
Chapter 720 The Secret Realm

Chapter 720 The Secret Realm
Li Tieqing, the leader of the samurai, came to the humble alley again and met the chief manager, Jin Huhu. He presented a piece of information to the golden fox, "To the general manager, this is Chen Qing's itinerary for Tongzhou."

The golden fox opened the note and took a closer look. He set off by boat the day after tomorrow, first to Fengyi County of Tongzhou, then to Heyang, then to Xinshi Town, then to Pujin Pass, and then returned to Jingzhao. He stayed in Tongzhou for a total of five days. day time.

"Is this information reliable?"

"It's absolutely reliable. We should say that we saw it on Zhang Xuan's desk with Chen Qing's signature on it. The day after tomorrow, Chen Qing will set off by boat. Zhang Xuan must make arrangements now."

Golden Fox nodded. He just asked casually. From the itinerary, he knew it was true. It was a long way from Heyang County to Pujin Pass. Depart from Yangyang, rest and eat in Xinshi Town at noon, and arrive at Pujinguan in the evening.

"Who is in the secretariat to follow him?"

"It seems to be Chao Qing!"

The golden fox took a pen and wrote the name Chao Qing on the paper. It seemed that Chen Qing valued this young man very much. To know Chen Qing's plan to attack Hedong, he had to make a breakthrough from Chao Qing.

Although Golden Fox doesn't want to take risks, but the huge pressure that Wanyan Wushu puts on him makes him sometimes have to take risks.

After returning from Lingzhou, Chao Qing became even busier. Zhang Xuan also saw that the county king wanted to train Chao Qing to succeed him. With the burden, Chao Qing is as busy as a cow, and he can only go back after dark every day.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xuan threw five Class A documents to Chao Qing, "This is something that the county king has to deal with before he leaves, and the county king must approve it tomorrow."

"I see, I will present them to the county king last night today and early tomorrow morning."

Chao Qing picked up a copy of the document and read it carefully, and kept writing and drawing on the manuscript next to it. Unlike Zhao Qiaoyun, Chao Qing did not write suggestions, but only wrote down the main points of the document in the most concise words. Outline, don't read the documents repeatedly.

Being able to simplify things is also a skill. Chao Qing just has the talent in this area. He has been training very well in the past few months, and his level is getting higher and higher. Chen Qing also recognizes his writing very much.

When night fell, Chao Qing managed to finish writing the five ultimatums. His neck was a little sore, so he moved his neck vigorously.

When he looked up, he saw Yang Qi coming out of the library, and Chao Qing asked in surprise, "It's so late, Brother Yang hasn't come home yet?"

Yang Qi is the person in charge of Class B documents, and he doesn't have much relationship with Chao Qing, but they sit next to each other at the table, and they often chat during breaks, so they have a good relationship.

Chao Qing's master is Bai Ziling, the head of Class A document. He is short and thin, with sharp eyes and a gloomy face all day long. He has never seen any smile on his face, and he speaks very little.

Chao Qing was a little scared of Bai Ziling, but he liked to chat with Yang Qi, who was kind and friendly.

Yang Qi said with a smile: "The lady took the child back to her mother's house in the past two days, and it's not interesting to go home. Today is just to deal with some backlog of documents."

Seeing that Chao Qing had locked the five Class A documents in the iron cabinet, his eyes could not help but become a little eager.

"Have you finished dealing with my brother?"

Chao Qing nodded, "Today's business is over."

"Let's go have a drink! My treat." Yang Qi invited with a smile.

Chao Qing hesitated and said: "There are a lot of things to do tomorrow, and I have to go out with the county king the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't have time. I want to stay up all night tonight."

"Tomorrow's business will be done tomorrow, and you will not do anything when you go out with the county king. Besides, you are on a boat, so you can approve the letter on the boat!"

Chao Qing was surprised: "How does Brother Yang know that we are going by boat?"

Yang Qi knew that he had slipped his tongue, he smiled and said: "Zhang Xuan is arranging the boats, of course I can guess."

He hurriedly changed the topic again, "How about it, let's go have a drink with brother!"

Chao Qing really didn't want to go, "Brother Yang, why don't we talk about it until I come back!"

