
Chapter 722

Chapter 722
The golden fox walked into the room on the second floor, and Li Tieqing hurried forward to report: "Chao Qing should have climbed down from the window. There happened to be a big tree outside, and he climbed down along the big tree."

The golden fox asked coldly: "I just want to know why he didn't die from the poison?"

Li Tieqing said with embarrassment: "It's also strange for me, but I can be sure that they did drink, otherwise Yang Qi wouldn't be poisoned and died."

"The reason has been found!"

One of his subordinates pointed to the carpet and said, "It's wet here, it must have been spilled with wine!"

The golden fox's round body lay down, his nose sniffed deeply on the carpet, he sat up slowly, and said with a livid face: "You take someone to his residence yourself, I don't want to live, kill him with one knife, and then send someone to Yang Qi's house , killed his entire family, and burned the house down, lest he leave any clues."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Just as Li Tieqing walked to the door, the golden fox said coldly again: "Remember what you just said!"

Li Tieqing shuddered as he remembered, "I'd rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one person go." '

A group of warriors left, and the golden fox sighed: "It really worries me!"

He said to his confidant next to him: "Let's go back! This is not where I stay."

Chao Qing climbed down from the second floor with a big tree in his arms, but the two women who greeted the guests at the door were not there, so he ran all the way to the gate, found a ox cart waiting for the guests, got on the ox cart and drove towards the city.

Chao Qing had a feeling of escaping from a dark den. Along the way, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became. How could Yang Qi smuggle kerosene?He is very clear about the management system of kerosene. Each barrel of kerosene has a number and is managed by the military. Every transfer requires the signature of the military commander and the county king. If the county king is away, the princess' signature is required, let alone Yang Even a general like Yang Zaixing would not be able to handle such a small job as Qi.

Yang Qi is obviously lying, so where does his money come from?Also, what kind of place is the secret place? The guy actually has a knife hidden in his body.

"Stop! Stop!" Chao Qing found that the ox cart had arrived, he hurriedly told the driver to stop, jumped out of the ox cart, took out a handful of copper coins from his purse and stuffed it to the driver, and walked towards a row of people not far away. Yard ran.

Instead of going back to his own residence, he first came to the residence of his friend Zhong Huan. Chong Huan did not stay in Lingzhou, but returned to Jingzhao with the camel caravan on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

Chen Qing promised Wang Hao not to poach the corner of the inner guard, but Zhong Huan was only seconded temporarily, and Zhong Huan returned to the inner guard and continued to serve as the judge.

"Old man!" Chao Qing slapped on the gate of the courtyard.

Not long after, Zhong Huan's voice came from the yard, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Chao Qing, I need you urgently."

The door opened a crack, and Chao Qing forced his way in, but Chong Huan couldn't stop him, and said anxiously: "Don't go into the house, talk to the courtyard if you have something to say."

Only then did Chao Qing realize that there was a faint figure of a woman in the room, and he was suddenly surprised: "Your fiancée is here?"

"It's not my fiancée. The one I brought back from Lingzhou is Li Qianshun's youngest daughter, who is only seventeen years old. I couldn't bear her being sold to a brothel, so I bought her."

"You are crazy!"

"It doesn't matter that the Xixia are all gone. Besides, this is my business. I only tell you the truth when I treat you as a good friend. Don't spread the word to me."

"Then what about your fiancée?"

"I'll write a letter to the Huang family. If they are willing to accept it, I will have one wife and one concubine. If they don't want to accept it, then the marriage contract will be canceled. Anyway, the dowry has not been given yet, so it doesn't matter if the marriage contract is cancelled."

Zhong Huan's marriage contract is the daughter of Huang Linjiang, the governor of Bazhou. She is only sixteen years old, and Zhong Huan is nine years old. He was willing to go to Lin'an to take the imperial examination and take a post in Jingzhao without authorization, which made the Huang family very dissatisfied, and the marriage contract was at risk of being cancelled.

Zhong Huan frowned and said, "Why are you looking for me so late?"

Only then did Chao Qing remember his own affairs, he slapped his forehead, and said hastily, "I encountered a very strange thing tonight?"

