
Chapter 721

Chapter 721
Yang Qi laughed at himself embarrassingly: "I'm a little out of shape today, I've been talking nonsense, please don't take it to heart."

At this time, two smart guys brought food and wine, and one guy smiled and said, "They are all Master Yang's favorite, please use them slowly!"

The two men went down, Yang Qi picked up the jug and poured wine for Chao Qing, and said with a smile: "This is the royal wine of the Tokyo Imperial Palace back then, and you can't drink it in ordinary places."

Chao Qing saw that the color of the wine was golden and clear, slightly viscous, exactly the same as his father's description of the royal wine.

He also saw that the eight small dishes were cooked very delicately, and the ingredients were rare delicacies from mountains and seas. He was a little shocked and asked: "This meal should be very expensive!"

Yang Qi said indifferently: "The price here is the same as Qiongtai, the price of wine and expenses are extra, but I have done a great favor to the proprietor of this shop, so the price given to me is very cheap, brother Yu will not go bankrupt because of this, brother virtuous don't worry. "

Chao Qing came from a famous family. His father told him that during the reign of Emperor Xuanhe, eunuchs in the imperial palace secretly sold the imperial wine in Tokyo. A jug of wine sold for thirty guan. A pot, plus [-] strings of vegetable money and rent.

Chao Qing suddenly remembered that Yang Qisai gave each of the two women a small silver ingot, at least one tael, and two taels of silver is ten guan. Calculated, this meal costs seventy guan, even if it is discounted by half, it will cost three Ten strings of money.

And Chao Qing knows Yang Qi's monthly salary, it's the same as himself, but the subsidy is more than usual.

Chao Qing suddenly became vigilant, this meal of food and drink would eat up their salaries for four or five months, it seemed that Yang Qi still came here often, where did this Yang Qi get so much money?
Yang Qi saw Chao Qing's doubts, he smiled and said: "My virtuous brother doesn't know many things. In fact, many people in our secretariat are doing business secretly. I started doing business as early as in Chengji County. Otherwise, relying on that meager salary to support the family?"

Chao Qing was really disgusted, the county king treated them well, provided them with housing, and a monthly salary of six guan and subsidies, and when the official position was promoted to the fifth rank, the monthly salary would be [-] guan, not even the imperial court was so high salary.

But this Yang Qi didn't show gratitude at all, and even said a little bit of a meager salary, which is simply shameless.

Seeing his calm face, Yang Qi smiled again: "Do you want my brother to take you to do business together? It's easy to get thousands of dollars a year. You can also come here to drink often. You don't like women. Drinking palace jade liquid wine is also good. what!"

Chao Qing had a good self-restraint, didn't have a fit, just smiled and said: "My father doesn't allow us to go into business, otherwise our legs will be broken. He is old-fashioned and has a deep prejudice against businessmen."

"Xiandi is not a three-year-old child, father should decide everything?"

"It's just too sudden. I'm not mentally prepared. Let me think about it. Let me think about it! Let's talk about it when I come back. How about it?"

"Alright, brother, think about it, come on! Let's drink."

Yang Qi picked up the wine and drank it all down, Chao Qing really hated everything here, touching his food and drink would tarnish his innocence.

Taking advantage of Yang Qi's inattention, he secretly poured out the wine and pretended to drink it all at once.

"I don't know what kind of business Brother Yang does. Can you tell me a thing or two, so that I can have a bottom line in my heart."

Yang Qi was very interested. In order to lure Chao Qing to agree, he simply revealed a little secret: "My business is actually selling cheap and expensive. I have a wide network of contacts and can get some scarce materials, such as kerosene, which is prohibited. It is not allowed to be sold to the enemy, but I am selling it to my own people, so it is not considered a contraband, I will sell it to Lin'an, and the profit will be ten times higher, and at the same time, it will also support Lin'an's fight against gold!"

At this time, a clerk came in and whispered something to Yang Qi. Yang Qi nodded and said to Chao Qing with a smile: "I met a friend. I'll go say hello. Brother, drink and eat first. Just come back."

He got up and went out quickly, Chao Qing couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, he slapped his chopsticks on the table, knowing people and faces but not his heart, a person who was usually so dignified turned out to be a gentle scum.

Chao Qing didn't want to stay here any longer, he got up and walked towards the door. When he got to the door, Chao Qing found two figures on the ground, one on the left and one on the right, like standing guard.

