
Chapter 718

Chapter 718
To the north of Yuancheng County, Daming Prefecture, Hebei East Road is a vast pasture, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres. This place was originally farmland, but it was forcibly enclosed by Jin Guo to graze horses.

At this time, large tents were set up on the pasture, horns were blaring, and groups of Jurchen cavalry rushed between the large tents.

In front of a huge tent covering an area of ​​several acres, stood a huge banner with a huge "Jin" character embroidered on it. This was the handsome tent of King Wanyan Nianhan of Jin.

At this time, the sound of horns was faintly heard in the distance, and Wanyan Nianhan, a tall and burly figure, came out. He was fifty-five years old, with gray hair, but still majestic, with his waist straight, Wanyan Nianhan laughed Said: "Wushu is finally here!"

A few miles away, a ten thousand cavalry team guarding Wanyan Wushu galloped from the south, ten thousand horses galloped like a galloping tide, the momentum was frightening.

At this time, a group of cavalry came from a distance, Wanyan Wushu raised his hand, and the horn blew, and the ten thousand cavalry stopped running immediately, as if the sea tide was suddenly frozen.

The person who came was a Jurchen chief, Wanyan Xiebao, Nianhan's second son. He was about [-] years old, tall and majestic, and he followed his father in the north and south, and made great achievements.

He stepped forward and bowed to salute, "Nephew is here to welcome Uncle Four!"

Wanyan Wushu was the son of Jin Taizu Wanyan Aguda, but Nianhan was not. He was the eldest son of the Prime Minister Wanyan Sagai, and Wushu and Wushu could be regarded as uncles and brothers.

Wanyan Wushu smiled slightly: "Xiabao, is your father in better health?"

Wanyan Xiebao shook his head, and sighed: "We advised him to take care of his health, but he just refused to listen, there is no other way, I hope Uncle Four persuades him."

"Let him alone! At this age, just have a good time."

Wanyan Xiebao smiled wryly, "Fourth Emperor Uncle please!"

Wanyan Wushu walked slowly with the army, not long after he came to the camp, he asked his men to go down to rest, but he got off his horse and walked quickly to the commander's tent.

Wanyan Nianhan greeted him with a big smile, and the two embraced tightly. Wanyan Nianhan took Wushu's arm and entered the big tent. Come to salute.

Wanyan Wushu smiled wryly, "Why don't we talk about the business first."

"It's okay to talk while drinking."

Wanyan Nianhan clapped his hands, and a group of Jurchen girls entered the tent with wine pots in their hands. The two of them sat down at the main seat, and a strongman performed wrestling in the big tent. Nianhan got up and said a few words, and everyone drank happily stand up.

"I heard that the Song Dynasty is going to negotiate peace again?" Nianhan asked without showing any signs of expression.

Wanyan Wushu sneered and said: "They have occupied Jianghuai, and they have no money to fight, so they want to seek peace, and treat me as a sick cat!"

"Why didn't the fourth brother fight back?"

"There are people in Shangjing, how can I fight back? My [-] troops were buried in Xixia in vain, without even an explanation. Does he regard me as the clay god of the Earth Temple?"

Nianhan said indifferently: "Tatlan likes to kill with a knife. It's not a day or two. Now his ass is on fire, Chen Qing has destroyed Xixia, and the next step must be Hedong, so he is eager to negotiate peace with the Song Dynasty. He just wants to transfer the fourth brother's army. Emergency help from the east of the river."

Wanyan Wushu said coldly: "My army will not go to Hedong, I have been refraining from going to war, and I am waiting for him to reach an agreement with the Song Dynasty on an armistice."

Nianhan's eyes lit up, "Is there a chance here?"

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "I got reliable news that Zhang Shao, Minister of the Ministry of Rites of the Song Dynasty, has already gone north with fifty thousand taels of gold. I specially ordered that all the passes should not be blocked and let him go north. I heard that Talan is in Yanjing. Just to wait for Zhang Shao!"

"The [-] taels of gold was also for Tart Lazy?"

"Of course, without giving generous gifts, how could Ta Lan agree to negotiate peace?"

"Where's the opportunity?" Nianhan still didn't understand.

Wanyan Wushu said grimly: "Accepting bribes from the Song Dynasty and betraying Jianghuai, isn't this a serious crime?"

"Not bad!"

Nian Han clapped his fists and said: "This crime is very serious, it seems that I have to give way, so that Zhang Shao can go north smoothly."

Wanyan Wushu snorted and said, "Talan thinks that he can do whatever he wants because he has power over the government, but he forgot that the emperor is the ruler of the Kingdom of Jin. The emperor is already eighteen years old and full of ambitions. But give him a head-on blow, ceding the land and negotiating peace with the Song Dynasty, and if we give the emperor the evidence of Talan accepting bribes from the Song Dynasty, I don't believe the emperor will tolerate it?"

