhou? There is a problem in it!Maybe this opportunity will be lost again.

The man in black whispered: "Boss, I also think Uncle Wen is right, this morning is an opportunity."

"Fart! Do you think Chen Qing is Jiang Yanxian? He can be shot with one arrow. Few people in the world can match his martial arts. There is no absolute certainty, so you can't do it easily."

At this time, an old man walked in from the hall, and the man in black immediately stood aside respectfully, "Uncle Wen is here!"

This old man is called Li Wenzhu, nicknamed Wenzhu Weng, from Jingzhao, one of Wanyan Wushu's aides, who was sent by Wanyan Wushu to assist Golden Fox and advise him.

Li Wenzhu said calmly: "Tie Qing, you must not make the mistake of Li Toutuo, forcing us to kill him and several of his subordinates. Director Jin is right, our mission is not only to get rid of Chen Qing, but also to kill him. There are many important events, if the assassination fails and other important tasks are delayed, then the loss outweighs the gain.”

"Humble job knows it's wrong!"

Golden Fox waved his hand, "Go! Follow the original plan. Jingzhao will stop all actions and stop contacting insiders."


The man in black turned and walked away.

The golden fox snorted, "Tie Qing is still too angry, not as stable as Li Toutuo."

"But at least he is more loyal than Li Toutuo, and he will not secretly seek refuge with Wanyan Taran."

"That's true, but Uncle Wen wants to remind him that we only have one chance to assassinate Chen Qing, and we must be cautious. There is no absolute certainty, and we would rather give up the assassination."

"I told him that our major task is not just assassination."

"Uncle Wen has news about the Marshal?"

Li Wenzhu nodded, "Marshal needs to know the exact time when Chen Qing attacked Hedong, it's not easy!"

Golden Fox pondered for a moment and said: "If Chen Qinghou goes to Tongzhou to inspect, maybe he can see some clues."

(End of this chapter)

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