Chao Qing was stunned for a moment, then searched on the door, and found a big crack between the door frame and the door, and quickly turned to the next door frame lightly, through the crack of the door, he saw a man standing outside, his clothes were from a restaurant. His back was facing the crack of the door, and Chao Qing found that he was holding a knife handle tightly in his hands behind his back, and the blade was hidden in his trousers.


Yang Qi followed his assistant to the third floor in a hurry, and walked into a suite. It was very spacious, but the decoration was very simple, only black and white, without any furniture, which was completely different from the room below.

There were eight big men standing on each side, and an obese middle-aged man sitting in the middle, who was the golden fox, looked at Yang Qi coldly.

Yang Qi didn't expect that it was the golden fox looking for him, so he knelt down quickly in fright, "See Director Jin for the humble job!"

Yang Qi was once selected when he was in Chengji County. He cooperated with the inner guards to use tricks and pretended to be seduced by the Xixia people. The fake news is that Xiao Heda and Chen Qing colluded.

This false news finally triggered the Xixia Civil War and became the root cause of Xixia's final demise.

Yang Qi was also rewarded with a hundred taels of silver for this, and was promoted to be in charge.

But during the few months when Yang Qi pretended to be bought by the Xixia spies, he spent every day, drank the best wine, ate the best dishes, slept with prostitutes, and the enjoyment went deep into his bones. He couldn't return to his former poor life, so he He began to take advantage of his position to privately seek benefits for some businessmen.

Not long after entering Jingzhao, Golden Fox found him and listed all his facts, and he immediately knelt down.

The golden fox said coldly: "I just asked you to buy him a drink, who asked you to bring him here?"

"Beizhi just wants him to enjoy it, let him taste the taste, and he will do business with him to make money."

"Then how do you explain it to him, this meal will cost seventy or eighty guan, where did you get the money?"

"Humble job told him to do business in private to make money?"

"What business, did you say?"

"I told him to sell fire oil to the imperial court."

"Bang!" The golden fox slapped the table, and the teacup on the table fell to the ground with a clatter.

"You idiot!"

The golden fox gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't you tell him that you were actually selling kerosene to Jin Guo? You made more money."

Yang Qi was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he kowtowed: "Humble job. You can explain it to him. It's all just a joke, it's not true."

The golden fox sighed softly, "I didn't want to kill you, but your stupidity will expose me, so I can only let you go first."

"Master, spare me! Forgive me."

Yang Qi suddenly choked his throat, his eyes widened in pain, "In that wine"

The golden fox sneered, "From the moment you brought him in, I decided to get rid of you. It's a pity, if you invite him to Nanlin Winery, maybe you can live for a few more months."

Yang Qi strangled his throat, his face swelled into a liver color, his eyeballs popped out, he fell to the ground, his feet twitched for a moment, and then he died completely.

The golden fox snorted, and said to the subordinates next to him: "Go to the second floor and put Chao Qing's body in a bag, and bring it up first!"

The two men walked quickly, and Li Tieqing, the warrior leader next to him, was a little worried, "Boss, if Yang Qi and Chao Qing disappeared at the same time, Chen Qing would be suspicious."

"Of course he will doubt it, but I have nothing to do with it. But if Chao Qing is allowed to go back alive, Nanlin Winery will be completely ruined. You and I will be exposed. Chengdu Nanlin Winery will be wiped out, so Chao Qing must die. It's just a small person, so it's not a pity!"

"I understand, I would rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one person go!"

The golden fox smiled and said: "Finally, we have made progress!"

Just as the two subordinates rushed in like a gust of wind, "Boss, that Chao Qing is gone."

The golden fox's expression changed, he grabbed Li Tieqing by the neck, and said viciously: "Didn't you say that he also drank alcohol?"

"It's the guy who said it. He saw them toasting, and they both drank it down."

"Bastard! Where is his body then?"

"Humble job. Let's go find it."

"Find it for me!"

The golden fox pushed him away, and Li Tieqing led his men, rolling and crawling away.

The golden fox suddenly realized that he was careless and should bring the two together. It doesn't matter if Chao Qing knows, he wants to kill him anyway.

The golden fox patted his head annoyed. He didn't turn the corner in his thoughts just now. He stood up with difficulty, and walked downstairs with a hand.

(End of this chapter)

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