Yang Qi lowered his voice and said: "A lot of things have happened in the Secretary's Office, which are related to you. This is not a place to talk."

Chao Qing was taken aback, then nodded and agreed, "Then go have a drink."

Yang Qi was overjoyed, "Let's go! My brother will take you to see the world and have a drink in the secret place."

"Where is the secret place?" Chao Qing asked curiously.

"It's definitely a good place, you'll know it when you go."

Yang Qi brought Chao Qing to a winery outside Nancheng, Chao Qing was stunned, "Isn't this the Nanlin Winery? I've been here before!"

"You came to Nanlin Winery, but you must have never been to the secret place."

They walked into the gate of the winery, and a maid led the way with a lantern in front.

Yang Qi explained: "It's actually not mysterious. Every restaurant has a very high-level place. You should know the small courtyard of Tianranju!"

Chao Qing nodded, naturally he knew that he lived in a small courtyard, and a meal would cost at least thirty pennies, which he couldn't afford.

"Tianranju Xiaoyuan is called Qiongtai in our circle. It is famous because the king of the county often goes there, but it is not the best. Do you know where the best is?"

"Is this the secret realm?"

"Yes, why is the best, you will know later."

Chao Qing smiled wryly, he had never been to this kind of place, without comparison, how would he know which place is the best?
Not long after, the maid brought them to a beautiful pavilion. Two beauties with heavy make-up stood at the door to welcome the guests. Seeing the two guests coming, the two beauties greeted them with smiles on their faces.

The two beauties led them into the pavilion, Chao Qing blushed suddenly, his arm touched the soft part of the beauties, the beauties couldn't help but cover their mouths and chuckle seeing him embarrassed, but they got closer to him, which really made Chao Qing My heart was beating wildly.

Look at Yang Qi again, he is obviously a regular customer, his hands are directly on the waist of the beautiful woman, moving down quietly from time to time, causing the beautiful woman to slap his shoulder lightly with her powder fist.

Chao Qing frowned slightly, Yang Qi is an honest gentleman in the secretary office!how did it get here
All the way the room was full of coquettish laughter, and through the crack of the door, one could see greasy men with fat heads and big ears drinking with their arms around the beauties. Most of the crispy milk is exposed.

His father would break his legs if he came to this kind of place, Chao Qing hesitated a little, and the beautiful woman with her arms around him giggled and pulled him up to the second floor.

Chao Qing suddenly felt that the woman next to her was just wearing heavy makeup, and she was far from a beauty!
They went up to a richly furnished room on the second floor, full of splendor and splendor, and all kinds of furniture and utensils were very elegant.

The two beauties took off their thick skirts to keep out the cold, and came forward to serve them in thin gauze skirts. Chao Qing was so frightened that he turned his head quickly and said to Yang Qi: "Brother Yang, if you want to do this, I will Go back first."

Yang Qi suddenly understood, took out two pieces of silver and smiled and handed them to the two beauties, "My brother has a tender skin, so I don't need you to accompany me, let the guy serve the best wine."

When the two beauties got the money, they didn't care about the customer's rejection. They immediately put on long skirts and flew away like butterflies.

"My dear brother, sit down!"

Chao Qing sat down, and Chi asked, "Is this a brothel?"

Yang Qi laughed, "Have you never been to a brothel?"

Chao Qing shook his head, "My little brother's family rules are very strict, and he has never set foot in it."

"No wonder!"

Yang Qi smiled slightly: "Then you don't have to worry, this is not a brothel, but a place to drink flower wine. My brother wanted to invite you to drink flower wine. I really don't understand, how can you refuse such a beauty?"

"In my eyes, they are far from real beauties, and they are not worthy to lift shoes for real beauties."

Yang Qi asked with a curious smile: "Oh? Who is the beauty in the eyes of my brother? Is she unparalleled in beauty?"

Chao Qing said calmly: "The beauties in my eyes may not necessarily be beautiful, but they must be the smartest and most talented, which makes me feel ashamed."

Yang Qi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I know who it is, she is indeed very powerful, her talents are admirable, her face is also exquisite, but her figure is too petite, it's not my style."

Chao Qing's face sank, "Master Yang, please be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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