
Chapter 719 Confidential

Chapter 719 Confidential
On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the after-joy of the Lantern Festival has not disappeared, but the lanterns on the street have begun to be removed, and all the shops are officially open for business. Jingzhao City has quickly switched from festive leisure to usual busyness.

Chen Qing also came to his official room early in the morning. Half an hour later, in the meeting hall next to him, five cabinet members arrived one after another.

Ge Lao is the new name this year. The main building of the Internal Affairs Hall is called Baofeng Pavilion. It is usually the place where five senior officials of the Internal Affairs Hall discuss military and state affairs. In addition, the five senior officials are all older, all over [-] years old, so the officials So the five high-ranking officials were colloquially called Ge Lao.

But their formal official position is to mention some official affairs in the internal affairs hall, which is equivalent to the imperial court's counseling and political affairs.

Today is the third meeting of the Internal Affairs Hall. Jiang Yanxian is in charge of daily government affairs, Zhou Kuan is in charge of the main officials, Guan Shigu is in charge of military affairs, Zhao Kai is in charge of finance and taxation, and Zhang Miao is in charge of supervision and intelligence.

Xuanfu envoys have a long history, a Sima, and three deputy envoys, that is, five high-ranking officials who serve as officials of the internal affairs department. Division, Department of Officials and Supervision Division, and then there are sixteen departments under these five divisions.

Many people with a discerning eye can see that this is actually a signboard of the Xuanfu Envoy, which is actually another team. It is not a problem to say that they are actually independent.

The first two discussions in the Internal Affairs Hall were to discuss support for spring farming on South Jingnan Road, and the promotion of [-] generals. Three commanders of the Western Army appeared. marshal.

"Everyone is invited to come today, mainly to discuss two things!"

Chen Qing said slowly to everyone: "I believe that everyone can read the report of the supervisory department. The governor of Tongzhou Wang Xingmi and the magistrate of Heyang County Han Sangnong are bold enough to send relatives to pretend to return to farmers and claim [-] acres of land with fake title deeds. When Wang Xingmi took office as magistrate of Heyang County four years ago, he arranged for his wife and brother to pretend to be landlords in northern Shaanxi to buy [-] mu of land, and forged the records of the gold soldiers receiving money. The two are still suspended and detained, and the Supervision Department is still investigating other officials in the same state."

Jiang Yanxian said: "In fact, we have discovered this problem a long time ago. At that time, the introduction of farmers from northern Shaanxi to grant land was very loose and hasty. As long as the local people bribed a little bit, they would be considered as northern Shaanxi people to grant land. In general, the real people from northern Shaanxi were forced to go south, and they could not benefit the officials, so the officials gave them a few acres of Susukida, unable to support their families, so they had to rent and plant the fields of the local people. , all identified as farmers in northern Shaanxi, and it is too common to give hundreds of acres of land to the field.”

Zhou Kuan also said: "This problem is more difficult to deal with. The law does not blame the public. If such a thing is punished, it will definitely stir up civil uprisings in Guanzhong, but if it is not punished, it will be too much."

At this time, Zhao Kai raised his hand and said: "Humble job has some ideas."

"Zhao Sizheng, please tell me!"

Zhao Kai leaned slightly and said: "Actually, it's the word "excessive" that Zhou Sizheng said, we only need to punish the excessive part. I have also seen the fake Qi State recruitment order at that time. If we strictly follow the method of the recruitment order Do it, no problem.

We can deal with it in this way. First, I don’t care if you are a local or a farmer in northern Shaanxi. Each household has [-] acres of land. The extra land will either be confiscated or you will pay for it. Mu of land, we also recognize it, but those who want to grow wheat must grow wheat, whether they grow it themselves or rent it to others, it is fine, but it cannot be left unused, and it will be confiscated if it is left unused for three consecutive years. It is reasonable to do so If there is evidence, it will not hit a large number of people. "

Zhao Kai's thinking is very clear and simple, everyone agrees, Chen Qing is also very satisfied, simplifying complicated things, and reasonable, this is the right arm he wants.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Please ask Zhao Sizheng to write a report. After approval, a special Qingtian nuclear production team will be established. This is what Zhao Sizheng said. We will keep what is reasonable and correct what is excessive. At the same time, we must maintain the political situation." Stablize."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "I may go to Tongzhou for inspection in a few days."