Nian Han said indifferently: "The Son of Heaven is not a matter of tolerance or not, he is also taking this opportunity to deprive Tan Lan of his power."

Wanyan Wushu gritted his teeth and said, "Brother is right. By that time, what kind of nonsense armistice agreement would be considered dirty if you wipe my ass. I must personally lead the army and drive all the Song army into the Yangtze River to feed the fish and shrimp!"

Nianhan suddenly frowned, "What about Hedong?"

Wanyan Wushu said coldly: "Brother thinks that when Chen Qing wins Hedong, where will he point his troops next?"

Nianhan was stunned for a while, Chen Qing took Hedong, and the next step was of course to target Hebei, he suddenly understood another meaning of Wanyan Wushu going north to Daming Mansion, and hoped to deal with Chen Qing by himself.

Wanyan Wushu lowered his voice and said: "The Son of Heaven has cleaned up his laziness, so he may not be able to accommodate us. At this time, only war is the best way to hold on to the military power. I asked my elder brother to deal with Chen Qing, but it was actually for the sake of my elder brother. "

Nianhan pondered for a long time, finally nodded and approved Wanyan Wushu's suggestion.

Wanyan Wushu's trip to the Daming Mansion was not in vain, he finally reached a consensus with Wanyan Nianhan, and used the Song and Jin Dynasties to bring down Wanyan Tarlan, that is, Wanyan Chang.

The two then divided the work, with Wanyan Wushu dealing with the Song Dynasty and Wanyan Nianhan dealing with Chen Qing, in order to protect the vital interests of the Kingdom of Jin in the Central Plains.

Another month passed in a blink of an eye, and the new year had passed. The imperial court continued to name it Shaoxing, and now it is the seventh year of Shaoxing.

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Jingzhao City ushered in the annual Lantern Festival again. Three days of lantern viewing, the army and the people enjoyed together.

The inside and outside of Jingzhao City are decorated with lights and festoons, Dongxi Street and Zhuque Street have become a sea of ​​colorful lights, dazzling.

However, Chen Qing opposed luxury and extravagance and advocated frugality, so although the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival was lively, it was still the same as last year's lanterns, but the location was changed, giving the common people a sense of freshness.

On the large square in front of the Xuanfu envoy's yamen, the same colorful lanterns gather, and the lights are bright. This is the center of the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival in Jingzhao City, where thousands of colored lanterns gather.

Chen Qing also took his wife and daughter out to enjoy the lanterns in a carriage. They had special identities and did not dare to wander around with lanterns like ordinary people. However, being able to go out to enjoy the lanterns already satisfied the whole family.

"Daddy!" Chen Ji gently pulled his father's clothes.

He looked out of the car window enviously, and Chen Qing also saw that a large group of children were jumping and jumping around an old man selling candied haws.

Chen Qing gave some instructions to the soldiers, and the soldiers immediately bought some candied haws, one for each of them, and even Chen Qing himself took one, it was very good, it was the best hawthorn candied haws.

"Ah! Whose is the extra one?" Yu Lian asked while holding the last candied haws.

Chen Qing lifted his cloak and said with a smile, "Here!"

Everyone looked together, only to find that Xue'er was curled up in her father's arms and fell asleep like a kitten, her little hand was still tightly holding a folded little goldfish lantern.

"give it to me!"

Lu Xiu took the candied haws with a smile, and carefully put them into a paper bag, "This candied haws has a lot of seeds, she is too young to eat it directly, let the cook deal with it later."

At this time, Zhao Qiaoyun suddenly pulled Lu Xiu, pointed to the outside and whispered: "Sister, who do you think is that?"

Lu Xiu hurriedly looked through the car window, and saw not far away, their master Li Qingzhao was sitting around a stall with a dozen female disciples, and the stall owner and his wife were busy roasting mutton and warming wine.

Li Qingzhao rolled up his sleeves, combed his hair in a high bun, and inserted a jade hairpin with pearls at an angle. He let go of his long skirt and sat on a small stool. While eating mutton with great interest, he talked and laughed loudly. Her female disciples also ate it. I have to smile.

At this time, a female disciple brought her a bowl of hot wine. Li Qingzhao took the wine bowl and drank it down in one gulp. The disciples clapped their hands and laughed together.

Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun were stunned, this one is still haggard now, with wind and frost on her temples, afraid of going out at night.How about Xiang, under the curtain, listening to people's laughter' Yi'an Layman?
(End of this chapter)

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