He told the story of going to the secret place to drink with Yang Qi tonight, Zhong Huan is the inner guard judge, his expression changed immediately, "Could it be him?"

"who is it?"

Zhong Huan pulled Chao Qing into the next hut and said, "We know that the Jin Guo intelligence point has an internal response in the Secretary's Office, but we haven't been able to find out who it is. If you say that, Yang Qi is very likely, otherwise he Where did the money come from?"

Chao Qing's heart skipped a beat, and he said again: "Could it be that the secret place is the Jin Kingdom's intelligence point?"

"This is not necessarily true. Wait a minute. I will go to your house with you. If it is the Jin Guo intelligence point, they will definitely come after you."

"Why?" Chao Qing was really puzzled.

Zhong Huan shook his head, "You're not in this business, and it's normal if you don't know. Everyone in the inner guard knows that Yang Qi's words and deeds tonight have actually been exposed. The intelligence chief of the Kingdom of Jin will definitely kill him and you, too. If you I’m fine at home, the secret place may not be the Jin Kingdom’s intelligence point.”

Chong Huan went back to the house and put on a coat, and went out with Chao Qing holding a sword. This area is full of government houses for middle and low-level officials, which is very similar to the townhouses of later generations, except that there are no two floors.

Chong Huan's small courtyard and Chao Qing's small courtyard are very close, only more than [-] steps apart, the two trotted all the way, and when they were more than [-] steps away from Chao Qing's small courtyard, Chong Huan grabbed Chao Qing and took him Pull aside.

"what happened?"


Chong Huan hissed softly, pulled Chao Qing to the side of a courtyard wall, and said in a low voice, "There are people on your roof!"

Chao Qing was startled, and hurriedly looked towards his roof for a long while, but couldn't see anything.

"Are you sure someone is there?"

"Your eyesight is not good. There are people lying on the roof. If you look again, there are people on the wall."

Chao Qing took a closer look, and indeed saw two black shadows on the fence, flashing by, his heart was beating wildly in fright, the other party even knew where he lived, if he went home directly tonight, wouldn't it be I lost my life.

"so what should I do?"

Zhong Huan immediately said: "You follow me to the inner guard, the inner guard must act immediately on this matter."

Half an hour later, Wang Hao and the three general commanders, Han Zhengfu, Yang Ye, Liu Hekun, all rushed to the inner guard office. After listening to Chao Qing's description, everyone was overjoyed. Let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Hao had a lot of experience, and he immediately realized that it was very likely that the golden fox showed up this time.

Wang Hao hurriedly said to the three people: "Let's divide our troops into three groups. Han Zhengfu and I led three hundred brothers to encircle and suppress the secret realm, Yang Ye led a hundred people to Chao Qing's mansion to arrest people, and Liu Hekun also led a hundred brothers to Yang Qi's mansion." Come on, let's go immediately!"

The emergency barracks of the internal guards was right next to the government office, and there were [-] soldiers stationed there. The [-] internal guards immediately dispatched and rushed towards the three targets.
Zhong Huan took Chao Qing to wait in the government office to protect Chao Qing's safety.

As time passed, Chao Qing was extremely anxious. If the other party ran away, would he be in danger in the future?
Zhong Huan said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, you will be safe when you become clear, and no one will touch you."

Chao Qing hesitated and said, "I'm afraid they will retaliate."


Zhong Huan shook his head disdainfully and said: "It's not a gangster fighting, it doesn't matter if you get caught. This kind of intelligence agency has a major mission and will never assassinate easily. Assassination is always the last link. If they want to assassinate, then There is only one goal, to put it bluntly, assassinating a small person like you is more valuable than assassinating Jiang Yanxian, don't you think?"

"The truth is this, and I understand it, but I think they killed Yang Qi like killing a dog. They didn't care about human life at all, because I caused them heavy losses."

Knowing that Chao Qing was timid, Zhong Huan comforted him and said, "Don't worry, the inner guard will definitely protect your safety. With the inner guard by your side, they will be cautious. Besides, they must have suffered heavy losses tonight. In a long time It will become more honest in time.”

Chao Qing sighed, "It's the only way to think about it now."

[Ask for a vacation, two more changes today, one more rest]

(End of this chapter)

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