Jiang Yanxian laughed and said, "Actually, we only need to take Wang Xingmi and Han Sangnong back to Jingzhao for trial. There is no need for the county king to go to Tongzhou himself."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "As you all know, I have deployed [-] troops at Pujin Pass in the same state. Everyone thinks that it should be an attack on Hedong! I guess the Kingdom of Jin thinks so too, but in fact I'm trying to pretend To destroy Guo, take Shanzhou and Guozhou first."

"Great!" Guan Shigu blurted out.

Chen Qing said with a smile to Guan Shigu: "Guan Si is a senior military strategist. You should be more aware of the strategic value of Shanzhou and Guozhou. Please introduce it to everyone!"

Guan Shigu quickly leaned forward and said: "The king of the county thinks highly of the lowly position. In the face of the strategic plan of the county king, the lowly position is nothing, but it is true that the lowly level knows Shanzhou and Guozhou better. It has been stationed there for many years, so I will give you a brief introduction. Say."

Chen Qing took out a map from the cupboard and spread it on the table. Guan Shigu pointed to the map and said, "Shaanzhou is the iron armor of Guanzhong. Only after taking Shanzhou can Guanzhong be safe. It may not be able to defend Guanzhong. Simply put, Shanzhou is a city, a road, and a pass.

The city refers to Shan County. The city is tall and strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Wanyan Loushi once led an army of more than [-] to attack Shan County, and tens of thousands of people died in battle to capture this fortified city.

The Tao refers to the ancient Weihan Road, which stretches for five hundred miles, with mountains on both sides. This is the only road connecting the Central Plains and Guanzhong. As long as heavy troops are sent to cut this road, the Jin soldiers will not be able to kill it.

The third pass refers to Hangu Pass. Everyone knows its dangerous and strategic position, but what I want to say is that many places on the Weihan Ancient Road can build passes, and its dangerous position is no less than that of Hangu Pass. There are several Hangu Passes, but the key is the Xiaohan Ancient Road. "

"How important is Guozhou?" Zhao asked with a smile.

Guan Shigu said with a smile: "Guozhou is not as important as Shanzhou, but it also has two advantages. One is that it can take a boat to Luoshui to kill Luoyang, and secondly, there is a small road through Xiong'er Mountain to kill Dengzhou. Or the southern part of Henan Province."

"Guan Sizheng spoke very well!"

Chen Qing took over the topic, and said to everyone: "Accordingly, I shouldn't hide it from everyone, especially the military department, but I'm afraid that the news will leak out, Wanyan Wushu will increase troops in Hangu Pass and Shanzhou, Now Wanyan Wushu's attention is on Jianghuai, Song and Jin are in peace talks, but Wanyan Wushu will not admit it, he should do his best to prepare for the war in Jianghuai, at this time we will seize Shanxi and Guozhou, which will make him very uncomfortable, but He can only admit it, so I want to keep it absolutely secret, currently only the six of us know about it, and I don't want the seventh person to know about it."

Everyone nodded silently, this is really an absolute secret!

"The king of the county is worried about Jin Guo's information point in Jingzhao?" Zhang Miao asked.

Chen Qing nodded, "This information point is hidden very deeply, and I can't find it now. The inner guard suspects that someone in the Xuanfu envoy was bribed by them, and I can't find out who it is at present, so I have to use the land case to go Tongzhou, raid Shanzhou and Guozhou."

Everyone got up and left, Guan Shigu stayed behind, and said with a smile to Chen Qing: "The military envoy of Shanzhou is the commander of Kong Yanzhou, the capital of the puppet Qi State, does the county king know this person?"

Chen Qing nodded, "I have dealt with this person in Jingxiang. His character is despicable and shameless, but he still has some skills in leading troops."

"He led [-] puppet Qi troops to sit in Shanzhou, which is not easy to attack, especially in Shanxian County, where there are [-] troops. Kong Yanzhou is in Shanxian County. Does the county king have a plan to seize the city?"

Of course Chen Qing knew that Guan Shigu would not stay and talk to him about this for no reason.

He smiled lightly and said, "Currently, we can only play by ear, but if Guan Sizheng has a good strategy to attack the city, I can't wait for it."

"Although Shanxian County is difficult to attack, the most feared thing is the internal response. I can introduce someone to the county king, and he will definitely help the Song army capture Shanxian County."

(End of this chapter)

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